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政策工具视角下中国太阳能产业政策文本量化研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用内容分析法,对中国自2006-2013年48份宏观太阳能产业政策文本,按照文本形式、政策年度、政策主体、政策内容4个分析维度进行频数统计和量化分析,并探讨政策工具的使用情况,深入剖析中国太阳能产业宏观扶持的特点。认为中国太阳能产业政策制定主体、技术领域以及政策工具上呈现非均衡性发展,过于偏重财政政策的扶持,合同式诱导工具使用过溢而结构式强制工具存在不足。  相似文献   

Boo-Young Eom 《Research Policy》2010,39(5):625-12407
This paper utilizes the Korea Innovation Survey data to identify the determinants of industry-university and industry-government research institute (IUG) cooperation, and its impact on firm performance. First, we find that among the determinants of IUG cooperation, traditional firm characteristic variables of size and R&D intensity are not significant, while participation in national R&D project turns out be most significant and robust in both cooperation modes. This is in contrast to the results from the cases in European countries and reflects the significance of government policies in promoting IUG cooperation in latecomer economies. Second, with regard to the impact of IUG cooperation, we conspicuously find no significant impact on the innovation probability of firms when we control the possible endogeneity, such that already innovative firms would participate more at such cooperation modes. This implies that the IUG cooperation cannot guarantee the success of a firm in technological innovation. Rather, it may have an influence on the selection or direction of the research projects of a firm. When we limited the analysis to innovative firms, we do find a positive impact of the IUG cooperation on patents generated from new product innovation but find none in terms of volume of sales or labor productivity. These results seem to reflect the still transitional nature of the national innovation system (NIS) and knowledge industrialization in Korea.  相似文献   

Qing Mu 《Research Policy》2005,34(6):759-783
This paper examines the growth of technological capability in the telecommunication industry in China. We apply a modified version of Lee and Lim's [Lee, K., Lim, C., 2001. The technological regimes, catch-up and leapfrogging: findings from the Korean industries. Research Policy, vol. 30.] model of technological learning and catching-up. Using the three cases of the Shanghai Bell, the CIT-led R&D consortium, and indigenous companies such as Huawei, we analyze how the catching-up in the telecommunication industry occurred. We find that the important factors in the catch-up are the strategy of “trading market for technology,” the knowledge diffusion from Shanghai Bell both to the R&D consortium and to Huawei, and industrial promotion by the government. As a condition for successful catch-up, the paper points out that the technological regime of the telephone switches is featured by a more predictable technological trajectory and a lower cumulativeness. These conditions and strategies helped the Chinese firms to achieve a stage-skipping catch-up, namely, by skipping the stage of analogue electronic switches to jump to digital electronic switches.  相似文献   

This research paper studies the Chinese technological system of production and innovation in the field of photovoltaics (PV). It contributes to a better understanding of the emergence and development of the system by utilizing three levels of analysis: the institutional framework of the system, the market dynamics of production and deployment, and the composition of innovation-related activities. The analysis demonstrates the interrelated roles of transnational factors, local government policies, and research and development (R&D) activities undertaken by the main actors in shaping the system dynamics. Tracking the relative position of China in the global PV manufacturing, installation and technological development, the analysis shows a gap between the growth of China’s market share and its modest share of transnational patent applications. This suggests a puzzle, which the paper attempts to answer by inspecting the individual companies in the system against four aspects. First, the dynamic development of their size and performance. Second, the nature of their international involvement through foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisition deals. Third, their technological specialization within the PV value chain over time. Fourth, the spatial scope of their patenting protection endeavours. The analysis recognises four periods of system development driven jointly by market dynamics and government plans. Behind the continuous growth of the system, there were different driving and moderating factors in each period.  相似文献   

