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The introduction of Total Quality Management at Oregon State University   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oregon State University became one of the first research universities in the United States to introduce the Total Quality Management methodology into its administrative structure in 1989. Beginning with finance and administration, quality improvement teams were introduced and achieved significant improvement in process effectiveness and efficiency. Improved quality was also achieved and measured by customer satisfaction.TQM was expanded to all administrative areas — including student affairs, research, and faculty administration — over the next four years. TQM has also been used in curriculum development, teaching improvement, and research proposal development.This paper describes the implementation strategy used by Oregon State University and presents some of the results achieved. Particular attention is paid to implementation barriers found in university settings.Today, Oregon State University has over 85 process improvement teams working in both administrative and academic areas and has received many awards for its work in Total Quality Management.  相似文献   

本文旨在客观阐述全面质量管理理论所带来的命题管理转变,以及理论指导下的具体实施措施。并藉由此说明理论的引入与应用必将成为提高自学考试命题质量的持续推力。  相似文献   

The action-learning-related approaches incorporated in the Adult Education and Human Resource Development Master's Degree Program at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) are considered unique in their overall design. They replaced a long-established and much more traditional curriculum design in 1995. The final capstone course in the program was shifted to an action learning format, with students directly involved with real, highly complex problems in the community and elsewhere which they were expected to help clarify and resolve. The basic fabric of the Master's Degree Program was re-engineered to promote the linkage between action and reflection, the questioning of underlying assumptions, and incorporation of portfolio assessment techniques. In each course, students are now encouraged to keep learning logs, determine their own best work for the semester, and prepare a “reflective essay” indexed to their own self-assessment of critical incidents (e.g., the point at which they were most engaged or distanced from what was occurring and why). Overall evolution of the VCU program and its benefits are outlined as well as how to go about implementing such an approach.  相似文献   

基于全面质量管理(TQM)的教辅类报纸质量提高途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教辅类报纸是经国家有关部门批准发行,面向全国亿万大中小学师生,具有知识性、科学性和文化品位的课外辅导读物,它以广大青少年为读者对象,其质量对基础教育事业和提高青少年科学文化素质有很大影响.为了促进教辅类报纸质量的可持续提高,探讨如何将全面质量管理的理论和方法应用于教辅类报纸质量管理的问题是必要的.  相似文献   

全面质量管理理论是源于工业生产的实践理论,该理论所蕴含的理论特质与实践思想也能够应用于高校管理工作中.全面质量管理理论具有全方位性、过程动态性、综合整体性等特点,这些特点的存在符合高校管理的发展理念.全面质量管理理论在高校管理中的应用主要有三个层面:注重教学管理工作的全面性与系统性,重视学生思想引导与交流,加强现代化教学管理系统的应用.这些应用策略有利于提升高校管理工作的实践效果,因此,高校管理工作中引入全面质量管理理论具有现实意义和战略意义.  相似文献   

气体钢瓶在高校实验室应用极为普遍,其兼具危险化学品和特种设备的危险特性,且有种类多、数量大、流动性强等特点,管理困难,容易发生事故,是高校实验室安全管理重中之重。针对目前高校实验室气体钢瓶管理存在的诸多问题,基于全面质量管理理论给出相应对策,做好高校实验室气体钢瓶管理,减少安全事故发生,保障高校实验室安全。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚大学“荣誉制度”探微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"荣誉制度"是弗吉尼亚大学的一项防止学生撒谎、欺骗和偷窃的制度,它反映了学生自治的传统。如今"荣誉制度"已成为了弗大校政建设中最为重要的一环。让学生生活在一个信任与被信任的团体之中,是托马斯·杰斐逊的最大的梦想之一。随着时代和社会的发展,"荣誉制度"也在不断地变迁与更新。"荣誉制度"对于我国当下高校诚信教育同样具有重要的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

全面质量管理:工程硕士教育质量管理的新范式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了全面质量管理的概念,分析了现行工程硕士教育质量管理的不足,阐述了全面质量管理对于工程硕士教育的意义,介绍了在工程硕士教育中引入全面质量管理的核心内容以及实施要点。  相似文献   

