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青少年社会适应行为的特征及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会适应行为是社会适应的重要内容,其特征包括并发性、差异性、发展性和期望性。社会适应不良行为不仅不利于青少年的心理健康,有碍其未来的发展,而且对他人和社会都有不良影响。目前对适应行为的测量工具较多,主要以适应不良行为为主,对适应良好行为的关注较少。社会适应行为的影响因素主要分为危险性因素和保护性因素两大类。未来的研究应包括对适应良好行为的研究、整合纵向的研究、干预研究。  相似文献   

发展与适应是个体人生历程的基本任务,社会适应是衡量青少年个体发展的重要指标.本文系统探讨了青少年社会适应的内涵与主要内容,并分别从保护性因素、危险性因素的角度分析了青少年社会适应的影响因素,最后从学校、家庭、个体等不同方面就青少年社会适应的培养提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

攻击行为一直是心理学和社会学关注的热点。研究发现,影响青少年攻击行为的因素多种多样,主要有个体因素(包括生理因素和认知因素)、社会媒介因素、家庭因素、学校因素和物理因素。应有针对性地对青少年的攻击行为进行多种途径的干预和预防,如科学认识青少年攻击行为的起因,树立正确的态度;重视家庭在预防和干预青少年攻击行为方面的作用;转变教育观念,优化学校教育;解决诱发青少年攻击行为的社会媒介因素,减少外部诱因;完善立法,规范青少年的行为等。从而减少或消除青少年的攻击行为,促进其人格和品德的健康发展。  相似文献   

学业不良青少年较容易出现的心理与行为问题有社会适应、人际问题、情绪问题、危险行为等;问题的成因来源于自身、家庭、学校和社会四大方面;文章对学业不良青少年心理问题的干预策略进行了分析,期望对相关的教育工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

青少年违法犯罪固然有社会客观原因和主观因素,但家庭不良因素的影响也是导致青少年违法犯罪不容忽视的原因。家庭不良因素主要有家庭结构残缺、家庭关系恶化、家庭气氛恶劣、家庭成员的不良行为、家庭管教方式不当、家庭监护不力、家庭成员网络认识和行为偏差等。从家庭角度预防青少年犯罪,要建立良好的家庭关系、加强亲子教育培训。  相似文献   

用韧性理论的思路探讨青少年问题行为是近20年来心理学发展的重要成就之一。传统的思路主要强调寻找引发问题行为的因素,并力图通过消除这些因素来减少青少年的问题行为,而韧性理论则强调危险因素和促进性因素二者的均衡。在系统介绍韧性理论的概念、历史和三大模型——补偿性模型、保护性模型和挑战模型的基础上,探讨韧性理论在青少年问题行为研究中的应用,不仅总结了与补偿性和保护性模型相关的重要研究成果,还指出了该理论在中国的应用前景以及存在的不足和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

自杀意念是损害青少年身心健康、导致自杀风险的一个重要因素。青少年自杀意念的保护因素有乐观心理、心理韧性、社会支持等,风险因素有欺凌行为、儿童期情感虐待、留守经历等。学校需要开展心理测评与咨询,加强心理健康教育,完善危机管理;家庭需要创设和谐的家庭氛围,加强挫折教育;社会需要形成健康的教育氛围,构建良好的社会环境,建立全面的干预机制,从而减少青少年的自杀意念,维护他们的心理健康。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪是全球普遍关注的问题,影响青少年犯罪的原因可从青少年个人、家庭、学校、社会四个方面来分析。影响青少年犯罪的个人原因主要是青少年身心发展的特点;影响青少年犯罪的家庭因素主要是家庭氛围不和谐和家庭结构缺损;影响青少年犯罪的学校因素主要是教育内容不平衡和管理体制不健全;影响青少年发展的社会因素主要是不良社会文化和不良社区氛围。探究青少年犯罪的原因,目的在于预防青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

