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本文通过阐述教育政策趋同发生的维度与因果机制,提出国际组织在教育政策趋同过程中的特殊作用。在实证上,本文研究了经合组织通过PISA在瑞士中等教育政策制定过程中的作用,透视了跨国交流、规制竞争以及独立问题解决等机制在其中的作用。此外,教育政策趋同可能会冲击发展中国家的教育政策主权和价值,需要辩证看待。  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展,各国在教育领域开展愈加丰富的全球教育合作与交流,跨国间教育政策的转移扩散日益成为一种普遍的社会现象和行为。其中,国际非政府组织的一些跨国的行为者,在传播教育基本价值与规范、促进国际教育合作交流、融合与扩散国际教育政策等方面日益显示出重要的作用。在全民教育政策的跨国转移扩散发展进程中,非政府组织通过跨国倡议网络机制发挥着重要作用。以全球教育运动联盟为个案,考察全球教育运动网络、传播全民教育政策过程中倡议的基本理念与采取的主要集体行动策略,将有助于更好地理解非政府组织在国际教育政策转移方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

临近2005年岁末,“中欧高等教育合作政策论坛”、“中非教育部长论坛”、“第五届世界全民教育大会”“、中澳跨国教育质量保障与管理研讨会”等一系列的教育国际合作与交流活动依然在如火如荼地进行。用教育部国际合作与交流司司长曹国兴的话说,2005年,中国的教育国际合作与交流事业可以说取得了新的突破。这主要表现在中国与欧盟、与非洲、与亚洲等地区搭建了全新的地区性教育合作与交流平台,并在“强强合作”方面取得了实质性的新的突破和进展。曹国兴兴奋地告诉记者,今年是中欧建交30周年,中欧关系正处于历史上最活跃的时期,双方在政治…  相似文献   

教育技术的实践场分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育技术系统是一个复杂的高度分化的领域,采用社会学研究中的场域分析视角,结合教育技术的定义,详细地分析和阐释了教育技术实践场架构,对各场域的行为主体、技术过程、技术制品及其相互关系作了较为清晰的描述,为教育技术理论与实践的整合提供了一个全新的研究框架。  相似文献   

随着教育所处社会情境的急剧变化和日趋复杂,教育活动中不同行为主体实际追求的产品(需求)日益分化,产生了新的政策问题,政府通过对各种不相容的、竞争性产品(需求)的权威性分配,指引并推动了改革广度和深度不断扩展。作为一种对政策的效益、效率、效果和价值进行判断的政治行为, 政策评价的重要性日益彰显。越来越多的人认识到,只有埘以往及现行的教育政策进行科学、系统的评价,才能从根本上保障教育的持续变革和纵深发展,否则改革仅仅是局部的、表面化的改变。教育政  相似文献   

普朗普(Tjeerd Plomp)博士是荷兰特温特大学教授,1982-1985年任特温特大学教育科学与技术学院院长,1990-1998年任课程系系主任;1989-1999年任国际教育成就评价协会(International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement,IEA)主席,担任国际教育成就评价协会"计算机在教育中的应用"研究小组负责人,主持第三次国际数学与科学研究((TIMSS))和第二次教育中的技术国际研究(SITES)项目。他是国际教育成就评价协会SITES 2006研究项目的主任,领导了对学校以及数学和科学教师在学校中使用ICT及其教学方法的调查研究。普朗普与人合著、主编多本著作和会议论文集,其中包括:《国际教育技术百科全书》(第2版,1996)《教育中的计算机政策与实践》(1996)《教育技术经典著作》(1996)《世界范围学校教育与ICT使用:来自国际教育成就评价协会SITES 2006项目的研究结果》(2008)《跨国信息与通信技术:教育政策与实践》(修订版,2009)以及《教育设计研究导论》(2009)。访谈者于2010年6月在荷兰特温特大学与普朗普教授就信息技术教育以及评价等有关问题进行了面对面地交谈。  相似文献   

