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《荆棘鸟》中有两个颇具反面特征的女性形象:玛丽.卡森和贾斯丁.奥尼尔,从澳大利亚当时的社会背景和女性主义角度出发,重新解读小说中的这两位“魔女”,指出二者的“魔女”身份实际上是父权社会对女性追求自主和解放的压抑和报复,是对真正的女权战士的扭曲和恐惧的表现。  相似文献   

In the movie You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks,his father's girlfriend said to him:"I'm going to be your wicked step-mother."I was amused at her words and couldn't help wondering how comes a steo-mother is always considered as"wicked'?  相似文献   

五月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试即将开始,作为全国顶尖翻译考试.很多考生都正处于如火如荼的准备当中。而此时,我们也有幸采访到了中国对外翻译出版公司首席同传干洋先生。采访一开始.他就给我们讲述了他的翻译经历以及如何才能真正成为一名优秀的译员。  相似文献   

<正>电影《穿普拉达的女王》,讲述了一个刚离开校门的女大学生进入了一家顶级时尚杂志社当主编助理的故事。她从单纯的菜鸟(green hand)逐步历练成职场高手,从最初的土包子摇身一变为时尚达人(fashion icon)。正如片名一样,整部电影散发着时尚与青春的气息,主演安妮·海瑟薇清新脱俗,剧中服装更像是Prada的时装发布会,大牌味十足。职场与情场在这里碰撞,喜悦与悲伤在这里交织。  相似文献   

作为人道主义信奉的雨果,在《悲惨世界》中,他最为关注的不是两大阶级的对抗,而是人性善恶的搏斗。雨果对笔下的冉阿让从人到恶魔,从恶魔到天使的转变过程的描绘,表达了他对善良人性的深切期盼和对社会进步的热切关怀。雨果对人类的生存状况和命运进行全方位的思考,以人类的、未来的名义去批判社会。  相似文献   

The far right in the United States has gained international visibility and power by promulgating its ideas using multiple media sources. This paper considers contemporary right‐wing representations of John Dewey as found on English‐language internet websites. The author employs discourse analytic methods to address the questions—‘How is John Dewey constructed in right‐wing internet discourse?’ and ‘By what means has the Right come to construct Dewey in this way?’ Elements of the internet discourse are related to texts that helped shape it. The paper demonstrates that far right‐wing websites construct Dewey and his ideas as the antithesis of American values and as a political and existential threat of the highest order. In this discourse, Dewey is connected to Satan, communism and global conspiracy theories. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these beliefs for current educational and political philosophy and praxis.  相似文献   

萨特的戏剧《苍蝇》《魔鬼与上帝》中的不同人物从不同侧面表现了萨特的存在主义自由观,即自由是人类生存的本质,人类在虚空中面临生存困境时的孤独和挣扎,从自在自由到自为自由的奋斗。萨特的自由现也有他自己的困惑,但这样一种不断寻求自己存在理由的自由观却给现代人的生存提供了一个参考纬度。  相似文献   

Since Melvin Burgess published his first childrens book, The Cry of the Wolf (1989) he has had the reputation of being a powerful and challenging writer, discussing issues that many other writers have shunned. But it was with Junk (Smack in the US) in 1996 that he became a notorious media figure. This Carnegie winning novel showed teenagers not only taking drugs, but enjoying them, and sex, too! As a whole, though, this book also showed the dangers of hard drugs, and did anything but glamorise addiction. The book was also innovative in using multiple narrative voices, so that moral certainties are continually being challenged, shown to be but partial. Burgess continued this technique in Bloodtide (1999), which is undoubtedly his most powerful book yet (a second volume is on its way), updating the Icelandic Volsunga saga in a bleak, futuristic London. Lady: My Life as a Bitch (2001) and Doing it (2003) also brought much media attention, both dealing explicitly with teenage sex. These are the main books that Burgess talks about in his article. However, his range is far wider, and his other texts should not be forgotten: he has written several novels for younger readers, a picture book, The Birdman (2000) and an excellent novelisation of the film Billy Elliot (2001). His ability to write gripping, absorbing stories with memorable characters is always foremost, whatever other issues might be addressed.  相似文献   

《失乐园》深深植根于《圣经》的《创世记》。一方面,受传统和等级思想所限,弥尔顿在《失乐园》中塑造的夏娃有着魔鬼般的形象;另一方面,夏娃能与亚当平等交流沟通,向上帝忏悔并勇于承担责任。  相似文献   

This article compares the national-level requirements for master degree provision in England, Denmark and Portugal following the implementation of the Bologna Process, and ponders upon the reconcilability of these requirements in cross-national initiatives (e.g. joint degrees). In all three countries, master degrees have to comply with the national qualification frameworks, which have been verified against the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Other regulations apply, however. In Denmark and Portugal, higher education degrees are tightly regulated by legislation, while the Academic Infrastructure developed by the Quality Assurance Agency in the UK acts as a broad reference for degree design, giving English institutions a high degree of freedom. Findings reveal the existence of contradictory requirements which have arisen further to policy adaptations, made possible by the non-legally binding character of Bologna and its loose policy mechanisms.  相似文献   

夏尔·波德莱尔(Charles Baudelaire1821—1861)是法国十九世纪最著名的现代派诗人,象征派诗歌先驱。他的诗集《恶之花》以独特的魅力冲击着人们传统的审美价值,并开一代新诗歌流派之先河。反观其诗集中的“死亡”诗组对死亡的礼赞和向往,不仅让我们得以一窥诗人独特的诗歌艺术,同时也让我们上溯探寻到诗人走过的充满矛盾,交织着失望和希望,悲观而又不甘气馁的人生之路。  相似文献   

隐喻具有独特的人文文化魅力,是人文理解的重要途径.在当下人们日常的话语体系中,儿童隐喻性陈述可以从多个维度进行把握.从时间维度上讲,是指向未来的.从实在维度上,可以划分为以植物隐喻儿童、以动物隐喻儿童、以物体隐喻儿童、以其他社会角色隐喻儿童.从情感色彩维度上,对儿童的隐喻有褒义隐喻也有贬义隐喻.不同的隐喻实际上折射出人们不同的儿童观,反映了特定的社会文化背景.  相似文献   

《觉醒》是美国女作家凯特·肖邦的代表作,被誉为女权主义文学的经典之作。作者在小说中成功地塑造了三位女性人物,她们分别代表着父权制文学作品中的天使、魔鬼和夏娃。该文试图应用结构主义二元对立理论,对小说中的三位主要女性角色进行解析,从而探索作者笔下的理想女性形象。  相似文献   

魔鬼撒旦是西方文学的原型之一,探究了该形象的三种流变方式:顺向发展、反向增值和善恶兼备及转换。  相似文献   

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