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In his book,More Than an Academic Question, Cameron offers a framework within which to understand the relationship between universities and government. He presents a thorough summary of the development of universities across Canada, exploring both public policy and changes in the governance and management of universities. Focussing on the transformation of universities from post World War II to the 1980s, he discusses the evolution of direct federal involvement in the core funding of universities, the reforms within the internal governing structures of universities, and faculty unionization. Although he presents suggestions regarding a more deliberate selection of membership of university governing boards, on the whole Cameron does not offer resolutions to the issues he raises, but rather lays the foundation for discussion.  相似文献   

高校到底应该教授治校还是教授治学,现实中存在颇多论争。事实上,教授治学是教授本质内涵的合理延伸,教授治校超越了教授的本质规定;"教授治校"是特殊历史条件的产物,现实中不宜机械照搬。教育家治校、教授委员会治学、行政管理者精于治事,是我国高校有效建立教授治学制度的内部条件,同时,还需要政府简政放权,为教授治学创造适宜的外部条件。  相似文献   

Despite a persistent belief to the contrary, most Canadian universities prior to the 1960s did not operate collegially. They were run autocratically. Collective bargaining arose as a means of ensuring true collegiality through negotiations between equals, legally entrenching due process and academic freedom, and providing a clearer and stronger mechanism for dealing with salaries and benefits. This was a revolution from below in the governance of universities. Although the sixties are widely regarded as the age of student revolt, in Canada it was the faculty, not the students, who secured a dramatic change in the power structure of the university through collective bargaining.  相似文献   

美国一流大学教师在院校管理中的作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国一流大学都非常重视发挥教师在院校管理中的作用。文章简要回顾了美国一流大学教师在院校管理中所起作用的演变历史,阐述了以共同治理理念为基础的教师评议会制度的形成、发展和完善的过程,并分析了美国学术职业的工会化倾向对美国一流大学中教师在院校管理中所起作用的影响。  相似文献   

The current review presents both postulated and empirically tested consequences of university unionization and labor strikes on the North American institution’s administration, faculty, and students. The review explores the impact of collective bargaining on employee working conditions including job security, academic freedom, university governance, and due process. More importantly, this review examines the much neglected issue of organizational work relationships in a unionized academic environment. The relationships discussed include those between faculty members, between the faculty and administration, between the faculty and the university as an institution, and between the faculty and their union. The threat of unionization and labor strikes to the professor–student or mentor–mentee relationship has been a central concern of those opposed to graduate student unions, and this issue is also addressed here. The text concludes with the identification of potential areas for future research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing status of women faculty through an analysis of statistics on China’s universities from 1994 to 2004. This paper first presents the trend of a drastic increase in women faculty members in recent years. Further details on the academic ranks of women faculty, their age and highest degrees obtained are also presented. A comparison of female representation in faculty ranks is made between China and a few selected countries. Lastly, this paper attempts to account for the low percentage of female professors in higher education. Recommendations for the professional development for women faculty are made in the end.   相似文献   

本研究采用分层随机抽样,对北京市22所高校的教师进行了问卷调查,实际回收3220份问卷。统计发现:1.在高校教师任职前的学习经历方面:第一,不同类型高校教师的学历结构呈现出不同的特征。第二,出现年轻教师比年长教师的学历水平高的高校教师学历变化趋势。第三,高校教师学缘关系比较单一。第四,社会学科背景教师跨学科学习的比例要高于自然学科和人文学科背景教师的比例。第五,留校任教的毕业生占教师群体的比例较大,重点大学和自然学科在这一问题上表现得更为严重。2.在高校教师任职后的工作经历方面:第一,重点大学高级职称教师所占比例高。第二,教师的流动性弱,教师职称级别越高,晋升次数越多,跨院校晋升教师所占的比例也越大。第三,跨系统流动的教师中约有26.2%的教师具有高校系统外的工作经验。  相似文献   

Although the tradition of bicameral governance is well established in Canada's universities, in no province do community colleges operate under a similar principle. In fact, there is no statutory role for college faculty in governance, either through a senate or a senate-like body. This article argues the case for greater democracy in the governance of colleges and, in doing so, analyzes the role of college governance. The conclusion reached is that, while more democratic and participatory governance may be argued on conceptual grounds, it would also improve morale, trust, and communication within the college sector.  相似文献   

Online education is used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are improving one's performance over time and understanding one's professional development in the context of online teaching and learning. Relying on data from online staff development courses delivered in five Spanish universities, this article explores online faculty learning through the lens of staff development theory. This theoretical perspective emphasizes the universities' quality assurance contexts and offers an empirical examination of the ways in which faculty members learn curriculum and teaching competencies (CTCs) in online staff development programmes. At the core of this analysis is the contention that faculty members understand and respond to quality teaching lessons and activities. Finally, this study highlights the points deemed important when designing, implementing, and evaluating Internet CTC training courses.  相似文献   

大学内部治理模式中,“教授治校”和“教授治学”在历史渊源、内涵界定、权力侧重以及价值诉求等方面都存在差异,既呈现理论上的分野,也有着制度上的耦合。实现“教授治校”与“教授治学”的制度耦合,是当代中国大学内部治理改革的基本逻辑和必然发展,也是立足国情、化繁为简、平复争议的有效路径和可行方案。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的整体设计上,不但要保持两种模式灵活转化的张力,也要在维护教授权力的基础上避免行政化管理惯性,促进学术的民主与自由。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的路径策略上,可以从完善行政管理体制和改革学术管理组织出发,整合学校教授群体的资源,构筑教授权力的实现平台,建立教授主体参与的保障机制,以增强教授治校和教授治学制度耦合的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

