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吉田松阴是日本近代化启动时期倒幕派先驱,他自幼继承的家学是山鹿素行所创立的山鹿流兵学。本文以山鹿流兵学的核心内容武士道论为中心,分析松阴对素行学说的继承与发展,阐明松阴在学问方法上继承了素行的实用主义,但在理性思考上有很大倒退;在伦理思想上坚持了素行所提示的基本原理,并适应时代需要积极尝试重新解释。  相似文献   

日本倒幕维新运动的先驱吉田松阴的思想与行动,从安政四年(1857)末开始越来越激进。其政治主张前后经历了向幕府进谏、针对幕府的直接行动和针对长州藩的直接行动三个阶段。每个阶段的政治主张都是其对当时局势变化的应对。吉田松阴的兵学观深受儒学影响,故其兵学对策论始终没有脱离"大义名分"和"时势利害"这两个方向,且前者优先。这赋予吉田松阴的激进主义以鲜明的两面性:其政治理性虽然有一定的局限性,但毕竟依然存在;其非理性的侧面虽然会妨碍其对具体状况的准确把握,但毕竟带来了打破现状的可能性。  相似文献   

山鹿素行是 17 世纪时日本著名儒学者和兵学家。朱子学虽基本符合当时幕藩制度的需要,但也有引发体制批判的可能性。在此背景下,山鹿重新解释"理"的概念,批判朱子学,提出"古学"。他把认识天地大道的权力归于圣人,以限制普通人的自由思考;又自居为圣人道统的继承者,赋予自己解释圣人之道的特权。由此,山鹿获得了根据儒学重新解释日本传统兵学的思想依据,最终确立了独特的"山鹿流兵学",成为幕藩制意识形态的思想先驱。  相似文献   

佐久间象山是日本幕末有名的思想先驱,他对东西方学问的兼学并论影响了一大批幕末日本的有志青年,他提出的"东洋道德,西洋艺术"为日本经历时代变革,走向强国之路指引了方向。本文将从象山如何从一名纯粹的朱子学者到洋朱兼学的转变展开讨论,结合他一系列的主张和社会实践,从而揭示了象山在幕末对日本未来道路的探索  相似文献   

日本近代幕末"尊皇攘夷"的代表人物之一吉田松阴,是日本近代对外扩张的"设计师",而吉田松阴的得意门生、有着"日本陆军鼻祖"之称的山县有朋,继承了吉田松阴的扩张主义思想体系,通过内阁确立了日本近代对外扩张的"大陆政策",并将包括我国台湾在内的东亚地区作为其"利益线"。甲午战争之后中日两国签署的《马关条约》,第一次以政府间条约的形式,将中国的台湾割让给日本,成为中日关系中台湾问题的缘起。可以说,是甲午战争改变了台湾的命运,是甲午战争开启了台湾问题的序幕。  相似文献   

在日本中央集权的近代民族国家的形成过程中,幕藩制度下封建武士的等级性、多元性的忠诚,逐渐集中指向以天皇为统一象征的近代国家。吉田松阴正是这一转变过程早期的代表人物。一方面,吉田松阴"天下意识"和"藩意识"的相互强化和共同发展,使他在外来危机的刺激下,形成了提倡效忠于天皇的"国体论",并提出了将军职分论,从而完成了倒幕思想的理论准备;另一方面,松阴依然保持着以藩主为核心的忠诚模式,并视之为效忠于天皇的不可或缺的中间环节,始终未能否定藩主辅佐幕府的忠诚义务。虽然松阴最终未能突破幕藩体制而形成"一君万民"式的近代性忠诚,但其忠诚意识已经不同于典型的封建武士,预示着近代日本忠诚观念最终定型时的两种可能性。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》构建了一个精美恢弘的兵学体系。唐代李筌认为《孙子》十三篇的排列顺序即表明它本身有着完整的体系,南宋张预、郑友贤也认识到了《孙子》兵学体系的存在。日本江户时代的山鹿素行从知彼知己、知天知地的角度概括了《孙子》的全部内容,并进而分析了其兵学体系。20世纪40年代以后,萧天石、郭化若等用现代军事学的观点来框定《孙子》兵学体系,吴如嵩、刘庆、赵海军等从范畴出发探索《孙子》兵学体系。  相似文献   

李茜 《文教资料》2009,(10):57-59
"忠"是日本儒学中最重要的道德,而中国儒学中最重要的道德是"仁",日本儒学没有全盘接受"仁"的思想,而"忠"的思想却和日本本土的正直、诚的思想相结合,逐渐扎根日本文化.到了近世,伊藤仁斋、吉田松阴等儒学家又各自提出对忠的理解,丰富了"忠"的思想体系,并和当时的实际联系起来,在日本明治维新和近代化的过程中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

《握奇经》是我国专门论述阵法的著作,其阵法原理与孙子兵学理论有着密切的关系。《握奇经》阵法原理继承和发展了孙子的奇正理论,用奇正之说阐述八阵中的战术变化,这是对孙子学的发展。《八阵总述》中的"治兵以信,求圣(胜)以奇""夕惕乾乾,其形不偏""上兵伐谋、其下用师"等思想观念,进一步揭示了孙子慎战、全胜等思想,充分体现了中国传统兵学"道""术"结合的用兵思路。  相似文献   

日本近世中后期,"学文"的思潮随势而起,尤其是以学校为载体的私学教育非常兴盛.寺子屋建设数量惊人,是基层教育的中坚,也是儒学得以普及的重要渠道.私塾等精英学者的思想为日本近世教育发展贡献了优秀的教育理念,也为社会改革提供了思想支持,体现了思想的变革力量.乡校的建立有启蒙民众以及建设地方共同体的因素在内.近世日本教育在不...  相似文献   

