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假日里,如果你想出门旅游,你可以选择各种不同的方式出行。by taxi坐出租车by bus坐公共汽车by bicycle骑自行车by plane乘飞机by underground坐地铁by train乘火车by ship乘船on foot步行  相似文献   

一、四种交通方式及使用特点1.“by+交通工具”或“by+交通路线”by plane(乘飞机)=by air(乘飞机)by ship/boat(乘船)=by sea(走海路)=by river/by water(走水路)by train(乘火车),by bus(乘公共汽车),by car(坐小汽车),by taxi(乘出租车),byland(走陆路),by bike/motorbike(骑自行车/摩托车)使用特点:这类短语为固定的介词短语,在句子中不能作谓语,只能作状语表示乘、骑的“方式、方法”;交通工具或交通线路的名词前不能加任何冠词、物主代词等修饰语,名词只能用单数,不能用复数。如:I usually come here by bus,but sometimes on foot.T…  相似文献   

Teaching aims: Knowledge aims : 1.Enable Ss to master these phrases:on foot, by bike, bybus,by train,by sub -way, by ship, by plane.  相似文献   

对于表示方式、方法、手段、途径、工具等意义的介词,初学者最熟悉的,要算是介词by了。如by bus,by train,by boat,by air,by land或by sea等介词by短词以及He succeedcd by w。rking hard这一类用法,他们是最理解且应用最多的。但对于by除外的其他一些也可表示方法、手段、途径、工具等意义的介词,初学者往往觉得很陌生,甚至难于理解。在教学过程中,还常常听到学生说“I heard this  相似文献   

Go to school     
Go to school去上学,交通工具真不少。Bus,bike,taxi,各自按需要选好。前面加by表动作,独有走路on foot。注释:要表达乘小车、打的、骑自行车、搭公交车、坐火车、乘轮船、坐飞机等,只要在这些交通工具前加“by”就行了,如by car,by taxi,by bike,bybus,by train,by ship,by pl  相似文献   

题目设a、b、x、y∈R,满足方程组 {ax+by=3, ax2+by2=7, ax3+by3=16,ax4+by4=42.  相似文献   

魏雯  李琴 《英语辅导》2000,(7):25-25
今天的美国,高速公路四通八达,小汽车几乎普及到每一个家庭,人们可以方便迅速地乘坐飞机(by plane br by air)、火车(by train)、汽车(hy bus/by car/by tax)等各种交通工具南来北往。发达的交通事业促进了美国经济的发展,也丰富了美国人民的生活。  相似文献   

by→在……旁边;从……旁边;通过。例如:Come over here and stand by me.过来站在我旁边。He put it on the table by the window.他把它放在窗口的那张桌子上。She passed by me without noticing me.她从我身旁走过,但是没看到我。He crossed the stream by a little bridge.他从一座小桥上走过小溪去。by→到(某时)。例如:Perhaps she has recovered by now.到现在她可能已经痊愈了。By that time they had already hit theyear’s target.到那时候他们已经完成了全年的指标。by→由(某人干的);以某种方式;通过。例如:Who is that book by?这书是谁写的?Learn wisdom by the follies of others.利用别人干的蠢事,使自己聪明起来。(谚)What’s the time by your watch?你的表几点了?We learn to swim by swimm...  相似文献   

英语中表示交通方式的方法有好几种,同学们,你们懂得哪几种呢?请看下文: 1.by 交通工具。表示交通工具的名词要用原形,不能用复数也不能加代词或冠词加以修饰。如:by train (乘火车),by bus(坐公共汽车),by plane(乘飞机),by bike(骑自行车)等。  相似文献   

Bridge piers are impacted by autos sometimes. The pier usually has not been destroyed after once impact by auto. But there are few research on damage which will affect pier's capability, and most relative studies have focused the problems on piers impacted by vessels. The methods involve mainly sutra experience theory, numerical analysis, and experimental method. Owing to the complicacy of the bridge pier impacted by a vessel, there are few research derived with the sutra mechanics model and the piers impacted by autos. The dynamic response is studied here under the assumption of the rigid-plastic small-deformation for the pier impacted by auto. According to the Parkes beam model, the rigid-plastic theoretical solution is deduced. The final deformation is calculated by a practical example for the pier impacted by auto.  相似文献   

