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大学系主任研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期来在大学系主任中存有两种颇具共性的问题:一是不少系主任缺乏系主任必具的素质;二是系主任的责、权不甚清楚或两者分离。由此导致系科这一高校第二级指挥系统不能创造性地、卓有成效地开展工作。而加强系主任这一管理层的研究是有益于大学管理改革的。一、大学系主任的基本素质系主任作为具有相对独立性质的系科的主要行政官员,其对本组织能否实现资源(人、财、物、信息、时间)的合理配用,能否创造性地发挥组织的结构性功能、促成组织目标的实现等,都起着至关重要的影响和作用。可以说,没有优秀的系主任,就不可能有优秀的系科。由于系科既有学术性又有行政性的特点,这就决定了系主任应具有专业和领导两大素质结构。表一的调查结果也证实了这一点(以下表格数据均是  相似文献   

一、系、系主任美国大学组织的最低一级标准单位是“系”。由于存在着双重权力, 系制的冲突最终都集中到了系主任身上.他是一个处于上挤下压位置的中间人物。数据表明美国大学系主任几乎都身兼两职——既负责教学工作,又负责行政工作,他的权限责任很不清晰。二、系主任角色特点1.双重性。系主任既是教职工的利益代言人,又是学校行政管理的代理人。既是某一学科、专业的学术骨干或带头人,又是学校科层体制中的  相似文献   

高等院校的系部教学管理是系主任的主要工作,如何发挥系主任在教学管理中的作用,充分调动广大教师参与专业建设和课程建设,积极主动地投入到课程改革和教学改革之中,系主任起着引导和领导的作用。本文结合工作经验,探讨了如何发挥系主任本身的自然影响力以增强教师群体的凝聚力和向心力;如何发挥领导班子集体的管理职能,促进教育教学管理的改革创新;如何发掘教师群体的潜在能力,全面落实教育管理措施,提高办学效益等方面的问题。  相似文献   

令人瞩目的藏学系藏学系一、建系的历史背景1951年中央民族学院成立后,北京大学东方语系藏语文专业并入新建的中央民族学院语文系,在当时系主任马学良教授和藏学专家于道泉教授等人的共同努力下,同年6月创办了我院第一个少数民族语言专业─—藏语文专业,从195...  相似文献   

俄罗斯联邦的医学教育均在各医学院校 中进行,医学生从高中毕业生中招收。大多数 医学院设三个专业卿医学、儿科和口腔医 学。医学院由院长领导,每个系由系主任领 导。医学系和儿科系的学制为6年,口腔系的  相似文献   

浅谈高校系主任负责制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育改革的不断深化,系这一级教学管理单位其地位和作用也就越来越显得极为重要了。保证系主任负责制顺畅运行,这不但关系到一个系工作的健康发展,而且也关系到党委领导下校长负责制体制的运转能否顺利进行。一、系主任负责制的实质是确立了系主任在系里所担负的教学和科研的领导地位。我认为,系主任负责制有三点含义:首先,从系主任的地位看,他居于系行政系统中的核心地位和领导地位,是全系最高行政首长。这~点是理解系主任负责制的关键。其次,从系主任的职责看,他要全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实德育首位的原则,执行学校…  相似文献   

我国高等学校的领导体制中,在系一级多年来实行系主任负责制。实践证明,系主任负责制是行之有效的,它成功地解决了两个重要问题:一是系行政职权分离、工作效率低、不能发挥系一级的创造性问题;二是系党组织党不管党、以党代政、实际上削弱了党的领导问题。然而,随着系主任负责制的  相似文献   

“专业群经理负责制”下教学的管理与组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合石家庄职业技术学院在内部管理体制改革中提出的“系主任领导下的专业群经理负责制”模式,就专业群划分后系部的教学管理与组织模式进行了分析,从教学管理模式和教学组织模式两方面,系统地阐述了新体制下石家庄职业技术学院化学工程系的教学管理与组织实践.  相似文献   

王华清教授 王华清,男,汉族,1948年9月生,经济学教授,四川内江人。1982年1月毕业于四川师范大学政教系,获法学学士。1986年9月考入复旦大学经济系西方经济学专业研究生课程班,获结业证书。曾担任内江师专人事处副处长(主持工作),政史系系主任,内江师范学院政法经济系系主任等职。  相似文献   

基于对57所美国大学协会(AAU)成员大学337名系主任的调查数据,从学校层次、学科类别与系科规模的视角,分析比较美国一流大学系主任的人口统计学特征和选任特征,结果发现:不同层次学校的系主任其职称和获最高学位的年龄有显著差异;不同学科的系主任其性别、学历背景、职称、任期、选任方式等特征有显著差异;不同系科规模的系主任在性别、职称和任期等特征上有显著差异。了解世界一流大学系主任的基本特征,可为我国世界一流大学建设进程中院系学术领导者的选任和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

针对目前高校二级学院教学管理中的特点,重点阐述系主任在工作中的角色地位、功能以及在新形势下应该如何积极发挥系主任在教学管理中的作用,对高校二级学院教学管理工作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


