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高校教务管理技术支持的创新与发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从新时期教务管理工作的特点、建立专业技术支持队伍的重要性和必要性、技术支持的职责与权限以及意识形态等方面,深入研究了技术支持在信息化建设中的重要地位和作用,为深化教育改革提供了可借鉴的管理模式和实践经验。  相似文献   

论高校教务工作管理创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教务管理是高校管理的核心,是保证教学工作正常开展的基本前提,随着时代的发展对高校教务管理人员提出了越来越高的创新要求,高校应拓展创新思路,教务人员应树立创新意识,积极开展教务管理创新,促进教学创新.  相似文献   

高校教务管理创新刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教务管理是学校管理工作的核心,是保证教学工作正常开展的基本前提,高等教育的发展对高校教务管理人员提出了越来越高的创新要求,高校就建立竞争激励机制,鼓励教务创新;教务人员应树立创新意识,转变教育思想观念;加强个性修养,积极开展教务创新,促进教学创新。  相似文献   

随着近年来高等院校招生规模的不断扩大,高等教育模式逐渐由精英教育向大众化教育转变,与此同时,既有的教务管理模式正在渐渐的与新的教育模式相脱节,高校只有对既有的教务管理模式进行理念和体制上的创新才能使其符合本校的发展与教育模式,适应新的形势,促进高校教育工作的顺利进行.  相似文献   

教务工作是高校管理工作的核心,为了适应社会的不断发展,高校的教学形式也随之发生变革,高校的教务管理工作必将做出调整和改进.本文针对如何对高校教务管理制度进行改革和创新进行了阐述.  相似文献   

教务管理是学校管理工作的核心 ,是保证教学工作正常开展的基本前提。高等教育的发展对高校教务管理人员提出了越来越高的创新要求。高校应建立竞争激励机制 ,鼓励教务创新 ;教务人员应树立创新意识 ,转变教育思想观念 ,加强个性修养 ,积极开展教务创新 ,促进教学创新  相似文献   

刘玲 《考试周刊》2012,(23):142-142
高校教务管理是高校管理中的重要一环,高校发展离不开教务管理工作的支持,本文从现阶段高校教务管理现象入手,初步提出了高校教务管理的发展方向,以期为高校教务管理的科学化、规范化提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文分析了新时期高校教务管理工作的基本特征,深入探讨了教务工作管理创新的思路,阐述了教务管理人员素质的提高是教务工作创新的基础,为进一步规范并发展高校教务管理工作提供了可借鉴的理论和经验。  相似文献   

树立创新意识 促进教务管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教务管理是学校管理工作的核心,高等教育的发展对高校教务管理人员提出了越来越高的创新要求。本文从高校教务掌理创新的必要性入手,分析了高校教务管理工作的基本特点,从实现教务管理观代化,引入竞争激励机制、加强监控体系建设、提高教务人员基本素质四个方面阐述了教务管理的创新思路。  相似文献   

浅谈教务工作效率的提高与管理创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对学校招生规模的扩大,教务部门应从硬件投入、软件环境、目标管理和过程管理等多个方面入手,实施科学化管理,提高教务工作效率。  相似文献   

Evaluation will be the key to effective and efficient implementation and use of information technology in education management. As hardware, software and the needs of users develop and change, such evaluation will need to be both proactive and dynamic in that it must continually provide information concerning how the systems need to be modified to allow the potential to be realized fully. Dynamic evaluation can then be used to inform the system design, training, support and documentation to ensure end-user acceptance of the systems and provide administration support and information relevant to enhanced decision-making processes. Findings from a preliminary study of the Hong Kong school administration and management system (SAMS) will be used to illustrate the problems that can occur without carefully planned and contextualized evaluation.  相似文献   

高校应打破那种"传道、授业、解惑"的传统教育理念,构建一种新型的教育管理模式。即培养学生自主学习、个性发展,激发学生的创新性思维;用先进的教育理念来更新教师的教学思维和知识结构,从而推动教育管理模式的创新。文章主要以高校教育管理的理论和原则为出发点,来探究当今我国各大高校教育管理存在的主要问题,并据此提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

