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3D打印材料的发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
3D打印,又称作增材制造,是快速成型技术的一种,被誉为“第三次工业革命”的核心技术.材料是3D打印的物质基础,也是当前制约3D打印发展的瓶颈.文章综述了3D打印材料的发展现状,重点介绍了用于3D打印的几类主要材料,并指出了当前3D打印材料发展所面临的问题.  相似文献   

从陌生到熟悉。从高端大气到逐渐平民化,3D打印已经开始逐渐走进我们的生活。6月份在青岛举办的3D打印展展出了很多新的3D打印技术和产品,疾风当然也要去凑个热闹,为淀粉们带来最新的3D打印报告。  相似文献   

目的:为满足航天器对树脂导热性能的要求,解决3D打印复杂零件时导热效率低的问题,本研究提出一种新型连续中间相沥青基碳纤维/热塑性聚氨酯/环氧树脂(CMPCF/TPU/epoxy)复合长丝并介绍其制备工艺。创新点:1.该复合长丝的制备基于连续中间相沥青基碳纤维(CMPCF)的高导热性能、热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)的高弹性和环氧树脂(epoxy)的耐高温性能。2.沿导热方向打印长丝,并提出热固性复合丝材打印件的新固化方式。方法:1.采用上浆剂法进行表面上浆,选取水溶性聚氨酯作为表面上浆剂,提升连续中间相沥青基碳纤维聚束性。2.通过增韧预处理,选取TPU作为增韧基体材料,在上浆后的碳纤维束外包裹一层具有高韧性高强度的树脂层。3.采用浸涂处理工艺,选取固态环氧树脂,成功制备出高导热CMPCF/TPU/epoxy复合丝材。4.沿导热方向规划打印路径并进行打印测试,验证复合长丝的可打印性和打印件的导热系数。结论:1.通过对CMPCF进行表面上浆、增韧预处理和预浸处理,成功制备出高导热性能的CMPCF/TPU/epoxy复合长丝;在CMPCF外包裹TPU,解决了CMPCF因脆性而难以打印的问题。2.3D...  相似文献   

被喻为第三次工业革命的重要标志之一的3D打印技术,正声势浩大地进入人们的视野。3D打印技术虽已广泛应用于建筑、工业、医学等诸多领域,但在基础教育应用领域还处于起步、探索的初级阶段。本文从文献研究与教学实践经验入手,介绍了3D打印在小学教学中的应用探索;进一步分析了3D打印对培养学生空间思维、创新能力的重要意义;最后讨论了目前3D打印应用于教学的前景、困惑与思考。  相似文献   

文章分析非圆齿轮的结构参数特征,完成了非圆齿轮的3D设计,利用SolidWorks软件建立非圆齿轮的三维模型,并生成STL文件,最后采用3D打印技术打印出非圆齿轮。文章提出的方法与实验为非圆齿轮的智能加工提供了新思路。  相似文献   

3D打印技术在教学中的应用,可以通过“看得见摸得着”的模型来提高学生的空间思维想象能力与绘图能力,进而有效提升教学质量。本文以机械制图课程教学的现状及3D打印产品的优势分析为出发点,探讨了机械制图课堂教学中应用3D打印产品对提升学生机械制图能力、模型设计制造能力的作用。  相似文献   

为了提高小学生空间想象能力和计算机操作能力,3D创意设计工作室将3D打印技术引入小学综合实践课堂,开发了适合小学生的3D设计与3D打印技术课程,并编写一部3D打印特色教材。教材中引入角色小人物,由小故事将读者带入3D打印世界,同时将三维图形与手绘人物相结合,深深吸引读者持续不断地学习。经实际授课应用,证明该教材满足小学生需求,不仅丰富了小学生的综合实践课堂,更激发了小学生的创新创业热情。  相似文献   

3D打印绝对是21世纪兴起的几大前沿技术之一,而且绝对是要对人类生活产生重大影响的。瞧,人类历史上第一个3D打印出来的社区已经呼之欲出了!墨西哥有个社区对,墨西哥有个正在建设中的社区,这个社区和别的社区最大的区别,就是所有的建筑房屋都是用3D打印技术打印出来的。在墨西哥南部的塔巴斯科州的一个村庄,巨型3D打印机正在紧锣密鼓地打印着房屋。灰色的建筑墙体一层层地眼看着就堆叠了起来。  相似文献   

近年来,3D打印成为人们关注的热点,并逐步走进教育领域。为了让学生们更好地适应时代发展,东路小学在区教育局教师进修学校信息技术教研部的指导下顺利地开展了创客教育,使创客教育走进东路小学的课堂。学校开设了“3D打印创意工作室”特色课程,学生们在老师的带领下进行广泛的学习和探索。利用计算机完成各种图形,以数字模型文件为基础建模,利用 3D打印机(一种具有快速成型功能的仪器)将粉末状金属或塑料等可黏合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体。  相似文献   

