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The manufacturing sector is envisioned to be heavily influenced by artificial-intelligence-based technologies with the extraordinary increases in computational power and data volumes. A central challenge in the manufacturing sector lies in the requirement of a general framework to ensure satisfied diagnosis and monitoring performances in different manufacturing applications. Here, we propose a general data-driven, end-to-end framework for the monitoring of manufacturing systems. This framework, derived from deep-learning techniques, evaluates fused sensory measurements to detect and even predict faults and wearing conditions. This work exploits the predictive power of deep learning to automatically extract hidden degradation features from noisy, time-course data. We have experimented the proposed framework on 10 representative data sets drawn from a wide variety of manufacturing applications. Results reveal that the framework performs well in examined benchmark applications and can be applied in diverse contexts, indicating its potential use as a critical cornerstone in smart manufacturing.  相似文献   

Most current document retrieval systems require that user queries be specified in the form of Boolean expressions. Although Boolean queries work, they have flaws. Some of the attempts to overcome these flaws have involved “partial-match” retrieval or the use of fuzzy-subset theory. Recently, some generalizations of fuzzy-subset theory have been suggested that would allow the user to specify queries with relevance weights or thresholds attached to terms. The various query-processing methods are discussed and compared.  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2019,356(17):10179-10195
This paper investigates event-triggered formation control problems for general linear multi-agent systems. The time-varying formation this paper studied can be described by a bounded piecewise differentiable vector-valued function. Firstly, a time-varying formation control protocol based on event-triggered scheme is constructed by the states of the neighboring agents. Each agent broadcasts its state information to neighbor nodes if the triggering condition is satisfied, and the communication load is decreased significantly. Then, an algorithm consisting of three steps is proposed to design the event-triggered formation control protocol. Moreover, it is proven that under the designed event-triggered formation protocol, the multi-agent systems can achieve the desired time-varying formation which belongs to the feasible formation set with the bounded formation error and the closed systems do not exhibit Zeno behavior. Finally, simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust adaptive control scheme is proposed for the leader following control of a class of fractional-order multi-agent systems (FMAS). The asymptotic stability is shown by a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. The nonlinear dynamics of the agents are assumed to be unknown. Moreover, the communication topology among the agents is assumed to be unknown and time-varying. A deep general type-2 fuzzy system (DGT2FS) using restricted Boltzmann machine (RMB) and contrastive divergence (CD) learning algorithm is proposed to estimate uncertainties. The simulation studies presented indicate that the proposed control method results in good performance under time-varying topology, unknown dynamics and external disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed DGT2FS is verified also on modeling problems with high dimensional real-world data sets.  相似文献   

Fairness is fundamental to all information access systems, including recommender systems. However, the landscape of fairness definition and measurement is quite scattered with many competing definitions that are partial and often incompatible. There is much work focusing on specific – and different – notions of fairness and there exist dozens of metrics of fairness in the literature, many of them redundant and most of them incompatible. In contrast, to our knowledge, there is no formal framework that covers all possible variants of fairness and allows developers to choose the most appropriate variant depending on the particular scenario. In this paper, we aim to define a general, flexible, and parameterizable framework that covers a whole range of fairness evaluation possibilities. Instead of modeling the metrics based on an abstract definition of fairness, the distinctive feature of this study compared to the current state of the art is that we start from the metrics applied in the literature to obtain a unified model by generalization. The framework is grounded on a general work hypothesis: interpreting the space of users and items as a probabilistic sample space, two fundamental measures in information theory (Kullback–Leibler Divergence and Mutual Information) can capture the majority of possible scenarios for measuring fairness on recommender system outputs. In addition, earlier research on fairness in recommender systems could be viewed as single-sided, trying to optimize some form of equity across either user groups or provider/procurer groups, without considering the user/item space in conjunction, thereby overlooking/disregarding the interplay between user and item groups. Instead, our framework includes the notion of statistical independence between user and item groups. We finally validate our approach experimentally on both synthetic and real data according to a wide range of state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms and real-world data sets, showing that with our framework we can measure fairness in a general, uniform, and meaningful way.  相似文献   

This paper solves the finite-time consensus problem for discrete time multi-agent systems (MASs) where agents update their values via linear iteration and the interactions between them are described by signed digraphs. A sufficient condition is presented that the agents can reach consensus on any given linear function of multiple initial signals in finite time, i.e., there exists an eventually positive Laplacian-based matrix associated with the underlying graph. We prove that the linear iterative framework “ratio consensus” developed for unsigned graphs in the literature can be extended to the computation for signed graphs with appropriate modifications. Our method weakens the limitation of the iterative framework on the “marginal Schur stability” of the weight matrix without increasing the computational complexity. Reaching average consensus on unsigned graphs as in the literature is regarded as a special case of our algorithm. Two illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the correctness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

In this paper the structure theory of the state space is developed for a class of state-affine systems.On the basis of the properties of reachability and indistinguishability with respect to a given state, the state space decomposition is operated and the input–output behaviour is characterized.  相似文献   

It is well known that a fractional-order system with a continuous right hand side does not have finite-time stable equilibria, but the discontinuous case has remained elusive in literature. Thus, based on novel mathematical tools, recently published in literature, it is demonstrated that attaining finite-time stable equilibria is not possible for a fractional-order system, not even in the case of an impulsive or discontinuous feedback. In consequence, it is demonstrated that, for a fractional-order system, a Lyapunov stable equilibrium cannot be at the same time finite-time stable.  相似文献   

