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对理工科大学生英语学习状况和学习成绩调查、统计和分析的基础上,研究了英语学习策略运用水平和学习风格倾向与英语成绩的关系。研究表明:(1)学习者都能积极运用学习策略,元认知和补偿策略运用得最多,社会/情感策略运用得较少;(2高分组和低分组在元认知策略上有显著差异;(3)学习风格偏好呈多样性,英语水平与学习风格本身无关。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore students’ conceptions of context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning). The students participated in a u-learning exercise using PDAs equipped with RFID readers. The data were collected from individual interviews with each of the students by a trained researcher, and the responses of the interviewees were further analyzed using the phenomenographic method. The analysis revealed five categories of conceptions of u-learning, including “u-learning as the application of technology,” “u-learning as a platform for attaining information,” “u-learning as a timely guide,” “u-learning as increase of knowledge” and “u-learning as active learning.” There conceptions are viewed as a hierarchy, from less advanced to more sophisticated. An in-depth analysis of the students’ conceptions of learning indicated that students held multiple conceptions of u-learning. This study further suggests that inquiry practices (such as allowing open-ended exploration for the learning topic) should be addressed in u-learning activities, as these practices may foster more sophisticated conceptions of u-learning.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to identify the development of students’ self-reported use of metacognitive learning strategies during high school. Therefore, the study analyses the differential development patterns of 1,432 students, between grade 10 and 12, in a longitudinal sample. The results suggest that, from a global perspective, there is no development of students’ self-reported use of metacognitive learning strategies during high school. The expected gender-specific differences in favour of female students are replicated in this sample. However, the self-reported use of monitoring and evaluation strategies tends to converge between genders during high school, whereas the differences in the self-reported use of planning strategies remain stable. The consequences for the understanding of metacognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it has been given qualified approval by a number of philosophers of education, the so‐called ‘therapeutic turn’ in education has been the subject of criticism by several commentators on post‐compulsory and adult learning over the last few years. A key feature of this alleged development in recent educational policy is said to be the replacement of the traditional goals of knowledge and understanding with personal and social objectives concerned with enhancing and developing confidence and self‐esteem in learners. After offering some critical observations on these developments, I suggest that there are some educationally justifiable goals underpinning what has been described as a therapeutic turn. Whilst accepting that ‘self‐esteem’ and cognate concepts cannot provide a general end or universal aim of education, the therapeutic function—the affective domain of learning—is more valuable and significant than is generally acknowledged. This claim is justified by an examination of the concept of ‘mindfulness’ which, it is argued, can be an immensely powerful and valuable notion that is integrally connected with the centrally transformative and developmental nature of learning and educational activity at all levels. The incorporation of mindfulness strategies within adult learning programmes may go some way towards re‐connecting the cognitive and affective dimensions of education.  相似文献   

Interviews with 72 pupils in grade 2–6 were used to investigate awareness of the relation between situation and computation in simple quotitive and partitive division problems as informally and formally experienced. The research approach was phenomenographic. Most second graders counted or made drawings, and related these methods to the situation described in the problems. Several of the older children, on the contrary, experienced a conflict between computation and situation in partitive division. Most second graders, but also some third, fourth and sixth graders, could still not carry out repeated addition, the precursor of multiplication. The data are finally viewed from two theoretical perspectives other than phenomenography. It was concluded that formal division, understood as related to everyday situations, only develops in interplay with informal knowledge.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Learning implies the learner's ability to make a series of decisions and, in particular, the capacity to assess the quality and reliability of one's own knowledge incapsu‐lated in the question: “How far do I already know the content I am supposed to learn?” The authors address the following issues: (1) Is realism in metacognition a stable trait in learners?; (2) If not, by what is it influenced?. After a short review of the literature on the topic and the examination of experimental evidence, metacognition is considered as both a style and a strategy. The need for a taxonomy of metacognitive realism is demonstrated in order to clarify the topic and to facilitate applied research.  相似文献   

Cultural influences on anatomy teaching and learning have been investigated by application of a questionnaire to medical students in British and Chinese Medical Schools. Results from the responses from students of the two countries were analyzed. Both groups found it easier to understand anatomy in a clinical context, and in both countries, student learning was driven by assessment. Curriculum design differences may have contributed to the British view wherein students were less likely to feel time pressure and enjoyed studying anatomy more than their Chinese counterparts. Different teaching approaches resulted in British students being more likely to recite definitions to learn, and the Chinese students found learning from cross‐sectional images easy. Cultural differences may account for the observation that British students were more inclined to ask questions in class, and the preference of Chinese students to study in small groups. The findings give evidence to show how ‘cultures of learning’ influence students' approaches and indicate the importance of cultural influences as factors amongst international and home learner groups. Anat Sci Ed 2:49–60, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在英语学习中,学生的学习风格与学习策略、学习成绩具有一定的联系。经过实践研究发现,学习者的学习风格对其学习成绩并不会产生直接性的影响,或此种影响非常微小,而学习者的学习风格将对其学习策略产生显著的影响。本文就对此进行简单分析。  相似文献   

