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在阅读教学中要重视学生逻辑思维的发展,要有针对性地对学生进行逻辑思维训练。阅读教学和逻辑思维训练结合,主要体现在阅读理解和逻辑思维方法相结合,即阅读理解与具体、概括结合;阅读理解与分析、综合结合;阅读理解与比较、抽象、概括结合;阅读理解与推理、判断结合;阅读理解与思维逻辑结合。将阅读理解和逻辑思维方法训练紧密结合起来,才能提高学生对文本理解的系统性与深刻性,同时才能提高学生的表达能力。  相似文献   

2012年河北省高中生英语七级阅读能力竞赛以检测学生阅读微技能为目的,从阅读知识、词义判断和逻辑理解等方面入手命制试题.竞赛结果显示阅读知识方面有差距,阅读技能中的词义判断、逻辑推理、主旨大意、观点态度、推理判断等深层次理解题的答题情况较差,而在查找信息、细节理解等浅层次理解题上表现较好.建议高中英语教学开设课外阅读课程,重视阅读微技能训练,指导学生形成自主学习能力.  相似文献   

初步学会运用比较、分析与综合、抽象与概括等逻辑方法,建立概念、深化概念、澄清概念,以及运用概念;善于应用概念对简单的问题进行判断和推理.  相似文献   

直言判断变形推理是普通逻辑的重要内容,它依据的是直言判断的逻辑性质和主谓项的论域关系。直言判断的逻辑性质又是依据主谓项的外延关系确定的。然而,现行教材概念论中概念外延关系、负概念及其论域内容与直言判断及其变形推理内容并不一致,变形推理操作规则与实际推理也有龃龉。从普通逻辑的实际功用看,这种不一致应该以新规则消除之,以使普通逻辑与日常思维理性相一致,使概念论、判断论、推理论的内容贯通一致。  相似文献   

逻辑(10gic)是人的一种抽象思维,是人通过概念、判断、推理、论证理解和区分客观世界的思维过程。逻辑思维是人们在认识过程中借助于概念、判断、推理等思维形式能动地反映客观现实的理性认识过程,又称理论思维,它是作为对认识着的思维及其结构,以及起作用的规律的分析而产生和发展起来的。  相似文献   

现在的高考试题越来越注重对考生综合阅读能力以及逻辑思维能力的考查。阅读理解中的大多数题目都需要进行判断和推理,考查判断推理的试题每年都占阅读理解题的一半左右,并有逐年增加的趋势。英语阅读中,有时作者并未把意图说出来,而是要求阅读者根据字面意思,通过全篇逻辑关系研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓义,这就是判断推理题。判断推理题在阅读测试中属于难题。因此,考生应在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维、哲学原理,并借助一定的常识进行分析、推理。  相似文献   

逻辑学是研究思维形式及其规律的一门基础学科.学习数学需要全面理解概念,正确进行表述、判断和推理,这就离不开对逻辑知识的掌握和  相似文献   

2009年起,辽宁省英语高考把最后一篇阅读理解题改为新题型——补全短文。补全短文的文章词汇简单,条理清晰,与完形填空和阅读理解都有一定的联系,但更侧重于应用,考查考生的预测、判断推理和调节等综合能力。试题将具体的标题、段落或者某一关键信息留空于段落之中,要求考生具有较强的实际语言应用能力,使补全后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯,逻辑清晰。  相似文献   

李丽莲 《教学考试》2023,(52):13-19
<正>选择性必修三《逻辑与思维》中比较难以掌握的是第二单元中的逻辑部分,而遵循逻辑思维规则主要包括概念、判断和推理。概念构成判断,判断构成推理。演绎推理方法是本册教材中的重点也是难点。本文主要结合高考和模拟考试的试题突破简单判断的演绎推理的重难点。  相似文献   

小学数学教学中,使学生掌握数学概念,并在此基础上进行正确地判断,推理,是一项重要的教学任务。数学教师掌握必要的逻辑知识,是完成这个任务的重要条件之一。掌握了必要的逻辑知识,有助于深刻地理解教材、分析教材,正确地对小学生讲授数学知识,从而较好地达到教学目的。在这一讲里谈谈小学数学中常用的逻辑知识。形式逻辑是研究思维的形式及其规律的科学。形式逻辑包括概念,判断,推理,证明或反驳四个内容。前三  相似文献   

系统功能语法作为一种语篇语法,清晰地勾画出了语篇分析的层次和步骤。在大学英语教学中,运用系统功能语法的框架来对语篇进行分析,不仅可以避免对语篇作出主观的随意的评论,而且还可以提高学生的阅读理解能力,帮助学生用语言来进行推理。  相似文献   

Cain  Kate  Oakhill  Jane V. 《Reading and writing》1999,11(5-6):489-503
Young children's reading comprehension skill is associated with their ability to draw inferences (Oakhill 1982, 1984). An experiment was conducted to investigate the direction of this relation and to explore possible sources of inferential failure. Three groups of children participated: Same-age skilled and less skilled comprehenders, and a comprehension-age match group. The pattern of performance indicated that the ability to make inferences was not a by-product of good reading comprehension, rather that good inference skills are a plausible cause of good reading comprehension ability. Failure to make inferences could not be attributed to lack of relevant general knowledge. Instead, the pattern of errors indicated that differences in reading strategy were the most likely source of these group differences.  相似文献   

The five articles in this special issue are a blend of experimental and correlational approaches that exemplify advances in contemporary approaches to assessment of reading comprehension. They illustrate how inferences about reading comprehension are determined in part by the material presented for comprehending and the format that is used for assessing comprehension of the material. In the future, the approaches to measuring reading comprehension in these articles could be further integrated by perspectives that cut across particular approaches to measurement and begin to utilize multimethod modeling of the latent variables that underlie different tests of reading comprehension.  相似文献   

