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农村知识贫困与农村高等教育   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
本文认为,农村贫困不仅仅是收入贫困,还有人类贫困和知识贫困,三类贫困是相互作用的。新世纪要消除农村贫困的根本问题是解决农村知识贫困。为此,本文提出建立农村高等教育体系、开发农村人才资源的新观点。  相似文献   

地方性知识与多元文化教育之价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学校教育课程的设置与知识的关系,经历了由地方性知识主宰下的学校课程到主流文化主宰下的学校课程,再到以主流文化为国家课程、以地方性知识为地方课程和校本课程的多元文化教育。地方性知识已经成为当今多元文化教育课程设置的主要内容,并通过民族地区的地方课程与校本课程来体现。  相似文献   

李长吉 《教育研究》2012,(6):80-85,96
农村教师除了学科知识、教育类知识、实践性知识之外,还应拥有生产生活的地方性知识、历史文化的地方性知识、传统民俗的地方性知识、民间艺术的地方性知识、地理景观的地方性知识、思想观念的地方性知识。农村教师掌握地方性知识,可以促进农村地方性知识的保护与发展,可以提高农村教学质量,还有利于促进其专业发展。使农村教师掌握地方性知识的策略主要是,将地方性知识纳入职前教师教育课程体系,教师职后继续教育中增加地方性知识的培训。  相似文献   

While the traditional meaning of connected knowledge is valuable in some school subjects, it does not address the main activities of knowledge acquisition in subjects such as physics and mathematics. The goal of this article is to analyze the relationships between the concepts “learning for understanding” and “connected knowledge”, a central theme in feminist epistemology. In learning for understanding, the learner forms multiple, intricate connections among the concepts she is studying in school, between school concepts and her everyday concepts, and between school concepts and their wider context. Viewing connected knowledge as tightly related to understanding has several important implications. It brings connected knowledge into the central learning activities that take place in school science and mathematics, and gives it a high status. It contributes to our understanding of gender‐related patterns in thinking; and it may form a unifying theoretical framework for many studies and projects in the field of gender fair education.  相似文献   

Epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge and belief underlie many of the controversial issues fundamental to research and practice in science teaching and learning. In an effort to bring some clarity to questions of knowledge and belief embedded within science education research and teaching, we first describe the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief in both philosophy and educational psychology, each of which have shaped the various definitions employed within science education. This discussion is followed by an examination of the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief employed by three groups of science educators: the traditional distinctions of the foundationalists that are co-opted by researchers focusing on teacher thinking/cognition, the nonfoundational epistemology of the fallibilists and the evolution educators working from this framework, and the radical constructivists who react to and attempt to move past the limitations of these other positions. In this analysis, we explicate the different ways in which knowledge and belief are understood and operationalized in a broad spectrum of research, we describe the theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying these approaches, and we explore the important areas of contention (both theoretical and empirical) surrounding each of these distinctions.  相似文献   

This article intends to show that the defense of “understanding” as one of the major goals of science education can be grounded on an anti-reductionist perspective on testimony as a source of knowledge. To do so, we critically revisit the discussion between Harvey Siegel and Alvin Goldman about the goals of science education, especially where it involves arguments based on the epistemology of testimony. Subsequently, we come back to a discussion between Charbel N. El-Hani and Eduardo Mortimer, on the one hand, and Michael Hoffmann, on the other, striving to strengthen the claim that rather than students’ belief change, understanding should have epistemic priority as a goal of science education. Based on these two lines of discussion, we conclude that the reliance on testimony as a source of knowledge is necessary to the development of a more large and comprehensive scientific understanding by science students.  相似文献   

在普通物理学的学习中,知识结构教学的重要任务是探讨并提出创造性思维的学习方法,培养学生进行创造性思维,增强学生所学知识的有序性,为学生学习提供一个良好的思维空间。  相似文献   

地理科学知识是幼儿科学教育探究活动的一个重要内容,是幼儿科学启蒙教育的关键,因此文章探讨分析幼儿科学教育活动中地理科学知识"教什么"、"目标是什么"、"怎么教"三个问题,以期通过科学性、探究性和趣味性的幼儿地理科学探究活动激发幼儿的探究兴趣,帮助幼儿不断积累经验知识,培养幼儿尊重事实的科学精神以及热爱自然、保护环境的情感和态度。  相似文献   

为了改变当前农村远程教育发展滞后的状况,地方高师院校应积极投身和参与到农村远程教育的实践之中,这是高等学校履行服务社会职能的体现,也是学校自身发展的需要。要从参与远程教育课程学习材料及学习支持服务的设计与开发,和加强对农村基层远程教育机构的指导两个方面,支持农村远程教育的发展。  相似文献   