学习障碍(排除原发性学习障碍)儿童常见的心理问题主要有情绪失调、适应不良和人格发展障碍,遗传、心理和不良外部环境是导致其心理问题的主要因素,学习策略辅导、社会技能训练和提高自我意识等策略有利于对学习障碍儿童的心理问题干预。  相似文献   

本文通过分析国外学者有关青少年(618岁)静态行为的研究,根据社会生态学模型,探讨可能影响青少年静态行为的相关因素:生理因素、社会背景因素、环境因素、心理行为因素,从而为下一步对青少年静态行为实施有效的干预来减少青少年静态行为的时间提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Child maltreatment increases the risk of poor developmental outcomes. However, some children display resilience, meaning they are high-functioning despite their adverse experiences. To date, few research studies have examined protective factors among very young maltreated children. Yet, domains of resilience, and the protective factors that promote resilience among maltreated children, are likely to differ by developmental stage. Drawing on ecological systems theory and life course theory, we examined how protective factors at multiple ecological levels across early childhood were related to social and cognitive resilience among very young children involved with child protective services. The results demonstrated that the buffering effects of protective factors varied by social or cognitive resilience and the cumulative effects of protective factors were more consistently related to later resilience than protective factors at specific time points. In addition, the influence of specific protective factors on resilience slightly varied by initial in-home or out-of-home placement. These findings have important policy and research implications for promoting optimal development among children involved in child protective services.  相似文献   

The study investigated whether school‐level protective factors could moderate the effects cumulative risk has upon behavior difficulties in children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The sample comprised 4,288 children identified with SEND: 2,660 pupils within 248 primary schools, and 1,628 pupils within 57 secondary schools. Risk factors associated with increases in behavior difficulties over an 18‐month period were summed to a cumulative risk score. Various school‐level factors were added to multilevel models, with interaction terms computed between cumulative risk and these variables to assess their potential protective effects. The primary school model revealed a significant interaction between cumulative risk and school academic achievement in predicting behavior difficulties. Higher levels of achievement in primary schools help reduce behavior difficulties for children most at risk. The secondary school model evidenced a significant interaction between cumulative risk and school percentage of students eligible for free school meals (FSM). Lower proportions within a school of children eligible for FSM were associated with reductions in behavior difficulties for children at high levels of risk. Interventions aimed at improving school‐level academic achievement and targeting high‐risk students attending schools with large proportions of children eligible for FSM would be beneficial.  相似文献   

BackgroundIntegrative research summarizing promotive and protective factors that reduce the effects of childhood abuse and neglect on pregnant women and their babies’ healthy functioning is needed.ObjectiveThis narrative systematic review synthesized the quantitative literature on protective and promotive factors that support maternal mental health and maternal-infant bonding among women exposed to childhood adversity, including childhood abuse and neglect.MethodsUsing a comprehensive list of key terms related to the perinatal period, childhood adversity, and protective/promotive factors, 8423 non-duplicated articles were identified through database searches in PsychInfo and Web of Science, and references in retrieved articles. Thirty-seven full text articles were inspected; of those 18 were included.ResultsProtective and promotive factors fell into three categories: a) women’s internal capacities (e.g., self-esteem, coping ability), b) external early resources (e.g., positive childhood experiences) and c) external contemporaneous resources (e.g., social support). Although all three categories were associated with more resilient outcomes, external contemporaneous factors, and specifically, social support, were the most commonly-studied protective and/or promotive factor. Social support from family and romantic partners during the perinatal period was particularly protective for women with histories of childhood abuse and neglect and was examined across several dimensions of support and contexts.ConclusionsThe presence of women’s internal capacities, and external early and contemporaneous resources help to foster more positive outcomes during the perinatal period for women with histories of childhood adversity. Future research should study co-occurring multilevel promotive and protective factors to inform how they integratively deter the intergenerational transmission of risk.  相似文献   

