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青少年期是青少年心身发育的重要转折点。在整个人生的发展过程中,以青少年期的心理变化最为剧烈,正处于生理、心理、社会诸方面从未成熟到成熟,从未定型到定型的急剧变化时期,所以有的学者用“狂飙期”来形容青少年期心身的剧烈变化。  相似文献   

刘定琴 《考试周刊》2010,(2):185-185
学生是发展中的人.从入学到毕业这一时期,是一个人的生理发育和形成的时期,是一个人从不成熟到成熟、从不定型到定型的很关键的成长发育时期.也是一个人生长发育特别关键的时期。学生各方面都潜藏着极大的发展可能性,具有极大的可塑性。  相似文献   

秦汉时期是汉文化的塑造、定型期 ,它最终建立了一个为后世皇权所尊崇的话语。半个多世纪以来秦汉考古工作取得重大进展 ,多层面、全方位地冲击着我们对秦汉时期的认识  相似文献   

杨林 《教育》2011,(32):5
随着我国就业人数的逐年增多,在未来相当长时期内大学生就业压力不会减弱。面对就业问题,与国家、社会、学校、个人都有着密切的关系,但自身原因才是影响大学生就业的最根本因素。那么,大学生如何提高自身的就业能力呢?笔者以为大学生要提高个人就业能力需从以下几个方面提高自己。  相似文献   

大学生的心理特点,不仅表现在他们对客观现实的意识及其倾向方面,而且也表现在对自我本身的意识——即对自我本身的认识、看法和态度方面。自我意识对大学生的教育与自我教育具有重要意义。大学生正值人生的动荡变化的阶段,也是其个性心理特征定型时期。良好的个性心理特征,将会促进大学生努力学习,热爱生活,使大学生的整个心理过程得以健康发展。  相似文献   

辛占香 《教育科学》2005,21(4):51-52
大学阶段是一个人逐渐走向成熟的重要时期。自我意识的调控与培养是大学生成长发展过程中很值得探讨的一个问题,大学生自我意识的发展有以下几个特点:过多地关注自己;矛盾性比较突出;自我认识趋于客观,但认识上仍有偏差;自我控制、自我教育能力有较大提高,但仍有明显不足。应从以下几个方面对大学生的自我意识进行调控与培养:客观地评价自我,悦纳自我;培养健康的自尊心;克服自卑,树立自信;提高自我管理、自我教育能力。  相似文献   

《国家教育改革和发展中长期规划纲要》把实施素质教育作为今后一个时期教育改革和发展的根本任务。新时代对大学生素质的要求是全方面的,提升大学生综合素质,增强就业能力,顺利就业是高校人才培养的目标。然而,当前大学生就业能力普遍不足,就业率不高,集中体现在心理素质不健全,人际交往能力  相似文献   

大学生正处在世界观、人生观、价值观的塑造期和定型期,在当今社会急剧变革过程中,大学生的价值观也随之呈现出鲜明的时代特征。高校要用社会主义荣辱观引领大学生思想政治教育工作。胡锦涛总书记关于社会主义荣辱观是社会主义世界观、人生观和价值观的生动体现,为大学生思想政治工作提供了方向和保障。  相似文献   

刻意塑造期是大学生成长过程中必须经历的第三个阶段,也是一个非常重要的阶段,这个时期是大学生形成自己的价值取向,明确自己的人生发展方向,正确建立职业规划的人生转折时期.本文主要对刻意塑造期的特点与主要任务进行了探索,并对这一时期的大学生引导方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   

我国当代文学理论教材建设可以分为四个时期:苏联模式时期、初步定型期、繁荣期、重构期,经历了一个由模仿、起步到繁荣、重构而不断进步的过程。总结当代文学理论教材编写的经验与教训,有助于更好地建设既适合教学又具有民族特色的文学理论教材。  相似文献   

Grounded in expectancy-value and stereotype threat theories, this four-year longitudinal study examined associations between changes in stereotype threat and motivation (self-efficacy, task values, and perceived costs) among 425 undergraduates from racial/ethnic groups typically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Growth analyses indicated that students’ stereotype threat and perceived cost of studying science increased during college, whereas science self-efficacy, intrinsic value, and attainment value declined. Parallel growth analyses suggested that higher initial stereotype threat related to a faster decline in attainment value and faster increase in perceived costs throughout college. Higher initial levels and a steeper increase in stereotype threat related to lower STEM GPA. Higher initial levels and a slower decline in motivation variables related to higher STEM GPA and more completed STEM courses. These findings provide empirical evidence for the relations between stereotype threat and motivation among underrepresented minority students during a key developmental period.  相似文献   

阐述了通过探索女性学教学法,帮助女大学生消除性别角色刻板观念,逐步培养体现性别公平的现代性别意识。女性学课程的开设在培养和提高女大学生综合素质方面起着重要作用,具有其他课程无法取代的功能。  相似文献   

