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The typical Jewish child's Jewish education ends with his or her Bar or Bat Mitzvah which, more than likely, focused on the acquisition of practical synagogue skills. As they grow older, these young Jewish adults will more than likely learn far more about Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other religious traditions in the course of their college and university educations whereas they will still only have a simplistic, child's understanding of their own religious tradition. As a result, most young Jews today possess only a superficial understanding of Judaism which cannot possibly compete for their spiritual loyalty or serve as a focus for future study.  相似文献   

Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me, Small and white, clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. Blossom some of snow may you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Edelweiss, edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever. Do you hear of this beautiful song? Yes, I think most of you know it.  相似文献   

陈旸 《惠州学院学报》2005,25(3):101-103
足球战术教学一直是高校体育教学中的薄弱环节, 本文通过足球技战术渗透教学法的改革实验, 增强了大学生足球战术学习效果, 供广大高校体育教师参考.  相似文献   

在体操教学课中,合理编排准备活动,正确运用讲解和示范,进行科学的素质练习.这是提高教学质量的根本保证.  相似文献   

关于信息通讯技术对大学教学影响的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从大学教学的理论基础和教学理念的角度 ,深入分析了信息通讯技术在大学教学中应用时所存在的一系列理论和实际问题。文章阐明 ,在信息科技时代 ,以计算机网络等为代表的信息通讯技术确实对大学教学的组织和实施产生了多方面的重要影响 ,并为其改革和发展开拓了一条新途径。但是 ,大学作为一个具有悠久历史和深厚文化传统的教育机构 ,其在“高深学问研究”基础上所产生的旨在追求知识发展和精神解放的教学宗旨 ,即所谓的“大学教学理念” ,是影响和制约大学教学改革和发展的重要因素。那种认为由于信息技术教学方法的应用而可能使未来大学教学演变为一种虚拟电子过程的观点 ,是缺乏理论和实践依据的  相似文献   

As a principal task of higher education in the German Democratic Republic is to create the conditions by which it will have a major impact upon development, a major aspect of these conditions refers to the relationship between university teachers and students. The totality of this relationship can be broken down into relationships of partnership, of authority, and of work. The third of these relationships, particularly collaboration in research projects, creates the best links between teachers and students and enables teachers to gain the fullest knowledge of their students and to have the most fruitful influence over them. The validity of this assertion has been corroborated by the results of the author's investigations of the stimulating and orientational effects of communicative and cooperative relations at Central Exhibitions of Achievements of Students and Young Scientists in the German Democratic Republic. In order to obtain the best pedagogical results through collaborative work, the teacher must understand and add to the student's motivations and be prepared to stimulate the learning process through constant evaluation of both specific achievements and of the development of the student's personality resulting from work on the project. The latter evaluation criterion is in turn best measured by the assessment of results achieved against objectives and by an analysis of the environment of the study process. As individual teachers can only know students in specific courses, the position of “seminar group advisor” has been created in the GDR to be filled by young academics who are assigned to groups of students from their matriculation to their graduation.  相似文献   

时域分析法是一种直接在时间域中对系统进行分析的方法,具有直观和准确的优点.它是根据控制系统输入与输出之间的时域表达式,分析系统的稳定性、瞬态过程和稳态误差.根据自动控制原理课程的特点和授课内容要求,结合多媒体教学实践,提出了在课堂上将MATLAB的函数功能和PowerPoint课件有机融合起来的现场教学方法.该方法不仅图文并茂、动静结合,而且可以让学生看到实时的科学计算结果,从而有效的激发学生的学习兴趣,加深学生对抽象理论知识的理解和弥补实验环节的不足.  相似文献   

为每一个学生的成长而教-基于"学的课程"的教学设计探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对"合法的边缘性参与"(LPP)为代表的"情境学习"论的考察,阐述"学的课程"的意蕴及其教学设计的基本特征。基于"学的课程"的教学设计的基本诉求是打破长期以来"以教定学"的定势,走向"以学定教"。其宗旨在于"为每一个学生的成长而教",而不是单纯地"为考试而教"。这正是区分新旧教学的分水岭。  相似文献   