Organizations, of all types, live in an increasingly dynamic world. Much of this dynamism is generated by developments or innovations in technology, especially information and communication technology (ICT). Some organizations take advantage of this dynamism and create new products and business models and thrive. Others ignore it or take a long time trying to adapt to it and struggle, often with negative consequences. Some of these innovations, to use the terminology of Christensen, are of a “disruptive” nature such as the telephone, the Web and recently cloud computing. This paper explores the innovation phenomenon of cloud computing and Web 2.0 and specifically examines their impact on organizational knowledge.  相似文献   

将计量分析方法引进技术创新政策研究领域,以中国和韩国两国1992—2014年间的544条技术创新政策为研究样本,政策目标、政策工具和政策协同与执行为基本维度,从政策为对象提供的收益、政策激励对象活动类型或能力发展类型、政策的宏观目标等方面将技术创新政策文本转化为半结构化数据。并对比分析了中韩两国技术创新政策的差异及其历史演变路径。研究发现:中韩两国技术创新政策执行方面呈现地方化的趋势,但是我国地方执行趋势较为缓慢;韩国技术创新政策逐渐开始关注企业吸收能力和适应能力的发展,以及参与技术创新主体之间的互补作用,技术创新政策呈现出去财政化的趋势。  相似文献   

Over the last years, there has been a significant increase in the attention paid to the activities of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). KIBS produce and diffuse knowledge, which is crucial for innovation processes. The paper gives an overview of the role and function of KIBS in innovation systems and their knowledge production, transformation and diffusion activities. Focusing on innovation interactions between manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and KIBS, the empirical analyses grasps KIBS position in five regional contexts. The analysis leads to the conclusion that innovation activities link SMEs and KIBS through the process of knowledge generation and diffusion.  相似文献   

This article uses a carefully screened patent database in automobile emission control technologies and a detailed regulatory action analysis to examine firms’ innovation in response to U.S. technology-forcing auto emissions standards enacted between 1970 and 1998. The study finds that under the performance-based technology-forcing (PBTF) auto emissions regulations, both automakers and component suppliers innovated and introduced more advanced emission control technologies for automobile applications. The study also shows that stringent PBTF regulation temporarily induced domestic U.S. firms to become more innovative than foreign firms that operated in the local U.S. market during the early phase of the regulatory regime. Findings of this research strongly imply that government intervention in the form of technology-forcing regulation can drive firms to invest in technological innovation.  相似文献   

Jackie Krafft   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1687-1706
The process by which knowledge is created, accumulated and eventually destroyed appears crucial to many industrial dynamics patterns, since it shapes the profile of evolution of industries by favouring the entry of new companies, the co-existence of incumbents and new entrants and, eventually, their selective or joint exit over time. Though problematic, and all too often neglected, the connection between two nodes of interest, Industrial Dynamics on the one hand, and Knowledge Dynamics on the other hand, thus appears as a promising field of research. On the basis of a case study in the info-communications industry, we start by emphasizing that this field of research has direct importance at the empirical level. Knowledge dynamics can create specific models of evolution among firms at the local level, such as non-shakeout patterns within the cluster, which significantly differ from more global patterns of evolution in the info-communications industry, now generally oriented towards trends of decline and bust. We further argue in favour of the development of Knowledge-Based Industrial Dynamics, an approach that lies at the interface of industry and knowledge dynamics, and which can explain how a cluster may decrease the barriers to knowledge of clustered companies and, further, create a specific knowledge dynamics that is able to shape the industrial dynamics. Finally, we document how this process of knowledge dynamics was collectively implemented in our case study on the info-communications cluster and decompose the mechanisms that led to a local non-shakeout pattern of industrial dynamics. We conclude with some remarks on the policy implications.  相似文献   

促进中国产学研结合的目标、途径与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产学研结合的目标是由初始目标、主体目标和保障性目标所构成的一个目标体系。从六个方面论述了提高产学研结合效率的途径与对策。阐述了扩大产学研外延合作边界,走出一条产学研紧密结合的国际化道路的重要性。  相似文献   

