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Objective. This study assessed the direct and indirect relations between 2 types of social support - parenting support and general social support - and optimal parenting. Design. Self-report data were gathered from 165 married mothers of firstborn 4th-graders between the ages of 9 and 11 years. Widely accepted measures of warmth, monitoring, general psychological distress, parenting stress, and general social support were used. A measure of parenting support from family and friends was developed for this study. Results. Path analysis indicated that the relation between specific parenting support and optimal parenting was completely mediated by parenting stress and not by general psychological distress. The relation between general social support and optimal parenting was not completely mediated by either parenting stress or general psychological distress. Conclusions. This study integrated essential components from the social support, stress and coping, and parenting research. The authors identify parenting stress as a mediator of the relation between parenting support and optimal parenting by focusing on the specificity of social support and stress in the domain of parenting.  相似文献   

Skin conductance level reactivity (SCLR) was examined as a moderator of the association between harsh parenting and child externalizing behavior. Participants were 251 boys and girls (8–9 years). Mothers and fathers provided reports of harsh parenting and their children's externalizing behavior; children also provided reports of harsh parenting. SCLR was assessed in response to a socioemotional stress task and a problem-solving challenge task. Regression analyses revealed that the association between harsh parenting and externalizing behavior was stronger among children with lower SCLR, as compared to children with higher SCLR. SCLR may be a more robust moderator among boys compared to girls. Results are discussed with regard to theories on antisocial behavior and multiple-domain models of child development.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察融合教育教师职业压力、社会支持和职业倦怠之间的关系,采用问卷调查法对来自北京市、厦门市、中山市的367名融合教育教师进行调查.结果 发现:融合教育教师的职业压力显著影响教师的职业倦怠;融合教育教师获得的社会支持显著影响其职业倦怠.融合教育教师的社会支持在职业压力与职业倦怠关系中发挥部分中介作用,即融合教育...  相似文献   

本研究以583名初任教师为研究对象,探讨指导教师支持、入职适应、职业认同、职业承诺之间的关系。研究发现:指导教师支持、入职适应、职业认同、职业承诺两两之间的关系均呈显著正相关;初任教师的入职适应在指导教师支持与其职业认同、职业承诺之间发挥着部分中介效应;初任教师的职业认同在指导教师支持与职业承诺、入职适应与职业承诺之间发挥着部分中介效应。研究结果表明:指导教师支持不但可以直接正向预测初任教师的职业承诺,同时可以通过入职适应和职业认同产生重要的中介作用。在对上述研究结果进行探讨的基础上,就如何提升初任教师的职业承诺水平提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

The publication of Frank Furedi's Paranoid Parenting in 2001 was trend‐setting in the sense that it addresses parents directly in a way that is intended to be both critical and supportive, by helping parents to look through a sociological lens at their alleged predicament. Furedi's hope is that this will lead to the restoration of parental self‐confidence, which he claims to be sorely lacking in contemporary (Western?) society. I argue that such a project would be more likely to succeed if one were to hold a less dim view of the way both parents and other individuals are connected with their own society. By introducing a cultural‐hermeneutical perspective on human agency, based on a specific reading of Heidegger and Taylor, I suggest a more constructive way to reconnect parents with the ongoing conversations in their communities and to conceptualise parenting support.  相似文献   

本文采用随机抽样进行问卷调查父母教养方式对青少年攻击性的影响,结果表明青少年的攻击性与父母教养方式中的惩罚严厉、过分干涉、拒绝否认均有显著的正相关,母亲教养方式中的情感温暖因子与攻击性有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