本文运用灰色系统理论中系统的关联度分析法,对我院九二级7个班级213名学生的分析化学期终考试成绩进行分析。把考试命题划分为基本概念和原理、计算能力、综合分析运用能力等三个方面来加以分析,结果可看出各个班级学生对这三个方面以及课程综合掌握情况,同时为授课教师改进教学提供参考。  相似文献   

大学语文应以提高学生文学鉴赏水平、培养学生语文素质为主要目的。在教学中应着力启发学生的心智 ,提升学生的精神境界。大学语文与中小学语文不同 ,不能过多纠缠于语言文学和篇章结构。而应当注重文学性 ,培养学生的文学认识能力 ;注重综合性 ,加强文史哲的交叉 ;注意开放性 ,发挥学生的想象力和创造力 ;注重互动性 ,增强学生的参与意识  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty‐two elementary school classrooms reportedly engaged in open education in the State of New York were visited and a list of criteria produced. On the basis of raw scores and direct observation nine criteria appeared to be essential to the operation of open education, but, of these, only three conformed to variables outlined in a recent study. It would seem that educators in the United States have collected under the label of open education a number of ‘best existing practices’ and imbued them with the aura of an ideology. Whilst it is a healthy tendency to seek out such tried and true methods and combine them for optimum effectiveness, it is a mistake to see such a package as substantially different from ‘good’ education. Open education lacks the army of extraordinary teachers, the knowledge of how changes can be effectively introduced, the broad‐based active support of administrators and citizens and the conceptual clarity to make it a realistic alternative for the average school.


有机化学是研究有机化合物的组成、结构、性质及其变化规律的科学,是有机化学工业的理论基础。有机化学的理论教学应和实验教学、生活中的化学知识相结合,采用多媒体、幻灯片等新的教学手段;在理论知识的讲述过程中以分子结构为主线,通过对比法、归纳法、口诀等将有机化学知识系统化、网络化,便于学生掌握。  相似文献   

Because the very early development of abilities is vitally affected by personal relationships, research emphasis has shifted away from the quasi‐experimental situation to the more natural home context. This has resulted in the rejection of some limiting ideas of very early potential, and particulary appropriate for the highly able, concern with young children's own awareness of what they do. The educational conclusions are that infants who develop and learn with speed and ease need a wide variety of activities, with parents who are aware and responsive, especially in play and verbal interaction. They also need both the appropriate material provision and facilities for practice to develop specific skills.  相似文献   

史明瑛  汪浩 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(5):151-154,164
本文依据现代教育思想的要求和教学改革的实践,结合实际教学经验,归纳总结出了具有代表性的教学方法,对市场营销学教学方法的有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Senior high school mathematics students were taught computer arithmetic via self-instructional materials. Following instruction they were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group was tested with a norm-referenced measure made up of items having moderate difficulty and high correlations with each other; the other group was tested with a criterion-referenced measure designed to assess attainment of specific behavioral objectives. Student attitude toward the content of instruction and toward the mode of instruction was assessed immediately following. Significantly more positive attitude toward the subject matter of instruction was associated with the use of the criterion-referenced measure. Differences in attitude toward mode of instruction were not significant.  相似文献   

Following is the complete text of a statement of policy and proposed action adopted by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Its official title is “Minority Access to and Participation in Post‐Secondary Education”.  相似文献   

教学既是科学也是艺术,许多教学实际问题的解决,不但有赖于教学科学,也依赖于教学艺术.作为教学中的主导者--教师,面对新世纪,除具有丰厚的科学知识外,还须具有较高的教学艺术,这样才能赢得学生、赢得教学质量.本文从讲述的艺术性、教学情境的创造、教学机智三方面对教师教学艺术的培养进行论述.  相似文献   

本文对传统的体育分解教学法之弊端进行了剖析,相应地提出了完整教学法,并对其必要性与可行性进行了初步的论证。  相似文献   

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