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论法学教学中的案例教学法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于各国法律在形式上的特点及法律文化历史传统方面的差异,两大法系国家的法学教学方法大有不同。在英美法系国家的法学教学中占据主导地位的是案例教学法,而大陆法系国家的法学教学则采用以讲授法为主的教学方法。近些年来,法学教育界开始提倡案例教学法。但我国法学教学切不可照搬英美法系国家的案例教学法,而应根据我国的实际,采用改进的案例教学法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of implementing user design strategies within the corporate culture. Using a case study design approach, this article explores the change process within a Fortune 100 company in which users were given significant decision‐making powers. The main focus is on the unique nature of user design in a corporate environment where users become stakeholders in the process, a very different approach from the more typical top‐down management style. The study found that allowing users to design their own day‐to‐day processes gave them a sense of empowerment in their jobs because they could manage how they worked as long as they were meeting company goals. As a result, users were better able to manage their jobs, solve process‐related problems, and increase efficiency.  相似文献   

Lack of clarity in university teaching: A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlational studies suggest that clarity in teaching plays a crucial role in student learning and satisfaction from instruction. Other quantitative studies identify low-inference teacher behaviors that are components of clear instruction. The present study used qualitative methods to examine unclarity in teaching of a physics undergraduate course for non-science majors. Teaching clarity was measured both as a high- and low-inference behavior. Evidence of several data sources converge and reveal very low level of understanding of the material presented, strong dissatisfaction with instruction, and a good match between high- and low-inference teacher clarity behaviors. This is explained by the instructor's insufficient pedagogical knowledge, by his inability to apply those pedagogical principles he does know in actual classroom instruction, by his misconceptions regarding teaching and student learning, and by his detachment from his students and the subsequent lack of adjustment of instruction to them.  相似文献   

The main focus of this case study of a fifth grade teacher observed in 21 lessons is on variability; not the variability of a particular teacher in regard to the average teaching pattern, but the intra-individual variability. The analyses are related to two hypotheses: (1) The teacher's pattern of behavior remains stable whatever he or she is teaching; and (2) The teacher varies his or her behavior according to what is being taught. The data are consistent with the first hypothesis, but not the second one. Although the absolute frequencies of each behavioral category vary a lot across lessons, the content does not appear as a sufficiently explanatory factor. By a factorial analysis of correspondences, the author identified two major kinds of lessons and formulated a new explanatory hypothesis in which teacher planning plays a crucial role.  相似文献   

教师专业知识发展研究是教师专业发展研究核心领域之一.从不同视角对教师专业知识发展研究的一些内容、意义和研究方法进行透视分析,不仅为教师专业知识发展研究提供了框架和具体的方向,而且在研究方法方面提供了诸多启示.  相似文献   

This case study is part of a larger study of teachers' use of curriculum materials in planning and teaching fifth-grade science. This case study focuses on one of the nine teachers observed teaching an activity-based unit on plant growth and photosynthesis. Although the teacher became aware that her students held certain misconceptions about plant growth, she was unsuccessful in helping them replace their misconceptions with the scientific conceptions she wanted them to learn. The analysis revealed several factors that contributed to this disappointing result. The teacher and the curriculum developers held different views about learning and the nature of science, and several problems surfaced about the content and organization of the teacher's guide.  相似文献   

The article examines the stability and success of ideas within pedagogical discourses. Why do certain ideas attract actors and how does change come about? These general questions are dealt with through considering the example of the swift spread of an interdisciplinary idea, arbetsområde (translated to ‘spheres of work’) in the process of a Swedish national curriculum reform 1966–1967. How did it manage to become such a central concept in the curriculum? The article uses the concept of the boundary object in order to understand the popularity of the ‘spheres of work’ concept. Boundary objects have normally been used to explain the rigidity of science, and how the heterogeneity of different actors normally involved in the production of scientific knowledge can be coordinated and result in generalizable findings. However, lately, they have been applied to the field of curriculum studies. In this study, a boundary object pinpoints the fact that curricular solutions can be about coordinating different types of actors with different stakes in the making of a curriculum.  相似文献   

Bandura's theory of self-efficacy predicts that teachers with high, self-efficacy should persist longer, provide a greater academic focus in child-centred classrooms and exhibit different types of feedback than teachers who have lower self-efficacy. This paper reports on the science teaching self-efficacy in a group of teachers at a state primary school. The research was conducted in two stages using firstly the Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (STEBI-A) to identify cases, and secondly, a semistructured interview coupled with classroom observations. Thirty seven teaching staff were surveyed with the STEBI-A instrument. The five highest and five lowest scoring teachers on the personal science teaching self-efficacy subscale of the STEBI-A were interviewed. The analysis of interviews and observations indicated that teachers with high personal science teaching self-efficacy have had a long interest in science and a relatively strong background of formal science studies with opportunities for exploring out of school activities. Although they may have experienced negative science experiences in their own schooling other ameliorating factors existed which maintained their interest. Their instructional strategies in science lessons were more child-centred than those reported by teachers with lower personal science teaching self-efficacy. The implications of the results for the inservice training of teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study the learning of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by disadvantaged high school students in a Thai welfare school. Three DNA units of the genetics instructional units (GIUs) based on a social constructivist approach were implemented to 14 disadvantaged school students at Grade 12 in Bangkok. The data were collected from classroom observation, interviews, students' works, basic genetics concepts survey and advanced genetics concepts survey. It was found that before the implementation of the GIUs, the majority of students had "no conceptions" about gene, chromosome and DNA including their relationships. During the implementation of the GIUs, the teacher induced students into the lessons, checked students' prior knowledge, used practical-inexpensive-durable instructional materials, promoted social interactions through a variety of teaching strategies, periodically used dynamic assessments and assigned students into groups where they were able to communicate with others. After the implementation, the majority of students showed having "scientific conceptions" in the chemical components of DNA and "partial understanding" of the DNA structure and relationships among cell-nucleus-chromosome-DNA-gene concepts.  相似文献   