一、交通工具与介词搭配关系交通工具可与by,in,on等介词搭配,但具体用法有明显区别。(一)by与交通工具搭配几乎任何交通工具都可与by连用,但by后面需接名词原形,名词前不得加任何修饰语,也不得使  相似文献   

Sorption of carbon tetrachloride (CT) by zero-valent iron (ZVI) is the rate-limiting step in the degradation of CT, so the sorption capacity of ZVl is of great importance. This experiment was aimed at enhancing the sorption of CT by ZVI and the degradation rate of CT by modification of surfactants. This study showed that ZVI modified by cationic surfactants has favorable synergistic effect on the degradation of CT. The CT degradation rate of ZVI modified by cetyl pyridinium bromide (CPB) was higher than that of the unmodified ZVI by 130%, and the CT degradation rate of ZVI modified by cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) was higher than that of the unmodified ZVI by 81%. This study also showed that the best degradation effect is obtained at the near critical micelle concentrations (CMC) and that high loaded cationic surfactant does not have good synergistic effect on the degradation due to its hydrophilicity and the block in surface reduction sites. Furthermore degradation of CT by ZVI modified by nonionic surfactant has not positive effect on the degradation as the ionic surfactant and the ZVI modified by anionic surfactant has hardly any obvious effects on the degradation.  相似文献   

段庆艳 《海外英语》2011,(10):253-254
Tessie Hutchinson was chosen to be stoned to death not by chance or accidentally, but by destiny. Instead of being killed by stones, she was indeed killed by her female identity in such hierarchical lottery community where women stay in the shadow of male authority, and where any rebellious traits would cause a fatal consequence.  相似文献   

一个老外学中文时记的笔记,看完后我崩溃了。他记的是: Dear Tim shall by too dull doll by too jack won dolphin long can Jim shall by too low shall by too when dull low, doll car lowdolphin long doll Ham Eason "more power!"  相似文献   

英语中表示交通方式的方法有好几种,同学们,你们懂得哪几种呢?1.by+交通工具。表示交通工具的名词要用原形,不能用复数,也不能用代词或冠词加以修饰。如:by train(乘火车),by bus(坐公共汽车),by plane(乘飞机)等。例如:  相似文献   

Jaws (1975) YOU’RE FINISHED Jaws’great white shark was atthe center of some white-knuckle(高度紧张的)moments. “Is it true that most people get attacked by sharks inabout three feet of water?”When this doom-drenchedgem—the highest—grossing film on our list-hit theaters,itgave new meaning to the phrase red tide(赤潮).Jaws isterrifying not for the few times we see the shark treatingAmity's vacationers like a Red Lobster smorgasbord(自助餐),but for those sharkless moments of fear and trem-bling as we wait for Bruce to feed again.  相似文献   

“看!布莱克夫人坐小车来了。”有不少同学将它译成:Look!Mrs Black is coming by her car.其实,这样翻译是不对的,因为,英语中表示“乘什么交通工具”或“以什么交通方式”时,习惯上用by,如:by bike(骑自行车),by train(坐火车),by ship(坐轮船),by plane(乘飞机)等。但是,表示交通工具的名词前面不能用任何冠词。例如:Han Mei often goes to school by bike.韩梅经常骑自行车去上学。Mr Green goes to work by car every day.格林先生每天坐小车去上班。但要注意,当这些表示交通工具的名词前有冠词、形容词性物主代词等限定词时,by就应改成in或on。例如:He goes there on the bike.他骑自行车去那儿。They went there in a boat.他们是坐小船去那儿的。综上所述,上面那道翻译题应译成:  相似文献   

佚名 《高中生》2015,(4):37
能够让我们被人铭记的并不是我们的言语,而是善行。生命并不是以我们活了多久来度量的,而要看我们经历了多少精彩瞬间。We will not be remembered by our words,but by our kind deeds.Life is not measured by the breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath.  相似文献   

学点1:介词by的用法:由于by是介词,因此后面接名词、动名词或代词作宾语。(1)by表示“在……旁边”,“从……旁边通过”之意。  相似文献   

A collection of 35 poems by William Topaz McG- onagall,often referred to as theworld's worst poetin the English language,has sold for$12,900 at an auction in Edinburgh. The collection,self-published by McGonagall, was sold by Lyon & Turnbull auctioneers Friday,  相似文献   

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