为了解身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力与社会支持具体现状及关系,以《社会支持评定量表》《亲职压力简表》为研究工具.结果表明,身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力处于非常高的水平,社会支持得分相对较高;与患者关系在亲职压力与社会支持(客观支持、主观支持)方面得分有显著差异,受教育水平在亲职压力和社会支持均存在显著差异;社会支持与亲职压力存在一定的关系(|0.014-0.339|),对支持利用度、主观支持对亲职压力有显著性的负向预测作用.研究表明,身心障碍患者家庭所接受的社会支持越多,护理人可能所感受到的亲职压力越低.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,为应对少子化压力,日本基于福利多元主义的视角,对其传统的以国家提供为主、体现"家庭主义"特点的育儿支持体系进行了重大改革,逐步转为在政府引导下,由社区、市场、民间组织等多部门共同协作为家庭提供育儿支持,这有效地缓解了家庭育儿压力。当前我国家庭在育儿方面缺乏政府与社会的各方支持。借鉴日本的改革经验,我国应加强顶层设计,健全相关法律体系和机构部门;发挥市场作用,发展多样化托育服务,满足不同家庭的需求;推动社区及社会组织参与育儿服务,创建有利于育儿家庭的社会支持环境;重视家庭的不可替代作用,实现社会多元支持下的"再家庭化"。  相似文献   

揭示父亲教养方式主要体现在与子女游戏上,父亲与子女建立有效安全依恋、父亲对子女生活的参与程度,对其探索外部新奇世界产生重要影响,父亲还通过孩子的母亲间接地影响子女的成长。通过自下而上、自上而下和交互作用等三类研究,发现父亲教养方式与子女的焦虑存在显著高相关,继而探索加强与子女的游戏,重视与子女建立安全的依恋关系,向子女提供更多积极反馈、解释或建议,同时克服父亲自己的过度焦虑等维护子女适度焦虑的有效策略。  相似文献   

家庭教养方式是影响儿童道德发展的重要因素。父母积极的教养方式(如温暖、鼓励、支持等)有助于儿童道德的发展,父母消极的教养方式(如严厉管教、控制、忽视等)会阻碍儿童道德的发展。儿童道德发展及家庭德育面临诸多问题,如家长自身道德素养亟待提高,忽视儿童身心发展规律及德育养成规律,重智育、轻德育,父亲教养缺位严重,留守与流动儿童家庭德育缺失,家庭、学校、社区未能密切配合等。促进儿童道德发展、改进家庭德育现状,需要多方共同努力,家长要进行"适度"与"关爱"教育,父亲要承担应尽之责,此外,还需要传承培育良好家风,关心关爱留守与流动儿童,加强家庭德育横向衔接,做好"互联网+"时代下的家庭德育。  相似文献   

幼儿教师工作使命感对提高教育工作的实效性,增强幼儿教师自身的职业幸福感具有十分积极的影响。本研究采用CVQ问卷、组织工具性问卷和工作投入问卷对广州、佛山和中山共31所幼儿园的305名幼儿教师进行问卷调查。分析结果表明,幼儿教师的工作使命感可以显著地正向预测她们的工作投入度,且组织工具性起着部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

该研究旨在对一名11岁智障儿童的打人、大喊"安静"这两项课堂干扰行为进行干预,采用单一个案研究法(ABA设计),以积极行为支持方案进行为期四个月的干预。研究发现:个案课堂干扰行为的功能是引起他人注意;积极行为支持能有效减少个案的课堂干扰行为;积极行为支持能增强个案正向行为。  相似文献   

本研究通过对湖南省17个县(市)的985个幼儿家庭育儿实况和幼儿社会化发展的调查发现:高达64%的农村幼儿在成长过程中父母处于缺位状态,且多数在幼儿22个月时就外出务工;农村留守幼儿的社会化发展水平低于非留守幼儿,与城镇幼儿发展水平之间的差异更为显著。为保障农村幼儿的健康发展,必须加强祖辈和父辈对农村留守幼儿情感和社会化发展的关注,强化其直接或间接的亲子良好互动,并进一步提升幼儿教师"代理母亲"角色的作用。  相似文献   

基于跨期最优化条件,引入金融规模和金融结构等因素,在内生增长框架下分析了金融发展对经济增长的影响.同时,搜集了湖南省1991-2015年的年度数据,在理论推演的基础上,运用VAR模型实证检验了湖南省农村金融发展对农村经济增长的影响.研究结果表明,农村金融规模和农村金融结构均对农村经济增长产生了显著的促进作用.从作用力度来看,农村金融规模对农村经济增长的贡献程度显著高于农村金融结构的贡献.  相似文献   

