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This contribution starts out from the assumption that participation in continuing professional education is realized in the context of different opportunity structures and an analysis of participation selectivity must take account of both self-selection and external selection processes. The different opportunity structures are described using approaches from segmentation and economic theory, which lead to the identification of three segments of continuing professional education. Participation structures in the three training segments are shown using logistic regressions, which take account of socio-demographic and individual characteristics of the social and employment environment. These predictors display segment-specific influences, which emphasizes the importance of differentiated perspectives on continuing professional education. Overall, participation is shown to be clearly influenced by external selection processes. The basis of the analyses is data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), cohort 2009/10.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展.网站建设越来越接近于一门艺术而不仅仅是一项技术。网页的艺术设计,日益被网站建设者所注重。在目前国内对此领域研究甚少的情况下,作者将网页艺术设计与其他艺术设计形式进行比较,尝试从网页艺术设计的内容、原则和特点三个方面,对这个新的艺术设计领域进行初步的归纳总结和理论探讨。作者认为网页艺术设计是艺术与技术的高度统一。网页艺术设计包含视听元素与版式设计两项内容:以主题鲜明、形式与内容相统一、强调整体为设计原则;具有交互性与持续性、多维性、综合性、版式的不可控性、艺术与技术结合的紧密性五个特点。明确了“美”和“功能”都是为了更好地表达网站主题这一观点。  相似文献   

This commentary on J. Kagan (2008) addresses 2 issues. The first concerns the importance of studying developmental sequences and processes of change. The second concerns epistemological differences between contemporary neonativist approaches and classical theories of development. The commentary argues that classical theories of infant cognition and contemporary neonativist theories fundamentally differ in terms of how they conceptualize the workings of the mind. These differences affect the meaning of terms such as representation and reasoning. Also discussed are implications of epistemological differences for developmental explanations. The commentary concludes that epistemological differences must be articulated more fully in order to improve understanding of different theories and in order to evaluate the relative merits and shortcomings of those theories.  相似文献   

文化动力作为社会发展动力系统中的一个层面,在当今社会发挥着越来越重要的作用。文章在提出文化动力概念的基础上分析了文化动力三种不同的结构方式,试图说明不但要重视文化动力的重要性,而且要从根本上掌握增强文化动力的方法和途径。  相似文献   

高校公选课存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校公共选修课在运转中存在管理措施缺位、教师教学积极性不高、学生学习兴趣不浓等问题,其原因一是管理者对公选课没有给予充分重视,二是教师忽视了公选课的教学,三是学生认识有偏颇。学生的问题,归根结底是教师和管理者的问题引起的。所以,对症下药,管理者要做到规范课程设置、加大宣传力度、严格学生考核、加强教学管理、激励优秀教师、加大技术投资。教师要端正教学态度,注重自我奉献,开展教学调查,掌握学生情况,注重课堂技巧,打造自身品牌,树立良好形象。  相似文献   

Language teacher identity is an emerging subject of interest in research on language teacher education and teacher development. Yet relatively little attention has been paid to the ways in which teacher identity is theorized. The present article explores ways of theorizing language teacher identity by presenting three data-based studies of teacher identity and juxtaposing the three different theoretical frameworks that they use: Tajfel's (1978) social identity theory, Lave and Wenger's (1991) theory of situated learning, and Simon's (1995) concept of the image-text. It is seen that each theoretical perspective allows us to investigate different substantive and theoretical aspects of language teacher identity and that there are strong conceptual resonances among the different approaches. While in isolation each theory has its limitations, an openness to multiple theoretical approaches allows a richer and more useful understanding of the processes and contexts of teacher identity.  相似文献   