The notion of learning gains has increasingly become apparent within the higher education literature and is gaining traction in government policies in the US and UK, reflecting a desire to “quantify” the impact of university study and teaching excellence in particular. Given the increased policy focus on learning gains, it is essential that researchers and policy makers are informed about common used approaches to measure learning gains, and their expected range and magnitude. Therefore, a systematic literature search was undertaken. 52 studies (n?=?41,009) were coded into affective, behavioural and/or cognitive learning gains. The review found a rich but diverse variety of adopted methodologies and approaches to “measure” affective, behavioural and cognitive (ABC) learning gains. Nonetheless, there is a lack of consistency in the ways in which learning gains are currently measured and reported. These inconsistencies and limitations hamper effective comparisons of learning gains and teaching excellence. We recommend a greater emphasis on longitudinal measurement of learning gains using validated approaches.  相似文献   

Research in the area of learning strategies and styles of university students has led to many studies as well as to the development of many research tools for measuring learning, but without the necessary interrelationships among the tools or within the research. The aim of this study has been to examine the interdependence among the best-known tools coming from different theoretical bases. A sample of 991 university students in their first and last years, from ten different disciplines, completed four tests: ILP, LASSI, ASI and LSQ. The scales of each test, taken as the unit of analysis, were submitted to a factor analysis by the principal-components and the principal-factors methods. The latter method revealed an overarching structure composed of the following four factors: Traditional Study Methods; Deep Processing; Elaborative Processing; and General Learning Styles. These relationships confirmed the existence of three dimensions, or paths involved in learning, with clear motivational and approach elements, and also showed a separation between Deep Processing and the Deep Approach. Finally, we carried out principal-factor analyses of ASI and LASSI, obtaining two factors for each inventory.
Résumé La recherche dans le domaine de stratégies et des styles d'apprentissage chez les étudiants universitaires à abouti à de nombreuses études et a developpé divers instruments de mesures d'apprentissage, mais san ce rapport indispensable entre études et entre instruments. Le but de cette recherche a été d'examiner l'interdepéndence entre les instruments les plus connus provenants de différentes théories.Un echantillonage de 991 étudiants universitaires de première annèe, de dix disciplines différentes ont repondu à 4 tests: ILP, LASSI, ASI et LSQ. Les échelles de chaque test, prises comme unité d'analyse ont été soumises à une analyse factorielle d'après les méthodes de composantes principales et de facteurs principaux. Celle-ci revèle una structure commune composée des 4 facteurs suivants: Méthodes d'étude traditionelles, Traitement profond, Traitement élaboratif et Styles génériques d'apprentissage. Les rapports entre aux confirment l'existence de trois dimensions, impliquées dans l'apprentissage, avec des élèments de motivations et d'approches; et ils montrent aussi une séparation entre le Traitement profond et l'Approche profonde. Finalement, nous avons réalisé une analyse factorielle d'après le méthode de facteurs principaux pour les tests ASI et LASSI, obtenant deux facteurs pour chacun des ces tests.

The purpose of this study was to synthesize the cognitive learning strategy intervention studies conducted in Korea between 1990 and 2006, using meta-analysis. By means of pre-established systematic criteria, 50 articles were selected and 97 effect sizes were calculated. Effect size was calculated using ‘the Cohen’s d’ (Cooper &; Hedges, 1994). The research questions of the present study were as follows: (a) Are cognitive learning strategies generally effective? (b) What type of cognitive learning strategy is most effective? (c) Are effect sizes of different types of cognitive learning strategies different according to the applied domains, grade levels, and achievement levels? The results of the study indicate that, first of all, the overall cognitive learning strategies (97 ESs) yielded a large effect size (ESsm=.96), which was not homogenous (Q=55.19,p <.05). Thus, in each subcategory of learners’ characteristics and applied domains, we calculated effect sizes and conducted the test of homogeneity separately. Except for grade level, the effect sizes were generally homogenous in each subcategory. The findings revealed that cognitive strategies had large effect sizes (.82–1.69). For average achieving students as well as underachieving students (Learning Disabilities), cognitive learning strategies were very effective (.82–1.42). The effect of cognitive learning strategies was very large in terms of students in all grades (1.02–1.34), except for middle school students (.70). Lastly, the implications for the application of different cognitive learning strategies were discussed.  相似文献   

Learning preferences have been indirectly linked to student success in engineering programmes, without a significant body of research to connect learning preferences with cognitive abilities. A better understanding of the relationship between learning styles and cognitive abilities will allow educators to optimise the classroom experience for students. The goal of this study was to determine whether relationships exist between student learning styles, as determined by the Felder-Soloman Inventory of Learning Styles (FSILS), and their cognitive performance. Three tests were used to assess student's cognitive abilities: a matrix reasoning task, a Tower of London task, and a mental rotation task. Statistical t-tests and correlation coefficients were used to quantify the results. Results indicated that the global–sequential, active–referential, and visual–verbal FSILS learning styles scales are related to performance on cognitive tasks. Most of these relationships were found in response times, not accuracy. Differences in task performance between gender groups (male and female) were more notable than differences between learning styles groups.  相似文献   

