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“无为”是老子管理哲学的最高原则,这种管理模式能够极大限度地减少对人的刻意拘束;自组织理论是以发挥被管理对象的主动性和积极性为核心,通过被管理对象自身的作用使被管理系统达到最优化,从而出现“无为而治”。  相似文献   

中小学教师参与学校管理的现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统教育观念中,教师的任务仅仅为传道、授业、解惑,学校管理只是少数领导者的事情,而广大教师都属于被管理对象。后来,在工业管理中出现了雇员参与决策的现象,随后这种管理方式被迁移到教育系统中来,教师参与学校管理被逐步重视起来。  相似文献   

彭慧 《山东教育》2008,(6):10-10
审视我们的学校管理工作,包括教师管理和学生管理,会发现有这样两个共性:一是有关制度的制定呈“自上而下”式,制定的过程中管理者深居高位,无视甚至忽略了被管理对象的内心体验和内在需求;二是在落实制度过程中,往往是“推行一强加”式,无视或漠不关心被管理对象的感受。  相似文献   

王洪江 《现代教学》2011,(11):50-50
校长的人本管理做得好有利于建立良好的人际关系,建设和谐的校园氛围,对学校的稳定发展具有积极而深远的意义。"以人为本"的管理模式就其特征而言,有其柔性的优势,能够被大部分管理对象欣然接受,但也有其缺乏刚性的缺陷,不能千篇一律地应用于一切管理对象。因此,我们应该辩证地认识、实施这种管理模式。我认为柔性的人本应该与刚性的制度有机结合,同时根据实际情况灵活应用。那么如何实施人本管理呢?我提出以下几点认识。  相似文献   

高等学校管理效益要坚持方向性原则、适度性原则和服务性原则;同时要树立管理系统效益观、时间时机效益观、信息效益观;协调好管理效益之间的关系.高等学校管理过程的实质就是要把握管理对象在运动、变化的情况下,进行系统与环境、系统与部分协调,以实现系统整体目标,达到最佳效益.  相似文献   

胡庆年 《湖北教育》2004,(10):51-51
马克思认为:发展人类生产力就是发展人类的各种天性。即人的全面发展,要使人获得全面发展.首先就得把人当人看,让人像人、否则.被管理对象或多或少会悟性被夭折,灵性被扼杀,人格被异化.意志被消磨.情感被冻结。因此,关注人的发展,在教育管理中实施人关怀,是必然的:那么.如何在教育管理中体现人关怀呢?  相似文献   

关于学校内部管理改革的探索吴忠市一中乔金鹏一、按照系统原理,构建管理框架建立和完善管理机制,需要依据系统科学的思想,从整体上考察和把握管理对象,着眼于整体与部分、整体与结构、整体与层次之间的相互联系和相互作用,建立管理系统,以求得管理的优化。所谓系统...  相似文献   

学校管理是学校领导在正确认识管理对象的基础上,通过制度约束,运用计划执行,检查、处理职能,有效的利用学校的人、财、物等管理对象,确定并实现学校工作目标的社会实践活动过程。在  相似文献   

学校管理是学校领导在正确认识管理对象的基础上,通过制度约束,运用计划执行,检查、处理职能,有效的利用学校的人、财、物等管理对象,确定并实现学校工作目标的社会实践活动过程.  相似文献   

一、以学生为本,增强学生的主体意识 1.共同制定计划,变被动为主动 以往的班级管理,是把老师作为管理对象,把学生作为被管理对象,制定班级计划,由老师闭门造车,脱离学生的实际,学生被动参与,不能真正调动学生的积极性。如果在开学制订班级计划时,能让学生共同参与,让他们按照学校的要求,结合本班的专业特色和同学们的兴趣爱好,制订出相应的计划来,然后老师进行修改,出台班级的计划,学生就会主动按照自己定的计划去  相似文献   

在网络时代,信息产业的迅速发展推动着档案工作的改进,使档案管理模式作出相应调整。在档案馆管理中,档案员具有管理者和管理对象的双重性,这种复杂的管理关系,突出了档案员在管理中的主导地位。因此,在档案管理系统中应重视人力资源的开发。  相似文献   

现代远程教育管理模式初构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程开放教育管理模式是以开放教育理念为基础,由管理者、管理对象、管理内容、管理方式、管理环境五大要素,在共同完成管理任务、实现管理目标的过程中,共性化和个性化管理服务基本运作程式的有机组合方式。它具有开放性、灵活性和信息化、现代化的特点,是与现代远程开放教育育人模式和教学模式以学生个别化自主学习为主,受众面大、环节多、强调过程监控等主要特征相适应的管理模式。  相似文献   

