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A reinforcement schedule states a rule for obtaining reinforcement as a function of behavior actually emitted and perhaps as a function of additional variables. These functions are here called “feedback functions.” Behavior actually emitted is, in turn, a function of obtained reinforcement. This reciprocal interdependency was quantified for an experiment in which pigeons chose among either three or two alternatives. Shifting from three to two alternatives, and vice versa, produced changes in the distribution of responding which were approximately accounted for by equations that combined the feedback functions with the matching law for reinforced responding. These equations predicted, among other things, a violation of the constant-ratio rule of formal choice theory and an absence of simultaneous contrast effects between response alternatives reinforced on variable-interval schedules. Both predictions were approximately confirmed.  相似文献   

Israeli students are relatively older than most Western students and usually more mature. Nevertheless, not a few of them are troubled with problems like home-separation, occupational guidance, acculturation, loneliness, self-image, marital conflicts, transition from university, etc. Therefore, by using individual and group counselling, as well as crisis interventions and various workshops, Student Counselling Centers have a major role in advancing students' wellness.  相似文献   

在对开封盘鼓的起源、音乐特征及演出形式研究分析的基础上,挖掘开封盘鼓的教育意义。同时对开封盘鼓传承过程中的几种有效传承模式的进行分析,总结开封盘鼓在传承过程中的成功经验与不足,以期为其他民族文化的传承提供一定参照与借鉴。  相似文献   

英国夏山学校教育人类学考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏山学校是英国一所富有特点的实验学校,该学校以培养学生 的创新精神和健全人格为主旨,强调学生的自由发展,群体生活的民主化,并且对学生进行恰当的情感教育。  相似文献   

人既是文化的创造者,也是文化的传承者,文化的获得必须由教育提供。在教育中学生不是简单地传承文化的客体,而是主动地选择且富有创造性地把握自我价值的主体。在当前,从教育人类学视野,探讨教育中学生主体性的发展,能够为塑造具有自主性、独立性、创造性的主体的人带来某些启迪。  相似文献   

教育人类学:理论与问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教育人类学是一门以人为研究对象的应用性边缘学科 ,虽具有悠久的思想渊源 ,但在教育科学知识的分类中 ,仍属年轻学科。代表这门学科的名称的形式之多、由来之久、演变之广 ,是教育科学其他分支学科中不多见的。学科的源起是“多元的”,我们可以把教育人类学的源起与发展宏观地划分为观念教育人类学时期和实体教育人类学时期。对于它的学科地位 ,国际学界有两种截然不同的看法 ,归纳起来 ,可称之为“学科独立论”和“学科非独立论”。教育人类学是 1 9世纪末 2 0世纪初科学知识相互渗透与相互分化的产物 ,作为一个新的知识门类 ,它是以哲学、教育学和人类学的理论为基础的  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship of the emotions of teaching to teachers’ age and career stages based on experiences of educational change. Drawing on an analysis of interviews with 50 Canadian elementary, middle and high school teachers it analyzes how teachers respond emotionally to educational change at different ages and stages of career, and also how they attribute age and career-based responses to their colleagues.  相似文献   

What assessment tasks do administrators perform? What knowledge and skills do they need for these tasks? How is this information useful for professional development?  相似文献   

Analysing the paradigmatic shift from Peripatetic to Galilean physics can help to understand students' difficulties in learning Newtonian mechanics. This article promotes the use of historical texts in physics teaching as a means to support students in becoming aware of the structural differences between everyday life and scientific views of the world. The question is: Does conceptual change require paradigmatic change?  相似文献   

《文化模式》一书奠定了本尼迪克特在人类学界的地位,《菊花与刀》则是本尼迪克特运用她的“文化模式”理论研究异己文化的成功例证。对这两部著作进行内在向度和外在向度的深刻解读,探求作者的研究视角、方法与理论框架对教育人类学的研究具有方法论上的启迪和意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to examine and characterize student use of narrative and paradigmatic expression in elementary science discourse. This interpretive study occurred over a 2‐year period in a professional development school with a largely international population. This analysis focused on the narrative and paradigmatic modes of expression used by combined first–second‐ and second‐grade students in a semistructured, fairly autonomous, whole‐class conversational format. Students demonstrated competence with both modes of talk at the beginning of the year. Over time, students moved toward more paradigmatic talk, but narrative examples continued to be key components of the science conversations. Topically, students used narrative more often for life sciences and paradigmatic talk for physical sciences. For gender there were no qualitative differences in narrative or paradigmatic expression. However, boys obtained more opportunities to practice their use of both discourse forms by either receiving more speaking turns or expressing more language features per turn. These conversations show that narrative and paradigmatic modes in science need not be in opposition but can, in fact, be used together in complementary ways that are mutually enhancing. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 793–818, 2002  相似文献   