大学英语教学是建立在中学英语教学之上的。建立在这种基础上的大学英语教学,不仅应拓宽他们的词汇量,还应增高他们的英语口语能力、阅读能力和写作能力。由此,作为主观层面的能力构建,就应围绕着"学习风格"和"学习策略"来展开。基于本国教育大环境使然,无法照搬它国的先进教学方式。因此,应从环境适应性的角度来构建具体的教学模式。  相似文献   

Environmental education in schools is an important strategy in achieving environmental improvement. However, it needs to be based on children's understandings of environment rather than on assumptions of what children know and believe. This paper reports on a research project where school children's answers to a question 'I think the term/word environment means ' were analysed using the qualitative research method of phenomenography. Six distinct conceptions were isolated, ranging from the least sophisticated--environment as a place--to the most inclusive and expansive--environment and people in a relationship of mutual sustainability. An important qualitative difference was found between conceptions that treat the environment as an object and relational conceptions. The implications of these findings for environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of cognitive and affective support intervention on the learning outcomes of learners working with a simulation in economics. Cognitive support was given by statements in order to increase reflection and self-explanation in learners. Affective support was given by a goal-based scenario. Participants were 104 students of social science classes who were randomly allocated to a variant with cognitive and/or affective support as well as a basal variant without affective and cognitive support. Perceived germane cognitive load was increased by cognitive support but not by affective support. Understanding, as measured by posttest performance, was significantly increased by a combination of affective and cognitive support as compared to the basal variant without any support, while a single support intervention had no significant impact. The need for an augmented Cognitive Load Theory by the inclusion of affective factors is applied.  相似文献   

Educators and psychologists have evidence that students’ conceptions of learning have a profound influence on the learning process, and thus are related to learning outcomes. The purpose of this paper was to explore the conceptions of learning science held by 120 Taiwanese high school students. The interview data gathered from these students, analysed by a phenomenographic method, revealed seven categories of conceptions of learning science, including: learning science as memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating and practising tutorial problems, the increase of knowledge, applying, understanding, and seeing in a new way. The educational contexts or curricular programmes in which these high school students enrolled also played a role in their conceptions of learning science. This study finally proposed a framework to describe the variations of the conceptions of learning science, consisting of the following features: the forms of knowledge acquisition, motivational orientations, and standards of evaluating learning outcomes. How to change students’ unfruitful conceptions of learning science was also discussed.  相似文献   

在高职公共英语教学过程中,我们发现学生的自主学习能力普遍较弱,培养高职生的自主学习能力既能提高学生在校期间的英语成绩,也将有利于学生日后的继续学习。元认知策略对于提升学生的自主学习能力意义重大。本文从教师、学生和环境三方面入手,提出了运用元认知策略,提高学生自主学习能力的具体措施。  相似文献   

This study investigated the predictiveness of preferred learning styles (competitive and cooperative) and classroom climate (teacher support and disciplinary climate) on learning strategy use in mathematics. The student survey part of the Programme for International Student Assessment 2003 comprising of 4633 US observations was used in a weighted ordinary least squares multiple regression framework to predict learning strategy from preferred learning styles and classroom climate while controlling for self-efficacy and demographic variables. The results showed that preferred learning styles were the most important predictors of learning strategies used in mathematics. Educational implications were discussed.  相似文献   

In research on learning, one of the fundamental questions concerns issues of language and thought. A number of empirical studies have revealed the interplay between understanding of subject matter and meanings of language expressions to be more dynamic and ambiguous than is commonly acknowledged. The aim of this article is to outline an alternative intentional-expressive approach to the interplay between use of language and understanding of subject matter as a contribution to the theoretical development in research on learning. The approach is based on a conception of language that focuses on the function of learners’ language use in relation to subject matter in developing and expressing understanding. The learner is seen as an agent, and the focus is on the use of language from the learner's perspective. Four aspects of the relation between learners and subject matter are described and discussed. Conclusions concern the value of this approach as a complement and alternative to the dominant communicative and cognitive approaches to the role of language in learning.  相似文献   

Internationally, educational stakeholders are concerned with the high levels of student disengagement, evidenced by early school leaving, poor student behaviour, and low levels of academic achievement. The solution, student engagement, is a contested concept, theorised in a variety of different ways within academic literature. To further understand this concept, a phenomenographic study was conducted to map secondary school teachers’ conceptions of student engagement. Six qualitatively different ways of understanding student engagement were found. This research indicates that teachers do not hold similar understandings of what student engagement means. If the concept of engagement is to become educationally fruitful, the term must be more explicitly defined in educational research and government policy documents to promote shared understandings amongst stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

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