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Two summers ago my family took a vacation, but we stayed in town.We went to downtown Chicago to see museums and to the Navy Pier.I saved all the ticket stubs and pictures from our vacation.I didn't know then how important they would become to me.A few weeks later,my family had just come home from a party.My dad wasn't feeling good at all.A little while later my mom decided to take my dad to the hospital.He came home about two days later.It  相似文献   

段翔 《中学生英语》2004,(12):26-27
“May I ... ?” Nobody could imagine how happy and how proud I felt when I was the first one in our little village to become a junior school student! I knew it was not easy for a girl from a moun-tainous area like me to enter a middle school. In the eyes of every villager, I was no longer a little girl with short pigtails but a “a big fish in a  相似文献   

Your presence is a gift to the world, You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be- Take it one day at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles, And you'll make it through what comes along. Within you are so many answers, Understand, have courage, be strong.  相似文献   

Speech disfluencies can convey information to listeners: Adults and children predict that filled pauses (e.g., uhh) will be followed by referents that are difficult to describe or are new to the discourse. In adults, this is driven partly by an understanding that disfluencies reflect processing difficulties. This experiment examined whether 3½‐year‐olds' use of disfluencies similarly involves inferences about processing difficulty. Forty children were introduced to either a knowledgeable or a forgetful speaker, who then produced fluent and disfluent utterances. Children exposed to the knowledgeable speaker looked preferentially at novel, discourse‐new objects during disfluent utterances. However, children who heard the forgetful speaker did not. These results suggest that, like adults, children modify their expectations about the informativeness of disfluencies on a speaker‐specific basis.  相似文献   

述论了埃利奥特·昆西·亚当斯 (ElliotQuincyAdams,1888— 1971)的家世及其生平简况 ,回顾了这位被遗忘的多才多艺的科学家的研究成就 ,其献身于学术研究的精神永远值得人们怀念 .  相似文献   

本文从四个方面总结了第二次世界大战的教训:(一)落后就要挨打;(二)统一战线是克敌制胜的法宝;(三)警惕局部战争和霸权主义,和平解决国际争端;(四)、加强民主力量,不使法西斯势力抬头。  相似文献   

本文分析了文学评论界和文学史教材编写中对诗人贺敬之的淡化、歪曲的倾向,认为贺敬之代表了新中国的一个重要时代,他对共和国的真诚歌赞,他的关于"我"的辩证法,以及其诗歌突出的艺术成就,不仅不会被人们忘却,反而会为那些真正从艺术出发的人们所铭记.  相似文献   

求不定积分时出现的一些错误,往往是由对常数C的处理不当而引起的.要正确选择常数C,就必须把握不定积分的两个最基本的意义.  相似文献   

闻一多先生的《七子之歌》是我国一代先进知识分子忧国忧民情结的反映 ,也是诗人主体性人格及其不屈的战斗精神的生动写照。这首组诗抒发的回归梦、强国梦在世纪之交的实现 ,向世人证明了 :只有共产党才能救中国。  相似文献   

当前,中学的语文课堂教学还存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,一言以蔽之,那就是忘了"读"这个语文教学的根本.本者,根也,万千植物赖以吸收水分和各种营养,发枝生叶,开花结果.当今语文教改气氛十分活跃,新的"理论"、"观点"、"主张"以及与之相适应的教法、课型、模式层出不穷,然而溯本求源,探其精髓,不难发现它们都没有脱离一个"读"字.  相似文献   

韩愈苏轼岭表处穷殊异愈贬潮州,披述艰辛,戚戚怨嗟.卵巢之忧,丘首之叹,时见于诗,韩愈执于情者也.执于情,故入而不出,往不知返.晨趋丹陛,惟知有君;夕贬南荒,心存魏阙.故孤臣危泣,哀感君父,图异日之鹏举也.韩愈执于儒者矣.苏轼居惠,安土忘怀,随缘自适,深于哀乐而不滞,罹于忧患能自遣,入而能出,往而知返,尊儒而不执于儒者矣.据于儒依于道逃于禅,其苏轼之谓欤?然轼终不改尊儒之初衷焉.愈求哀君父,有所待焉;轼潇散度日,以观变焉.故愈之与轼,处穷虽异,归儒则一矣.  相似文献   

政府采购制度在各地执行过程中,存在政企不分现象,如果任这一问题进一步发展,必然会使政府采购走上以赢利为目的的歧途。因此,只有加快政府采购立法步伐,将现在政府采购管理机构中的具体操作、有偿服务的职能尽快完全剥离出来,才能使政府采购制度尽快步入科学化、规范化的正确轨道。  相似文献   

贾平凹长篇新作《秦腔》从叙事动机和创作目的来说,是为故乡"树碑立传",是"为了忘却的回忆".作品中两个主要人物形象夏天义、夏天智均以悲剧死亡结局,这决非单纯生理意义上的死亡描写,而是包含了海德格尔所说的"向死而在"的哲学内涵.死亡叙述由最初的生命体验辐射到社会文化层面,最终上升为一种悲悯美学.  相似文献   

汪杨 《黄山学院学报》2004,6(1):102-105
鲁迅自认是历史的中间物。但是我们不能借鲁迅希望被遗忘的名义来背叛鲁迅,20世纪90年代的中国知识分子仍要借助先生的思想来救赎自己。首先,鲁迅一直强调知识分子不能放弃继续战斗和自我启蒙的双重任务。这种对世界和自我的双重绝望的挑战态度,正是90年代知识分子缺乏的。90年代精神危机的出现,使鲁迅研究再掀起热潮,知识分子应通过自己理智地体认,走出鲁迅研究的误区,不再把鲁迅镶嵌在政治分析的框架中。个体精神自由一直是鲁迅的终极价值标准。中国要走向现代化,必须唤醒民众的独立意识和进取精神。  相似文献   

3 studies examined young children's understanding that if one "remembers" or "forgot," one must have known at a prior time. In Study 1,4-year-olds but not 3-year-olds understood the prior knowledge component of "forgot"; both groups understood that a character with prior knowledge was "gonna remember." Study 2 controlled for the possibility that good performance on "remember" might be due to a simple association of remembering with knowledge. A significant number of 4-year-olds but not 3-year-olds understood that when 2 characters currently knew, the one with prior knowledge remembered, and that when neither character currently knew, the one with prior knowledge forgot. Study 3 made prior knowledge more salient by making the remembered or forgotten item visible to the subjects throughout. 4-year-olds performed near ceiling on both verbs, whereas 3-year-olds' performance did not differ from chance. The results are discussed in relation to children's developing understanding of the mind.  相似文献   

研究生社交组织能力的培养往往会被忽视,在社会竞争日渐激烈的今天,研究生不再和过去一样只需要专注于科学研究.文章首先强调了社交组织能力的重要性,然后从学校、导师、社会三方面提出如何培养研究生的社交组织能力.  相似文献   

每一个国家,每一个民族,都有自己的历史。她是这个国家或民族曾经走过的历史印迹,是整个国家和全民族共同的集体记忆,是维系国家存在的根基与纽带,是维系民族向心力的文化魂魄与血脉。无论是曾经的历史成就与辉煌,还是历史上曾经的失败与耻辱,都是无比珍贵的精神财富,我们都不应该忘记.尽管英法对华发动第二次鸦片战争的硝烟早已散尽,但是我们不能忘记那段屈辱的历史。值此圆明园罹难153周年之际,深切缅怀英勇抵抗英法联军的民族战士与英雄,进行历史的回忆与深思,是我们义不容辞的历史责任。  相似文献   

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