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Recent studies have advocated different technological innovation capabilities (TICs) and discussed their impact on a firm’s competitive performance. This paper introduces a study framework of innovation audit and examines the relevance of seven TICs to building and sustaining the competitiveness of Chinese firms. Empirical data was acquired through a recent study of 213 Chinese firms in Beijing, China. Regression analysis was employed to examine the correlation between TICs and innovation rate, sales growth, and product competitiveness among these firms. The findings verify that R&D and resources allocation capabilities are the two most important TICs. A strong R&D capability could safeguard innovation rate and product competitiveness in large and medium-sized firms, whereas a resources allocation capability would enhance the sales growth in small firms. However, the impact of learning and organising capabilities on a firm’s innovation performance has yet to be investigated.The findings of this paper suggest that Chinese firms should consider a more balanced focus on their TICs’ harmonising enhancement. In order to maintain their sustainable development, effectively plan and implement their innovation strategies as well as enhance their whole innovation capability, Chinese firms should closely relate their TICs to the formulation of technology strategy and harmonisation of innovation and R&D activities.  相似文献   

在全球化和开放式创新背景下,后发企业技术追赶正呈现出起点更高、范围更广、速度更快等"新型技术追赶"特征,而传统技术追赶理论并未很好地解释这一现象背后的创新能力演化过程与机理。本文依据动态能力理论,通过对中集集团罐箱业务的技术追赶与创新能力演化过程进行纵向案例分析,探讨了后发企业如何通过开放式创新实现新型技术追赶和推动创新能力演化。研究发现:(1)技术并购日益成为开放式创新条件下后发企业实现新型技术追赶、快速提升创新能力的重要方式;(2)企业动态能力在后发企业新型技术追赶和较快积累创新能力中起到重要作用,而动态能力本身也可以在运用中不断提升。本研究可以为后发企业实现快速技术追赶和提升创新能力提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Journal and conference publications are well-known measures of scientific and academic research productivity. Prior research on scientific productivity that studies dimensions such as research culture, technological support, and researcher collaboration focuses on Western world contexts. Asian countries, such as Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan have received attention recently for the quality of their educational institutions, which have increasingly emphasized research productivity. With a large number of established and funded public universities, these countries show a strong potential for future scientific research. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence the research productivity of scholars in these countries. In this paper the focus is specifically on the research productivity of students and faculty members in three countries: Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. We investigate an important factor that influences research productivity: technology usage, which we conceptualize as the summation of mobile phone and computer usage. In addition, we analyze the relationship between technology usage and international collaboration.  相似文献   

韩国中小企业技术创新现状与扶持政策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
闵京基  潜伟 《科学学研究》2004,22(6):600-605
二十世纪六十年代以来,韩国经济发展引人注目。本文在阐述韩国中小企业发展历程、韩国中小企业的技术创新现状与技术创新政策的基础上,分析在韩国中小企业技术创新政策中的问题,建议政策措施,意在为发展中国家制订中小企业技术创新政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Given that biomedical innovation involves intense collaboration across disciplines, occupations and organizations, a nation's integrative capabilities (the ability to move between basic science and clinical development) and relational capabilities (the ability to collaborate with diverse organizations) have been identified as crucial. This paper deploys qualitative analysis of biomedical innovation in the UK and US to identify mechanisms influencing innovation at the project level through which these macro level capabilities may have effects. From this a propositional framework is developed that helps explain the likely impact of such capabilities for characteristically different kinds of innovation projects at the micro level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of creative resources in the emergence of the Japanese video game industry. We argue that creative resources nurtured by popular cartoons and animation sector, combined with technological knowledge accumulated in the consumer electronics industry, facilitated the emergence of successful video game industry in Japan. First we trace the development of the industry from its origin to the rise of platform developers and software publishers. Then, knowledge and creative foundations that influenced the developmental trajectory of this industry are analyzed, with links to consumer electronics and in regards to cartoons and animation industry.  相似文献   

基于1996-1998年和2004-2006年国内外在华发明专利授权统计,本文首先对中国大陆本土市场上世界性企业发明专利授权活动的结构变化进行了分析;其次对美日欧及中国台湾在中国大陆的发明专利份额的变化及其影响因素进行了探讨;再次对上述国家或地区在中国大陆市场上的技术竞争态势进行了考察;最后,对分析结果的公共政策含义进行了讨论.  相似文献   


