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多学科交叉协同是面对复杂问题进行科学探索的重要方式之一,但促进多学科交叉协同的操作模式及其管理仍然存在许多问题.文章以美国国防部"多学科"研究项目为例,阐释了"战略研究领域"项目、"多学科大学研究倡议"项目和"政府-工业-大学合作研究"项目的管理模式,从管理层面分析了美国国防部对多学科交叉研究的探索,并结合我国国情提出了相应的管理对策建议.  相似文献   

试论挣值管理的应用——经验、问题及驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为项目管理中的重要技术,挣值管理由美国国防部提出,被各国的项目业主和承包商以及研究者所关注。挣值管理作为一项重要的项目管理工具,在应用上却并没有被普及。围绕这一现象,回顾了挣值管理的发展,并对挣值管理发展过程中的经验,发展中存在的主要问题,未来的发展前景及主要驱动因素进行了分析,希望引起更多的国内研究者对此理论展开研究和讨论。  相似文献   

徐剑涛 《科技风》2014,(17):177-177
本文分析了项目管理理论在普通高校大学新生管理工作中的应用可行性,将项目管理理论应用到大学新生管理中,构建了大学新生管理项目过程模型,以新的角度审视大学新生的管理问题,将项目管理理论应用与普通高等学校大学新生管理中,解决新生管理中存在的问题。  相似文献   

归纳高校科研项目预算执行与控制管理过程中存在的主要问题,从项目依托背景环境、经费执行操作流程等方面深入分析问题产生的原因,由此设计开发项目管理预算执行平台,并给出配套可行的应对策略。通过项目管理预算执行平台的协同管理与应用,实现整合分散职能、降低管理成本、减少人工耗时等目标,在预算管理的执行控制管理过程中有效获得优化执行流程、易于可控监督的管理效能,在实践中取得显著成效。  相似文献   

多学科交叉协同是未来科学发展的趋势,本文以美国国防部"多学科大学研究倡议"项目为例,从管理的立项、评审、运行、合作和评估等不同层面分析了美国国防部在管理多学科研究项目中的探索,并提出我国可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

本文以大连开发区政府“网上纳税”项目成功应用为背景,分析了传统纳税方式及其存在的问题,在充分考虑现行法律、法规的制约、INTRANET技术及安全性等诸多因素的基础上,提出了“网上纳税”的流程和实施方法,解决了流程再造过程中相关的法律及安全问题,对传统税款征收及入库过程、稽查选案等税收征管业务进行了有效的流程再造,为实施电子政务,尤其是创建网上税务局积累了经验。  相似文献   

首先对SAP系统的模块分类和管理现状进行了描述,对SAP的权限实现原理、管理制度、建立机制等内容进行了详细阐述,通过分析SAP项目推进的过程中在权限管理方面遇到的一些问题,确立了适合SAP项目推进的权限管理策略和流程,以及权限管理的详细解决方案。  相似文献   

以某研究所为研究对象,分析了当前研究所管理体系中存在的6个主要问题,以及全价值链科研活动过程因素。提出科技创新的项目竞标立项阶段、项目研制阶段、科技成果产出阶段、科技成果推广阶段等4个阶段的不同奖励方式,总结了科技创新激励在竞争积极性、技术发展导向、创新能力、人才队伍建设、精益管理等5方面取得的成绩。围绕科研工作全价值链流程的价值创造,为科研院所的科技创新激励提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

项目驱动型创新团队是一种新的创新团队驱动方式,目前在项目的持续性,成员的流动性方面还存在诸多管理方面的问题。本文从项目管理、团队管理以及成员管理三个方面提出了项目驱动型研究生创新团队管理过程中应注意的问题和基本解决措施。  相似文献   

本文就农网中低压项目管理存在的问题进行分析,探讨了中低压项目精益化管理的思路,提出以精益化管理理论为基础,基于配网工程精益化管控系统等信息化手段实现中低压项目精益化管理的解决思路,从而达到提高项目立项精准度、推进配电网标准化设计、强化工程施工安全与质量管控、细化项目管理颗粒度、优化项目全过程规范管理流程、提升项目建设成效的目的。  相似文献   

Leveraging a new measure of patent citation trees (Corredoira and Banerjee, 2015), we demonstrate that research funded by the federal government is associated with more active and diverse technological trajectories. Our findings tie government funding to breakthrough inventions. The differences are especially evident at the upper percentiles of the distribution of long term patent influence and stem primarily from research conducted outside the federal government and sponsored by the DOD, HHS and NSF. Government funded patents are inputs into a broader range of technologies. Additional analyses indicate that federal programs invest in some technological areas that private corporations eschew, and federally funded university patents are in different technological classes than non-federally funded university patents. In this sense, the government may play an irreplaceable role in the rate and direction of inventive activity.“Generally speaking, the scientific agencies of Government are not so concerned with immediate practical objectives as are the laboratories of industry nor, on the other hand, are they as free to explore any natural phenomena without regard to possible economic applications as are the educational and private research institutions.” - Vannevar Bush, Science the Endless Frontier”, 1945.  相似文献   

The US Department of Defense (DOD) normally pursues a closed approach to technological development. It captures results from its own sponsored research and development (R&D), and the results are kept shielded by restrictions on related publications and exports. This R&D strategy is no longer viable. Now most military technology has commercial origins, the US no longer dominates all relevant technological fields, and sophisticated dual-use technology is accessible to adversaries in open global markets. DOD can address this dilemma by drawing on external R&D that tests a technology’s general capabilities against a variety of potential uses and by placing more of its internal emphasis on technology integration. Historically, this approach to military R&D also yields more commercial spin-offs.  相似文献   

