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One day I took Bus No. 4 to go downtown. The bus was crowded. I had to stand. When the bus came to the Square Stop, a young woman carrying a bady got on the bus. She could not find a vacant seat. She had to carry her bady standing be- side an old lady and a young man who was reading newspapers. At this moment,  相似文献   


In the middle坐中间,Close to me我旁边,In the front在前面,Behind me我后面,On the left是左边,On the right在右边。注释middle中间close靠近front前面behind在……后面left左right右——选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》Seat@胡文彬 @胡正桁~~  相似文献   

A Wrong Seat     
An interesting film is shown in a cinema.Mr Baker got two tickets on his way to his office this morning.It was going to be at seven in the evening.He called his wife and told her about it so that the supper could be ready at ten past six.  相似文献   

Take My Seat     
{段 反 ) 丈 冲 }: 以 二 .、 ‘,.口户 、 (l)This fat即y takes too muoh sPace. 这个胖子占了好大的位子。 (2)A semsh 他自私。 l卜)., 夔 释 目 盛八-、岁仁 (3)Take my seat,lady! 女士,坐我的位子吧! (4)Ane明al mateh now 现在势均力敌了吧!Take My Seat@麦克~~  相似文献   

Itsnearlymidnightinthebigcity.Butthebigcityisnotasleep.Thesidewalksarecrowdedwithpeople.Someareleavingthecinemas,thetheatresandthecon-certs.Somearestoppingtolookinthebrightstorewindows,andsomearewaitingforbus-esandtaxis.Therestaurantsarefilledwithdin-ers,andthehotelsfilledwithtouristsandbusi-nessmenwhohavecomefromallovertheworld.Manypeopleworkatnightinthebigcity.Brightlightsareshiningfromthewindowsofthetallbuildings.Whileinnewspaperofficesre-portersaretypinguptheirstoriesandeditors(编辑)areb…  相似文献   


The use of drama to promote children's engagement with and motivation to study history is now commonplace at sites of historical interest and in many primary and secondary classrooms. Researchers interested in this area have often measured children's engagement and interest through the oral contributions made both during the drama and afterwards in discussion, whereas the written responses of children to their experience of history through drama have not been systematically analysed. OFSTED has recently reported that while they have observed many examples of high standards of oral work in history, the standard of writing at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 has been disappointing by comparison. This article seeks to provide direction for teachers trying to develop children's historical writing through drama, and shows how drama can be used to promote analytical as well as empathetic responses to historical questions and problems.  相似文献   

Rodriguez  Sophia 《The Urban Review》2021,53(4):565-590
The Urban Review - This 3-year multi-site critical ethnography in a focal state in the New Latino South provides insight into the everyday experiences of racism, racialization, and racial...  相似文献   

詹姆斯·瑟伯是美国文学史一卜重要的幽默作家。通过对他的两部短篇小说的介绍、分析和评价,概述了其作品对发生在家庭和公司中的性别大战的描写,揭示了现实生活中普遍存在、荒谬可笑的现象。詹姆斯·瑟伯把文学创作中的幽默风格及其背后反应的深刻内涵与生活哲理有机地结合在一起,没有一丝说教,却让人们反思,给予人们启示。  相似文献   

Back Talk     
~~Back Talk  相似文献   

Back Talk     
What do you think this dog is thinking? 大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有趣的图。首先,请你猜想图中的"圣诞狗"在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中; 然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图及你写好的内容;最后让邮差先生把你的  相似文献   

Back Talk     
What do you think the giraffe is thinking? 大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有趣的图。首先,请你猜想图中的长颈鹿在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中;然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图和你写好的内容;最后让邮差先生把你的信转交给我们。我们会在下一两期公布最有想像力的几位同学的姓名和作品,还有精美礼物噢!  相似文献   

Come Back     
You’vebeensoclosetomecloserthanIeverThoughtyouwouldandyouwerethereformeWhennooneelsewastheretodrymytears.ButInevertookmytimeforyoucauseIalwayshadsomuchtodo.Ohcomebackinmylifebackinmyheartbackonmysideohcomebackinmylifebackinmyheartbackonmysideyou’retheloveofmylife.IwasafraidthatyouwouldbreakmyheartandrunawaybutendwillhaveitthatyoubrokeitanywayohyesyoudidandnowIjustdon'tknowwhatIshoulddocauseIcan’ttakethispainI’mgoingthroughOhcomebackinmylifebackinmyheartbackonmysideohcomebackinmylifebac…  相似文献   


This paper examines seven narratives of racial conflict elicited from African American adults and young people. Analysis focusses on the relational nature of the racial conflicts. Issues of power and authority inherent in the sociopolitical context in which racial knowledge develops and moral judgements regarding racial differences are determined are found to be likewise embedded in interracial interpersonal relationships. Adopting Brown & Gilligan's (1990) methodological approach to reading narratives of conflict and choice, the two moral themes of justice and care are explored in the constitution and resolution of the conflicts shared. Concerns specific to the psychological development of African Americans and to the transmission of race‐related morals and values in black cultures are addressed.  相似文献   

Back Talk     
看清楚了,这不是两粒可食的花生哦, 而是珍贵的陨石(meteor)。想想看慈祥  相似文献   

Back Talk     
大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有意思的图。首先,请你猜想图中的老鼠在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中;然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图及你写  相似文献   

Back Talk     
几只可爱的小鸟把大象的鼻子当成了树干,栖息在上面好不惬意。可  相似文献   

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