Much of the Knowledge Management (KM) literature assumes that all relevant knowledge can be represented as information and 'managed'. But the meaning of information is always context-specific and open to subsequent reinterpretation. Moving over time or between contexts affords scope for new meanings to emerge. Making sense of information signals (speech, body language, tone-of-voice or whatever)--Aand the absence of such signals--Ainvolves dimensions of individual and collective tacit knowledge that are frequently misrepresented or ignored in mainstream KM. By relating power and knowledge to 'rules of the game', it is possible to consider how the contexts in which information is rendered meaningful are bounded, as well as crucially related in the stretch between macro-level processes and micro-level practices. In the knowledge debate, Japan stands as a counterfactual to Anglo-Saxon expectations about formal rules, liberal individualism and market-rational entrepreneurship. While seminal accounts of knowledge creation in Japanese companies impelled the West towards KM, there has been no corresponding KM-boom in Japan. Our interpretation of the processes by which Japanese and Anglo-Saxon practices are situated suggests that KM is limited by the separation of knowledge from power and information from meaning.  相似文献   

本文通过对上海和韩国现行的主要科技创新人才培养政策进行比较分析,挖掘韩国人才培养政策可借鉴的优势特点,为上海人才培养政策的进一步优化完善提供启示。研究发现,二者在政策对象、政策目标、政策实施和政策评价等方面既有相同之处,也存在一定的差异。上海人才培养政策可以在扩大培养对象范围、优化人才培养模式、构建综合培养体系等方面进一步考虑。  相似文献   

Fulvio Castellacci   《Research Policy》2008,37(6-7):978-994
This article presents a new sectoral taxonomy that combines manufacturing and service industries within the same framework. This exercise is relevant because it aims at greater integration between the study of sectoral patterns of innovation in manufacturing and services, stressing the increasing importance of vertical linkages and inter-sectoral knowledge exchanges between these interrelated branches of the economy. The relevance of the new taxonomy is illustrated with reference to the innovative activities and economic performance of manufacturing and service industries in Europe. This empirical evidence, which presents fresh results from the Fourth Community Innovation Survey, supports the relevance of the taxonomy by showing the great variety of sectoral patterns of innovation in European industries.  相似文献   

This paper examines how innovation-related capabilities for production, design and marketing develop at the subsidiary level within multinational enterprises (MNEs). We focus on how subsidiary autonomy and changing opportunities to access external (host country) sources of capability contribute to the accumulation of specialist capabilities in five Taiwan-based MNE subsidiaries in the semiconductor industry. Longitudinal analysis shows how the accumulation process is subject to discontinuities, as functional divisions are (re)opened and closed during the lifetime of the subsidiary. A composite set of innovation output measures also shows significant variations in within-function levels of capability across our sample. We conclude that subsidiary specialisation and unique subsidiary-specific advantages have evolved in a way that is strongly influenced by the above factors.  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is a striking example of the disconnect between the location of knowledge creation and its commercial development. I argue that national technological performance in biotechnology is critically affected by institutions governing scientific careers, which shape the professional identities and boundary-spanning activities of research scientists. I test this in a comparison of the United States and France. Drawing on fieldwork and analysis of patent data, I compare institutional frameworks and estimate models of forward patent citations. The models show that entrepreneurial firms are associated with high-performing innovations in this sector whereas large established firms perform poorly in both countries, and highlight the importance of institutions in creating country-specific combinations of human capital with organizational capabilities.  相似文献   

2021年10月日本首相岸田文雄在施政演说中表明科技立国是日本增长战略的第一支柱,但近年来日本诸多学者、媒体等指出日本科研发展正在迅速衰落,其国内各界对此似乎已形成共识,但中国学界对这一问题却鲜有研究;而当前,正如20世纪八九十年代的日本,中国的科研实力快速提升,但在此过程中也容易积累诸多问题。在此背景下,通过对Web of Science、InCites等判断各国科学研究发展状况的重要数据库中相关数据进行分析,跟踪研究日本的科研发展历程,解析其产生困难的原因,追踪其破解难题的思路,汲取科学研究发展的有益经验。结果显示:21世纪以来,日本科研竞争力发展陷入困境主要表现在科研产出数量和质量表现不佳、在热门研究领域及小岛型研究领域的参与度下滑和在国际科研合作的存在感减弱三方面,主要受确保科研产出的基本要素(人员、时间、经费)不足、以“选择与集中”为代表的科技政策显现副作用以及部分传统社会习惯和研究的内向化、保守化倾向等抑制作用等多种因素综合影响,对此日本政府不断探索破解困境的举措,重点围绕人才、资金与环境等方面推进政策改革。从科研发展的总体趋势来看,尽管日本科研发展速度有所放缓,但其科研实...  相似文献   

