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Motivated by the seeming presence of the productivity paradox in China, this research revisits the question of how information technology (IT) affects firm performance. Leveraging the process-based view of IT, we establish a theoretical framework for the mediation factors for the relationship between IT capabilities and performance. Based on a survey of 127 companies in China, we find that a firm's management capabilities to manage both its internal and external business processes fully mediate the impact of IT on firm performance. The two management capabilities in this study are business-process management capability and supply-chain management capability. Our results show that only the coherent integration of IT capability with firm’s ability to optimize business processes and to improve management of supply chains can enhance firm performance. Firms should avoid the fallacy that IT investments are solely responsible for better firm performance. Based on our findings, we discuss the implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

IT addiction scholarship indicates that pathological use of IT such as games or social media is on the rise. While pathological IT use, such as addictive behavior, can negatively affect private, social and work life, individuals displaying addictive behavior toward an IT are challenged to overcome their addiction. In this study, we aim to offer insights into how and why IT addicts stop their pathological IT use by terminating to use the IT. We interview individuals who have overcome their IT addiction to games and social media, finding that some IT addicts terminate their use of the IT without external support because they had a strong intrinsic or extrinsic motivation or because they felt stressed, frustrated or guilty. Other IT addicts required external support, contacting a therapist after unsuccessful attempts to quit or after experiencing a shocking event. This study establishes a new strand of research into ending pathological IT use and becoming an ex-user. We theorize IT addiction as part of the IT lifecycle alongside adoption, usage and discontinuation. We also offer practical insights into why some individuals can terminate pathological IT use on their own, while others require external support.  相似文献   

综合专利活动影响企业绩效的相关理论和实证结果,提出了三条基本假设,并基于55家中国电子信息百强企业在1996年到2007年的面板数据,应用多项式分布滞后(PDL)模型对假设进行了验证。研究发现在我国电子信息产业,专利活动可以显著地提高企业绩效,而且专利申请对销售收入的贡献高于专利授权,专利授权对利润的贡献高于专利申请。  相似文献   

基于中国进口扩张的现实背景,以1998-2013年中国制造业企业为研究样本,采用CEPII-BACI数据库、中国工业企业专利数据库和中国工业企业数据库的多重匹配数据,系统检验进口竞争对中国制造业企业研发创新的影响效应和作用机制.结果 表明:进口竞争显著降低企业产品创新程度,突破式创新和渐进式创新同时被削弱,且对高竞争行业、高政企关联企业和低技术行业创新的负面作用更为显著;熊彼特效应是中国制造业企业应对进口竞争的主导模式.提出适当放缓国家亟需且有待突破技术瓶颈领域的进口促进步伐,提高政府研发补贴力度和完善优惠政策,实现企业产品创新和服务转型双轮驱动,以及进口政策制定应根据产业技术水平配置差异化的进口竞争程度进行最优决策,以达到推动企业研发创新目的 等相关政策建议.  相似文献   

以开放创新联盟为研究背景,以资源基础理论为理论基础,深入分析开放创新联盟IT价值共创的四层含义,分析IT价值共创的产生机制,构建开放创新联盟IT价值共创的理论模型。  相似文献   

Online learning environments facilitate improved student learning by offering IT tools to enhance student productivity- and creativity-in-learning. COVID-19 impacted social-distancing measures forced an abrupt switch to online learning in most universities, putting immense pressure on the students to creatively adapt to new ways of online learning. Despite the purported positives of online learning, in the COVID-19 scenario, students reported mixed outcomes. While some students could adapt to the ‘new normal’, others struggled to adjust to the transformed IT-enabled learning scenario. Grounding our work in IT mindfulness literature, we posit that an IT-enabled learning environment may have differential impact on students’ productivity- and creativity-in-learning, depending on the extent of their IT mindfulness. Besides leveraging the mindfulness-to-meaning theory, we hypothesize the mediating role of techno eustress in the relationship between student IT mindfulness and learning effectiveness. We test the theorized model through data collected via a two-wave survey in a university student population exclusively using IT-enabled learning environments during the pandemic lockdown period. Results indicate that IT mindfulness has significant positive relationships with both productivity- and creativity-in- learning. Moreover, these relationships are mediated by the students’ techno eustress perceptions. Theoretical and practical implications arising from our study are also discussed.  相似文献   