The cognitive processes used by children during problem solving have received considerable attention in recent years. The identification of the processes used by both successful and unsuccessful problem solvers has been hampered by the difficulties involved in making accurate observations of mental processes which may or may not have physical manifestations during problem solving. In addition, problem solvers themselves often are unaware of many of the thought processes they use while attempting to solve problems. The most popularly used methods for studying problem solving processes are not sufficiently reliable or valid. This study explored the potential effectiveness of a new procedure for identifying and studying certain of the cognitive processes used during problem solving. In addition, the procedure was used to categorize the types of conceptual thinking problem solvers employ, to study the use of trial and error behavior, and to investigate problem solvers’ abilities to coordinate multiple bits of information. It appears that the procedure has application for generating hypotheses about cognitive processes problem solvers use.  相似文献   

It is argued that methods currently available for studying values within a socio‐psychological framework are inadequate and that, if, for example, the interrelationships between values and education are to be systematically explored, then it is essential that approaches be devised which reflect more accurately the nature of human valuing. Some of the problems associated with present methods are illustrated by examining in detail one of the latest and, in some ways, most impressive to become available‐‐the Rokeach Survey of Values. It is suggested that, in spite of its simplicity and ready appeal, it suffers from important weaknesses (notably its inadequate conception of human values) which are liable to seriously distort the information which it appears to give. Some of the requirements for an adequate questionnaire method of studying values are outlined, but the importance of obtaining corroborative evidence from idiographic and field approaches is also stressed. The paper illustrates the kind of basic thinking required before values are studied or measured.  相似文献   

论幼儿英语教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语作为一种国际化的语言,其重要性受到越来越多的人们的强烈关注。学外语的孩子日趋低龄化,足可以显示人们对孩子学外语的重视和狂热程度。家长希望自己的孩子学好外语,在未来国际社会里更具竞争力,是一件好事,但就幼儿外语学习的问题来说,一定要理性地看待,避免过分焦虑,盲目追风,反倒适得其反。毕竟,英语不是一切。  相似文献   

鲁迅作品中的眼睛描写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅历来十分重视人物眼睛的观察与描写,他以最简练的手法刻画了各式各样的眼睛,归纳起来大致可以分为三类,三类眼睛所具有的色彩、意义各有不同,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

新课标中重视学生体验的理念使小学语文阅读教学逐渐恢复"人性"的活力,但在具体实践中的体验往往局限于"内容体验"的层面,有意无意中忽视了对"形式体验"的重视,使阅读教学又有滑入"重人文轻言语"的危险。当下的阅读教学呼唤"形式体验",在阅读教学中实现"形式体验"积淀的基本方法包括依据具体学情选择和研制适宜的形式教学内容、运用比较的手法、将散落在无序的课文中的相似体验点变为有序的体验链等。  相似文献   

基于Hyland的元话语人际模式,通过定量和定性分析方法,调查分析了作者自建语料库中从英国教育中心中国成都分中心语料库随机收集的60篇留学推荐信中元话语的使用情况和分布特征。语料分析发现,留学推荐信中大量存在元话语,其中互动元话语的比重远远高于交互元话语。并进一步证实各类元话语对于留学推荐信在帮助建立推荐人与读者之间的人际互动关系、帮助中国推荐人传达劝说信息上的重要性。  相似文献   

教师的各种评价行为对学生个体的发展起着重要的作用。发展性评价关注学生、教师和学校的全面发展,重视被评价对象个体的差异性,完全不同于传统意义上以甄别为主的评价,是近年来教学改革中备受关注的新兴的评价方式。结合钢琴集体课教学的特点,运用学习契约、档案袋评价、动态评价、反思表评价和表现性评价等发展性评价方法将会取得很好的教学效果,有利于学生的持续发展。  相似文献   