This study uses a critical perspective to examine how online education is used in brick-and-mortar institutions as a mechanism through which power is exercised by and against professors who teach online. Based on a larger study of 25 professors and administrators at four institutions, this work focuses on the experiences of 12 professors. Foucault’s conceptualization of power framed our interpretation of interviews conducted with these professors. Our findings suggest online education enhanced faculty autonomy and visibility, but that it was also used to control faculty members, and for some professors, it was used to alter their professional identities.  相似文献   

This article identifies key issues and provides administrative and faculty guidance on legal matters pertaining to unionized professors’ evaluations. To do so, the authors trail the fact patterns of a series of cases on evaluations of unionized faculty that have emerged over the last 30 years—with an emphasis on the cases from the last decade.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,美国高校教师面临行政权力越来越强的控制.为了维护和捍卫自身权益,高校教师不惜参与或组织工会,与校方进行集体谈判.但由于教师群体内部对组织工会持有不同意见,更是由于法院否决了私立院校教师组织工会、开展集体谈判的权力,高校教师企图通过集体谈判对抗行政权力的战略性努力遭遇了失利.  相似文献   

大学章程是由大学权利机构制定的治校总纲领,它作为国家高等教育立法体系以外的且与高等学校内部管理密切相关的制度规则,事关高等学校权力配置、发展目标、师生权利义务实现、社会资助与回馈等重大问题,在大学发展中起着重要作用。通过对康奈尔大学的大学章程文本的整理,对其大学章程中的大学使命、办学理念、大学事务管理体制、董事会制度、教授治校、章程的制定与修改等方面的分析,建议中国大学章程要彰显有特色的办学理念,要有可操作性,减少抽象性表述,应对"教授参与管理"有明确的规定,应完善大学章程的制定、修改程序。  相似文献   

Faculty unions are a prominent, though a comparatively recent, feature of American higher education. Today, a vast majority of community colleges have a unionized faculty. A number of researchers in the 1970s speculated that the presence of unions signaled the end of collegial shared governance and that interactions between administrators and unions would become increasingly adversarial. Subsequent experience suggests that the dire predictions were overblown. However, little institution-level research has been done to understand how unionization has affected academic governance. This study examines the governance system at a large, urban community college. The findings indicate that though at times relations are contentious, there are levels of conflict. Further there are a number of factors that tend to mitigate conflict and allow for collegial decision making. These include utilizing personal ties between members of the administration and the union, sharing data openly and also working together to collectively make sense of “the facts” before discussing possible resolutions to the presenting issue, and establishing an institutional norm that values finding solutions rather than scoring political points.  相似文献   

In 1997 a new governance act, based on the principles of New Public Management (NPM) was introduced at Dutch universities. The aims were to realise integrated management, to strengthen the position of executives at the central (executive board) and faculty (dean) levels, to introduce a Supervisory Board at the institution’s central level, and to increase the leeway for universities to design its own governance structure. This article reports on a large-scale evaluation of the governance act and focuses on student and staff participation in decision-making and on the actual appraisal of different actors within the universities (leaders, managers, staff, students) of the governance structure of their university. The empirical data reveal a mixed picture regarding the appreciation of the new governance structure, but overall—in contrast with many critical reviews of NPM in higher education—there seems to be considerable endorsement for the present situation.  相似文献   

Since the corporatization of national universities, the environment surrounding Japanese universities has dramatically changed in various respects. A series of government-led attempts have intended to support the domestic colleges and universities in gaining a competitive edge by improving the quality of teaching and research as well as guaranteeing the international validity of the country's higher education system. Impacts of all the challenges that have been tackled with internal efforts in the last few years could be enormous on the personnel workload. However, little is known about the impacts of Japan's recent university education reform, particularly on the changing workload of the faculty who engage at the forefront in student teaching and advising, administrative roles as well as research activities. Using results from individual faculty interviews, this paper attempts to link the changing workload of Japanese professors with specific reasons that are rooted in the country's recent university education reform. Reviewing the effects of the reform on faculty workload provides us with important insights for the long term and guides us to prevent the derailment from the endeavour to which a significant amount of resources have been dedicated by the country.  相似文献   

Saeed Quazi 《Interchange》1996,27(2):173-197
The age profile and other characteristics of the full-time professoriate in Canada and Ontario are discussed, with particular focus on the geographical source, previous activity, and age distribution of new appointments to university teaching posts. Patterns of inter-institutional mobility within the regions of Canada for junior and senior faculty are presented. Analysis includes the sources and implications of attrition and changing age profile trends. Historical data, in most cases from the 1970s onward, are presented and analyzed. The increasing use of part-time faculty is discussed, particularly in the context of diminishing federal and provincial government financial support for universities. Discussion on the future demand and supply of professors in Canada and Ontario is presented, but focuses on Faculties of Education. Some reference is made to the comparable situation in Australia, the United States, and other major industrialized countries. Despite the rapidly aging professoriate, the article concludes that there will not be an overall shortage of university teachers in the coming decade or so.  相似文献   

David Cameron's response to Barbara Anderson's review completes the symposium on Cameron'sMore Than an Academic Question with a justification of his opposition to faculty unionization on both moral and professional principles and reiteration of the need to strengthen university governing boards.  相似文献   

蔡元培时代的北大“教授治校”制度:困境与变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教授治校是源自中世纪大学的一种管理实践,蔡元培时代的北京大学是中国近代第一所将其付诸实施的大学。北大“教授治校”制度虽然面临合法性的困境,但是民主的治校理念、学有专长的教授群体以及蔡元培校长的个性特质为该制度的实现提供了条件。通过该制度,北大教授获得了大学事务的决策权力。但是蒋梦麟担任北大校长后,由于其管理理念的不同,“教授治校”制度在北大走向消亡。  相似文献   

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