比较了3D打印模型和手工制作模型的差异,通过打印准备、操作阶段和模型完善3个步骤,让学生体验3D打印技术制作叶绿体模型。  相似文献   

Two material 3D printing is becoming increasingly popular, inexpensive and accessible. In this paper, freely available printable files and dual extrusion fused deposition modelling were combined to create a number of functional anatomical models. To represent muscle and bone FilaFlex3D flexible filament and polylactic acid (PLA) filament were extruded respectively via a single 0.4 mm nozzle using a Big Builder printer. For each filament, cubes (5 mm3) were printed and analyzed for X, Y, and Z accuracy. The PLA printed cubes resulted in errors averaging just 1.2% across all directions but for FilaFlex3D printed cubes the errors were statistically significantly greater (average of 3.2%). As an exemplar, a focus was placed on the muscles, bones and cartilage of upper airway and neck. The resulting single prints combined flexible and hard structures. A single print model of the vocal cords was constructed which permitted movement of the arytenoids on the cricoid cartilage and served to illustrate the action of intrinsic laryngeal muscles. As University libraries become increasingly engaged in offering inexpensive 3D printing services it may soon become common place for both student and educator to access websites, download free models or 3D body parts and only pay the costs of print consumables. Novel models can be manufactured as dissectible, functional multi‐layered units and offer rich possibilities for sectional and/or reduced anatomy. This approach can liberate the anatomist from constraints of inflexible hard models or plastinated specimens and engage in the design of class specific models of the future. Anat Sci Educ 11: 65–72. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

随着3D打印技术的发展与推广应用,打印件质量更加受到重视.针对某细长类鳄鱼模型FDM3D打印成型后在高度方向翘曲变形严重的现象,对产生翘曲变形的原因进行了分析和探讨,发现其主要由模型冷却凝固时收缩不均匀引起.试验表明,通过提高环境温度、降低打印层厚、加快打印速度和减少内部填充量,可有效改善翘曲变形情况.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has become more affordable, accessible, and relevant in healthcare, however, the knowledge of transforming medical images to physical prints still requires some level of training. Anatomy educators can play a pivotal role in introducing learners to 3D printing due to the spatial context inherent to learning anatomy. To bridge this knowledge gap and decrease the intimidation associated with learning 3D printing technology, an elective was developed through a collaboration between the Department of Anatomy and the Makers Lab at the University of California, San Francisco. A self-directed digital resource was created for the elective to guide learners through the 3D printing workflow, which begins with a patient's computed tomography digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) file to a physical 3D printed model. In addition to practicing the 3D printing workflow during the elective, a series of guest speakers presented on 3D printing applications they utilize in their clinical practice and/or research laboratories. Student evaluations indicated that their intimidation associated with 3D printing decreased, the clinical and research topics were directly applicable to their intended careers, and they enjoyed the autonomy associated with the elective format. The elective and the associated digital resource provided students with the foundational knowledge of 3D printing, including the ability to extract, edit, manipulate, and 3D print from DICOM files, making 3D printing more accessible. The aim of disseminating this work is to help other anatomy educators adopt this curriculum at their institution.  相似文献   

3D打印技术在为人们的生产、生活带来便利的同时也潜藏着诸多的安全风险:3D打印枪支对人身安全带来的风险,3D打印药物对健康保障带来的风险,3D打印侵权对资源所有权带来的风险,3D打印信用卡、钥匙、人脸面具对财产所有权带来的风险,3D打印人体组织对道德保障带来的风险,3D打印颠覆行业模式对工作职位保障带来的风险。面对3D打印技术的安全风险,政府和社会应采取有力的管控措施,消除不确定感,建立安全感,增强控制感。  相似文献   

"逆向工程与3D打印技术"课程的开设,是为了培养医学院校学生的医工结合的能力。以项目为驱动将知识点融入项目中进行教学,采用计算机软件操作、实验设备操作等教学手段,使学生了解医学领域相关的逆向工程和3D打印技术的基本理论知识和实践应用技能,为现代医学培养医工结合的复合型应用人才。  相似文献   

3D打印技术作为在全球爆发式发展的快速成型制造技术,已经被广泛地引入到我国的教育教学中,这一技术的应用也为制造类、材料类专业的教育工作提供了新的理念与思路。本文针对3D打印技术课程特点及现有的教学问题,提出优化传统教学的创新手段,激发学生的兴趣和创造能力,提高学生思维创新与实践能力。  相似文献   

The teaching of anatomy has consistently been the subject of societal controversy, especially in the context of employing cadaveric materials in professional medical and allied health professional training. The reduction in dissection‐based teaching in medical and allied health professional training programs has been in part due to the financial considerations involved in maintaining bequest programs, accessing human cadavers and concerns with health and safety considerations for students and staff exposed to formalin‐containing embalming fluids. This report details how additive manufacturing or three‐dimensional (3D) printing allows the creation of reproductions of prosected human cadaver and other anatomical specimens that obviates many of the above issues. These 3D prints are high resolution, accurate color reproductions of prosections based on data acquired by surface scanning or CT imaging. The application of 3D printing to produce models of negative spaces, contrast CT radiographic data using segmentation software is illustrated. The accuracy of printed specimens is compared with original specimens. This alternative approach to producing anatomically accurate reproductions offers many advantages over plastination as it allows rapid production of multiple copies of any dissected specimen, at any size scale and should be suitable for any teaching facility in any country, thereby avoiding some of the cultural and ethical issues associated with cadaver specimens either in an embalmed or plastinated form. Anat Sci Educ 7: 479–486. © 2014 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Cool thermal energy storage (CTES) using the latent heat concept as an alternative to sensible heat storage offers a good option because of its high storage density and the nearly constant temperature heat removal characteristics during the discharging cycle. Since the principle of latent cool storage nec- essarily involves a change of state, heat transfer must occur in different modes depending on the state of charging and discharging. During the periods of low cooling dema…  相似文献   

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