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台湾资优教育始于1962年,到现在已有五十余年的发展历史。了解台湾地区资优教育的发展概况,探讨台湾资优学生鉴别的相关规定和程序,分析其多元化的实施模式,讨论资优教育的原因和存在的问题,以期对我们的拔尖创新人才培养有所启发。  相似文献   

Blogs have become a go-to information resource for members of online communities. In this qualitative study we applied uses and gratifications theory (U&GT) to analyze the experiences and perceptions of four mothers of gifted children who maintain blogs about their homeschooling experiences. Data suggest that this novel context and population did not yield different categories of gratification; however, not all prior categories were represented among this relatively narrow sample. Results support findings from prior research in other contexts suggesting that bloggers find gratification from self-expression, social interaction, information exchange, maintaining community, and recording life events.  相似文献   

Considering the benefits that accrue in countries having low levels of social inequality and the harm that accompanies wide disparities in income, it is important to examine any practices or traditions that contribute to inequality. Under some circumstances, gifted education does confer advantages that are not available to all students, particularly when its identification procedures fail to recognize potential in students not in the dominant group or when services improve the educational opportunities only for those who are identified even though all students could benefit. The elimination of age grading, a practice that inhibits the development of potential for many children, including gifted children, is recommended as a solution to the inequality engendered by current practice.  相似文献   

Education in Canada is determined at the provincial level of jurisdiction. Each province and territory has a unique system of legislation and policy, although most provinces view the education of gifted students as a category of service provision under special education. The first section of this paper provides a brief, general overview of key themes that emerge from an analysis of the relevant Education Ministry documents and literature concerning gifted education and counselling within the Canadian context. Where appropriate, the particular province(s) and/or territory(s) associated with the themes is noted. The second section highlights the work of Canadian scholars most relevant to counsellors working with gifted students. A brief review of recommended counselling needs, goals, and practices for the gifted is presented in the conclusion.  相似文献   

After a presentation of the French school system, we describe how the three principal practices—acceleration, enrichment, and special classes—for the education of the gifted are functioning in France. Then, we deal with the counselling of the gifted through 1) the presentation of the professional involved in these tasks, 2) the role played by the parent associations of gifted children, and 3) the identification practices. For the talented, there are many practices, from primary education onwards, which allow schooling to be reconciled with sports studies or artistic tuition. The concept of “dual project” is introduced: the need for sportsmen/women to elaborate their career plan at the same time as their sporting project. The conclusion stresses that in France, measures for the gifted are not clearly laid out; whereas, provisions benefiting from clear and explicit information have been made for the talented and are encouraged by various institutions.  相似文献   

从特质、鉴别以及干预等方面综述了国内外注意力缺陷多动障碍超常儿童的研究进展.描述ADHD儿童与超常儿童共存的特质,对ADHD超常儿童与一般超常儿童和ADHD儿童进行比较;介绍智力测验、行为观察和创造力测验等多种鉴别方法,通过不同方法对多种能力进行评估可提高鉴别准确性;对ADHD超常儿童进行教育干预,既要通过药物和行为治疗,弥补其缺陷,更要设计合理的超常教育方案,促进其潜能的实现.  相似文献   

An egalitarian setting; that is, a setting established on an ideological and cultural basis, in which individual differences traditionally is a sensitive and often problematic issue, the counseling of gifted individuals present a particular problem. Sweden provides the setting in which the current study was carried out. This qualitative case study focuses on how one highly gifted individual—a 27-year-old male—has experienced his school years and university training and how successful counselling for him was construed. The case is argued to be fairly typical, and it is also suggested that Received Mentorship might be the only way to counsel a gifted individual in a forbidding egalitarian setting. The article concludes by proposing a number of recommendations for counselors who work in similar settings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the state of guidance and counselling in New Zealand specific to the needs of gifted and talented young people. It considers the policy and practices in education in this domain and guidance and counselling services in this context. Drawing on key literature in this field, it identifies the major issues and needs of the gifted and talented that counsellors should be aware of and be able to address. Finally, it looks at future developments in this increasingly important area of interest.  相似文献   