内隐刻板印象是内隐社会认知的重要研究领域,关于内隐刻板印象的研究已经涉及到了地域、性别、职业和种族等领域,但是鲜有关于产品的产地刻板印象的内隐研究。本研究选择大学生群体为研究对象,以大学生对国内外的笔记本电脑品牌的内隐产地刻板印象为研究内容,以IAT测验为研究方法,以Inquisit软件为主要的研究工具,对IAT测验数据进行了相关的统计检验和统计分析,最终得出以下结论:大学生这样一个接受高等教育的群体中,也确实存在着对国内外笔记本电脑品牌的内隐产地刻板印象,对国外品牌存在着无意识的偏好,对国内品牌存在着无意识的偏见。  相似文献   

为了健美操健康发展,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计等研究方法,对高职院校学生的健美操性别刻板印象进行现状调查分析,结果表明:大部分学生存在健美操性别刻板印象;男生的健美操性别刻板印象比女生强烈,各个年级的健美操性别刻板印象没有任何差异。  相似文献   

Koreans have been successful in nesting their educational achievement in places like China, where they have earned the title of the “model minority”, due primarily to their educational success. Drawing on data from ethnographic research on fourth-grade Korean students in a bilingual Korean school, this article examines the relationship between student self-perception and attitude towards schooling underlying the model minority stereotype. Research results lead us to argue that ethnic Korean students in China do not have a shared self-perception, and so do not share a homogeneous attitude towards schooling, contrary to the stereotype of them as a monolithic group with high educational levels and shared attitudes towards learning. This article emphasizes the need to re-examine the model minority stereotype and its cultural ecological theory, and to include the voices of ethnic Korean students in the analysis of the model minority stereotype at a time of transition and change.  相似文献   

Stigmatized group membership leads to deleterious consequences for individuals. More specifically, according to stereotype threat literature, the awareness of negative intellectual stereotypes can impair stereotyped group members’ performance. Based on this framework, two studies were designed to explain the lower grades obtained by French-Arab students, compared to French students. An Implicit Association Test (Study 1) revealed that native French students automatically expressed a negative stereotype regarding French-Arab students’ intellectual abilities. The second study (Study 2) examined whether this negative stereotype could alter French-Arab students’ intellectual performance in a threatening context. As expected, French-Arab students underperformed when the verbal task was presented as a measure of intellectual ability, compared to French students. When the task was presented as non-diagnostic, their performance equaled that of French students. The discussion herein addressed implications of these results in terms of discrimination against the French-Arab population.  相似文献   

殷明 《培训与研究》2006,23(3):91-93
本研究首先自行编制了具有较高信度和效度的性别角色刻板印象问卷,其次是利用现有的“贝姆性别角色量表”(Ben Sex Role Inventory简称BSR I)来测定城乡中学生的性度取向。利用测试的结果一方面可以研究城乡双性化群体在各自总体中所占的比率,看其是否存在差异;另一方面使用自编的性别角色刻板印象问卷将双性化个体进行城乡比较。  相似文献   

The author used phenomenology to explore the subjective experience of ninth-grade girls susceptible to mathematics-related stereotype threat in their authentic learning environments. The sample constituted students categorized as either having low or high susceptibility to stereotype threat (SST) enrolled in Honors mathematics classes at an urban high school in the Northeast United States. Results showed that high-SST students experienced a wide range of negative emotions regarding both mathematics and its learning context. Emotions commonly experienced by this group included low self-efficacy and hopelessness specific to learning mathematics, frustration, and feelings of isolation (both social and intellectual) in their classes. Experiences common to these students were perceived differential teacher treatment, and stereotype endorsement linking mathematics ability to fixed traits such as race or genetics. Low-SST students, on the other hand, experienced positive relationships with their teachers, positive schooling experiences, and a malleable view of intelligence.  相似文献   


Perceptions teachers have regarding their students are associated with their students’ school performance. Similarly, students’ psychoeducational and psychosocial functioning are partly shaped by their beliefs about teachers’ opinions of them. Psychoeducational performance and psychosocial interactions are linked with perceived stereotype threats. Stereotype threat refers to how a person’s fear or anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype associated with being a member of a stigmatized group undermines their performance in evaluative contexts. This work offers a theoretical and practical prevention and intervention teaching and learning framework to ameliorate stereotype threat. We describe the stereotype threat interruption model (STIM) as a consultation model that delineates stereotype threat and provides teacher-focused, student-centered, and environment-applied consultation strategies to abrogate its effects. STIM is applicable in graduate training and in the professional environment. It highlights a prevention science teaching and learning framework that proactively encourages healthy student development and efficient consultation services.  相似文献   

大学生的英美日中定型观念调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对100名中国大学生的英、美、日、中等国人定型观念的调查,分析了这些定型观念的差异及其形成原因,并认为目前就我国大学生而言,其定型观念的获得应与外语教学联系起来,在外语教材中增加文化的输入,大学生树立客观的理解态度有利于其形成较为准确的定型观念。  相似文献   

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