听力障碍儿童气质特点及其对母亲教养方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往研究多侧重于父母教养方式对儿童心理发展的影响,而现代心理学研究发现儿童自身特点直接影响到父母教养方式。本研究采用问卷法探索听力障碍儿童的气质特点及对母亲教养方式的影响,结果表明:听力障碍儿童的气质与正常儿童的气质在专注性维度上差异显著;研究发现:影响听力障碍儿童母亲教养方式的气质的积极因素是高专注性、低活动性、低社会抑制性,影响听力障碍儿童母亲教养方式的气质的消极因素是低专注性、高活动性和高抑制性。研究对听力障碍儿童教育工作者及家长的教育具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Clients' ratings measuring the extent to which they felt inhibited by audio-recorded sessions (for supervisory purposes) were correlated with their scores on each scale of the Adjective Check List. Inhibition was positively related to scores in Self-Control, Endurance, Order, Abasement, Deference, and Counseling Readiness. It was negatively related to Lability, Exhibition, and Autonomy scores. The pattern of correlations was similar for clients with personal-social versus educational-vocational problems, although those of the latter group tended to be higher. Unexpectedly, inhibition ratings of educational-vocational clients manifested a strong positive relationship with their level of counseling readiness.  相似文献   

This article examines how parental education level moderates the genetic and environmental contributions to variation in verbal IQ. Data are from 1909 non-Hispanic Whites and African American sibling pairs from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which obtained nationally-based samples of identical (MZ) twins, fraternal (DZ) twins, full and half siblings, cousins (in the same household), and biologically unrelated siblings. In the whole sample, the variance estimate for heritability (h2 = .57, SE = .08) was greater than that for shared environment (c2 = .13, SE = .04). Both heritability and the shared environmental estimate were moderated, however, by level of parental education. Specifically, among more highly educated families, the average h2 = .74 (SE = .10) and the average c2 = .00 (SE = .05). Conversely, among less well-educated families, heritability decreased and shared environmental influences increased, yielding similar proportions of variance explained by genetic and environmental factors, average h2 = .26 (SE = .15), and average c2 = .23 (SE = .07).  相似文献   

This study examined the role of residential and school mobility as a mediator between child maltreatment and academic outcomes. Using a sample of 711 maltreated and nonmaltreated children ranging from 5 to 15 years old matched on gender, grade, school, and socioeconomic status, path analytic techniques were employed to assess direct and indirect effects of maltreatment on recent achievement test scores, current grades, and grade repetitions. The results indicated that mobility did help account for the effects of maltreatment on each of the outcomes. For grades in English/reading, 32.7% of the effect of maltreatment was accounted for by amount of mobility, while for test scores and grade repetitions the numbers were 14.6% and 19.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

临床心理治疗实践认为,父母教养方式影响个体性发展,同时个体性发展和生活事件之间存在相互影响关系。运用《汪卫东忆溯性人格发展量表》(WMPI)的个体性发展分量表、父母教养方式分量表、生活事件分量表对29省2450位25岁以上成人施测,结果表明:(1)父母教养方式和生活事件对个体性发展影响的非递归模型成立;(2)少年期父母教养方式对个体性发展影响更明显;(3)生活事件对个体性发展的影响大于个体性发展对生活事件应对的影响且为负向影响;(4)与综合人群相比,精神和心理疾病患者的性发展对个体生活事件应对没有影响。  相似文献   

文章基于英语专业30名高年级本科生和30名研究生的问卷调查结果,通过对口译场合、初译者角色定位、跨文化协调方法和影响因素的分析,得出了如下基本结论:(1)各类口译场合中,学生初译者接触最多的是陪同口译和会议口译.(2)与会议口译相比,初译者在陪同口译中进行更多的跨文化协调.(3)与经验丰富的职业会议译员相似的是,大部分未经过职业训练的初译者在口译中扮演跨文化协调者的角色,忠实于源语意义且保持中立.(4)在跨文化协调方法中,初译者使用最多的是解释、增译和改述,其目的是促进沟通顺利进行.(5)在各种影响因素中,初译者认为对双语文化的了解程度、跨文化意识的强弱和跨文化能力的高低对跨文化协调影响最大.  相似文献   

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