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Entrepreneurship as a scientific field has grown significantly, irrespective of the measures used. In this article we raise the question: How can we understand the evolution and success of entrepreneurship as a scholarly field? In particular, we focus on the social structure of entrepreneurship scholars to explain (1) how they are becoming integrated into larger scholarly communities and (2) how they differ from the way scholars integrate within the field of innovation studies. Based on a unique database and responses from 870 entrepreneurship scholars, we demonstrate that entrepreneurship can be regarded as a phenomenon-driven field bound together by a shared communication system and social interaction rather than strong theoretical influences, i.e., a social scholarly community. We identify two broader social communities; one embedded in entrepreneurship conferences that includes a rather eclectic group of entrepreneurship scholars, and another related to entrepreneurship journals and entrepreneurship economics, characterized by a stronger domain orientation. In contrast, scholars in innovation studies tend to be more theory-driven and are bound together by their disciplinary and theoretical background, i.e., an intellectual scholarly community.  相似文献   

Institutional entrepreneurship has increasingly played a critical role in successfully achieving organizational transformation, especially one that involves building a digitally enabled ecosystem. However, despite fruitful research on institutional entrepreneurship, it is still not clearly understood how one might successfully achieve organizational transformation. Thus, our study aims to disambiguate this black box by examining the case study of Red Collar Group (RCG), a market leader in making custom made suits. The findings of this case highlight the significant role played by institutional entrepreneurship in achieving organizational transformation. It highlights that institutional entrepreneurship is evident in different modes of action in the transformational process of building the digital ecosystem.  相似文献   

创业研究学术论文发表现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先回顾了创业研究的起源和发展现状,而后对现有的发表于创业知名期刊上的392篇创业学术文献进行了论文发表数量、创业主题分类、创业研究内容、资料/数据收集方法和研究技术方面的分析,并对分析结果进行了详尽讨论,最后展望了将来创业研究的方向和发展趋势。  相似文献   

制度环境对国际创业绩效的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄胜  周劲波 《科研管理》2013,34(11):87-94
近年来,制度理论的视角日益被外国学者引入国际创业研究领域。本文通过对全球范围内的103家国际新创企业进行问卷调查,运用层次回归分析模型对制度环境的管制、规范和认知三个维度及其相互作用与国际创业绩效之间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明:认知制度环境及其与管制和规范制度环境之间的交互效应对国际创业绩效具有显著的预测效果,而管制和规范制度环境对国际创业绩效的直接影响则不显著。  相似文献   

Research on sustainable entrepreneurship increasingly recognizes the transformative potential of digital technologies to mitigate and counteract grand environmental and social challenges through entrepreneurial action. However, this emerging field of research, referred to as digital sustainable entrepreneurship, is currently dispersed and fragmented and lacks the consolidated foundation to progress further. This article further establishes this nascent stream by conducting a systematic literature review offering two main contributions. First, common themes are derived from the literature (i.e., enabling value for society and environment, stakeholder inclusion, venture viability, and entrepreneurial individuals) to unravel the field's current state. Second, previous work is discussed and integrated by applying a business model perspective. Specifically, the article offers a framework that contributes to the role of business models for merging sustainability and digital technologies, reconceptualizes digital technologies as business model actors, and further develops the entrepreneur-business model nexus. Based on this, we present a comprehensive and actionable research agenda and practical implications.  相似文献   

刘沁玲 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):702-709
 本文运用资料统计和分析方法,通过对近十年来中国学者关于创业学理论及其架构问题提出的各种观点、争论的焦点问题进行综合分析,检测了目前中国创业学研究的发展状态,识别了基本的研究学派,评价了作为一个研究领域的学科发展研究水平,提出了该学科研究未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how firms adapt their innovation strategies to cope with constraints in national institutional environments. It is a comparative case study of Dutch and British dedicated biotechnology firms focusing on a particular type of strategy, the hybrid model. Patterns of skill accumulation and learning present in the Dutch hybrids are indications of how they use institutional advantages to focus on low-risk innovation and build deeper competences while also pursuing high-risk innovation strategies. The Dutch hybrid model offers insight into how firms comply with the dominant logic of the biotechnology field even when their institutional frameworks encourage the pursuit of low-risk innovation strategies.  相似文献   

创业环境对女性创业的影响——以安徽省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用全球创业观察(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor,GEM)调查表在安徽省展开调研,利用736份问卷的数据研究创业环境与女性创业的关系.实证研究得出,影响安徽省女性创业的3个因素是文化与社会规范、有形基础设施和商务环境.提出了强化区域文化的创业导向、加强有形基础设施、商务环境的建设,是提高安徽省女性创业水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