Previous findings on effects of teachers' judgments on student learning have been contradictory leading to the question of what kinds of judgments are most beneficial: accurate or (overly) positive ones? In this study, we provide the first competitive test of prominent but contradictory hypotheses regarding the consequences of teachers' judgments in the context of reading proficiency using reading fluency and reading comprehension performance judgments from 145 teachers and measures of real performance and learning progress across eight points of measurement from 2880 students. Response Surface Analyses combined with an information-theoretic approach for model comparison revealed no evidence of positive effects of judgment accuracy or overestimation of student performance by teachers. Instead, progress in reading fluency and reading comprehension was best predicted by students' prior achievement. For reading comprehension, the positivity of teachers' judgments was additionally beneficial: The higher a teacher judged a student's performance, the more the student learned.  相似文献   

Several researchers have shown that children’s ability to make inferences is related to their reading comprehension. The majority of research on this topic has been conducted on older children. However, given the recent focus on the importance of narrative comprehension in prereaders, the current study examined the relationship between inference making and story comprehension in 4- to 5-year-olds. We examined children’s online inferences while narrating a wordless book as well as children’s story comprehension of a different storybook. We found that children’s total number of inferences was significantly related to their story comprehension. Three types of inferences were significantly related to story comprehension—characters goals, actions that achieved those goals, and character states. In a hierarchical regression controlling for children’s age and expressive vocabulary, a composite of these three inference types significantly predicted children’s story comprehension.  相似文献   

Failure to activate relevant, existing background knowledge may be a cause of poor reading comprehension. This failure may cause particular problems with inferences that depend heavily on prior knowledge. Conversely, teaching how to use background knowledge in the context of gap-filling inferences could improve reading comprehension in general. This idea was supported in an experimental study comprising 16 sixth-grade classes (N?=?236) randomly assigned to experimental or control conditions. In the experimental condition, students' contribution to “gap-filling” inferences with expository texts were made explicit by means of graphic models and inference-demanding questions. After eight 30-min sessions, a large training effect was found on students' inference making skills with a substantial and sustained transfer effect to a standard measure of reading comprehension. The effects were not mediated by students' motivation, decoding ability, vocabulary, or nonverbal IQ.  相似文献   

The inference mediation hypothesis (IMH) assumes that individual difference factors that affect reading proficiency have direct and indirect effects on comprehension outcomes, with the indirect effects involving inference processes. The present study tested the IMH in a diverse sample of two and four-year college students in a task that emphasizes comprehension of the passage (traditional assessment) and a task that emphasizes complex problem solving (SBA). Participants were administered assessments of foundational skills that support reading, inference generation, a traditional assessment of comprehension proficiency, and a scenario-based reading assessment. The results support the IMH. However, the strength of the indirect relationships depended on the type of reading performance assessment. Coherence building inferences partially mediated the relationship for the traditional assessment. Elaborative inferences partially mediated the relationship for the scenario-based assessment. The results are discussed in terms of theories of purposeful reading and implications for understanding college readiness.  相似文献   

The present study investigated comprehension processes and strategy use of second-grade low- and high-comprehending readers when reading expository and narrative texts for comprehension. Results from think-aloud protocols indicated that text genre affected the way the readers processed the texts. When reading narrative texts they made more text-based and knowledge-based inferences, and when reading expository texts they made more comments and asked more questions, but also made a higher number of invalid knowledge-based inferences. Furthermore, low- and high-comprehending readers did not differ in the patterns of text-processing strategies used: all readers used a variety of comprehension strategies, ranging from literal repetitions to elaborate knowledge-based inferences. There was one exception: for expository texts, low-comprehending readers generated a higher number of inaccurate elaborative and predictive inferences. Finally, the results confirmed and extended prior research by showing that low-comprehending readers can be classified either as readers who construct a limited mental representation that mainly reflects the literal meaning of the text (struggling paraphrasers), or as readers who attempt to enrich their mental representation by generating elaborative and predictive inferences (struggling elaborators). A similar dichotomy was observed for high-comprehending readers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine whether students’ linguistic skills and task-avoidant behavior (i.e., the child-related factors) and the mean level of academic skills (reading comprehension and math) of classmates (i.e., the class-related factor) are associated with teacher judgments of children’s reading comprehension and math skills. The participants were third-grade Estonian-speaking students (n?=?656; age 9?11 years) and their classroom teachers (n?=?51). The results of the structural equation modeling path analyses indicated that teachers tend to judge students showing higher academic and linguistic skills and lower avoidance behavior as higher on the reading comprehension and math skills. In contrast, the classmates’ higher academic skill level was related to lower judgments of individual children’s reading comprehension and math skills by teachers.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine the role of logical reasoning in the relation between lexical quality and reading comprehension in 146 fourth grade Dutch children. We assessed their standardized reading comprehension measure, along with their decoding efficiency and vocabulary as measures of lexical quality, syllogistic reasoning as measure of (verbal) logical reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning as a control measure. Syllogistic reasoning was divided into a measure tapping basic, coherence inferencing skill using logical syllogisms, and a measure tapping elaborative inferencing skill using indeterminate syllogisms. Results showed that both types of syllogisms partly mediated the relation between lexical quality and reading comprehension, but also had a unique additional effect on reading comprehension. The indirect effect of lexical quality on reading comprehension via syllogisms was driven by vocabulary knowledge. It is concluded that measures of syllogistic reasoning account for higher-order thinking processes that are needed to make inferences in reading comprehension. The role of lexical quality appears to be pivotal in explaining the variation in reading comprehension both directly and indirectly via syllogistic reasoning.  相似文献   

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