Perspectives on educational technology research and development   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
This is the introductory article for the first issue ofEducational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). The authors review the issues and process that led to the decision by the AECT Executive Board to co-publishEducational Communication and Technology Journal (ECTJ) and theJournal of Instructional Development (JID) in a new journal. The results of analyses of ECTJ and JID by Schwen and Middendorf (1987) and Dick and Dick (1989) are briefly summarized. The authors then report their own survey of AECT members to determine the topics and types of articles the members would prefer to read in ETR&D. Member preferences are compared with the actual content of the last ten issues of ECTJ and JID. Finally, the authors briefly discuss their own perspectives on ETR&D.  相似文献   

Advanced educational technology promises to improve science teaching and learning. To achieve the posited outcomes, however, teachers must have access to, know how to, have the skills to, and want to use the proposed advanced educational technologies in their teaching. In response, for the past eight years with support from the National Science Foundation, BSCS has conductedENLIST Micros — a teacher development to help science teachers improve their use of microcomputers.ENLIST Micros has three phases — Phase one (1984–1986): BSCS designed, tested, and producedENLIST Micros (Ellis and Kuerbis, 1987, 1989) teacher development materials (text, video, and tutorial software) for helping science teachers improve their use of educational technology. Phase two (1986–1989): BSCS designed, developed, tested, and disseminated a staff development model for helping science teachers integrate educational technology into instruction. Phase three (1989–1992): BSCS established Teacher Development Centers to implement theENLIST Micros teacher development materials and staff development model with science teachers throughout the United States.ENLIST Micros has served more than 1500 science teachers in 15 states. Teachers who have participated in the program have improved their knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy about computer usage and have improved their use of microcomputers in their science courses. Furthermore, as part of the project, BSCS has described the implementation process and has developed recommendations to support improvements in the use of educational technology in science programs.  相似文献   

介绍了现代教育技术网络课程的设计与开发。对现代教育技术网络课程设计的指导思想、设计思路进行了阐述,并就该网络课程的整体结构、主要功能模块等进行了相应的分析说明,同时对一些重要的功能模块进行了详细阐述,这为其他学校开发现代教育技术网络课程提供了参考。  相似文献   

运用数字传媒手段,可以使教育技术管理做到得心应手,教学资源优化整合。通过在技术上的创新,以及制度、人员安排上的合理利用,真正取得事半功倍的效果。如何在以信息技术为先导,全方位立体式地整合学校教育教学资源,应用和管理好先进的软硬件教学环境,是现代教育技术最主要的研究课题。  相似文献   

The National Foundation for Educational Research recently undertook research on the impact of delegation on local authority support services for special educational needs. This paper presents data on the provision offered by these services and the way in which they are managed. In particular, it examines how support is targeted, the extent and profile of service staff, mechanisms for the referral of pupils for support from the services, management structure, staff deployment and the professional development of service staff, and service monitoring, review and evaluation. Ways in which support services have developed in the 1990s, and their challenges for the next decade in the light of developments in the governance of education and the local policy context, are discussed.  相似文献   

Academics, foundations and international agencies concerned with development have repeatedly pointed out the failure of educational institutions to support economic development in underdeveloped countries, particularly in providing the occupational skills and research knowledge in science and technology required by the productive sectors of the economy. The causal factors of this failure have been attributed to institutional deficiencies and traditionalism of backward societies where ‘desk’ jobs and independent professions enjoy higher esteem than technology-related occupations.This paper argues that such educational patterns are rooted in the structures of dependency of the underdeveloped countries. First, employment is concentrated in the non-productive services sector of the economy where desk jobs abound. Second, dependent industrialization entails the predominance of external linkages of industry to developed countries, and technological dependency both in its organic and intellectual components. Industry in underdeveloped countries does not carry out the more complex technological operations of the production cycle or research and development activities for new technology, both of which are done in developed countries. In the absence of this activity, educational institutions cannot ‘learn’ and keep abreast of the modern technological knowledge and processes required for jobs in industry.  相似文献   

文章探讨了技术发展的社会性,即技术作为一个大的社会范畴,具有必要性、多样性、必然性和偶然性.认识到技术发展的这四个特性,对我们从事教育技术工作有几点启示:要起到"桥梁"作用、注重对本源技术的二次开发以及看待技术发展应该有前瞻性.  相似文献   

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