This review examines contemporary issues in vocational development with emphasis on adolescents' work experiences in social context. Attention is directed to the changing social and cultural context for vocational development, the influence of work experience on adolescent development and educational achievement, and theoretical approaches that guide contemporary studies of vocational development and career maturity. In light of the utility of current theories, new directions are suggested to enhance understanding of adolescent employment, vocational development, and educational pursuits. Social policy initiatives to promote adolescents' exercise of agency and their vocational development are considered.  相似文献   

This study examined parenting variables as protective factors to reduce the influence of school and peer risk factors on adolescents' aggression. Five waves of data spanning 3?years were collected from 5,581 students at 37 schools who began the 6th grade in 2001 or 2002. Class-level and perceived school norms supporting aggression, delinquent peer associations, parental support for fighting and support for nonviolence, and parental involvement were each associated with physical aggression across all waves. Each parenting variable moderated 1 or more risk factors, with the magnitude of many effects varying by gender and decreasing over time. Implications for the role parents may play in reducing the impact of school and peer risk factors for aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

目前计算机游戏已经成为青少年生活的一部分,部分大学生沉溺于网络游戏,现状令人堪忧.大学生网络游戏成瘾具有内部、外部两个方面的因素.本文探讨了网络游戏成瘾的外部抑制性因素对成瘾行为的影响,提出了使能条件、监控与追踪、警示、成拳和劝阻等五个外部抑制性因素,并开发了一套有效的量表以测量各因素对成瘾行为的作用大小,初步调研结果显示该量表内部一致性令人满意.基于本文的研究成果,可以提出应对抑制大学生网络沉溺的具体措施和对策,以促进大学生的健康成长,并尽可能减少大学生犯罪的发生.  相似文献   

This study examined a cumulative model of vulnerability and protective factors at the individual level (children's attachment relationships with father and children's sense of coherence) and at the family level as manifested by fathers' coping resources (fathers' sense of coherence, fathers' active and avoidant coping strategies) in helping to explain differences in socioemotional and behavioral adjustment among children at the age 8 to 12 years with learning disabilities (LD) and or with typical development. The sample included 205 father-child dyads: 107 fathers and their children having LD and 98 fathers and their children with typical development, from the same public elementary schools. Preliminary analyses indicated significant group differences on all the children's measures as well as on fathers' avoidant coping strategies. Path analysis examined the multidimensional risk model for the LD and non-LD groups. The study found a high fit between the theoretical model and the empirical findings as well as a different pattern of relationship between the model's components for the two populations studied. Discussion focuses on understanding the unique value of vulnerability and protective factors at the individual and family levels on children's well-adjusted functioning.  相似文献   

Children's and adolescents' social reasoning about exclusion was assessed in three different social contexts. Participants (N = 294) at three ages, 10 years (4th grade), 13.7 years (7th grade), and 16.2 years (10th grade), fairly evenly divided by gender, from four ethnic groups, European-American (n = 109), African-American (n = 96), and a combined sample of Asian-American and Latin-American participants (n = 89) were interviewed regarding their social reasoning about exclusion based on group membership, gender, and race. The contexts for exclusion were friendship, peer, and school. Significant patterns of reasoning about exclusion were found for the context, the target (gender or race) of exclusion, and the degree to which social influence, authority expectations, and cultural norms explained children's judgments. There were also significant differences depending on the gender, age, and ethnicity of the participants. The findings support our theoretical proposal that exclusion is a multifaceted phenomenon and that different forms of reasoning are brought to bear on the issue. This model was drawn from social-cognitive domain theory, social psychological theories of stereotype knowledge and intergroup relationships, and developmental studies on peer relationships. The results contribute to an understanding of the factors involved in the developmental emergence of judgments about exclusion based on group membership as well as to the phenomena of prejudice, discrimination, and the fair treatment of others.  相似文献   

科学生产率是指科学家(科研人员)在科学上所表现出的能力和工作效果。文章概括了影响科学家生产率(productivity)的几个因素,即年龄、性别、社会出身、研究小组的规模与研究领域、以及优势积累效应,井对它们进行了社会学的分析。  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾日趋普遍,给青少年身心发展  相似文献   

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