运用实地观察和深度访谈的研究方法,对贵州省“民族文化进校园”的课程设置、教学形式、教学管理、科研工作、发展规划等进行了详细的实地考察,分析了实施历程中的成效与问题.借此论证了其在保持民族文化的延续性与连带性、实现多元文化和谐共生方面的教育价值与社会文化意义.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前教育研究的两种主要的方法论范式——量化研究和质化研究,详细介绍了解释人类学的研究范式,并讨论了其对教育研究,尤其是对质化研究的启示。  相似文献   

这是一项教育人类学的个案研究。讲述了西双版纳一所乡镇中学里一个原本学习成绩不错的傣族和尚生"为什么最终没有成为好学生"的教育故事,分析与主流文化存在着巨大差异的少数民族地区里,多重文化背景下少数民族学生的教育选择与当地社会文化之间存在着何种关系。  相似文献   

随着汉语热的兴起,越来越多的外国学生选择到中国留学。随之而来的是对于不同文化背景下的日常生活及教育教学方式的适应问题。此研究以一位来华泰国留学生为例,以叙事的方式,详尽展示了来华留学生在华期间对日常生活、课程学习、人际交往等方面的具体适应状况,并进一步提出了对策建议,以期为来华留学生及其教育管理部门提供实践参考。  相似文献   

人类学视野中的情境学习   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在人类学视野中,情境学习具有其本身的特征和核心要素,社会生活与社会实践是情境学习的基础性要素;合法的边缘性参与是人类学家们对学习的诠释;实践共同体是情境学习在人类学研究领域中的核心要素;学习课程是实践共同体中所有成员在参与和互动中产出的意义。  相似文献   

It is well documented in the literature that relationships influence the lives of young children (birth to second grade). Consequently, it is essential that young children's caregivers and teachers build professional relationships with children's parents, because these relationships influence the children's present and later learning environments both at home and in school. While listening to parents is a well-established value in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education, details about what “listening to parents” means seem less clear in the literature, research, and our own pedagogy as early childhood educators. Incidentally, teacher candidates and advanced teacher students (hereafter referred to as “our students”) sometimes voice concerns related specifically to listening to parents. Yet, answers to such concerns also seem limited in the literature and the research. Therefore, the intent of this reflective position paper is threefold: to provide my fellow teacher educators with three literature-based reasons to share with our students about why it is important to listen to parents; to indentify familiar comments, concerns, and feelings that our students have voiced about listening to parents; and to provide five practical cooperative-learning activities that will potentially influence our students' practices.  相似文献   

壮族丧葬习俗的教育人类学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
长期以来,人们对流传在民族民间的传统丧葬习俗,一概视为"封建迷信".其实,从教育人类学的视觉来看,丧葬习俗的传承有利于保护民族文化,发展个体和保护生态.云南省马洒村壮族的丧葬习俗证实了这一切.  相似文献   

师生交往:彰显教育主体间性的基本途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育主体间性以其在认识教育主体与处理教育主体间关系中的优势,实现了对以往教育主体观和教育活动观的超越,它的提出不仅使我们对教育主体的理解获得了新的突破,也使我们在处理教育活动中主体与主体间关系的问题上获得了崭新的思路,因此有必要创造条件使之充分得以彰显,并成为认识与处理教育主体间关系的准则。在分析教育主体间性及师生交往等关键概念的基础之上,可以揭示师生交往作为彰显教育主体间性的基本途径之必要性与可能性,同时,对教育语言在师生交往彰显教育主体间性中的功用也可以进行必要的分析。  相似文献   

课堂教学生活:一种教育人类学的阐释   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
课堂是教师和学生的共同生活时间与空间,是他们获得生命意义的场所;课堂生活展开的主要方式有:对他人感兴趣,合作的意愿,相互尊重,交往与对话,想象、思维与创造。关注课堂教学的深层价值,不断激发课堂的生命活力。  相似文献   

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