How to create value from information technology (IT) in multi-firm situations has attracted the notice of both researchers and practitioners. However, as a critical factor to enhance relational performance, the inter-firm IT governance strategy has not been sufficiently studied. Based on the contractual and relational governance literature, this paper presents two inter-firm IT governance strategies, namely, balancing (focusing on achieving a close match between the relational and contractual governance) and complementing (focusing on creating synergy between the relational and contractual governance) governance strategies. Using data collected from 200 firms, we examined the relationship between these two governance strategies and relational performance. Furthermore, we studied the influence of a contingent factor, IT ambidexterity (simultaneous pursuit of IT flexibility and IT standardization) on this value generation process. Our results indicate that both inter-firm IT governance strategies, but especially the balancing strategy, can help increase relational performance, and IT ambidexterity also can influence the choice of governance strategies of focal firms. Specifically, focal firms with low IT ambidexterity prefer using a balancing governance strategy rather than a complementing governance strategy. On the other hand, focal firms with high IT ambidexterity can reduce or mitigate the risks of unbalancing strategy (such as the contractual-dominant or relational-dominant governance strategy), and then enhance the synergy effects of contractual and relational governance. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文论述了商业模式对于发展信息产业具有的重要意义.并以三家企业为例.归纳了应用软件企业的商业模式:深入分析所服务行业的业务需要,找出该业务与IT技术的整合点,在此基础上通过编制应用软件对该业务提供支持.提高该业务处理的质量和效率.这种应用软件必须在理念上、技术上、或经营方式上引领行业发展方向;并具有行业进入壁垒,在所在地域的所在领域领先.  相似文献   

王琳  赖茂生 《情报科学》2007,25(6):921-928
本文从组织和用户两个不同层面对信息技术的传播和接受机制进行了研究,在组织层面,对信息技术的组织学习过程模型、面向企业的信息技术应用和扩散模式和技术框架理论及其在知识管理系统中的应用进行了论述和评价,在用户层面,对莫尔斯定律、技术接受模型和规划行为模型进行了述评,并就其在知识管理系统中的应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

信息技术投资与组织绩效的关系一直是学者和业界关注的热点问题,我国相关的实证研究很少且结论不一致。该研究以信息技术类上市公司为研究对象,对不同类型的信息技术投资与组织绩效的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,在该行业上市公司中,信息技术投资与组织绩效呈负相关关系;硬件投资存在时滞,短期内硬件投资对绩效有负面影响,2年后对绩效有正向影响;软件投资在短期内对绩效影响并不显著,2年后对组织绩效的负面影响突现出来;信息技术存量资产对组织绩效的有显著影响,但当年新增的信息技术投资对组织绩效的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

选取我国创业板信息技术业的77家上市公司为研究对象,分别对其地域分布现状、专利申请状况、发明专利授权状况、国际专利申请行为以及技术演进进行分析。研究显示,信息技术业正处于发展期,上市公司集中于北京、广东、上海以及江浙一带地区,专利申请数量逐年提高且申请类型以发明专利为主,专利授权率逐步提高,国际专利申请行为与企业国际化战略密切相关,技术演进与社会发展紧密联系。  相似文献   

中小企业IT外包的风险控制:基于外包商管理的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IT外包是企业信息化建设的一把双刃剑,收益与风险并存。以中小企业为研究对象,从博弈论和信息经济学角度分析了中小企业对外包商的最优监督水平和声誉激励,并提出了相应的风险控制策略。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the relationship between innovation activities of firms, their use of appropriation instruments and their absorptive capacity. We study a wide range of manufacturing and service industries, not just high-tech, and a wide range of innovation activities, not just R&D. We use multilevel logit models for complex samples to disentangle industry from firm-specific effects. We find that within an industry, firms that invest in appropriation instruments to reduce outgoing spillovers tend to conduct more R&D and downstream activities than firms that do not. Acquisition of technology is not related to the use of appropriation instruments. The effects of incoming spillovers (measured through absorptive capacity) on innovation activities of firms are industry specific and stronger for firms that invest in appropriation instruments. For this type of firm, both the capability to scan the external environment for technology and the capability to integrate new technology are related to the innovation activities. For firms that do not invest in appropriation instruments, only scanning capabilities are related.  相似文献   

