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This paper discusses the use of organisational theory in a research and development project at the University of Queensland. It focuses on the introduction of a student evaluation of teaching scheme for feedback purpose and for use in annual appraisals, as well as for tenure and promotion decisions. It is a case study of planned change introduced into a traditional university within the framework of the literature on change, university systems and the academic profession. The paper demonstrates that organisational theory helps (a) to clarify the context and the conditions which facilitate introduction of change in a traditional university, and (b) to evaluate strategies to initiate and implement change. When the student evaluation of teaching system was developed and first promoted in Semester 2, 1982, 37 staff members had their teaching evaluated. Since then it has grown to a regular evaluation of teaching in over 300 class sessions, with 150–200 staff members participating each semester, and about 15,000 students returning questionnaires. This makes it a unique scheme in Australian universities.  相似文献   

对理工科大学生英语学习状况和学习成绩调查、统计和分析的基础上,研究了英语学习策略运用水平和学习风格倾向与英语成绩的关系。研究表明:(1)学习者都能积极运用学习策略,元认知和补偿策略运用得最多,社会/情感策略运用得较少;(2高分组和低分组在元认知策略上有显著差异;(3)学习风格偏好呈多样性,英语水平与学习风格本身无关。  相似文献   

The learning style of a learner is an important parameter in his learning process. Therefore, learning styles should be considered in the design, development, and implementation of e-learning environments to increase learners’ performance. Thus, it is important to be able to automatically determine learning styles of learners in an e-learning environment. In this paper, we propose a sequential pattern mining approach to extract frequent sequential behavior patterns, which can separate learners with different learning styles. In this research, in order to recognize learners’ learning styles, system uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’s (MBTI). The approach has been implemented and tested in an e-learning environment and the results show that learning styles of learners can be predicted with high accuracy. We show that learners with similar learning styles have similar sequential behavior patterns in interaction with an e-learning environment. A lot of frequent sequential behavior patterns were extracted which some of them have a meaningful relation with MBTI dimensions.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Universities are encouraging the implementation of innovative methodologies and teaching strategies to develop an interactive and appealing educational...  相似文献   

Small primary schools are frequently perceived as having a discrete organisational problems which are intensified when such schools are located in rural areas. We report a study conducted in a Welsh local education authority which established clustering arrangements as a solution to some managerial, administrative and curriculum problems. The study comprises a questionnaire survey and a more detailed investigation of two clusters.  相似文献   

基于元认知理论的本质和大学公共英语教学的特点,选取90名非英语专业大学生进行了元认知策略意识培养的教学实验。实验表明,元认知策略的使用与英语成绩的提高呈显著正相关,在英语教学过程中有意识地进行元认知策略培养对改善大学生的认知效能是积极有效的。  相似文献   

The discussions held in specifying an automaticvehicle as a project in a distance work-relatedcourse are in focus for an analysis of learningin networked discussions. Learning ischaracterised as coming to experience things indistinctly new ways, in keeping with theunderlying phenomenographic research approachfor the study. Group discussions are seen asone feature in the experience of, and theformation of, the context for learning, in anexperiential interpretation of activitysystems. The analysis has led to theidentification of pivotal contributions todiscussions that can be said to afford learningwithin the group, in the sense of openingdimensions of variation around criticalfeatures of the task. This is developed toproduce a taxonomy of contributions, withparticipatory, factual, reflective and learningcontributions, suggested to be necessary,though not sufficient, conditions for learning.The taxonomy is illustrated and discussed, asare its implications for tutoring in networkedcourses of this type.  相似文献   

采用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联度分析法,结合相关性分析,对宁波旅游产业2006—2012年产业数据进行实证分析。结果表明:影响宁波旅游产业发展首要因子是地区对外开放程度和经济水平,应继续巩固其主导地位;接待设施建设和信息化技术运用是未来需要着力拓展提升的关键要素;而交通建设、生态环保及人才培养方面需迎头赶上,并积极谋求创新转变。运用灰色预测GM(1,1)模型预测未来5年宁波旅游产业发展势头强劲,需借助“十二五”发展契机积极转变发展模式,大力发展旅游产业。  相似文献   

Recent calls have been made for a fundamental reorientation in higher education from a curriculum that simply transmits information (learner as receiver) to one that encourages students actively to construct their own knowledge and practice using new skills and concepts (learner as constructor). In response, the Case Analysis in Organisational Situations (CAOS) assessment tool was developed for use in teaching organisational behaviour. It follows the principles of problem‐based learning and group work, using an unfolding case design. A pre‐test (n=365), immediate post‐test (n=323) and delayed post‐test (n=129) design was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of this new learning tool. The assessment of student approaches to learning revealed that students were more likely to adopt a deep approach to learning at the end of CAOS than at the beginning. In general, the results show that CAOS is a useful web‐based tool that promotes learning in organisational behaviour. The benefits of CAOS and some suggested improvements to the existing CAOS format are discussed.  相似文献   

一例基于SPSS的英语学习策略实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探讨辽宁省某大学非英语专业文理科生和男女生两大群体在英语学习策略使用上的异同点.同时对影响受试英语成绩的三大策略进行了分析说明,并建议教师应该对这些策略进行教学和培训,以期提高教师的教学效果和学生的英语成绩.  相似文献   

