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本文从高等院校的学生教育工作体制、职能、内容和教学理念、方式以及学生的学习方法等方面,对学生的教育管理工作理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文从高等院校的学生教育工作体制、职能、内容和教学理念、方式以及学生的学习方法等方面,对学生的教育管理工作理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

高等院校学生党建工作是高等院校学生工作的重要组成部分,高等院校的学生党建工作对于树立优良学风,加强校园精神文明建设等具有重要意义。文章从八个方面探析高等院校学生党支部建设与学生党员管理中的方式方法。  相似文献   

根据高等教育出现国际化、大众化、市场化、多样化的特点,为了使学生学会做人、学会学习、学会生存、学会创造,从高等院校的学生工作体制、工作职能、工作内容和工作方式方法等方面,对学生的教育管理理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益.  相似文献   

本从高等院校的学生工作体制、职能、内容和教学理念、方式以及学生的学习方法等方面,对学生的教育管理工作理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文从高等院校的学生工作体制、职能、内容等方面,对学生的管理工作理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

刘杉 《考试周刊》2012,(67):12-14
学生工作是高等院校学生培养过程中的重要环节,也是关系到大学生成长成才的关键环节。本文分析研究了国外发达国家高等院校学生事务管理工作的体制、模式和发展现状和队伍建设的特点,并借鉴其优点,与国内独立学院学生工作相结合,探索出一条适合我国独立学院发展的学生工作道路。  相似文献   

当前,互联网已成为高等院校学生认识信息世界的重要途径,随着社会科技的不断进步,我国高等院校的管理体制也发生了重大变革,高等院校的学生党建工作在网络环境下已经面临了新的机遇和挑战。我们必须站在实践科学发展观、"三个代表"重要思想、十七大精神的战略高度上,着眼当前网络文化发展的新形势,结合当前高等院校的实际情况,利用高科技手段,积极拓展网络环境下新的工作模式,不断创新学生的党建及思政教育工作,体现时代特点。  相似文献   

随着以人为本的管理概念的提出,高校学生事务管理工作的实施在学生工作中显得越来越重要,文章结合笔者的实际工作经验,提出了高等院校学生事务管理的新模式——激励模式,将激励元素运用于管理之中,从激励视角对高等院校学生事务管理进行分析,首先概述了高等院校学生事务管理中激励模式的定义,在此理论阐述的基础上从两方面对其实施进行分析。  相似文献   

在当前我国精准扶贫这一战略形势下,精准资助已成为了高等院校学生资助工作的新趋势,同时也将是高等院校学生资助工作的新重点。信息时代的今天,大数据技术的发展和应用为精准资助带来了前所未有的发展机遇,也得到了高等院校学生资助工作者的高度重视。基于此,本文分析了在大数据形势下,高等院校精准资助的具体模式。  相似文献   

高校二级学院研究生秘书面临的困境及对策探寻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生秘书是高校二级学院研究生教育管理的重要力量,在各学院的研究生管理过程中起着不可替代的桥梁和纽带作用,扮演着多种角色。然而,研究生秘书在工作实践中面临着诸如角色冲突、工作面广、工作环境复杂、发展路径模糊等一系列问题和困境,要解决问题、走出困境,必须从强化工作意识、提升自身素质、优化外部软环境等方面着手,从而把研究生秘书工作提高到一个新的层次。  相似文献   

This paper examines the adaptation of experimental learning modes to the situation of the working adult student who are an increasingly important group on many campuses. Just as the younger student can learn from job situations, so can the adult student. However, there are special situations or problems that are unique to this group. These are illustrated, and methods of designing learning objectives and student, reports are presented.  相似文献   

设置大学生村官是我国新农村建设的重要举措,也是促进大学生就业的创新之举。多年来,已经产生了积极的社会效益和教育效应。但是,问题也逐步地暴露出来。通过调研,越来越感受到这些问题的解决对进一步完善和深化大学生村官制度具有重要的意义:在群体特征上,无论性别、学历、专业知识结构和户籍等,都带有鲜明的共性;在村官的个体层面上,实际知识和具体工作经验缺乏、心理负担较重,以至于缺乏工作主动性等,也是不可否认的现实;在社会层面上,认同程度偏低、工作环境复杂等,制约着大学生村官事业的拓展;从管理者———政府的角度看,大学生村官身份定位模糊、经济待遇偏低、持续性培养力度不够、未来前途不明朗等,也是必须关注的。  相似文献   

