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上海图书馆在书目工作中的贡献张贤俭Abstract:Morethan900titlesofbibliographicalindexeshavebeencompiledbytheShanghaiLibraryduringthepast40yearsan...  相似文献   

加强信息基础设施建设大力发展科技信息服务业——纪念我国科技信息事业创建40周年国务委员兼国家科委主任宋健StrengtheningtheConstructionofInformationInfrastructureandVigorouslyDevel...  相似文献   

抓住机遇再创辉煌——祝贺中国科技信息事业创建40周年国家科委副主任邓楠SeizingtheChanceandRe┐creatingtheGlory——Congratulatingthe40thAnniversaryoftheFoundingofChi...  相似文献   

关于发展科技信息事业的一些思考——献给我国科技信息事业创建40周年国家科委科技信息司司长中国科技情报学会常务副理事长中国科学技术信息研究所所长刘昭东ConsiderationsontheDevelopmentofSci┐TechInformation...  相似文献   

甘肃省图书馆的西北地方文献及书目体系建设   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘肃省图书馆的西北地方文献及书目体系建设Abstract:For80yearssincethefoundingofgansuProvincialLibrary,especiouslyintherecent40years,therehasbeendev...  相似文献   

司马迁笔下的方志雏型朱积孝Abstract:TheChineselocalchroniclessproutedduringZhouandQindynasties.UptothetimewhenSimewhenSimaQianwrote"ShiJi"(...  相似文献   

我国推荐书目工作的现状、问题和对策初昌雄Abstract:Forthepast40years,therehavehomorethan2,000titlesOfrecommendatorybibliograpiescompiledandpublishe...  相似文献   

中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国社科院近代史所图书馆核心藏书的建设及其特色●万燕ABSTRACTTheLibraryoftheInstituteofModernHistoryoftheChineseAcademyofSocialScienceshasacolectionofne...  相似文献   

提高质量,促进标准化,迎接国际图联大会在我国召开!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高质量,促进标准化,迎接国际图联大会在我国召开!唐绍明Abstract:Thepurportstatementofthe4thSeminarontheEditor’sWorkforLibraryScienceJournalscovers3parts...  相似文献   

论图书馆管理信息系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论图书馆管理信息系统卢晓宾Abstract:OnthebasisofpresentingthesignificanceofapplyingtheLibraryManagementInformationSysten(MIS),thepaperappro...  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

陈国平 《出版科学》2008,16(2):53-56
我国出版企业正面临严峻的生存环境:盗版和伪书严重侵蚀出版企业的正常利润,诚信缺失、竞争无序、产业链断裂进一步给行业雪上加霜,体制、机制的约束又使得行业发展缺乏来自内部的活力和动力。应对上述挑战的根本出路在于创新。出版创新包括内容创新、形式创新、管理创新和价值创新几个重要方面。内容创新是出版企业的核心竞争力,形式创新是出版企业市场竞争的重要利器,管理创新是出版企业的活力之源,价值创新则是出版的终极目标。  相似文献   


As society has come to equate economic prosperity with the health of our living resources, national science policy has called for the development of a comprehensive digital knowledge base to support informed decision making and wise resource management. The Internet and World Wide Web demonstrate the earliest stages of this evolving virtual library of the natural world, offering an increasing array of high-quality, innovative resources and services in the natural science arena. This article discusses the leading providers of natural science information on the Internet and highlights some of the exemplary resources they are delivering online. The discussion concludes with a brief discussion of the role of the librarian in developing the Web of natural science knowledge online and provides a short Webliography of starting points for further exploration of this subject area.  相似文献   

1925~1936年中国图书馆事业兴盛的成因与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1925年至1937年抗日战争前夕,中国图书馆事业出现了兴盛的局面。本文探讨其成因,并对这段历史作出评价。  相似文献   

论图书馆“管理手段先进”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“管理手段先进,图书馆使用效果好”是普通高等学校本科工作水平评估指标体系中关于图书馆状况的评价指标。文章从图书馆管理理念先进、管理制度先进、管理技术先进、管理创新能力先进等方面去理解“管理手段先进”,旨在分析其丰富的内涵,不断推进图书馆管理手段先进的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Access to biological information on the World Wide Web continues to grow at a rapid pace. Many resources that previously required a trip to the library are now accessible from the desktop PC. Three major categories of biology Web sites are explored: those with citation information, those functioning as clearinghouses or directories to other Web sites, and those that present biological information in innovative ways. The suggested Web sites are some of the best and may serve as models for future Web development. Many useful citation Web sites are fee-based and are likely to continue as such for the near future; MEDLINE and AGRICOLA are important exceptions. Many significant clearinghouse and information Web sites are not fee-based and allow innovative ways of finding and sharing information. The state of research information on the WWW is not developed enough for the researcher to forego using paper sources.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The objective of this article is to examine some of the valuable philosophical resources available on the Internet, especially for librarians who need to determine what resources to provide to faculty, students, and staff. Some main uses of the Internet for philosophical research are: accessing texts, using search strategies to examine the texts, reading and writing electronic journal articles, accessing information from encyclopedias and dictionaries, browsing through paths of interlinked Web sites, searching the Internet for sources, and participating in online discussion forums. This article examines the Internet as a source of primary and secondary texts, journal literature, research databases, reference works, specialized limited area search engines, organizational information, and discussion lists. The article ends with a philosophical reflection on the transformative effect of information technology on the growth of knowledge.  相似文献   

This article includes a brief profile of selected engineering libraries in Maharashtra state of India and discusses salient issues related to strategic cooperation and consortia, with particular focus on the current situation. It examines the structural, financial and technical factors that have compelled the academic libraries to think about the formation of statewide consortia. The author surveyed forty-nine libraries to get an idea about the current status and explored the possibilities of forming regional consortia with a mission to enhance access to information and knowledge through cooperation for benefit of the engineering communities. The focus is on librarians' perceptions/opinion on the formation of state level consortia; ICT infrastructure; users' needs; collection development policies and the services provided by engineering libraries to the community.  相似文献   

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