This article discusses the origin of the concept of primary health care (PHC) and compares and contrasts it with the concept of selective primary health care (SPHC) as it relates to programs devoted to improving child health. PHC came to encapsulate a health policy that emphasized basic health services particulary for the poor and focused attention on the relationship of health improvements to socioeconomic factors, which incorporated such things as education, nutrition, employment, and overall standards of living. SPHC narrowed the focus of health to a limited number of cost-effective medical/technological interventions that were believed to improve health rapidly and dramatically. Health planners developing child survival strategies must choose which approach to follow. Those who emphasize the importance of process do not reject the value of specific medical interventions, just as those who follow specific programs recognize the importance of considering the broader processes that determine health. However, entry points, work methods, and goals of the 2 approaches are very different. Whether the choice is conscious or unconscious, the one which is taken will have wide implications for the allocation of money, material, and manpower.  相似文献   


Primary education is compulsory around the world. This means that around age 5 or 6, millions of children worldwide transition from home or preschool/kindergarten settings into primary school, with the success of this transition shaping school and life trajectories for years to come. Both developmental and environmental factors during early childhood spur tremendous change in children’s executive function (EF), a multi-component process fundamental to self-regulation and overall achievement. Successful self-regulation means that children can master their attention, emotions, and behaviors as they navigate public social spaces including the classroom and playground. Adaptive development of EF and self-regulation are critical, because primary school comes with heightened expectations for children to manage themselves effectively. In this special section of 4 articles that collectively span preschool through 5th grade, we take an integrative, whole-child approach to studying children’s regulatory processes and schooling outcomes. Special section authors explored conceptual frameworks, measurement approaches, and empirical research on the motor and behavioral aspects of self-regulation and their contributions to educational outcomes. Article themes include the importance of precise and nuanced measurement of regulatory processes in addition to academic skills; in-school and out-of-school time as unique contexts for development; multiple interrelated developmental domains important for EF and self-regulation, including visuo-spatial and visuo-motor skills; and the need to synthesize research on EF and self-regulation across developmental domains for efficacious application and interventions. In taking an integrative, whole-child approach to the study of self-regulation and schooling outcomes, these articles represent research that are important parts of the whole.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an interview‐based study which explored the implementation of a major policy initiative in Queensland, Australia, with particular attention to social justice issues. Interviews were conducted with key policy actors in three sections of the bureaucracy: strategic directions, performance and measurement; curriculum and assessment; workforce and professional development. We were interested in the ways in which the tensions between redistributive and recognitive approaches to social justice were being managed in the bureaucracy. We drew on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, logic of practice, political discourse, habitus, capital, and symbolic power struggles to theorize the politics of discourse associated with such policy implementation processes within bureaucracies. The interview data revealed differences in approach to equity issues and in the language used in the three sections of the bureaucracy. We argue that these differences, associated with the different priorities of the three sections and their differing roles in the implementation processes, reflect the different logics of practice operating within the different sections. The final section of the paper discusses the implications of the analysis for theorizing equity and difference in education policy in new times and considers the value of Bourdieu’s concepts for theorizing policy implementation processes.  相似文献   

Peter Roberts 《Interchange》1999,30(3):347-357
These three books, while differing somewhat in focus, style, and substance, have in common a concern to uphold critical approaches to the theory and practice of education. Addressing issues of pedagogy, research, and professional development, the texts pose a challenge to technocratic, neoliberal, and conservative discourses in the educational sphere. This essay reinforces the importance of critical work in the academy and the teaching profession, but draws attention to the problem of theoretical and personal "infighting" among left scholars. The importance of strategic alliances in the face of a (more) united, and overwhelmingly dominant, right is stressed.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和调查问卷法,论述我院健美操选修热的原因以及健美操实用价值。着重从健美操的身体锻炼价值、心理保健价值和美育价值等阐述其实用价值。  相似文献   

在幼儿早期教育事业的发展中,音乐教育的作用已越来越得到人们的重视。作为钢琴启蒙教师,在教学实践中应把儿童学琴初期的兴趣问题作为整个学习过程中的奠基石,在教学过程中要结合儿童的心理特征,运用灵活多样的教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生良好的学习态度与毅力。通过教师、家长及学生这三个重要环节的协调配合,使学生掌握科学的练琴方法,引导他们走上通往音乐的艺术之路。  相似文献   

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