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融安百姓话又称客话,也称土拐话等。全浊声母今读塞音和塞擦音时基本不送气,只有1套塞擦音和擦音,边擦音[1]来源广泛,以母极少数字读[h],合一戈韵字绝大多数与合二麻韵字相混,豪韵字与歌韵字基本相混,声调9个。同音字汇收字3800多个.  相似文献   

湘西古丈县语言复杂“,客话”是该县的通用交际语。通过对古丈县“客话”的声韵调系统及其主要音韵特点的描写和归纳,指出其兼具西南官话和湘语的特征,目前,把它归为一种过渡型的方言是比较合适的。  相似文献   

比较客方言代表点梅县话与赣方言代表点南昌话中的亲属称谓词,可以看出,两方言亲属称谓词中不同词语的数量是远远多于相同词语的数量;特点上,一方面,两地共同具有与传统一致的尊卑有别、长幼有序的宗族观念,另一方面,客方言将部分外亲亲属当作内亲亲属来称谓,显现出客方言区与传统的亲疏有异的观念稍有些不同。从存古性来看,两方言虽有一些共有的古语词,但不同的古语词更多,相对而言,客方言的古语词更多,时代上也更古。另外,两方言还有一些比较齐整的对应成分,可以看作客赣方言之间的区别性特征。  相似文献   

比较客方言代表点梅县话与赣方言代表点南昌话中的动物类词语,可以看出其差异表现最多的是构词语素部分不同,构词语素完全不同的也不少,最少的是构词语素顺序相反。产生差异的原因主要是传承的古语词不同、命名的理据不同以及区域的文化不同。  相似文献   

六甲话的突出特点是:古全浊声母今读塞音和塞擦音,一般不送气;有[m p t k]韵尾;声调10类,古四声各依声母的清浊分为阴阳两类,入声的阴阳两类又各分上下.这些特点跟勾漏片粤语的玉林话十分吻合.本同音字汇收了3200多个.  相似文献   

宜州市的汉语方言有西南官话、百姓话、客家话和阳山话四种。说百姓话也称讲“客”,跟历代屯田驻军有直接的关系。庆远镇、德胜镇讲百姓话的村庄,多属明代庆远卫及德胜千户所屯田之区域。莫村同音字表收3600余字。  相似文献   

本文采用语素和构词法分项统计的方法,对粤西湛江市所辖廉江市的粤语和客话的900余条日常词语进行了计量分析,并对照粤语代表广州话和客话代表梅州话同批词语的相关系数,从中窥探粤西粤客杂处地区方言接触的事实和接触程度。  相似文献   

宾阳客家话在当地称为新民话.语音跟梅州话相同的是:古全浊声母今读塞音和塞擦音时基本读送气音;假开三与假开二的主要元音相同,都是[a];没有撮口呼;声调6类,平入分阴阳,上去不分阴阳;少部分全浊上声今读阴平.跟梅州话不同的是:精组少数字读舌尖中音[tth];心母和部分邪母、生母字读边擦音[f];精见晓匣诸母读塞擦音或塞音的送气音;流开一读[£i];较多的全浊去声字今读上声。  相似文献   

湘西州的洗溪方言和河蓬“死客话”属于湘语性质,它们的声调是个三域六度系统,存在两种比较特殊的发声态:嘎裂声和假声.嘎裂声存在于阴去调中,表现为前低后高的凹调.假声存在于阳去调中,这种现象在湘赣语中比较罕见.  相似文献   

汝城话的音韵特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汝城县属于客家方言区的于桂片,由于其特殊的地理位置及受外地移民方言的影响等原因,汝城话带有客,赣,湘和土话等方言的色彩,对汝城话的音系,音韵特点及形成原因进行研究,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文选用1891年的(英华福州方言词典)为基本资料对19世纪的福州土白语汇进行语言年代学的考察。经测算,福州方言与北方汉语的分离时间在公元767年-1020年之间。  相似文献   

集成运算放大器(简称集成运放,下同),是一种高增益、高输入电阻、低输出电阻的宽频带直流放大器,至今已推出了四代系列化产品。由于它具备优良的性能,在电子线路的很多领域得到了广泛应用,如精密放大、自动检测与控制、量测、波形变换等方面。无论是在实际运用还是《电子线路》的教学活动中,集成运算放大器及其运用都是一个重要的内容。从集成运放的基本特性及其在模拟信号运算方面的运用入手,通过构建一个实例进行分析,进而讨论它在模拟/数字接口方面的应用——其实质就是一个二值A/D转换器。  相似文献   

