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’98上海远距离开放教育国际研讨会于今年4月15日至17日在上海电视大学召开。本次会议云集国内外百余名专家学者,并收到论文近百篇,其中相当部分具有较高学术价值。为让广大读者了解这次会议,本刊除刊登部分中文文稿全文外,还将在本栏陆续刊登与会专家学者的部分英文文稿摘要。读者若对英文文摘稿产生兴趣并欲了解原文,可来函与编辑部联系。  相似文献   

TheNecessityandCertaintyofDevelopingDistanceEducationbyZhangDeming  OnJanuary 2 4thof2 0 0 0 ,ShanghaiDistanceEducationBlocwasfounded,asaneces sityofthefurtheringofShanghaieducationalreformandthedevelopmentofeducationindus tryforthepurposeofservingeconomicco…  相似文献   

ContinuingEducationinaGlobalizedandKnowledge -basedEconomyWangYibin  Inthenewsocialparadigmofglobalizationandknowledge basedeconomy ,theguidelinewillbeglobalskills ,internationalunderstanding ,newtechnology ,information ,knowledgeandwisdom .Thisnecessitates…  相似文献   

STVU ,AModelinAsiainits 50 ?WangYibin  STVUbecameamodelofopenuniversityinChinain 4 0years,IpersonallywouldliketoraiseandproposeavisionforSTVUtobeamodelofopenuniversityinAsiaatits 50s.Thisisnotimpossible .However,tomakethevisionareality ,requiresnewthinking,newm…  相似文献   

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on whichfathers are honored by their children. On the thirdSunday in June, fathers all across the United Statesare given presents, treated to dinner or otherwisemade to fe…  相似文献   

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do You should know by now I won't listen to you Walk around with my hands Up in the air 'Cause I don't care 'Cause I'm all right I'm fine Just freak out let it go I'm gonna live my life i can't ever run and hide I won't compromise[妥协] 'Cause I'll never know I'm gonna close my eyes I can't watch the time go by I won't keep it inside  相似文献   

Teacher:Name two pronouns,Tom.Tom:Who?Me?Teacher:Good.Sitdown,please.歪打正着(英文)  相似文献   

A bug tugged at the rug.At the rug a bug tugged.If a bug tugged at the rug,Where's the rug the bug tugged?Notes:bug[bg]n.臭虫;tug[tg]v.用力地扯;rug[rg]n.小地毯绕口令(英文)  相似文献   


Valentine's Day has come and gone for this year, and I only got one small present. That may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not, for it was the most wonderful gift I have ever received on that special day.C om m ercialism has ruined m any of our annual celebrations—Easter,C hristm as, M other’s D ay, Father’s D ay. The true m eaning is often lost inadvertising hype. There are ready鄄m ade cards for every occasion, so it’s easy topick som eone else’s w ords and send them to a love…  相似文献   

Cinderella's father and mother were both dead.So she lived her aunt,who had two ugly daughters.The aunt and her daugh  相似文献   

"It's interesting what a song can do for you emotionally, professionally and socially," comments Kenny Rogers on his back-to-back hit singles, "Buy Me A Rose,"and "The Greatest," from his new gold album(唱片), "She Rides Wild Horses." "It's also great when you can continue to touch people with your music." "The Greatest," the first single from the album, struck a chord(引起回忆或感情)and touched people in a very special way."The first tinle Ⅰheard 'The Greatest'  相似文献   

初恋的滋味是甜美而青涩的,少男少女们羞涩的外表下隐藏着一颗浪漫的心。  相似文献   

Birds live in trees.Squirrels(松鼠)livein trees. But did you know that some frogslive in trees.too? The tree frog is hard to find.This frog  相似文献   

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“A house becomes a home when you can write‘I love you’on the furniture.”I can't tell you how many countless hours that I have spent cleaning! I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making sure things were just perfect—“in case someone came over.”Then I realized one day that no one came over;they were all out living life and having fun!  相似文献   

日出日落之间,总有一些美好的事情在眼前发生。让我们与Artue一起分享日落的美丽。  相似文献   

Darwin, an astronomy fancier(天文爱好者) , accustomed himself to observe the celestial body (天体) in the open country before dawn.  相似文献   

Mum was singing a lullaby(催眠曲) for 3-year-old Sophia. She sangand sang.Still,Sophia opened her eyes.  相似文献   

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life I'm walking away oh to find a better day I'm walking away from the troubles in my life I'm walking away oh to find a better day I'm walking away * Sometimes some people get me wrong When it's something I've said or done Sometimes you feel there is no fun  相似文献   

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