高职院校旅游管理专业基本实施"工学结合"教学模式,即校内理论教学与校外顶岗实习相结合,但学生顶岗实习工作存在多种困难。文章以南京城市职业学院工商管理系旅游管理专业酒店顶岗实习创新模式为例,探讨高职院校旅游管理专业推进学生顶岗实习的有效途径,以提高该专业实习就业工作的质量与成效。  相似文献   

Research on effective teaching has produced useful knowledge regarding instructional techniques dealing with classroom management, teacher-centered direct or explicit instruction, student time-on-task, questioning, and cognitive instruction for low-achieving students. Research on effective schools has produced useful knowledge regarding the characteristics or correlates of schools that are unusually successful in enhancing student achievement. Projects that utilize these research findings in working to improve teacher and school effectiveness have been and are being conducted in many big cities. While encouraging results have been registered in some locations, achievement is still unacceptably low in many cities. Efforts in the future should draw systematically on research dealing with effective classrooms and effective schools.  相似文献   

Creating a positive working atmosphere in the classroom is the first concern of many student and beginning teachers in secondary education. Teaching in multicultural classrooms provides additional challenges for these teachers. This study identified shared practical knowledge about classroom management strategies of teachers who were successful in creating a positive working atmosphere in their multicultural classrooms. Twelve teachers were selected who were regarded as successful classroom managers in Dutch multicultural classes by their principals and students. Video-stimulated interviews were used to elicit data about the practical knowledge of these teachers. The teachers were aware of the importance of providing clear rules and correcting student behaviour whenever necessary, but they also wanted to reduce potential negative influences of corrections on the classroom atmosphere. They aimed at developing positive teacher–student relationships and adjusted their teaching methods anticipating students' responses. Most teachers seemed reluctant to refer to the cultural and ethnic background of their students.  相似文献   

This paper aims to inspire stakeholders working with quality of higher education (such as members of study boards, study programme directors, curriculum developers and teachers) to critically consider their evaluation methods in relation to a focus on student learning. We argue that many of the existing methods of evaluation in higher education are underpinned by a conception of learning that is de‐contextualised. As a consequence, many data collection methods do not address aspects that affect students’ learning. This is problematic because the core aim of higher education is to facilitate student learning. We propose a contextualised evaluation methodology, guided by 10 key questions, which can help evaluators address concepts and questions of student learning in their evaluations.  相似文献   

论高校学生工作理念的深层转型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高校学生工作的改革和创新,关键在于人们的文化精神的总体转变。现阶段由于传统文化模式的影响,高校学生工作出现了许多滞后于时代和学生自身发展的倾向。高校学生工作改革必须从理念转变上切入,确立以个性为核心的服务指导型工作理念,多层次、全方位实施学生工作变革。  相似文献   

Student employment is increasingly common in many countries. Compared to earlier decades, not only more students work but they also work longer hours. Among European countries Estonia is one of the clear “leaders” in student employment. This study uses survey data from 2,496 students in Estonian public and private universities to examine the reasons for working on such a massive scale and its consequences on academic success. The results show that, unlike in most other countries, Estonian students from more privileged families are as likely to work as students from poorer families and they are even more likely to have a full-time job. Furthermore, working seems to have only a marginal negative effect on academic progress. These results seem to support the theory that in Eastern European countries student employment has become a signal of students’ capabilities and ambition, and that relatively low academic standards contribute to the strength of the signaling mechanism. A long-term solution to student employment would require changes in quality standards, student financing, alternative higher education opportunities, and perceptions of students, employers, and academics.  相似文献   

Student loan schemes now exist in more than fifty countries, but many are not working well and critics question whether student loans are feasible in developing countries. This special issue of Higher Education compares experience of student loans and other forms of student support in selected Asian and African countries and examines the prospects for reform of student loan programmes in order to improve their effectiveness and reduce default. This introduction to the volume describes current research on student loans by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and the World Bank, and draws on the conclusions of a series of Educational Forums on student loans organised by IIEP, to conclude that student loans are feasible, and can promote wider cost-sharing and help to generate additional resources for higher education, but only if loan programmes are well designed and efficiently managed. The purpose of this introduciton and the subsequent articles in the special issue is to suggest some ways of improving performance of student loans in developing countries, drawing on lessons from experience in Asia and English-speaking Africa.  相似文献   

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