The head of department occupies a key institutional position yet the role is a complex and demanding one which is subject to pressures, conflicts and uncertainties. This paper examines aspects of the role of the head of department through the proceedings of a day conference for heads of department at one university. It highlights issues and concerns, and analyses them in terms of the cultural and organisational characteristics of universities as institutions. Among the key issues identified are: the nature of institutional management structures; relationships with the administrative centre; and the nature and definition of the head of department's role.  相似文献   

This study of the academic department head in Australian universities continues the discussion explored in the article entitled, “The Role of Department Head in Australian Universities: Changes and Challenges” published in the April edition of HERD, 16(1), 1997. The current article examines the role in terms of the departmental‐specific stress factors of administrative relationships, role ambiguity, administrative tasks, academic roles, and perceived expectations. Four discrete roles of the department head are also examined, namely: leader; manager; scholar; and academic staff developer. Findings indicate a job where the major chair stressors include administrative demands, as well as balancing the needs of scholarship with the everyday responsibilities of chairing a university department. An examination of the tasks chairs perform indicates that the leadership and academic staff development roles take precedence, followed by scholarship and management imperatives. Implications of the findings for the present and future role of the academic department chair are discussed.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of the Head of Department in UK secondary schools in terms of its potential for school improvement. Thirty-two heads of department in secondary schools in Birmingham and Manchester were shadowed and interviewed in order to identify: (1) their leadership and management styles; (2) the sense of empowerment felt by each; (3) initiatives for improving teaching, learning and achievement in their departments; and (4) obstacles to improving teaching, learning and achievement. Four deputy head teachers in the sample schools were also interviewed with the purpose of eliciting their views on the role of the head of department in facilitating school improvement. The findings support the prediction that distributed leadership (or shared power) among senior and middle managers in UK schools still remains rhetoric rather than practice and that there is a growing need for current middle management development and training provision to change radically if middle managers are to be supported as curriculum leaders and managers  相似文献   

组织学视域中的系主任分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系主任职位是以系科为组织支撑的大学基层管理职位,它兼具学术性、教育性、学科性、行政性等多重特性。系主任的遴选是借助于学术权力与行政权力之间的彼此互动而实现的,因此系主任往往具有双重身份———它既是学者,又是学术行政管理者。  相似文献   

This paper reports the main findings of a study that sought to understand how teachers and department heads perceived and experienced the implementation of a classroom observation system in a teacher evaluation context. The data was collected through a teacher and department head survey and interviews with department heads who were responsible for classroom observation. The findings show that respondents regarded classroom observation as an inadequate teacher evaluation instrument. It was also viewed as one of the features of the teacher evaluation system that least contributed to the teachers’ professional development. Department heads felt torn between their intermediate management role as teacher observers and their professional role as teacher peers. Cultural norms of individual professional autonomy that regulated relations among colleagues prevented department heads from using information, gathered through classroom observation, to nourish in-depth professional discussions about concrete educational practices.  相似文献   

The head of the mathematics department is now recognised to be a key figure in mathematics education in British secondary schools. The demands on this position have been growing over the past two or three decades, leading to stress and problems for the head of mathematics. The two major problems are the perception and fulfilment of the demands of the role. It is argued that these problems are due to a lack of job specification, a lack of management training and the inadequate provision of time for meeting the demands.  相似文献   


There are an increasing number of research studies concerned with the realm of middle management in schools. However, few of these studies have adequately defined what might be considered middle management in schools, or have clarified which posts constitute those of middle managers. In addition, these studies have rarely considered the way in which different departmental cultures and structures affect leadership style and departmental performance. This article acknowledges the importance of the role of the head of department in secondary schools in school wide change and outlines some of tensions and dilemmas facing those who manage from the middle. It considers the leadership tensions facing heads of department in secondary schools and points towards the variety of departmental contexts, structures and cultures in which heads of department, or subject leaders operate. The article offers an analysis of the dynamic between leadership and culture within the departmental context. It concludes by suggesting that heads of department have a major contribution to play in managing cultural change at both the department and whole school level.  相似文献   

A total of 103 academic department heads in four universities rated a set of 15 administrative activities as to their importance. Faculty members in these departments (totalN=1,333) used the same set of activities to rate both the importance they should be given by the department head and the effectiveness with which the head performed each set during the previous 12 months. Tests of reliability revealed that faculty ratings of both importance and performance were made with reasonable internal consistency. Three tests of construct validity showed that each of the three types of ratings were made with at least minimal validity. A principal components analysis of faculty ratings of performance suggested that the department head has three major types of responsibility: personnel management; departmental planning and development; and building the department's reputation.  相似文献   

新形势下高校院系办公室工作的新思路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着高校内部管理体制改革的不断深化,院系办公室作用不断被强化,能否发挥其中枢和窗口作用,关系到院系教学、科研等各项工作的开展和院系的形象。为此必须明确院系办公室的特点和职能,切实加强队伍建设,创造性地开展工作。  相似文献   

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