The author takes Ernest Boyer's four‐part paradigm of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching as his starting point for the redefinition of curricula in the social sciences in an effort to make them more effective in the search for solutions to major human and societal problems. Drawing upon his knowledge of university social science and humanities programmes, he proposes and analyses ten paradoxes regarding the ideals and the realities of such programmes in order to explain what is wrong with academic practice today and to propose a holistic reform.  相似文献   

北宋熙宁科举改革中颁布的、由王安石领衔编撰的《尚书新义》,既是官方的经解,又是新学学派的代表著作之一,影响科场达六十多年.它集中体现了王安石的政治理念与学术思想.在诠释《尚书》时,王安石标举"天道"与"人事"的对立,并在两者之间建立起普遍而紧密的联系.其目的是"以道揆事",即把自己的政治理念附会于《尚书》,通过解释《尚书》来介入政治实践,达到推动变法的效果.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate Professor William L. Boyd's insights into the political ecology of schooling and his contributions and collaboration with others concerned about ensuring the well-being of students, families, and communities. Over his career, Boyd investigated the subtle and complex organizational constraints to school-linked coordinated services, including examining the reasons for the unrelenting resistance of public organizations to change, despite repeated efforts to reform them. We trace the history of the community schools movement and explore the influential, and at times prophetic, scholarly contributions of William L. Boyd to the research and discussion on the effectiveness, challenges, and future promise of this reform strategy. We hope that current and future researchers can learn from and build on his scholarship to develop new pathways to improve the lives of at-risk children.  相似文献   

崔与之“无以学术杀天下后世”语常为时彦所误解,认为这句话反映出他对理学垄断学术、摧残人才、祸害后世的愤然之情。笔者认为,崔与之所说并未抨击理学,其真实含义是:鉴于王安石以其学术危害国家社会,崔与之时时告诫自己,所治学术一定要“正”,不能因为自己的学术不正而危害社会及后世之人。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to explore the religious vision of Moshe Greenberg in some detail, and in particular, to analyze how his approach to education is applied to and reflected in his ideas about the teaching and learning of Bible, and in his own Bible scholarship itself. The paper examines the connection between Greenberg's philosophy of religion and Wilfred Cantwell Smith's conception of religion as a collection of religious “symbols,” one of which is the sacred text itself. The article includes an analysis of Greenberg's Bible scholarship and writings on Bible education.  相似文献   

以厦门大学为例,采用调查法对硕士研究生奖学金制度改革的实效进行分析,通过引入核心自我评价和成就动机两种心理品质来研究奖学金制度对研究生自我价值感与成就动机倾向的影响。结果表明,硕士研究生总体上追求成功动机的得分高于避免失败动机的得分;在硕士不同年级中,文科生追求成功的动机要低于理工科学生;核心自我评价在研究生对奖学金制度改革的满意度和避免失败的动机中起着部分中介的作用。厦门大学的奖学金制度改革对研究生具有一定的心理激励影响,但在奖学金金额梯度设置、优化学科资源和倡导良性竞争等方面仍需要不断完善。  相似文献   

The current reform movement in higher education involves efforts to alter the missions of universities and the forms of scholarship necessq to accomplish these missions. The authors explore the changing contexts in the professoriate based on this redefinition of scholarship and cite the impact of changes on faculty roles and responsibilities, faculty socialization, and faculty evaluation. They indicate that the current reform movement will lead to significant changes in the way faculty work Department faculty will be given the autonomy to determine the mission of the department, the kinds of scholarship needed to fulfill that mission, and how to evaluate scholarship in their discipline. Formalized, structured socialization processes will be needed to provide consistent formal and informal messages to faculty regarding their changing roles and responsibilities, especially since individual faculty may have very different roles and responsibilities. Faculty will work in interdisciplinary, collaborative groups to bring together the knowledge bases needed to solve current societal problems.  相似文献   

吴儆是南宁新安理学的重要代表人物之一。其社会政治学说包括“以民为本”的治国思想、“法久必弊、弊极必革”的变革主张、地方政治中的“三害论”和以吏治为核心的“治民理财”观等内容。他的社会政治学说具有关注现实、关注民生两大鲜明的特点。而这两大特点的形成,与新安学派的学术环境以及吴氏的经历密切相关。  相似文献   

Graham Nuthall described research findings from his recent classroom studies as educationally transformative, analogous to the shift to a Copernican universe. In honouring this assertion, we focus on two aspects of Graham's work: the role of theory in his scholarship, and the relationship between his scholarship and the pursuit of educational equity. In each case, we speak to why these aspects of his work are important and how each facet of his work is poised to advance the enterprise of education. Finally, we address some of the transformative implications of these two aspects of Graham's work for educational research and teacher education.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a national study of Chief Academic Officers of 4-year institutions on the impact of policy efforts to encourage multiple forms of scholarship in faculty roles and rewards. The extent of reform, kinds of reform and influence of initiating reform is examined in four areas: expectations for faculty evaluation, the faculty evaluation process, promotion and tenure outcomes, and institutional effectiveness. The findings are also examined by institutional type. Findings from this study show that campuses that initiated policy reforms to encourage multiple forms of scholarship were significantly more likely than their counterparts to report that teaching scholarship and engagement counted more for faculty evaluation, to report a broader set of criteria used to assess scholarship, and report a higher percentage of tenure and promotion cases that emphasized their work in these areas. In addition, CAOs at campuses that initiated reforms reported a greater congruence between faculty priorities and institutional mission, and greater improvement in attention to undergraduate learning over the last decade.  相似文献   

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