本文通过对“超常教育”“英才教育”“天才教育”“资优教育”等概念的辨析 ,认为“超常教育”过于偏重智力而忽视其它方面的能力 ;“英才教育”是为“少数人集团”服务的教育 ,而他们中间不一定个个都是“英才” ;“天才教育”则过于强调先天遗传的因素 ;而“资优教育”则相对较为科学与合理。因此 ,笔者建议 :统一使用“资优教育”这一概念。  相似文献   

One of the principle reasons responsible for the fact that nurturing the gifted and talented in Germany has (once again) advanced to a pedagogic concern in the 1990’s lies in the dichotomy of equality and excellence. Are these two pedagogic goals actually incompatible, as often maintained in open discussions? After a long period of oscillation between these two poles, in the age of information a new emphasis has increasingly been placed on excellence. “It becomes more and more important for bright students to be using their abilities to stimulate this new era with economic and political productivity. But this will not happen if the current ‘laissez faire’ approach to gifted students continues into the next decade”(Gallagher, 2000, p. 691). Following a short definition of giftedness and related conceptions, arguments for gifted education stemming from the areas of learning psychology and instructional psychology will be discussed. The central problems concerning identification and programming will then be addressed in greater detail. Hypotheses will be developed, on the basis of the ATI model that gifted students need creative, stimulating learning environments. Various approaches will be presented here and discussed in the context of TIMSS and PISA. The second part of the article will deal with guidance and counseling issues with respect to the special needs of gifted children and adolescents and their social contact persons (peers, parents, teachers). In conclusion, German program evaluation, studies in the fields of gifted education, counseling and nurturing giftedness and talent will be presented. The outcomes of these studies and their consequences for improvements for the quality of gifted and talented education and counseling in Germany will be discussed. Excellence is one of the most important educational-psychological challenges of the new century.  相似文献   

Kirsi Tirri 《Roeper Review》2017,39(3):210-212
In this response, I emphasize the importance of teacher education for making changes in identifying the gifted. As a European scholar and teacher educator, I reflect on Dr. Sternberg’s ideas. Educating for a growth mindset in learning is crucial for the development of creativity and risk taking. Teachers also need a clear goal for gifted education to give them purpose in educating purposeful gifted students. Purpose is needed for transformational leadership, passion, and skills in ethical thinking. Ethical sensitivity is necessary to be able to combine excellence and creativity with ethics. A hacker ethic with passion is introduced as a suitable approach for high-ability students with a strong inner drive to excel. Teachers are identified as key agents in making the change in identifying and teaching the gifted. Researchers in gifted education should take the leadership in this change and commit to cooperation with schools.  相似文献   

对天才学习不良学生的评估需要同时考虑天才与学习不良的标准,但由于天才学习不良的定义本身不清晰,使得对它的鉴定缺乏明确的标准。已有研究提出的标准主要涉及天才、能力一成绩差异和加工能力缺陷三个方面。目前对天才学习不良学生的鉴定主要是理论层面的探讨,实践研究很少。多数的研究主张综合运用多种方法来鉴定天才学习不良群体。未来的研究应集合天才领域与学习不良领域的专家,将对天才学习不良学生的诊断与干预结合起来,更好地为这一群体提供需要的服务。  相似文献   

It is widely known that Korean parents have a high aspiration for providing opportunities of higher education and high expectations for their children’s academic achievement. Young Korean gifted children with ages from four to ten years did not show many psychosocial problems. However, some showed such problems as distractibility and inattentiveness, aggressiveness, helplessness, or psychiatric symptoms, when parents exert pressure, fathers are not involved in education, or parents do not discipline children’s behavior. Korean young gifted children showed high motivation for learning, when parents provide support, help, and supervision on TV watching. Based on the results, it was suggested that parents provide support for learning, rather than pressure on learning, and discipline their children’s behavior when they are young. In addition, fathers need to be more involved in their children’s learning in order to prevent psychosocial problems of the young gifted.  相似文献   

美国英才教育中的选拔机制:能力要求与方法选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英才的选拔是英才教育的起点和重点,美国在英才教育选拔方面积累了宝贵的经验。在能力要求上,联邦政策聚焦于智力水平、创新能力、艺术领域、领导能力以及特定学科领域。在此基础上,州政府对英才的能力要求已形成较大共识,但具体关注仍存在差异;在方法选择上,州政府开发并综合运用推选、标准化测验和其他非正式方法。美国的经验对我国英才教育选拔机制的形成与完善具有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