While science-based entrepreneurial firms are a key feature of the modern economy, our insights into their organization and productivity remain limited. In particular, our understanding of the mechanisms through which academic inventors shape entrepreneurial firms established to commercialize their scientific ideas is based upon a traditional perspective that highlights the importance of human capital. Based on a study of biotechnology firms and their academic inventors, this paper examines the extent and mechanisms through which academic scientists contribute not only human capital but also social capital to entrepreneurial firms. The paper makes two contributions to our understanding of the academic-firm interface: First, it establishes that the social capital of academic scientists is critical to firms because it can be transformed into scientific networks that embed the firm in the scientific community through a variety of mechanisms. Second, the paper argues that an academic inventor’s career plays a critical role in shaping his social capital, thus scientific careers mediate the networks and potential for embeddedness that an academic inventor brings to a firm. Specifically, the foundations of an academic’s social capital can be traced to two sources: The first element that the firm may leverage is the academic’s local laboratory network—a network to current and former students and advisors established by the inventor through his laboratory life. The second form of social capital is a wider, cosmopolitan network of colleagues and co-authors established through the social patterns of collaboration, collegiality and competition that exemplify scientific careers. These findings suggest that scientific careers are central in shaping an academic’s social capital which can be translated into critical scientific networks in which entrepreneurial firms become embedded.  相似文献   

The incidence of revealed fraud and dishonesty in academia is on the rise, and so is the number of studies seeking to explain scientific misconduct. This paper builds on the concepts of competing logics and institutional fields to analyze a serious case of medical and scientific misconduct at a leading research institute, Karolinska in Sweden, home to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.By distinguishing between a market-oriented, a medical and an academic logic, the study analyzes how various actors ? executives, research leaders, co-authors, journal editors, medical doctors, science bloggers, investigative journalists and documentary filmmakers ? sustained or tried to expose the misconduct. Despite repeated warnings from patient-responsible doctors and external academic reviewers, Karolinska protected the surgeon, Paolo Macchiarini, until a documentary film at the Swedish national public TV exposed the fraud which led to public inquiries and proposals for a new national ethics legislation.The analysis illustrates the power of a market-oriented logic focused on brand and image at the research institute and at a leading journal, but also the perseverance of the logics of scientific scrutiny and medical care among practicing doctors and independent academics although the carriers of these logics were less well organized than the carriers of the market-oriented logic. Furthermore, the analysis shows the problem of fragmented control in the academic institutional field. The discussion of remedies compares the Karolinska case, where media actors were instrumental in sanctioning the perpetrators, with a similar instance of medical misconduct at Duke in the US where the government agency (ORI) intervened and shows the limitations of both types of actors. The conclusion highlights the importance of studying misconduct management and institution-building in different fields to develop effective remedies.  相似文献   

【目的】 借鉴知名科技期刊Nature Biotechnology在“韩春雨事件”中的作用与表现,探讨中国科技期刊在学术争议中的处理流程与应对策略。【方法】 采取典型案例法,对事件的关键节点与当事期刊的处理流程进行分析。【结果】 中国科技期刊和科学共同体在应对学术争议时存在发现机制缺失、互动机制不足、职能缺失等问题。【结论】 中国科技期刊应加强自身能力建设,建立常态化与专业化的学术评议委员会与专家库,加强防治体系建设,提升学术争议事件的处理能力。加强与科学共同体的合作、自治与调节监督,有助于促进科技期刊的机制建设与健康发展。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(9):104160
While previous comparative research has identified the formal institutional conditions that differentiate countries on their degree of informal entrepreneurship, this paper examines the characteristics that shape cross-national diversity in its type. Based on a series of fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analyses (fs/QCA) of 138 country cases, we find evidence of causal heterogeneity in the configuration of institutional conditions associated with entrepreneurial outcomes that are informal and growth-oriented and those that are informal and subsistence-oriented. Given our results, we propose that the formal institutional-based conditions that differentiate between types of informal sectors are best identified by the conjoint mixture of strength and weakness of state capabilities across multiple domains, rather than by uniform weakness, or voids, along all state functions. In our discussion, we explore the implication of our configurational-based findings for the comparative analysis of national systems of informal entrepreneurship and for the tailoring of policies to account for the multiple institutional-based pathways by which entrepreneurs come to enter into the informal economy.  相似文献   

用户因当前产品或服务无法满足自身需求,而主动进行创新并将其商业化的过程称为“用户创业”。用户创业主体及其创业活动均呈现独特性,然而现有研究主要从各自研究视角关注用户创业的某方面问题,缺乏对用户创业进行全面揭示。基于此,本研究在系统梳理经典文献基础上首先界定用户创业内涵,随后提炼用户创业动机,梳理用户创业的关键影响因素,进一步从机会开发和资源开发视角解析用户创业活动独特性,最后总结用户创业结果。在此基础上,本研究构建用户创业的综合研究框架,总结当前研究不足并展望未来研究方向,为后续研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