基于1996-1998年和2004-2006年国内外在华发明专利授权统计,本文首先对中国大陆本土市场上世界性企业发明专利授权活动的结构变化进行了分析;其次对美日欧及中国台湾在中国大陆的发明专利份额的变化及其影响因素进行了探讨;再次对上述国家或地区在中国大陆市场上的技术竞争态势进行了考察;最后,对分析结果的公共政策含义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

以《实用知识传播学会的便士百科全书》中有关中国的植物知识为研究对象,选取相关度较高的植物词条进行分析,发现英国人更加关注物种的多样性与文化的多样性。通过"茶"词条这一个案,具体分析中国茶知识内容、知识来源、与中国传统茶知识的差异比较;进而得出结论认为,在英国海外知识采集背景下,在华英国商人、传教士、学者在知识的形成过程中提供了重要的知识来源,在知识的阐释与传播过程中,形成了一个相对完整的知识传递链。  相似文献   

联合国WFP援华项目的经验、教训与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
扶贫开发是全人类面临的共同使命,帮助贫困地区脱贫致富也是我国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要手段。通过对全国18个省市自治区31个WFP粮援项目的调查研究,本文系统地分析了联合国WFP在华26年来“以工代赈”项目取得的成就和经验,指出了中国实施WFP援华项目过程中出现的问题和应汲取的教训,并提出了WFP援华项目经验对我国新一轮扶贫开发的有益启示。  相似文献   

The Grains containing Oil Inclusions (GOI) data in currently gas/condensate-beating Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoir sandstones of Well Pen 5 (the Mosuowan area of central Junggar Basin, NW China) are generally greater than the empirical threshold line of 5%. This is consistent with the gas-condensate section originally containing a palaeo-oil column. In order to assess the origin of the oil trapped in the oil inclusion and its relationship to the free oil/gas-condensate, a detailed molecular geochemical study was carried out for correlation between the free and inclusion oils. The paleo oil is most likely sourced from the Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation, which generated hydrocarbons primarily during Late Triassic and the oils were later secondarily altered and dysmigrated along faults likely during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. In contrast, the current reservoired oil/gas-condensate mainly derived from the Middle Permian Lower Wuerhe Formation, whose peak generation time last from Late Cretaceous even to the present. This paper showed that integrated oil-bearing fluid inclusion analyses have likely allowed a complex multi-phase charge history to be recognized and resolved with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

水土流失是威胁黄土高原地区农业可持续发展的突出生态问题.为了水土保持的需要,自1979年以来,安塞县的坡耕地被逐渐退了下来,尤其是1999年以来,该区成为全国退耕还林还草工程的重点区域之一,受补贴政策的激励,坡耕地退耕的进度加快.如何实现在水土保持生态建设过程中,提高粮食生产力水平,保障粮食自给,是关系全县生态环境恢复和社会经济发展的关键.该文根据安塞县1979年~2000年的统计资料,采用耕地动态度、耕地粮食生产力相对指数和粮食自给能力相对指数这3个指标,定量分析了安塞县各乡镇在全县粮食生产中的相对重要性.通过分析不同乡镇粮食单产变化、耕地动态度、耕地粮食生产力水平和粮食自给能力变化的特点,为合理制定县域不同水土保持分区内各乡镇退耕还林、还草进度,以及相应的以基本农田建设为主的综合措施的布局提供参考.  相似文献   

This article examines how the excise tax affects firms’ R&D investment, performance, and market strategy in the US medical device industry. The Affordable Care Act imposed a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices beginning in January 2013, and thus this study compares the medical device firms with other high-tech firms before and after the tax incidence. Using COMPUSTAT data from 2006 to 2015, the author finds that the excise tax reduced R&D investment, sales revenue, gross margins, and earnings for medical device firms. In addition, the excise tax increased their global market sales intensity, global market diversification, and customer diversification in the US domestic market.  相似文献   

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