To truly understand gifted performance, it is necessary to merge research on giftedness with current thinking in cognitive development and intelligence. This article presents traditional research on gifted children's cognitive development then considers how the application of newer models and theories from the field of cognitive development can be combined with research on giftedness to change the way people think about gifted performance. First four factors that have often been associated with giftedness are discussed from the perspectives of cognitive developmental psychology and gifted education. Next, emphasis is placed on investigating the strategic development of gifted children. Specifically, R. S. Siegler's (Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children's Thinking, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996) model of strategy development is addressed in terms of what it may contribute to understanding gifted cognition. Finally, future lines of research using models from cognitive development and complex systems models of development are recommended.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of information regarding the socioemotional realities of gifted children from ethnically diverse backgrounds, which this research attempts to address. Multiple semistructured narrative interviews were conducted with 22 intellectually superior children aged 4–9 years and with their parents. Manifestations of perfectionism, hypersensitivities, and overexcitabilities were evident among the Filipino gifted children. The implications of such manifestations of heightened sensitivities for educators and diagnosticians were discussed. Cross-cultural contrasts were likewise discussed to demonstrate whether predominant socioaffective traits, characteristics, and issues in the West are likewise evident among gifted children from a culturally different background like the Philippines.  相似文献   

After decades of fluctuating presence in gifted education, the arts are surprisingly establishing themselves in academic classrooms, spurred by arts integration with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula or science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). This renewed interest provides the opportunity to recognize the artistic process as an effective way to deepen and enlarge the scope of academic content. Teachers can readily identify potentially talented students in their classrooms who immerse themselves in arts activities. Students in every classroom, if provided with substantive arts integrated curricula, can learn to perceive with discrimination, metaperceptively mold creative interpretations, and communicate these performances/products expressively to others with insightful critiques. Artistic ways of knowing mirror the artistic process and provide the opportunity for every student in every classroom to think like an artist.  相似文献   

Serious identification of the gifted started with the work of Lewis Terman early in the 20th century. Terman’s model, based largely on IQ, may have made sense in the early 20th century, but it no longer makes sense today. The problems that society needs its gifted individuals to solve in the 21st century require much more than IQ—in addition to analytical, IQ-like skills, they also require creative, practical, wisdom-based, and ethical skills. In this essay, I discuss some of the background for the conventional IQ-based model of gifted identification and education and then consider the problems the world faces today and why IQ is insufficient to solve them. I then present a new model—ACCEL (Active Concerned Citizenship and Ethical Leadership)—that perhaps will better prepare our gifted students for the world of the future.  相似文献   

英国是世界上公认的重视英才教育的国家,而且其英才教育的理念、培养和评价等教育体系比较成熟。通过对英国三所中学的141名数学英才学生进行问卷调查、个别访谈,结果表明:英国数学英才学生"痴迷"数学,"钟情"创新;数学知识获取方式和学习方式多元化;学习自我效能感高;英才身份认同感强。这些对我国的数学英才教育具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Metaphors are devices that people employ for both poetic purposes and rhetorical elaboration and belong to the realm of extraordinary language. Metaphors are used to connect abstract ideas and information to more concrete experiences, thus making these experiences more familiar and easier to understand. Moreover, metaphors are more than symbolic intellectual processes; they influence the conceptual understanding of our experiences and help define our everyday realities. For education, there is an important and relevant practical connection between the metaphors that teachers employ and their beliefs about teaching and classroom practices. This stems from the notion that metaphors guide one’s mental framework. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the metaphors influencing teachers in gifted education, this study specifically asked teachers to describe both their metaphors concerning gifted students as well as those influencing their teaching. In this study, nine different themes were identified. This research demonstrates a clear connection between reported metaphors and how gifted students receive their education from teachers. Participants’ answers demonstrate a strong connection between their metaphors and their classroom practices. However, strict adherence to one’s root metaphor increases the chance for dogmatism in the classroom and can lead to potentially incoherent classroom differentiation and a potential disconnect between classroom practices and the actual pedagogical needs of the gifted learner.  相似文献   

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