全面质量管理对独立学院教学管理的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春醒  何茂勋 《柳州师专学报》2007,22(1):99-101,111
全面质量管理理论在企业的管理和发展中发挥了巨大的作用,且已经被引入教育管理中.全面质量管理对独立学院教学管理的启示:一是树立以质量求生存、特色求发展的管理理念;二是建立全员参与的教学管理机制;三是实施全面教学管理.  相似文献   

全面质量管理及其在高等教育质量管理中的运用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
何茂勋 《高教论坛》2003,(6):139-142
本文介绍了全面质量管理的基本内涵及其在高等教育中应用的情况,提出了高等教育实施全面质量管理首先应注意做好的工作。  相似文献   

以现代管理科学原理为依据,探讨树立全面质量管理的基本理念,采取双层管理、活动管理、载体管理等有效形式,抓好规范化管理、学术性管理、标准型管理等全面质量管理的内容,以提高省级规划谭题的研究质量,促进“科研兴教”、“科研兴校”。  相似文献   

长期以来普遍存在一种错误认识,认为成人教育是高等教育中的"次等教育",影响了成人教育的质量。根据TQM理论,成人高等教育应根据顾客的需求,坚持质量持续改进的原则。完善教学决策指挥系统、教学运行与管理系统、教学信息采集与质量过程监测系统、教学评估与反馈系统四个系统及其运行机制。  相似文献   

Currently, the demand for places in Australian tertiary education exceeds the supply, and in general, applicants are offered places according to their academic merit. The extent to which previous academic performance predicts future tertiary success is often taken as an indicator of the validity of the selection process. In this note, a number of factors that tend to depress correlations between pre‐teritary and tertiary achievement scores are identified and discussed. Most of these factors have been known for decades but are nevertheless not widely appreciated. The result is that efforts to evaluate selection processes are often misdirected. Predictive validity has, of course, to remain an important consideration in devising admissions rules and policies. But too narrow a focus on predictive validity tends to relegate to the background several other important aspects, especially those having to do with justice and fairness in the selection process and with the availability of places in relation to the demand for them. The purpose of this note is to show that trying to achieve high predictive validities is a futile exercise.  相似文献   

分析论证了高等教育全面质量管理过程应以教育需求者的需求为出发点 ,其内涵包括需求分析、高校定位、人才培养方案设计、教学过程实施以及教学过程评价与分析等。  相似文献   

Recently, it has been of importance to challenge the manufacturing production demands for the 21st century. This report proposes a new statistical quality control (SQC) concept, ‘science SQC’ as a demonstrative-scientific method, which enables us to improve the principle of total quality management systematically. The objective of this approach is to indicate the application of a New SQC Internal Education through implementing ‘Science SQC’, which leads to promoting organically the business process quality. The performance of the proposed method and the results are given through studies and practices at a manufacturing company—the Toyota Motor Corp.  相似文献   

Many higher education institutions have assumed the role of diffusing knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours that favour sustainability. A key objective in such work is training university teachers to apply sustainability criteria to their respective disciplines. While university teachers' active participation is essential to achieving this goal, their ideas about and predispositions towards introducing sustainability into curricula are not always understood or appreciated. In this paper, we report on a questionnaire survey at the University of Valencia, Spain, on the current baseline situation for introducing sustainability across the university's curricula. We also report on a measure to periodically review the situation, including progress of and/or decline in introducing sustainability into diverse subject areas, focusing on a series of indicators grouped under the common name ‘π Indicator’. Key findings from the survey include the widespread support for introducing sustainability across the university's curricula; however, as might be expected, significant differences occur in how questions are addressed by staff from various disciplines, including how they relate to departmental perceptions, interpretations and performance of sustainability‐related teaching.  相似文献   

课程标准管理是大学教学管理的重要内容,其管理的目的是保证课程标准符合课程计划,保证课程标准的先进性和严肃性。课程标准管理主要包括课程标准的制订(修订)、执行和检查三环节。大学要高度重视课程标准管理,健全课程标准管理制度,建立完善的管理机制,采取有效的管理措施,做好课程标准管理工作。  相似文献   

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