The role of the public sciences in supporting the growth of new industries with radically innovative technologies has varied between countries that encourage different levels of reputational competition and intellectual pluralism and flexibility. These two characteristics of public science systems help to explain: (a) significant differences in the degree to which research is coordinated across universities and similar organisations to solve common problems and, (b) the ease with which new intellectual goals and approaches are developed and incorporated into research programmes to deal with new kinds of problems. They thus help to account for continuing differences in the rate at which public science systems produce highly novel intellectual innovations and deal with a variety of problems.These characteristics of public science systems are in turn affected by four major features of the institutional frameworks governing the production of public formal knowledge in different countries. These are: the extent of state delegation of employment and resources control to scientific elites, concentration of intellectual and administrative control within research organisations, the stability and strength of the hierarchy of research organisations, and organisational segmentation of research goals and labour markets. Together these features help to explain major differences in competition and pluralism between public science systems.  相似文献   

Inspired by the proposition that “Enterprise IS configurations chosen by the organisations will encode institutionalised principles into these systems” (Gosain, 2004, p. 169), this study seeks to draw attention to potential sources of misalignment between knowledge management (KM) software and the implementing organisation from an institutional theory perspective. Using a case of a global consultancy firm, the study elucidates such misalignments as the consequence of different institutional contexts where technology developers and adopters operate. This study demonstrates how institutional forces affect the implementation project and provides some lessons learned for organisations that are rich in high-value text-based knowledge for making decisions.  相似文献   

Radical, breakthrough innovations create not only great industrial possibilities, but also great social uncertainties. When a breakthrough medical technology is discovered, the question arises as to whether to accept the possible risks involved, or to defer implementing the innovation until more data is available, and, specifically, until others have taken up the innovation and demonstrated both its efficacy, its relative safety and market acceptance. Specifically, when a firm discovers a new candidate substance for a first in its class drug, how to evaluate the potential risks becomes a key predicament for management. This paper focuses on the role of a firm's social networks and national innovation system context in influencing the social epistemology around potential breakthrough innovations. Through an examination of the processes of drug development related to the same candidate substance in a Japanese firm and an American firm, we suggest that, in addition to organizational capabilities at the corporate level, social capital, specifically formed under a certain innovation system, plays a key role in leading to the successful introduction of breakthrough innovations.  相似文献   

覃睿 《科研管理》2015,36(7):137-144
基于国家创业系统现有研究成果,对创业既是一种现象又是一个过程的认识,构建基于创业过程的国家创业系统概念框架及评价模型,从GEM-2012、DEDI-2012/2013和GCI-2012/2013中选取43个国家为样本及相关数据,运用可变规模收益条件下的非径向链式网络DEA方法,对国家创业系统效率进行综合评价。研究发现,对于效率驱动型样本和全部样本,我国国家创业系统及其节点都是无效的,其中非正式社会网络、商务环境、市场规模、胜任的人力资源和社会对创业态度五个投入要素需改进空间最大。因此,要提升我国国家创业系统综合效率,极为重要的是改进社会对创业的态度以提升创业意向形成效率,大幅度改进非正式网络、商务环境、市场规模和胜任的人力资源等要素,令更多具有创业意向的潜在创业者做出创业决策,开展创业活动。  相似文献   

冯海红  曲婉 《科研管理》2019,40(4):168-178
作为新型孵化器,众创空间创业模式和发展路径受到社会网络的显著影响,并与一般孵化器存的形成机理和运作模式在较大差异。本文从众创空间的行动导向出发,将社会网络解析为资本网络、市场网络、技术网络、专业服务网络、媒体网络和制度网络等六个方面,在此基础上研究影响众创空间创新创业模式差异化的关键社会网络因素。研究发现,行动导向下的多元网络协同治理决定了众创空间的创业模式,不同类型的社会网络对众创空间创新创业模式有着差异化的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】 为改善科技期刊基层作者科技论文写作问题多和缺乏有效指导的现状提供参考。【方法】 结合《广东电力》近年开展的20多期科技论文写作培训经验,以读者调查和日常来稿实例为基础,多角度剖析基层作者在科技论文写作中存在的问题,并对培训的重点内容、高效方式、培训规模等进行探索。【结果】 基层作者在论文写作过程中的主要问题为存在思想认识误区、缺少阅读习惯、缺乏写作常识、轻写作重发表等,开展科技论文写作培训对解决这些问题具有重要意义。【结论】 科技期刊开展的基层作者论文写作培训,不仅可以帮助基层作者掌握写作方法,提升自信;还有利于宣传期刊、培养作者、拓宽优质稿源,进而提升期刊影响力;同时基层培训也是科技期刊宣传规范化写作应尽的社会责任。  相似文献   

虽然很多学者相信机会识别和资源整合在公司创业精神和绩效之间起了中介作用,但了解"如何发生作用"的知识却十分缺乏。基于235家珠三角公司实证研究并辅以案例分析,得出如下结论:(1)渐进式公司创业精神对机会识别和资源整合的促进作用,在成长型市场和东方文化的情境下影响强度更大;(2)激进式公司创业精神对机会识别和资源整合的促进作用,在成熟与竞争市场和西方文化的情境下影响强度更大。研究结论丰富了公司创业精神和绩效关系的相关理论,对公司创业实践,尤其是中国公司施行创业精神的实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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