We provide a solution to the adaptive control problem of an unknown linear system of a given derivation order, using a reference model or desired poles defined in a possibly different derivation order and employing continuous adjustment of parameters ruled by possibly another different derivation order. To this purpose, we present an extension for the fractional settings of the Bezout’s lemma and gradient steepest descent adjustment. We analyze both the direct and indirect approaches to adaptive control. We discuss some robustness advantages/disadvantages of the fractional adjustment of parameters in comparison with the integer one and, through simulations, the possibility to define optimal derivation order controllers.  相似文献   

This paper develops a unified approach for modeling and controlling mechanical systems that are constrained with general holonomic and nonholonomic constraints. The approach conceptually distinguishes and separates constraints that are imposed on the mechanical system for developing its physical structure between constraints that may be used for control purposes. This gives way to a general class of nonlinear control systems for constrained mechanical systems in which the control inputs are viewed as the permissible control forces. In light of this view, a new and simple technique for designing nonlinear state feedback controllers for constrained mechanical systems is presented. The general applicability of the approach is demonstrated by considering the nonlinear control of an underactuated system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general theory of decoupling a system of nonuniform lossless coupled lines with the aid of linear transformations. The lines have a common return and support only TEM waves. It is shown that the solution of the decoupling problem is equivalent to that of the simultaneous diagonalization of a set of real constant matrices through specially related pairs of congruent and similarity transformations. The solution of the equivalent problem yields the necessary and sufficient conditions for decoupling the system of coupled lines. A systematic procedure for decoupling is then presented. A special case is studied for which the decoupling problem becomes simpler. Finally, we have derived a set of equivalent but considerably simpler necessary and sufficient conditions for decoupling the frequently used system of a pair of lossless coupled lines.  相似文献   

针对采用改进DNF(denoise-and -forward)方案的Two-way中继系统,提出一种满足匹配性的调制映射方案,进一步提高了DNF方案的BER(bit error rate)性能,并给出BER的计算方法.仿真结果验证了BER计算方法的正确性,以及满足匹配性的调制映射方案的有效性.  相似文献   

The paper discusses multilinear, and more generally multidecomposable, machines. An m-linear machine is shown to be realizable as a network of k-linear machines for k?(m-1), linked by certain memoryless m-linear maps. In this way, an m-linear machine can be broken down into linear machines and multilinear memoryless maps.  相似文献   

While there are several partial solutions to model some aspects of cities (e.g. transportation or energy), there is no framework allowing modelling of a complex system such as a city. This paper aims on providing a solution that can be used by practitioners to model impact of different scenarios and smart city projects encapsulating different subsystems, such as transportation, energetics or, for example, eGovernment. The term “smart cities” is classified into Systems Theory, particularly focusing on Cyber-Physical Systems. This classification is further elaborated to define a new term, so-called Smart City Agent (SCA). The SCA is considered as the main building block for modelling smart cities. The approach within this paper however stresses the interconnection of different systems within a city. Its’ strength is in better exchange of data and among heterogeneous agents. This information management approach is the missing key in the growing market of partial smart city solutions as it will allow simulation of solutions in complex systems such as a city. The suitability of usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a use case dealing with charging of electrical vehicles. The results show that the approach is suitable for modelling of dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the convergence analysis of iterative learning control for linear systems under general data dropouts at both measurement and actuator sides. By using a simple compensation mechanism for the dropped data, the sample path behavior along the iteration axis is analyzed and formulated as a Markov chain first. Based on the Markov chain, the recursion of the input error is reformulated as a switching system, and then a novel convergence proof is established in the almost sure sense under mild design conditions. Illustrative examples are provided to verify the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the fixed-time stabilization control problem for general linear systems with input delay is addressed. In addition to the Artstein–Kwon–Pearson reduction transformation, a pre-compensation control structure is established first to convert the original system into a single input delay-free linear system. Then, we show that the origin of the transformed system is fixed-time stabilizable by an additional homogeneous control design if the original system is controllable. Finally, an example is used to validate the proposed method via simulation results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a well-defined general matrix framework for modelling Information Retrieval (IR). In this framework, collections, documents and queries correspond to matrix spaces. Retrieval aspects, such as content, structure and semantics, are expressed by matrices defined in these spaces and by matrix operations applied on them. The dualities of these spaces are identified through the application of frequency-based operations on the proposed matrices and through the investigation of the meaning of their eigenvectors. This allows term weighting concepts used for content-based retrieval, such as term frequency and inverse document frequency, to translate directly to concepts for structure-based retrieval. In addition, concepts such as pagerank, authorities and hubs, determined by exploiting the structural relationships between linked documents, can be defined with respect to the semantic relationships between terms. Moreover, this mathematical framework can be used to express classical and alternative evaluation measures, involving, for instance, the structure of documents, and to further explain and relate IR models and theory. The high level of reusability and abstraction of the framework leads to a logical layer for IR that makes system design and construction significantly more efficient, and thus, better and increasingly personalised systems can be built at lower costs.  相似文献   

粗糙集理论在科研能力综合评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在科研能力综合评价中引入粗糙集理论,利用该理论充分挖掘已知数据之间的联系来确定评价指标的权重,避免人为干预所带来的主观性.实验证明,利用粗糙集理论的评价结果令人满意.  相似文献   

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