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The 42-year involvement of one member of Lamaze International is chronicled through a decade-by-decade review of personal memories. The history of Lamaze International is shared through the recollections of her roles as a childbirth educator, faculty member, and member of the board of directors.  相似文献   

整体史观:重构教育史的可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类教育的发展经历了从不同国家和地区分割孤立到不断相互影响的过程.这种影响不仅表现在不同国家和地区的不同教育系统之间的相互联系,同样反映在民族国家内部教育系统不同组成部分之间以及教育系统与社会系统的联系的不断强化.教育史研究应深刻反映教育历史发展的基本趋势,以整体的、相互联系的观念重新阐释教育的历史进程.  相似文献   

人民教育出版社九年级化学教材中化学史的编排内容丰富,方式多样,科学合理.把化学史渗透于初中化学教学的知识领域中,具有提高学生学习化学的兴趣、培养学生质疑求变的学习态度、追求真理的科学精神和科学探究能力,以及进行美育提升的素质教育功能.  相似文献   

由于受史学意识的支配,中国古代人创作历史剧以展示历史材料、总结历史规律为主要价值取向,而以戏剧的艺术审美取向为辅。其具体表现形式主要有三种:演史、补史、改史。由于创作中坚持史学意识的主导性,所以,即使在补史、改史中有与正史记载出入的成分,也并不因此而改变历史剧的本体属性。形成以曲为史现象的原因是多方面的。无庸讳言,以曲为史存在着缺陷,然而其对现代历史题材艺创作所提供的经验却有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

外国教育史研究与外国教育史课程的发展,关系密切。外国教育史课程的开设推动了外国教育史研究的产生,其研究和引导学生研究外国教育发展规律与认识、规划与预测现代教育发展、诊断和指导教育教学改革、探索建设教育体系方面职能的拓展,促进了外国教育史研究的发展。外国教育史研究的发展为外国教育史课程功能的拓展与实现提供了可能与支持。目前,陷入"被弱化"危局的外国教育史学科,需要以现实化为基础,以中国化为核心,以科学化为目标,加强科研队伍与制度、平台、组织建设,整合学科间研究力量与成果,推动外国教育史学科走向新的阶段。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe women''s experience of pregnancy. The setting was the Alternative Birth Center at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden, from 1996 to 1997. Anonymous diaries were written by 12 women and analyzed using a hermeneutical/phenomenological approach. The essential structure and interpretation of women''s experience of pregnancy can be expressed as “transition to the unknown,” which includes three themes: (1) meeting one''s life situation, (2) meeting something inevitable, and (3) preparing for the unknown.The essential structure and interpretation of women''s experience of pregnancy can be expressed as “transition to the unknown” …  相似文献   

The article interrogates current international development constructs of childhood, rights, vulnerability, and schooling in light of the daily experiences of two Malawian children affected by HIV/AIDS. It aims to better understand how development efforts targeted at these children function in practice, and suggests that current development discourses and frameworks may sometimes operate to make the lives of vulnerable children and communities harder and less secure. New frameworks for international HIV/AIDS development programming are needed that conceptualize the child and community as part of global educational, social, political, and economic systems that can fuel inequality as well as improve life experiences.  相似文献   

史学科学化是近代中国史家的一致追求,也是中国史学从传统走向近代的重要标志。尝试从史学科学化的角度考察近代中国史学的行程,是近代史学史研究的一个独特视角,可为重写近代中国史学史提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

院系作为高校最活跃的基层组织形态,其治理水平和办学质量直接影响高校各项核心功能的实现。随着高校管理重心下移,加强院系自我约束成为推进高校治理体系和治理能力现代化、进一步扩大院系自主权的现实需要。然而在实践中,院系自我约束存在着战略目标模糊、基础制度缺失、权责配置失衡、主体意识弱化等现实问题。为此,要将目标约束、制度约束、权责约束、程序约束作为突破点,加强院系自我约束, 着力构建权责利相统一、资源配置合理、机制运行畅通、民主监督有力的院系治理体制。  相似文献   

With permission from Childbirth Connection, the concise version of the Listening to Mothers II "Survey Methodology" is reprinted here. Harris Interactive(R) conducted Listening to Mothers II: Report of the Second National U.S. Survey of Women's Childbearing Experiences on behalf of Childbirth Connection. The survey consisted of 1,373 online interviews and 200 telephone interviews with women who had given birth in U.S. hospitals in 2005, with weighting of data to reflect the target population. Interviews were conducted from January 20 through February 21, 2006. The methods used to conduct the survey and analyze the data collected are described.  相似文献   

历史感首先要求在宏阔的历史视野内,对历史现象作出有意味的艺术概括,只有“意识到的历史内容”才能形成历史叙事的冲击力。切近与超越的关系是辩证的,切近中有超越,超越中有切近,失去一方便会失去另一方。历史题材的艺术实践如果没有一种恢宏的哲学意识,没有一种纵观全局的历史哲学,仅仅满足于所谓的再现历史,就很难在史剧这块有着巨大魅力的土地上建构起与之相匹配的辉煌的艺术殿堂。今天,在历史题材创作领域强烈呼唤的是,具有战略眼光的作家应自觉地寻找自己的艺术魂魄,从而强化历史题材创作的历史深度和反思力度。  相似文献   