In the last two years, English language teaching at the level of basic education in China has been changing very fast due to the new Standard Curriculum. The paper takes a school in the northwest of China as an example, illustrating the process of implementing the Curriculum, summarizing the work the school has done, the problems encountered and arguing for the need to manage the change. The paper also gives some suggestions in conclusion.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):355-371

A growing body of research has emphasized the important role that prior knowledge, experience, beliefs and attitudes play in the interpretation of policy reforms. Spillane, Reiser and Reimer (2002) assert that teachers use their prior knowledge in making sense of new directives to change their practice, pointing out how teachers arrive at different interpretations of the same policy message, sometimes even misunderstanding the policy intent. They highlight how teachers often are biased towards policy interpretations that fit with their prior beliefs and values. However, few of these studies exist in a third world setting. This article tries to bridge this gap by focusing on a case study that was executed in a South African classroom. The findings suggest that the teacher in this study were largely guided by his own beliefs of what constitutes good teaching and that curriculum policy is constantly shaped, reshaped and adapted to the situation in a process of great complexity.  相似文献   

教育类公共课教学的改革经历了十几年,如今,在课程体系和教学模式上都有了长足的进步。章基于“新世纪教改工程项目”的背景下,对智育心理学的教学过程及结果进行探讨,旨在发现智育心理学教学的规律、探讨更有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

Teachers are supposed to use forms of differentiated instruction to anticipate the differences among their students. However, the adaptation of teaching to the diversity of the group often takes place with difficulty. Teacher education is blamed for not preparing student teachers adequately for differentiated instruction. Several authors suggest that congruent teaching in teacher education might be an adequate solution to this problem. This case study aims to investigate the (congruent) realization of differentiated instruction in teacher education using ethnographic tools. The results indicate that the observed teacher educator demonstrated limited forms of differentiation, largely without providing meta-commentary. Therefore, she is not a role model on the subject of differentiated instruction in the view of student teachers. These results are discussed in depth, and form a basis for further research and suggestions for practice in teacher education.  相似文献   

本文针对生产工艺防火课程实用性强的特点,在分析了传统教学模式在该门课程中存在的问题基础上,探讨了运用案例法教学的可行性,并结合教学实际将案例法教学应用于理论教学中,助于学员理解课程内容,达到学以致用的目的。  相似文献   

A university that does not respond to the technological developments of the current age can be said to be both nonresponsive in the behavioral sense and irresponsible in the moral sense. It might seriously be questioned whether a stance of nonresponse is indeed possible. Technology is an inescapable fact of our contemporary cultural existence. We are reminded of the disarming reply of Thomas Carlyle to Margaret Fuller's stoic affirmation, “I accept the universe!” Responded Carlyle, “Gad, she'd better!” ... The more difficult requirement that we face, however, is that of responding responsibly to this cultural fact.  相似文献   

There are many funding schemes in existence for small projects in educational development, but fewer equivalent research schemes. Data from an evaluation of two schemes at one institution are used as the catalyst for considering such schemes in wider contextual and theoretical perspectives. The evaluation analysed success rate data, project reports, and feedback data collected from grant‐holders. This case study addresses four questions: the areas of focus of grant‐holder activity, the extent to which the schemes achieved desired objectives, the ways in which grant‐holders value the schemes, and the factors contributing to success. It provides some supporting evidence for conclusions drawn in broader survey studies, considers the role of educational development units in such schemes and the place of educational development and research in an institution with a science‐based culture and paradigm. Two theoretical lenses help illuminate the data, namely “communities of practice” and Boyer’s classification of academic activities.

Divers modes de financement existent pour des projets de faible en vergure en matière de développement pédagogique, mais beaucoup moins en ce qui a trait à la recherche. Des données provenant de l’évaluation de deux modes de financement existant depuis longtemps au sein de la même institution sont utilisées de façon à situer de tels modes de financement dans des perspectives contextuelles et théoriques plus vastes. Cette étude de cas porte sur quatre questions de recherche: le domaine d’activité du récipiendaire de la subvention de recherche, la mesure selon laquelle les modes de financement atteignent les objectifs envisagés, la valeur accordée par les récipiendaires de subventions aux modes de financement, ainsi que les facteurs contribuant à leur succès. Les résultats de l’étude abondent dans le sens des conclusions tirées lors d’enquêtes beaucoup plus vastes. L’étude considère aussi le rôle d’unités de développement pédagogique à l’égard de tels modes de financement, ainsi que la place du développement pédagogique et de la recherche au sein d’une institution dotée d’une culture et d’un paradigme axés sur la science. Deux optiques théoriques sont utilisées pour faire la lumière sur les données, notamment la notion de “communauté de pratique” de même que la classification de Boyer au sujet des activités universitaires.  相似文献   

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