唐末五代,王审知及其子孙统治福建近半个世纪。本从王闽政权所实行的职官制度的角度将其统治分为三个时期,并对各个时期的职官制度进行探讨。第一个时期自公元898年至908年王审知继王潮任唐威武军节度使统治福建,政治身份是唐朝的地方节度使,其属官完全依照唐制,受唐王朝任命。第二个时期自公元909年至925年,王审知受后梁封为闽王,福州升为大都督府,王审知便以闽王的身份统治福建,虽然自命职官,但向中原王朝称藩臣,使用中原王朝年号,定期纳贡,是称雄一方的地方割据势力。在中原动乱的情况下,王闽政权实行保境安民、发展生产的政策,福建的经济化迅速发展。第三个时期自公元926年至945年,王审知死后,其长子王延翰自称大闽国王,立宫殿,置百官,威仪物皆如天子之制。尔后王氏兄弟子孙为争夺帝位,日寻干戈,相互残杀,内乱不止,政治腐败,势力日削。他们所实行的职官制度完全是独立的国家之制,自称国王,下置宰相百官,终于导致王闽政权的灭亡。王闽政权各个时期实行的不同的职官制度与其治乱兴衰有很大关系。  相似文献   

This article details one university’s efforts to develop graduate courses and programs to better serve the needs of the increasing non-traditional student population in underserved rural areas. A detailed overview is presented, along with the strategic planning outcomes achieved. We hope this article will initiate dialogue among higher education professionals on ways to better meet the academic needs of non-traditional students in underserved rural areas. Erinn D. Lake earned a B.S. in Business Administration and an M.A. in Communication Studies from Edinboro University and a D.Ed. in Administration and Leadership Studies from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is the Assistant Vice President for University Planning, Institutional Research, and Continuous Improvement at Edinboro University. Andrew J. Pushchak earned an Ed.D in Educational Leadership from Youngstown State University. He is an Assistant Professor for the Educational Leadership Program in the Department of Professional Studies at Edinboro University.  相似文献   

This project identified key issues concerning participation of deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) students in regular (mainstream) classes. In one study, qualitative data were collected from 40 participants in focus groups consisting of interpreters, teachers of the deaf, and notetakers. In a second study, repeated field observations were made of four elementary-level D/HH students who were participating in small-group learning activities with hearing classmates. Focus group comments indicated that regular classroom teachers, interpreters, teachers of the deaf, hearing classmates, and D/HH students contribute to active participation by the D/HH student. Focus groups identified specific barriers that interfered with participation of each of these groups of individuals, and they also identified specific strategies to facilitate participation. Qualitative analyses of field observation data yielded results consistent with the comments collected from the focus groups participants. The observations identified accommodations that regular classroom teachers, teachers of the deaf, and interpreters can make to promote integration of the D/HH student. A summary synthesis of the data presents 16 specific strategies for overcoming barriers to participation.  相似文献   

利用单片机实现A/D、D/A转换的原理和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了使用8XC552单片机芯片内部A/D转换部件与PWM部件进行A/D、D/A的方法及其具有的电路结构简单、转换精度高等优点,给出了A/D、D/A转换的程序实例。  相似文献   

名词性概念汉英词汇表征差异的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以对从三本词典及过往相关研究中收集的约1655个语料进行的分析为基础,较为系统全面地探讨名词性概念在汉英词汇表征上存在的差异。研究发现,汉英在名词性概念词汇表征上的差异主要分为两大类:内在差异和外在差异。其又可进一步分为7小类,用大写字母A、B、C和D分别表示为AB/BA,AC/BC,AB/CD,AB/B,A/AB,A'B'/C'D'和A*B*/C*D*。  相似文献   

This article provides the reader with insight into what research and development (R&D) work specifically entails. The various stages in development processes are described from the research question and analyses that have current practice as the point of departure to consolidation and new practice based on the testing of concrete teaching programs. This article also illuminates the “R” in R&D work. A thorough review is given of how the development processes can be explored by having a meta-perspective on concrete practice. A number of models have been developed to visualize development and research. We introduce our own R&D model in the article which is a very accessible way of presenting the various processes within the stages and levels of R&D work. The article ends by pointing out the importance that focused research questions have for R&D work and how the model can be a tool for researchers cooperating with teachers in communities of development.  相似文献   

2D and 3D stability analysis of slurry trench in frictional/cohesive soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2D and 3D kinematically admissible rotational failure mechanism is presented for homogeneous slurry trenches in frictional/cohesive soils.Analytical approaches are derived to obtain the upper bounds on slurry trench stability in the strict framework of limit analysis.It is shown that the factor of safety from a 3D analysis will be greater than that from a 2D analysis.Compared with the limit equilibrium method,the limit analysis method yields an unconservative estimate on the safety factors.A set of examples are presented in a wide range of parameters for 2D and 3D homogeneous slurry trenches.The factor of safety increases with increasing slurry and soil bulk density ratio,cohesion,friction angle,and with decreasing slurry level depth and trench depth ratio,trench width and depth ratio.It is convenient to assess the safety for the homogeneous slurry trenches in practical applications.  相似文献   

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