艾时钟  尚永辉  信妍 《科学学研究》2011,29(8):1216-1222
 根据已有的文献,从关系质量的角度出发,构建了基于关系质量的IT外包知识转移影响因素的概念模型,并提出假设。通过对北京中关村软件园、上海浦东软件园和西安软件园内20多家企业进行问卷调查,并利用统计软件SPSS 11.0和AMOS 17.0对收集到的数据进行量化分析。实证结果表明:沟通对相互承诺、信任、良好冲突处理和知识转移有显著的正向影响;相互承诺对知识转移有显著的正向影响;信任对相互承诺和知识转移有显著的正向影响;良好冲突处理对信任有显著的正向影响,但对知识转移没有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

本文基于IT治理理论和电子政务文献,构建了电子政务实施中IT治理模式的分析框架,并对6个中国地级市信息主管部门的87个电子政务实施项目进行深度调查,识别了5种治理原型,形成了电子政务治理安排矩阵,总结了5种典型的IT治理模式及其形成的主要原因。案例研究结果显示了与西方学者不同的研究结论,中国地方政府电子政务实施中IT治理模式尽管呈现出多样化态势,但是典型治理模式的形成,与电子政务决策项的类型无明显关系,主要受到行政压力和IT部门影响力的共同作用,同时由于与其相匹配的治理结构和治理机制的明显不足,导致相同IT治理模式的治理绩效存在显著差异。  相似文献   

针对政府相关管理部门与创新创业主体间存在信息不对称导致政府扶持创新创业资源难以有效配置的问题,基于信息不对称理论,分析中国创新创业大赛的功能定位和作用机制,认为该赛事能够通过信息传递、信息甄别、信息披露、信息传播等作用机制推动政府相关管理部门精准识别创新创业优质项目、优秀企业和高端人才;并以中国创新创业大赛(广东赛区)...  相似文献   

科技创新政策优化是实施创新驱动发展战略的重要议题。在现代化经济体系中,通过科技创新政策优化来营造公平竞争的市场环境,是契合科技创新政策导向性、应用性和科学性的基本手段。公平竞争审查制度以其保障公平竞争的独特价值,能够推动科技创新政策优化,实现政府与市场在科技创新资源配置中的合力。现有科技创新政策存在诸多有碍市场公平竞争因素,应当以公平竞争审查制度为抓手,识别影响公平竞争的政策掣肘,破除科技创新政策壁垒,强化评估标准建设,增进政策制定机关职能,推动多主体协同共治,最终推动科技创新政策体系优化及公平竞争审查制度实施。  相似文献   

厘清众包竞赛中用户之间的竞争关系,有利于了解用户的组织和创新方式,提高众包竞赛的创新效率。以社会网络与随机统计理论为基础,将竞争网络演化驱动因素归纳网络结构属性、节点属性及网络关系属性三个维度,基于猪八戒网相关数据构建用户竞争网络,分析用户竞争网络演化特征,并采用指数随机图模型探究众包竞赛用户竞争网络演化的驱动机制。研究表明:竞争网络呈现“高密度,短路径”的特点,小世界特性显著,且竞争网络结构趋于稳定;竞争网络倾向于形成星型结构与闭合三角结构;众包竞赛用户的成交额、竞争强度及结构洞属性有助于网络形成与演化;用户之间的技术结构邻近性与组织邻近性在竞争网络关系形成中发挥显著作用,而经济距离负向影响竞争网络的形成。  相似文献   

教育部先后出台了《关于加强高校课堂教学建设提高教学质量的指导意见》和《关于狠抓新时代全国高等学校本科教育工作会议精神落实的通知》,明确要求高校加强师资队伍建设,积极推动课堂教学改革和课堂教学水平提升。楚雄师范学院以青年教师教学比赛(以下简称“青教赛”)为抓手,不断优化其比赛理念,完善其规则,力求比赛结果的公平公正。青年教师从赛中汲取“养分”并“同步”到课堂,通过以赛促教切实提升了课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

为探索产业特性、内部研发活动、创新策略和知识属性对多元化产学研知识互动的影响,对广东省清溪镇所有规模以上企业进行调研,获得166家企业参与14种产学研知识互动情况的数据。根据现有研究,将多元化产学研知识互动形式分为合作研究、人员流动、研究服务与支持和科研成果商业化4类。研究结果表明,高技术产业在人员流动、研究服务与支持和科研成果商业化上的参与程度比非高技术产业高,但在合作研究上两者并无差异。企业内部研发活动和探索型创新策略对4类产学研知识互动的程度都有正向影响。另外,企业所需知识的属性也会影响企业参与多元化的产学研知识互动。  相似文献   

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