现行科学教育改革的需要及对于日益突出的环境问题的关注,导致了科学教育与环境教育的相互整合,并最终走向二者的互利共生。科学教育与环境教育的互动是当今国际科学教育发展的一个新趋势。为了实现与环境教育的互动,科学教育需要政策上的支持,并改革科学课程及其实施方式,从而走向更加综合化、开放化。  相似文献   

对政策网络与政策工具关联性的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政策网络是政策科学中新的研究途径,它对现代国家的政策过程提出了具有中观层面的解释和观点。政策工具研究属于政策科学微观层次中的实践领域,着重于分析公共部门的治理技术。政策网络与政策工具密切相关,对二者关联性的探讨能更准确地把握政治与行政、政策制定与政策执行之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

随着教育所处社会情境的急剧变化和日趋复杂.教育活动中不同行为主体实际追求的产品(需求)日益分化,产生了新的政策问题,政府通过对各种不相容的、竞争性产品(需求)的权威性分配,指引并推动了改革广度和深度不断扩展。作为一种对政策的效益、效率、效果和价值进行判断的政治行为,政策评价的重要性日益彰显。越来越多的人认识到,只有对以往及现行的教育政策进行科学、系统的评价,才能从根本上保障教育的持续变革和纵深发展,否则改革仅仅是局部的、表面化的改变。教育政策评价不仅有助于政策部门认识政策的优劣、成效,监督政策的执行过程,补充、修正和完善政策;而且还有助于满足公众对于决策公开性、透明性和可考核性的要求的提高以及决策系统反馈、学习功能的发展。这些都为教育政策评价实践及相关研究的发展提供了有利的契机。  相似文献   

教育过程规律是教育过程的各构成要素,在其矛盾运动中的本质联系及其呈现出的发展趋势。这些要素又可依据教育者、教育对象及二者关系划分为施教规律、受教规律和互动规律。研究教育过程规律的完整理论体系,这是马克思主义科学认识路线的要求和体现,有利于我们在新的时代背景和历史条件下,加强和改进思想政治工作。正确运用教育过程规律,既能在思想政治教育中对教育主客体、教育介体及教育环体的互相作用、互相影响、发展趋势进行科学预测,又可获得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

Evidence-based policies, decisions, and practices are highly valued and underachieved in the international mathematics and science education reforms. Many in the mathematics and science education research communities lament the lack of influence that research results have on the education profession, schools, and teaching. Academic research done in isolation of end-users—with the faint hope that teachers, politicians, and bureaucrats will access and utilise these results to inform curriculum, assessment, and instruction and to influence public policy—has not worked. Some funding agencies require dissemination of research and development results to the broader political and education communities; therefore, applicants agree to these requirements without fully realizing the breadth of these demands. However, to achieve such knowledge transfer requirements, researchers need to become more (a) aware of the needs, players, and processes of ‘speaking truth to power’; (b) active in knowledge transfer and influencing public policy; and (c) alert to values and normative premises of the policy makers. This article outlines the essential principles, barriers within the academic community, international efforts, and future considerations for knowledge transfer regarding international assessments. Specific articles on PISA 2000, 2003, and 2006 included in this special issue are used to illustrate these insights into verification of curricular influences, educational opportunity and equality, regional comparisons, and direct influence on policy.  相似文献   

Several education hubs have emerged in Asia and the Middle East in recent years with a specific focus on cross-border higher education. Through considerable efforts in policy planning and generous funding, these hubs aim to transform a country or city into an eminent destination for education, research, and training. The inherent design of these hubs raises many questions about higher education's contribution to international relations as large numbers of local and foreign actors congregate. Specifically, some education hubs are leveraging cultural heritage and colonial legacy as an instrument of soft power by emphasising shared cultural identities and values. By engaging in cultural diplomacy, education hubs seek to exert influence on the international stage. However, assumptions about shared identities and values as well as the prevailing political climate of the local society present serious challenges for policy implementation. Alternatively, an education hub can also engage with international actors based on an enduring faith in the venture of science to propel the knowledge economy – another kind of norm that underpins soft power. This paper compares Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong as education hubs that engage in soft power and cultural diplomacy.  相似文献   