美英日韩政府技术创新推动作用的比较分析及启示   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
政府是国家创新系统的核心要素之一,为了提高国家创新系统的整体创新绩效,必须有效发挥政府在技术创新中的推动作用和正确界其作用范围,方式和程度,本文从我国政府在技术创新中所存在的问题出发,在分析美英日韩四国政府在技术创新中所发挥的推动作用的基础上,通过揭示其性性和成功经验,探讨了现阶段有效发挥我国政府在技术创新中的推动作用的途径。  相似文献   

基于177家中国外包企业创新管理的数据,本文采用多元层级回归方法,对组织记忆、组织学习、需求不确定性与供应商创新能力之间的关系进行了理论探讨和实证检验,试图揭示出组织记忆和组织学习对供应商创新能力的差异性影响,并对顾客需求不确定性在组织记忆、组织学习与供应商创新能力的关系中所扮演的调节效应进行了实证分析。研究结果显示,在外包情境下,组织记忆对供应商创新能力的正向影响大于组织学习的正向影响;需求不确定性对组织记忆与供应商创新能力之间的关系具有显著的正向调节作用,而对组织学习与供应商创新能力之间的关系具有显著的负向调节作用。  相似文献   

技术创新是汽车企业之间竞争的焦点,如何既快又好地创新,是国家、企业及专家学者都在探索的问题。从核心企业创新网络的角度,对核心企业创新网络的概念及典型结构进行了分析,比较了美国、日本、中国大型汽车企业创新网络中各个要素和参与度以及创新网络的结构;同时,还比较探讨了美国、日本、中国大型汽车企业创新网络的创新机制及创新模式;...  相似文献   

陈晓红  于涛 《科学学研究》2013,31(4):585-595
在营销能力与市场绩效的关系研究中,引入中介变量技术创新,从技术创新的视角出发,为技术创新构建3个维度,研究营销能力通过技术创新对市场绩效的影响作用,并对我国340家中小上市企业进行实证分析。研究结果表明,营销能力对于市场绩效有显著影响,同时,营销能力会通过企业技术创新的2个维度(研发投入和技术投入)对市场绩效产生显著影响,然而专利对二者关系的中介作用并不显著。研究结果丰富了企业对营销能力的认识,为企业的技术创新和以后的发展策略都有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

何凌云  殷勇  程怡 《资源科学》2014,36(12):2529-2539
理论上讲,能源价格可以通过影响能源消费结构、技术水平和产业结构对能源强度产生调节作用。基于此,本文以1965-2012年中、美、日三国时间序列数据为样本,采用多项式分布滞后模型、岭回归、路径分析、状态空间模型等方法,从直接效力、调节效力及时变效力方面对三国能源价格与能源强度关系,包括总体效力和影响路径进行对比分析。结果表明:1三国能源价格对能源强度均具有显著的负向调节作用,中国能源价格作用效力最为显著,美日两国较弱且作用相当,这说明以能源价格为核心的间接手段对于中国节能减排尚有很大的空间,而发达国家则更多地依赖于其他减排手段;2从调节路径来看,中、美两国的调节路径较为单一,而日本可以经由多种路径实现调节,这与一国市场化水平、资源禀赋、技术水平后发优势等具有一定的关联;3能源价格对能源强度的作用存在非对称性,在不同发展阶段,三国存在调控方向及调控路径上的差异,但并未表现出明显的变动趋势。  相似文献   

陈晓红  蔡志章 《科研管理》2007,28(5):94-101
为了可以在新产品开发阶段找出真正消费者所需要的产品,企业应该及早将在新产品开发过程中所需要的信息,提供给组织各部门了解,让新产品开发后的失败率降到最低。本文通过发放调查问卷,建立回归模型,分析了顾客互动和市场知识能力对商品化成功程度的影响。研究发现产品开发阶段的过程中与顾客合作与互动的程度愈高,对商品化成功程度则愈有正向的影响;而市场知识能力对商品化成功程度具有正向的影响。  相似文献   

技术"引进消化吸收再创新"是加快创新型省份建设的重要途径,日本、韩国也曾借用过这个模式走入创新型国家的行列。本文分析了当前山东省技术引进消化吸收再创新的成绩、特点和存在的问题,并通过借鉴日韩的经验,分别从政府宏观管理、法律法规、体制机制等方面提出了提升山东省技术引进消化吸收再创新能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

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