英语学习自我效能感影响因素实证研究(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查、访谈、数据分析等研究方法对英语学习自我效能感影响因素进行实证研究。研究表明,英语学习自我效能感受学习者个体的直接和间接经验、他人评价和学习者的自我规劝、学习外部环境、自我学业表现的归因以及个体情感和情绪等因素影响。  相似文献   

通过对高职财经类学生的调查发现,财经类学生存在对专业了解不深、缺乏规划、课堂学习效果不理想、主动学习能力弱、学习动力不足等问题.培养与激发学生学习动机的策略有:帮助学生端正学习态度,培养学生的专业学习兴趣,调整课程体系,创新教学方法,注重师资队伍建设.  相似文献   

Action learning involves balancing the often conflicting forces between working knowledge and academic knowledge. This paper explores the experience of executive learners; academics and external contributors involved in action learning at the postgraduate level. The executive learners are members of cohorts on two masters programmes based in Ireland. The programmes adopt an action learning methodology. Action learning supports a reflective culture for the executive learners and an enriched understanding of their workplace. The challenges associated with action learning are explored. The understanding of best practice in the facilitation of action learning for executive learners is enriched for practitioners and academics. The use of narrative structuring provides an insight into the reality of action learning for executive learners. If action learning is to be successfully integrated into executive education, then there needs to be high levels of communication, commitment and trust between the executive learners; academics and external contributors.  相似文献   

The contingency rules theory of persuasion, as alternative to the traditional laws model, assumes that: (1) persuasive behaviors, including compliance‐gaining and responding activities, are governed antecedently by five varieties of self‐evaluative and adaptive behavioral contingency rules; and (2) the context where persuasive communicators interact determines the particular configuration of rules governing their persuasive choices. This research assessed the power of the proposed five‐part rule structure to predict subjects’ responses to messages as functions of the context variables, ego‐involvement, schematic complexity, and affective orientation toward a persuasive issue. Results supported the contingency rules model, in that a significant proportion of the variance in subjects’ behavioral intentions was explained by self‐evaluative and adaptive rules in each context examined in the research. Moreover, the particular mix of rules accounting for intended actions varied sharply as a function of subjects’ levels of ego‐involvement with the persuasive issues, the complexity of their cognitions regarding the issues, and their affective stances toward the issues. The advantages and limitations of the contingency rules theory vis‐a‐vis the laws paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

Flow is a state of total absorption and concentration in an activity that is desirable for students, as it enhances the learning experience. Due to the importance of flow for learning, this research investigates the influence of three flow preconditions—namely balance of skill and challenge, feedback and goal clarity—on students' flow, operationalized as heightened concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience, while using clickers—a type of polling device. The study also explores the impact of concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience on students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Based on a survey of 204 undergraduate students who use clickers in the classroom, the findings show that balance of skill and challenge has a positive influence on students' concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience. Both feedback provided by clickers and goal clarity have a positive influence on concentration and sense of control, but do not influence the autotelic experience. Findings also corroborate the positive impact of concentration and sense of control experienced by students on perceived learning. Finally, autotelic experience predicts both perceived learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的迅猛发展下,越来越多的人开始学习商务英语,而英语教师也越发关注于探寻出更为合理的商务英语教学方法。阅读是人们获取信息和学习知识的手段,也是一种以视觉作为辅助工具通过思考来理解作品的能动性活动,是一种重要的学习途径。在阅读的过程中,读者根据自身已掌握的知识对新知识进行验证筛选、加工组合,是独立的认知活动的一种。通过对图式理论解析商务英语的阅读过程,结合学生不能够充分理解阅读材料的原因,讨论语篇图式理论在商务英语阅读教学中的具体作用及发展方向,倡导教师以"新图式带动旧图式",使新旧图式知识产生互动,提供学生商务英语的阅读理解能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the reputation or prestige of universities. We first develop a model of university behaviour which indicates how the decisions made by university officials would be chosen in order to maximize their respective reputations. In doing so, we assume that reputation is enhanced by the quality of students produced, the caliber of research and the service provided to the community in terms of the provision of publicly funded education services. We argue that the relative weights placed on these intermediate outputs may vary by university type as well as the means of producing them. Using the results of the reputational survey – a ranking of the institution in terms of reputation – conducted as part of the Canadian magazine Maclean’s overall ranking exercise, we then estimate an Error Correction—Ordered Probit Model of the rankings of Canadian universities to determine the factors that influence the change in reputation or “prestige” of the university as viewed by the external community. We find evidence that the change in reputation of a university is based on what might be considered the appropriate “signals” that one might use in estimating the respective quality of the institution given the respective differences in mission.  相似文献   

Change is a function of the interaction between an individual and an organisation. Current concepts about organisational learning are stronger on concepts than on practical processes. These processes must be built on the individual learner first. Learning to learn then leads to continuous learning, and a full understanding of learning (especially at work) as a sequential process not a series of separate events. The main contribution to effective learning within the organisation will come from ‘helpers’ who recognise and manage learning opportunities.  相似文献   

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