知识史观:一种新的社会历史方法论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识史观认为应从知识总体性发展历程中考察知识生产方式的内在动力,考察知识与个人的关系以及划分知识类型的历史转变问题。主张只有把知识划分为社会知识和个人知识才能解决知识经济社会里“知识社会化和知识创造个人性”的主要矛盾;才能形成作为未来社会价值观雏型的新知识评价系统;并在此基础上生成社会化与个性化相统一的全面发展的新个人。  相似文献   

海登·怀特的新主义历史诗学探讨了历史话语的转义性、叙事性、审美性以及意识形态性,拆除了传统的文史界限,瓦解了历史话语的客观性,引起了历史哲学之真理性与审美性的融合,在历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性之间建立了新的平衡.  相似文献   

公民教育对于我国来说属于非本源性事物,其发展始终受到外源性因素的影响。考察中国公民教育之流变,可以清晰地看到不同观念对于中国公民教育变革之深刻影响。这些观念大致可以概括为个人本位的公民教育观—国家本位的公民教育观—多元化的公民教育观三个阶段。从观念史的视角研究中国公民教育,可为我国当前建设中的公民社会提供理念支持。  相似文献   

This article seeks to contribute to the institutional history of the discipline of history of education by examining the publication strategies and the associated institutional practices of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education, the international organisation representing those working in the field, and Paedagogica Historica, the most significant journal in the discipline internationally, as well as illuminating the interactions and interrelationships between the two institutions. It will focus on the early 1990s, due to the fact that, at the end of the 1980s, both institutions found themselves facing crises which led to profound and far-reaching processes of reform, which in their turn engendered a rapprochement and, eventually, cooperation between the two institutions. After providing brief overviews of the development of both ISCHE and Paedagogica Historica up to and into the 1980s, the article will concentrate in its third part on the long-lasting – commencing after ISCHE’s foundation in 1979 – and multi-faceted relationship between the two, both of which made significant contributions to the emergence of an international academic community of those working in history of education. The article will additionally explore the range of strategies used by the two institutions in relation to the publication of findings in the field and the institutional practices of cooperation with and demarcation from one another exercised by ISCHE and Paedagogica Historica.  相似文献   

郭旭 《教育文化论坛》2019,(2):126-129,140
《贵州书院史》以贵州书院与地方文化变迁为历史视阈,深入研究了贵州书院文化的发展和流变,深刻揭示了贵州书院历史变迁的动因、贵州书院时空分布及基本特征、贵州书院的讲学风采、贵州书院在近代中国的嬗变、书院文化对贵州社会历史发展和近现代教育发展的影响,为进一步深化和拓展贵州书院史和贵州教育史的研究奠定了相当的基础,是区域书院史研究的一部力作。  相似文献   

从发展前景来看,马克思主义解释学的构建是马克思主义哲学中国化与学术化整合的必然途径,以及建立马克思文本解读的解释意识和方法论自觉的必要前提.马克思主义解释学发展必须坚持历史与逻辑相统一方法,但是对这一方法在解释学上的运用需要具体问题具体分析.  相似文献   

Polynesian Languages and Culture (PLC) lessons in primary schools focus on, among other things, passing on Tahitian legends and linguistic content that is specific to the Polynesian languages (Reo mā'ohi). A co-analysis of the PLC teachers' culture of origin conducted with the teachers to identify the dimensions of their actual activity revealed a strong connivance between the teaching object and the teacher/pupils relationship (notably through gestures, postures and proxemics). This relationship was representative of the 'rapports de place' (relationships of place) found in particular in the non-school sphere. Respect for the roles and statuses of 'elders' and 'magisters', the importance of a commitment to learning, the valorisation of speaking up and the benevolence of encouraging pupils to persevere in their learning were all fundamental values of belonging in the Tahitian community. Beyond the Polynesian context, this research contributes to a conceptual enlargement of the theoretical field of 'didactique professionnelle' because it demonstrates that taking into account the influence of the context and its inherent values better identifies the resources that teachers implicitly draw on and that they refer or do not refer to in an interactive situation with learners.  相似文献   

对艾思奇《大众哲学》的研究过去多停留在他对马克思主义哲学的大众化、通俗化上。事实上,《大众哲学》的历史价值并非只具有一般哲学史或学术史的意义,而更为重要的是具有思想史上的意义。由此观之,《大众哲学》在改变中国人的思想观念、思维方式等方面就具有一种深刻的观念变革作用。由此也可以见出《大众哲学》和毛泽东哲学思想之间的更为密切的联系。  相似文献   

Once again, the National Curriculum orders for English are being rewritten. The writers of the new curriculum have looked to the education systems of ‘high-performing jurisdictions’ for inspiration. The result is a curriculum draft that offers a limited view of the subject and one which apparently fails to prioritise the needs of the learner. The model of English developed in the postwar years by those working within the London Association for the Teaching of English (LATE) offers a very different view of the subject. The Aims of English Teaching is an early document articulating LATE’s vision of the subject; this article offers a reading of this document and suggests that there may be much in this history to draw on as teachers are apparently offered more freedom to design their own programmes of study.  相似文献   

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