高校开展礼仪教育有利于大学生塑造优雅大方的个人形象,提高文明素养,建立和谐的人际关系,为适应社会增添信心。当前我国高校礼仪教育未能得到足够重视,大学生礼仪缺失现象堪忧,加强大学生礼仪教育的途径可选择增强礼仪意识教育,推进礼仪制度建设,营造礼仪环境氛围,形成礼仪教育合力。  相似文献   

农民网络扫盲的必要性当今世界已进入网络时代,互联网日益成为全球经济社会发展须臾不可离开的重要手段。因此不识网、不触网意味着我国国民素质将会落伍于时代,我国经济将会步履蹒跚。对个人来说,如果不具备一定的网络素养和能力,就不能有效进行信息交流,这样不但造成学习、工作、生活上的很大困难,而且在日益激烈的社会竞争中将处于极为不利的境地,甚至被排除在主流社会之外。这种情况同样适用于“三农”:在网络社会中,农民必须拥有在网上获取、加工和使用数字信息的知识和技能,否则就会严重影响农村生产力水平的提高和农村经济的进一步发…  相似文献   

农村教师地方性知识手册是依据教科书内容脉络而进行的农村资源汇编;在促进学生理解教科书、辅助农村教师开展教学活动、完善农村教师知识结构、增进农村学生文化认同和乡土情感等方面有着重要意义;其内容结构受地域和学科的影响,主要包括地方资源、教科书说明、教学建议三个部分;其编制过程涉及需求调研、收集资源、分析教材、排版编写等步骤;在应用中,要注意教材为主、按需使用、联系实践等原则,并建立教师合作交流机制,及时进行评价与反思,引导学生实地体验。  相似文献   

李天锋 《天津教育》2021,(8):120-121,124
家庭教育、学校教育以及社会教育构成人一生的教育。其中,家庭教育是最初始的教育形式,对人的一生产生基础性影响。而家庭教育中的农村家庭教育应该引起相关部门与专业群体的足够重视,尤其值得注意的是农村家庭教育对爱护眼睛方面知识的普及不够,导致农村孩子视力堪忧。因此,学校、当地医院眼科医护人员以及农村家长三方必须通力合作,加大对农村孩子爱护眼睛的知识普及力度。  相似文献   

“重道轻器”的文化传统对我国职业教育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“重道轻器”是我国的文化传统,这一文化传统制约着我国古代科学技术的发展,使得我国的手工艺者低人一等,导致我国职业教育的地位低下。  相似文献   

活动课程强调学习者直接经验的价值,充分满足学习者的需要、动机、兴趣,在活动课程中,学习者成为真正的主体,儿童在与大自然、与学科知识的交互作用过程中,人格不断获得发展。本文从挖掘、利用乡土资源,为幼儿创设探索、实践、创造的自主环境,开展丰富多彩的,具有本土特色的幼儿游戏学习活动等方面,阐述如何通过地方独特的乡土资源促进幼儿的身心和谐发展。  相似文献   

访谈者:学习是人类最主要的特征之一.从古代开始中国和希腊的科学家就有关于学习的论述.从那时起,人类不断探讨人们是如何学习的,但为什么学习科学正式建立于上个世纪80年代末和90年代初?是什么促使学习科学的正式诞生?  相似文献   

地方性知识是地方课程开发的知识论前提,澄清其能指与所指有利于地方课程价值的充分实现并提高课程开发主体的内在积极性,变依托外部行政指令的外推式开发为依托开发主体内在驱力的自组织开发.目前,地方课程开发主体对地方性知识之认识存在多向度上的误读:第一,囿于偏狭的“地理空间”理解其适用地域;第二,理解其形态与价值上的形而上学倾向;第三,地方性知识主体被窄化为纯地理空间意义上的“地方人”.基于此,地方性知识的应有之义在于:地方性知识是超越具体知识形态的知识观念,是包融知识价值立场、知识具体形态在内的多层次结构体并与普遍性知识具有通约性.在深化地方课程开发过程中,地方性知识的选择应当充分基于地方性知识的实质并扎根于地方生活世界之中.  相似文献   

For several decades, cognitive psychologists have been studying how we learn, and from this work it becomes possible to identify ways to help students learn in the classroom effectively. Importantly, this work does not just inform how to memorize facts, but also how to learn complex material in a way that allows students to apply what they are learning in future situations. The laboratory to classroom model used by many researchers to apply cognitive psychology to real educational situations, such as classroom learning and students’ independent studying, is described first. Then the focus turns to important issues within education, such as students’ ability to transfer knowledge to new situations and understand complex material. Finally, three learning strategies are discussed (concrete examples, elaborative interrogation, and retrieval practice) that instructors can implement to help students to both acquire knowledge and apply it to new situations, integrating examples from food science and nutrition.  相似文献   

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