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football,soccer足球field,pitch足球场midfield中场kick-off circle中圈half-way line摇中线goalkeeper,goaltender摇守门员back摇后卫leftback摇左后卫right back摇右后卫centre half back摇中卫half back摇前卫lefthalf back左前卫right half back右前卫forward前锋centre forward,centre摇中锋outside leftforward摇左边锋outside right forward摇右边锋to shoot摇射门close-range shot摇近射long drive摇远射offside摇越位kick-off摇开球bicycle kick,overhead kick倒钩球chest-high ball摇平胸球corner ball,corner摇角球goal kick摇…  相似文献   

football,soeeer足球nezd,piteh足球场midfield中场kiek一off eircle「11圈half-w妙line中线rootball pl盯er足球运动员goalkeeper, gnaltender, goalle守门员baek后卫left左后卫right baek右后卫eentre half baek中卫half baek前卫left halfbaek左前卫dght half baek右前卫forward前锋eenire forward,eenire中锋outside left forward,outside left左边锋outside right forward,outside right右边锋kick-off开球bieyele kiek,ovethead kiek倒钩球ehest一high ball平胸球eorner ball,eomer角球goal kiek球门球ground ball,grounder地面球hand…  相似文献   

FIFA(Federation InternationalFootball Association)国际足联World Cup世界杯field足球场midfield中场penalty area禁区goalkeeper守门员back后卫left back左后卫right back右后卫centre half back中卫half back前卫left half back左前卫right half back右前卫forward前锋cen  相似文献   

football,soccer足球 field,pitch足球场 midfield中场 centre circle中圈 half-way line中线 football,eleven足球队 football player足球运动员 goalkeeper,goalie守门员 back后卫 left左后卫 right-back右后卫  相似文献   

N ow playing football is getting m ore and m ore popular in the world.A lot of people often spend their spare (空余的) tim e playing footballwith others.Footballseem s to be a fast gam e.Each of the football players(运动员) alw ays runs fast enough in order to kick (踢) the ball to thegoal.Som e football fans(球 迷)not only watch the football m atches butalso discuss(讨论)w hether the team s played w ell or not.N owadays football m atch has becom e very popular with students inChinese univers…  相似文献   

阅读短文,作判断 Hello, I am a football goal keeper. My job is to keep the ball out of the goal. Football is the most popular sport in the world. Football players can kick the ball, but they are not allowed to use their hands.  相似文献   

football,soccer,AssociationfootbalI足球field,pitch足球场midfied中场kick-offcircle中圈half-wayline中线football,eleven足球队footballplayer足球运动员goalkeeper,goaltender,goalie守门员back后卫Ieftback左后卫  相似文献   

球场court前锋forwards后卫guards中锋center后场back court 前场front court得分后卫point guard组织后卫shooting guard大前锋power forward小前锋small forward篮框rim/basket 运球dribbling争球jump ball 攻方offense  相似文献   

小朋友,你知道吗?英国(UK)是现代足球(football)的发源地(birthplace),足球已经渗透到英国社会的各个角落(corner)。  相似文献   

我们在学习英语单词的过程中,经常会发现由两个已经学习过的单词构成一个新词,例如:foot(脚) ball(球)=football(足球),我们很容易读出并猜出它的意思。这类有趣的单词被称为“复合词”,它们由两个或两个以上的单词组合而成的。像这样的词还有很多,如:  相似文献   

Little sunny water sleeping in a corner.Wake up,wake up,wash your face and make a bumble shake.Oh,shake it to the right and shake it to the left.  相似文献   

Leo 《海外英语》2003,(11):10-11
( In the morning, the bell rings and foot thumping comes from outside the hens cage. All the chickens hurry to stand in rows(队列).Fowler,the oldcock who served in the R.A.F,calls out.)Fowler: Roll call. Come along now. You'll be late for parade. Pip, pip. Quick march. Left, right, left, right. Left, right, left right. Come on. Smarten up. Discipline! Order! Back in my R. A. F. days when the senior officer called for a scramble, you d hop in the old crate and tallyho. Chocks away!  相似文献   