Margaret Mackey 《Literacy》2016,50(3):166-172
This article explores questions that arise when we consider the things that make literacy possible. How do they interact with ordinary household objects and activities, and what intertextual implications arise from such mundane interactions? The concept of dual representation suggests that some objects may have both a physical and a symbolic existence; a book is a thing that sits on a shelf but it is also a representation of an imaginary content. It is commonplace to think of electronic texts as having only a virtual life, but they also reside within an object that has a tangible household existence. Objects are very often managed by hands, and this article explores the role of the hands in directing attention and in connecting the objects of literacy to their surrounding environment. It draws on an extended study of one child's access to analogue literacy material. Comparing that access to the repertoire of contemporary children, it suggests that we may better understand the role of literacy in our lives if we attend to the tangible as well as the abstract associations the objects of literacy evoke and if we think of literacy as a form of material as well as intellectual engagement.  相似文献   

走向美育的完整   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周庆元  胡绪阳 《教育研究》2006,27(3):39-43,49
当前,人们对美育内涵及其任务的认识还不完整,教育实践更有残缺。美育具有两个基本维度:审美教育和立美教育。审美教育把学生当作审美主体,立美教育把学生当作审美客体。美育课程必须按照完整美育体系来规划、开发、建设、实施和管理,以促进完整美育目标的实现。  相似文献   

巨乃岐 《天中学刊》2010,25(1):67-71
技术的价值即技术在与主体和客体及主客体所在环境系统的相互作用中所产生的效应。技术价值活动系统由技术、主体、客体、自然环境和社会环境五大要素构成。技术价值活动系统的特点,一是作用的系统性、非线性,二是系统的自为性、自主性,三是环境的改造性、适应性。技术价值系统活动内容主要有:技术活动是一个物质、能量和信息的人工化动态过程,是技术的价值形态不断转化的实践过程,是技术价值不断增长并积累的历史过程。  相似文献   

Since ancient times navigators have been taking the help of celestial objects to find angles between the horizontal and the lines of sight to the celestial objects, in order to determine their position on the earth. Now, they would take the help of couple of manmade objects whizzing around the earth to find their position with very high accuracy, by measuring ranges from these objects. These objects are satellites and this article gives a brief introduction to a satellite based navigation system, called the GPS (Global Positioning System) in two parts. The first part introduces the basic principle of operation of GPS.  相似文献   

Thought Experiments are powerful tools in both scientific thinking and in the teaching of science. In this study, the historical Thought Experiment (TE) ‘Newton’s Cannon’ was used as a tool to teach concepts relating to the motion of satellites to students at upper secondary level. The research instruments were: (a) a teaching-interview designed and implemented according to the Teaching Experiment methodology and (b) an open-ended questionnaire administered to students 2 weeks after the teaching-interview. The sample consisted of forty students divided into eleven groups. The teaching and learning processes which occurred during the teaching-interview were recorded and analyzed. The findings of the present study show that the use of the TE helped students to mentally construct a physical system which has nothing to do with their everyday experience (i.e. they had to imagine themselves as observers in a context in which the whole Earth was visible) and to draw conclusions about phenomena within this system. Specifically, students managed (1) to conclude that if an object is appropriately launched, it may be placed in an orbit around the Earth and to support this conclusion by giving necessary arguments, and (2) to realize that the same laws of physics describe, on the one hand, the motion of the Moon around the Earth (and the motion of other celestial bodies as well) and, on the other hand, the motion of ‘terrestrial’ objects (i.e. objects on the Earth, such as a tennis ball). The main difficulties students met were caused by their idea that there is no gravity in the vacuum (i.e. the area outside of the Earth’s atmosphere) and also by their everyday experience, according to which it is impossible for a projectile to move continuously parallel to the ground.  相似文献   

A course instructor and his assistant at Athabasca University investigated whether the process of transferring interoperable learning objects from online repositories facilitated course production, both pedagogically and economically. They examined the efficiency of the objects‐assembly method from several perspectives while developing an online university course based on learning objects for this, one of Canada's leading online and distance education institutions. The two researchers examined issues that confronted them as they gathered, assessed, repaired, assembled and created learning objects. When their search for suitable objects appeared fruitless, they questioned assumptions made by theoreticians and visionaries about pedagogical and economic efficiencies associated with the objects‐assembly metaphor and production. They highlighted this metaphor's failure to guide their course design based on learning objects in a climate of uncertainty and explained the nature of the compromise that eventually compelled them to acquire a proprietary online delivery system.  相似文献   

技术的价值即技术在与主体和客体的相互关系中,对主体、客体及其所在环境系统所产生的效应即作用和影响。不同于一般的价值,技术的价值具有五个显著的特点:鲜明的主体性、一体的二重性、连锁的延迁性、复杂的多维性、实现的辩证性。  相似文献   

教师区分性绩效考核是一种针对不同教师的实际情况和需求,通过区分评价来保证教师素质和工作绩效提高的区分监督过程。在构建高校教师区分性绩效考核体系时,首先要区分考核对象、考核主体和考核周期,其次根据考核对象的特点设计区分性的考核指标体系。  相似文献   

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