Fostering technological innovation is considered as an important element of policies towards sustainable development. In the past 10 years, evolutionary policy approaches have been increasingly advocated. For several reasons, they seem well equipped to underpin sustainable innovation policies. They focus on dynamics of change and their drivers, they allow for a substantive perspective on technologies beyond mere input-output relations, taking into account trajectories and different characteristics of innovation, and they are able to describe circumstances under which established technologies might persist even when they are to some extent inferior to their new competitors (lock-in). However, the policy effectiveness of evolutionary approaches in cases in which radical or systemic changes are involved is not yet proven. In this paper we assess the theoretical rationale, instrumental aspects and the coping with policy constraints of three evolutionary policy approaches which have also been used in empirical studies: strategic niche management, transition management and time strategies. Each approach has its strengths and specific problems and all three have to be further developed and tested out but they hold promise for contributing to non-incremental change with economic and environmental benefits, by shaping processes of variation, selection and retention, with the outcomes feeding back into policy. They may also be used in other areas in which innovation direction is important, for instance health care or food.  相似文献   

Technological revolutions are dissected into three stages: the introduction stage, the permeation stage, and the power stage. The information revolution is a primary example of this tripartite model. A hypothesis about ethics is proposed, namely, ethical problems increase as technological revolutions progress toward and into the power stage. Genetic technology, nanotechnology, and neurotechnology are good candidates for impending technological revolutions. Two reasons favoring their candidacy as revolutionary are their high degree of malleability and their convergence. Assuming the emerging technologies develop into mutually enabling revolutionary technologies, we will need better ethical responses to cope with them. Some suggestions are offered about how our approach to ethics might be improved.  相似文献   

邹乐乐  吴怡  陈佩佩 《科研管理》2019,40(6):100-110
清洁技术的研发与创新是实现全球气候变化减缓目标和全球减排进展的可靠保障。探究研发主体对清洁技术的研发选择,总结其演化规律,对于清洁技术的发展判断和研发战略具有重要意义。本文基于世界知识产权组织(WIPO)所发布《绿色专利清单》与2009—2014年世界发明专利数据的匹配数据构建基于时序的清洁技术研发网络,采用网络分析方法和最小生成树算法对清洁技术研发网络的结构特征、重要技术节点以及关键技术路径进行分析。研究结果表明:清洁技术研发网络的规模不断扩大、技术间联系不断加深,且不同技术小类间存在内生的技术联系;清洁技术研发的重心集中于电力、新能源车辆、节能电气器件和循环回收等领域,以"中介"能力较强的新能源车辆技术研发为核心的关键技术路径已在世界范围内形成;关键技术的迭代主要表现为从新能源车辆研发向循环回收和其他另类能源利用技术过渡的过程。  相似文献   

The US Government's experience with programs to accelerate the pace with which new energy technologies are developed and introduced into private markets offers an opportunity to assess alternative commercialization strategies. Analysis of industry and government activities over the 1975–1980 period for three solar technologies revealed that commercialization strategies often did not match the evolutionary status of both the relevant industry and technology involved. Evolutionary models of the development of innovation-based industries were found to provide a useful analytical framework, but were too simple to afford significant predictive or explanatory power. The concept of a “technology delivery system” proved valuable in identifying the degree of match between government commercialization strategies and the status of the relevant industry and technology. For all three solar technologies, there existed pressure on government R&D managers and administrators to push the technologies prematurely to commercialization status. The primary sources of this pressure were elected and appointed officials who sought the political rewards of short-term, highly visible, easily implementable programs.  相似文献   

基于专利分析方法和技术轨迹理论,以人工智能产业组织为研究对象,采用定性分析的方式,从人工智能核心技术、专利引用网络和专业商业化三个维度,对我国人工智能产业技术创新路径进行了识别和对比分析。通过对比我国与发达国家的人工智能产业技术创新路径,分析了我国人工智能产业目前的发展阶段和瓶颈。数据分析表明,我国人工智能产业尽管发展迅速,但相比发达国家,仍然处于知识引入到知识输出转型阶段。进而推出结论:我国人工智能产业处于基础型研究向应用型模式转变阶段,需要深入加强自主技术创新。  相似文献   

构建高校科技创新能力综合评价指标体系,采用因子分析法对我国31个省份的高校科技创新能力进行比较,总体上呈现出从东部到西部梯形递减的趋势.进一步对投入和产出能力分析发现,可以将31个省份高校分为投入产出协调型、投入领先型和产出领先型.因此,在智慧专业化均衡发展背景下,中西部地区的高校可建立科研资源补偿机制和深化产学研合作...  相似文献   

突破关键核心技术对我国全局发展与推进国内国际双循环新发展格局具有重要的意义。本文以徐工和潍柴为案例研究对象,从“突破路径—技术创新能力—突破结果”的整合视角探讨装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破的演进路径和核心要素。研究发现:第一,装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破具有多项技术集中突破、多类产品集体创新的特点,其技术突破路径是从技术引进到改进升级,再到自主创新,最终实现技术与产品全球引领的过程; 第二,支撑装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破的技术创新能力由资金与技术、关键人力、研发与产业布局能力构成,并不断演进,实现由内部管理到外部治理,再到全面协同。本文研究结论为装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破提供了重要的见解。  相似文献   

新兴技术的特性与企业的技术选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
高建  魏平 《科研管理》2007,28(1):47-52
新兴技术常常能够彻底改变一个行业结构。本文从新兴技术与不连续创新的关系入手,分析了新兴技术的特性,提出了反映新兴技术性能特征的“技术创新的边际效应曲线”,并在Foster的技术S曲线理论的基础上,给出了区分新兴技术与非新兴技术的“新性能过滤线”概念,为企业面临新技术时如何进行技术选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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