1.集合:Fall in.2.列队:Line up.3.立正:Attention.4.稍息:At east/As your were.5.向前/左/右看:Eyes front/left/right.6.报数:Count off.7.向右/左/后转:Right/Left/About turn.8.齐步走:Forward march.9.向前三步走:Three steps forward march.10.跑步走:Double time march.11.踏步走:Mark time march.12.一二一:One,two,one/Left,right,left.13.立定:Halt.14.各就各位:On your marks.15.预备:Get set.16.跑:Go.17.成一列/二列横队集合:On one mark/On two marks.18.成一路/二路纵队集合:Make one/twos.19.以中间(左翼,右翼)为基准散开:Guide center(right,left)extend.20.解散:Dismissed.  相似文献   

row/rau/指“响声”,“闹声”,“吵架”,“争吵”,常与动词“make”或“kickup”连用,组成短语“make a row”或“kick up a row”,表示“大吵大闹;发出喧闹声”。例如:We heard a row outside.我们听到外面有喧闹声。When the teacher left the room,the boys kicked up a row.老师离开教室后,男孩们就吵闹起来。They had been good friends,butthey had a row last week about som trivial matter.他们一直是好朋  相似文献   

Ayers Rock     
Ayers Rock is right in the centre of Australia. It's nearly two thousand kilometres 1 Sydney. So we flew most of the way. It was rather cloudy 2. But after we left the mountains behind us, there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Most of the land below 3 sand, though Dad told me it was greener than I thought. "There are a lot of sheep down there,"he said, "but 4 people! "  相似文献   

‘,....,知 24 夔 智力测试 1 .ride 3 .iumP 每期一练 gw{甲 Wa1K 1 .A 4 .B 2·日 5.日 3,A 6二八 basketball篮球 football足球 badminton羽毛球 volleyball排球 卜oekey冰球 fishxng钓鱼 3wsmming游泳 table tennis乒乓球 base匕all棒球 running跑步 2 .B 5,A 3 .C 6C ,AA earrots胡萝I、 三主牛四主 2 .grass草 撇馨︸一撇碧瓢黯酬瓶嘿粼慨撇黔蘸黔熬黔 踢卿珠眼嚼膨淤 邵毋租资哪, 3『jeaves叶子〔 4.bananas香蕉 5_fish鱼 五、 1 .ball球 Zhere这儿 3.free空闲的 4.run跑 leaf的复数) 5;told告诉(tel哟过去式) 了、、 any SOI…  相似文献   

Question One: One day little Mary went to see her aunt. Her aunt asked her to take a bag of magazines back to her mother.“And these are for you,Mary.”said her aunt, putting some apples in the bag. On her way home, Mary met Jack and gave him half of the apples. As she went on, she met Peter and gave him one third of the apples left. After a while she came home and gave four apples to her younger sister Ann. In the end she found nothing but the magazines left in the bag. How many apples d…  相似文献   

When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind I'll be glad cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life When I look back on these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me In my dreams I'll always see your soul above the sky In my heart, there always be a place for you for all my life I'll keep a part of you with me And everywhere I am, there you'll be And everywhere I am, there you'll be Well you showed me how to feel Feel the sky was in my reach…  相似文献   

①The father and the sonare playing a football game.父子俩正在玩足球。②The son kicks thefootball into the sewer.儿子一脚将球踢进了下水道。③I’ll get it.我下去看看吧。④The son is waiting aboveanxiously.儿子在上面焦急地等待着。⑧Sorry,son.I should havebl  相似文献   

伍琪 《今日中学生》2012,(25):24-25
A One morning Wood left his house with six donkeys (驴) for the market.After a time,he got tired and got on to one of them.He counted the donkeys,and there were only five,so he got off and looked for the sixth.However,he did not find it,so he went back to the donkeys and counted them again.This time there were six,so he got on to one of them again and went on forward.  相似文献   

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