随着当代社会政治经济文化和科学技术的发展,教育政策研究在我国迅速发展和繁荣起来。与发达国家相比,教育政策研究在很多方面都还存在明显局限与不足,在理论上和实践中都有待于大力加强和深化。教育政策研究要真正做到科学、有效,应区分政策主体,提高教育决策的科学化和民主化程度;转变政府职能,充分发挥教育政策研究的中介价值作用;提高教育政策研究水平,正确认识和理解教育政策本质。  相似文献   

The Commission, in organizing its activities, has set up a special department with responsibility for research, science and education. This organizational decision had a political aim. Questions of research, science and education which were previously distinct and scattered throughout various fields are to be brought together and developed as an independent field of a coherent Community policy.  相似文献   

Louis Volante 《Interchange》2013,44(3-4):169-178
This paper examines policy responses across Canada to international student assessment programs such as the program for international student assessment, trends in international mathematics and science study, and progress in international reading and literacy study. Literature reviewed included refereed and non-refereed journal articles, proceedings from academic conferences, ministry of education research reports and policy documents, books and other monographs, achievement data from various statistical databases, critiques published in newspapers, and other widely disseminated research reports. The comparative analysis suggests a variety of factors influence the nature and degree of policy responses to international comparison testing within various Canadian provinces.  相似文献   

This research examined the international origins, national intentions, and local interpretations and actions of the most recent education decentralization movement in Argentina. As a mixed-method, multi-level study, the research was framed with the understanding that current reforms like education decentralization must be approached as contemporaneously constituted policies but historically constructed processes. Using historical methods and archival analysis, this research traced the patterns and pressures of the international policy environment in which policies like privatization, deregulation and decentralization have gained much attention. It reviewed Argentina's recent current educational decentralization laws in light of these global trends as well as their national and subnational context. Employing technical, political, and narrative methods of policy analysis, this research examined the degree of correspondence between the laws' international origins and national intentions and the actors' local interpretations and actions of them. Drawing from the ‘analytic narratives’ that resulted from this study, the bulk of this article compares actors' interpretations, re-actions, and en-actions of education decentralization in three provinces of Argentina. By assessing the relationship between the provinces' political, economic, and cultural contexts and the actors' interpretations and actions of education decentralization, the research concludes that both material capacities and symbolic identities affect the outcomes of education decentralization.  相似文献   

International research findings and country experiences prove that, in coping with the tension between the global and the local in education, three major forces contribute to the success of international reform: firstly, the national public authorities in protecting education as a common good through political commitment and policy actions; secondly, the local community, in responding to the diversifying educational needs through active participation and initiatives for innovation; and thirdly, the international community, through technical, professional as well as financial assistance to member countries for desired systemic changes. This paper examines the roles of international education in facilitating systemic reforms, and explores strategies in promoting international education for educational change, citing evidence-based cases to examine the interaction between international education and systemic educational reforms.  相似文献   

已有研究围绕思想政治教育政策的内涵、变迁、内容、制定和执行等方面初步展开,取得了一些成就。但已有的成果政策研究意识不强,研究内容缺乏体系,研究方法缺乏专业的政策分析。实现思想政治教育政策创新,提高政策有效性和针对性,发挥政策解释力和约束力,需要增强政策研究动力,明确研究目标和对象,构建系统的研究体系,形成具有思想政治教育政策特点的研究方法,并从理论层面解决好思想政治教育政策科学发展问题。  相似文献   

This article synthesises some findings of an international research project called Know&Pol to question the effects of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) on the public debate in three European countries (France, Portugal and Scotland). Using a political science approach, it shows that Pisa did not favour policy learning among actors, but confirmed their pre-existing opinions and policy stances and that it legitimised them by affixing them with the seal of a statistical international survey.  相似文献   

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