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  • Resilience in the publishing industry can be viewed through a framework of assessing five capitals or assets: human, social, physical, financial, and natural capital.
  • A resilient system requires four properties: robustness, redundancy, resourcefulness, and rapidity, and scholarly publishing can be seen to have some element of each.
  • The ability to thrive in adversity and bounce back is not found in all parts of the publishing system, with those in the Global South disproportionately disadvantaged.
  • The positive changes introduced in the past year need to be retained and elements of inequality and exclusion removed to ensure future resilience and sustainability.

本文从政治传播视野,以政治学的研究成果"国家与市民社会良性互动"为理论基点,重新审视国家形象塑造与传播中的国家理念这一重要问题.国家理念在国家形象塑造与传播中占据着统摄性的地位.一国的国家形象如何,最终取决于一国秉持何种国家理念及其在这种国家理念基础上所进行的国家建设实践.从政治学理论上讲,国家与市民社会关系经历了国家与市民社会混沌不分、对峙紧张和良性互动三个大的阶段.全球化背景下的国家理念,应建立在国家与市民社会良性互动的基础上.认识到国家与市民社会在合理分野基础上的良性互动,对我们正在进行的国家形象塑造与传播有直接的现实指导意义:有助于打破传统的"国家形象塑造只是国家的事情"的观念;有助于发掘市民社会在国家形象对外传播方面的重要作用;有助于真实而良好国家形象的媒介呈现.  相似文献   

论民族地区高校图书馆民族地方文献特色建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何艳群 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(5):102-103
民族文献是形成民族地区高校图书馆馆藏特色的重要部分,文章从民族地方文献概念、特点出发,论述了民族地区高校图书馆建立特色馆藏的重要性,加强民族地方文献建设的着力点。  相似文献   

社会变迁下的当代国民阅读与国民素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从个体行为的“阅读”到“国民阅读”经历了复杂的历史演变。当代社会变迁对国民阅读产生的影响主要体现在:知识结构需求是国民阅读增长的原动力;出版业的面向市场导致国民阅读内容的大众化、娱乐化、通俗化趋势;图书发行体制及方式的变化导致国民阅读方式的多样化;新型大众传媒塑造的阅读品味促进国民阅读的趣味导向。国民阅读是提升国民素质的重要手段之一,为此,应当从阅读导向、阅读方式、阅读内容等层面加以调整与引导。  相似文献   

  • Scientific publication has been a key part of the scientific method since the inception of Philosophical Transactions in 1665.
  • The scientific publications industry has grown exponentially along with science, incorporating technological innovations along the way, and adapting journal processes and practices to changing needs of science as it matured.
  • Of all the technological innovations over more than 300 years, the move to online journals may be the most significant, making open access to content practical for the first time.
  • The open‐access movement is disrupting the economics of journal publishing, which is hoped will make the industry more competitive: the ability of the publications industry to adapt to open access will be a measure of its resilience.
  • The demand for articles published in reputable journals continues to grow as readers trust the credibility of peer reviewed journal articles, and good authors value the prestige of publishing in the best journals.
  • It is difficult to predict what new functionalities may be included in articles of the future or what additional services publishers and editors will provide, but there is every reason to believe that scientific journal articles are here to stay.


This paper is an overview of national bibliography in the Baltic states. Its purpose is to present the main lines of development and discuss the major publications that contributed to and currently make up the national bibliographies, current and retrospective, of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. With the growth of printed material from the sixteenth century, there were early efforts by individuals to provide general coverage of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian publications long before national bibliography was politically viable. The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw a shift from the languages of ruling elites to vernacular language in publications, and emerging expressions of national consciousness that fostered the development of national bibliography. During the periods of independence in the inter-war period, national bibliography flourished, influenced largely by individuals and independent organizations. Soviet-era national bibliographies, despite their ideological focus, were numerous and well produced, and provided a continuum and basis for national bibliography today. Since the collapse of Soviet authority in 1991, scholars and librarians have reclaimed the past and re-established national bibliography appropriate to Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian history, language, and culture.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):335-342

Offering a wide range of unique and useful tools, the library of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) is a national center of excellence for terrorism research. MIPT and its library act as a living memorial to the victims, survivors, rescuers, and family members of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. MIPT conducts research into the social and political causes and effects of terrorism, and its mission is to prevent and deter terrorism in the United States or mitigate its effects.  相似文献   

本文对中国、美国、英国国家档案(局)馆的网站进行网络调研,从网站内容模块、互动功能、访问量和网站技术等几个方面进行比较研究,以期找到我国国家档案局(馆)网站的不足和差距,并对我国国家档案局(馆)网站的建设和完善提出建议.  相似文献   

  • The pandemic can be seen as an opportunity to revisit the justification for conferences and how they should be run to avoid elitism, climate impact, and diversity.
  • 2020 saw a wealth of different approaches to events, including financing, technologies, scheduling, and the meaning of the term ‘live’.
  • Engaging attendees and providing networking opportunities are considered the main obstacle to virtual events, but can social networking lessons help resolve – or even improve – this?
  • It may take some time for online event programming to achieve the right balance of flexibility versus ‘buzz’ to meet a conference's key objectives: knowledge sharing and peer interaction.
  • Live broadcasting is on the rise, but the on‐demand video model is gaining popularity as it ensures high‐quality presentation recordings and consistency of experience.
  • Over time, technical challenges of online meetings will resolve, with competition leading to more reasonable pricing, customers becoming savvier, and vendors learning from experience.

The Citizen Disaster Communication Assessment (CDCA) measures individual disaster communication activities that are intended to help communities cope across all phases of a disaster. Using the CDCA, this study examined associations among citizen disaster communication, neighborhood belonging, and community resilience using three different samples representing different disaster phases (Pre-event, Event, Post-event). Results indicate that more citizen disaster communication was associated with stronger perceptions of neighborhood belonging and community resilience at the Event and Post-event phases. In terms of specific citizen disaster communication processes that proved important, communication to correct disaster rumors and share stories was associated with greater feelings of belonging. Communication intended to confirm disaster information and tell stories was associated with stronger community resilience perceptions. Overall, results (a) confirm that citizen disaster communication is an important part of the disaster response and recovery ecosystem and (b) offer evidence of concurrent validity for the CDCA.  相似文献   

1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一次全体会议通过《关于中华人民共和国国歌的决议案》,决定以《义勇军进行曲》为中华人民共和国国歌。自被确定为国歌的那一天起,《义勇军进行曲》就和共和国同呼吸共命运。在五十年的风雨里,她始终不渝地催着国人奋进图...  相似文献   


This article analyzes the role of national bibliographies—with particular reference to the Italian National Bibliography—as relevant tools for national bibliographic control. In the first part of the article, the historical and scientific context of international standards is summarized. The second part describes the role played by the Central National Library of Florence (BNCF) in the realization of the bibliographic control of Italian publications. The limits and the potential of the Italian National Bibliography produced by BNCF are highlighted and compared with the Italian National Library Service (SBN), which is the most important national collective catalog among Italian libraries.  相似文献   

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