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伴随着国有企业改革、后勤制度改革,原计划经济体制下由政府、事业单位、国有企业和街道四个渠道构成的城市幼儿教育供给体系中,有两个公共资金支持渠道被阻断.而在市场经济体制下,转制幼儿园和公办幼儿园分园存在的问题日益凸显,民办幼儿园也迫切希望进入新的城市幼儿教育供给体系之中.在当前社会和经济发展的形势下,按照公办、民办非营利、民办营利三种机构类型设计"泾渭分明"的制度体系.可以成为城市幼儿教育供给制度设计的基本框架.  相似文献   

我国学前教育指标体系的现状、问题及其完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前我国学前教育指标体系包括教育规模、师资队伍、教育经费、办园条件四个指标领域,基本反映了我国学前教育事业的总体发展情况,但是现有指标体系也存在理论基础薄弱、部分关键指标缺失、对社会经济环境和政策敏感性不足等主要问题.建立学前教育指标体系的保障机制、构建理论框架、选择核心指标内容、加强指标体系的实践导向性和政策敏感性,有助于推动我国学前教育指标体系的发展与完善.  相似文献   

为了解普通幼儿园工作者对特殊幼儿融合教育问题的态度和意见,本文对174名教师和保育员进行问卷调查,主要发现:(1)幼教工作者对特殊幼儿有一定的了解,但不够深入;(2)幼教工作者以及普通幼儿家长在保障师资、设备以及教育方式的情况下,更乐意接受特殊幼儿进入普通幼儿园;(3)幼教工作者认为学前阶段实施特殊教育最需解决的问题依次为师资问题、设备问题、家长观念、教师观念、经费问题以及专设督导机构问题。  相似文献   

Building on the cross-cultural patterns and systems research as well as social constructivism, in-depth interviews were conducted with key informant early childhood teachers in three regions with similar characteristics in Sweden, Russia, and in the United States. Inductive analyses revealed differences in responses among Swedish, Russian and American informants related to the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels of societal system. United States teacher informants had a great number of separate topic comments and distributed them more evenly across all levels than did Russian and Swedish teacher informants who had more emphasis at the meso level. United States and Russian teacher informants discussed the lack of societal support for young children and their families, while Swedish teacher informants seemed to almost take this support for ranted. United States teacher informants suggested that early childhood programs were important in developing support networks among parents, while Russian teacher informants often gave information to parents and Swedish teachers spoke about mutually sharing information. United States teacher informants desired both strict rules with strong academic content and extension of the child's initiations through play; they emphasized activities and materials. Swedish teachers discussed a child- centered approach to social learning and creativity and desired to be with children rather than do activities with them. Russian teacher informants emphasized the importance of obedience, aesthetic education, and preparation for school and the labor of the larger society. These study outcomes deepen understanding about the multidemensional relationships between early childhood programs and societal contexts in which they are embedded, and they suggest alternative approaches to working with young children and their families.  相似文献   


This study explored similarities and differences in how early childhood education (ECE) teachers (n?=?947) and early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers (n?=?160) provided remote learning to young children and their families following COVID-19 shelter in place orders in the spring of 2020. The most utilized remote learning activities for both ECE and ECSE teachers were the provision of activities for families to use at home, communication with families, online lessons, and singing songs and reading books. Both types of professionals spent more time planning and communicating with families than providing instruction to children. Results of chi-square tests of independence revealed differences in activities provided, how time was spent, and training received by professional role. Open-ended responses revealed particular challenges for ECE and ECSE teachers. Findings are discussed in the context of how the early childhood field adapted quickly to remote learning during COVID-19 and the implications for ongoing technology support for early childhood personnel based on their professional role.


联合国教科文组织发布的以“增强基础:幼儿保育和教育”为题的2007年全民教育全球监测报告对全球幼儿教育作了分析。该报告根据各国提供的信息,阐述了幼儿保育和教育的重要意义,分析了全球幼儿保育和教育发展的现状、各国幼儿保育和教育计划的发展走势,提出了实现全球幼儿教育目标的建议。  相似文献   

早期儿童发展政策是一个社会性政策,它通过政府的投入对有关早期儿童发展重要问题的解决提供指导,为儿童及其家庭提供服务。这一政策应具有社会、政治、经济和人力资源方面的可持续性。政策的组成部分包括理想与目标、活动、管理和财政。政策制定的过程强调多方人员的参与以及有据可依。亚太地区多个国家近年来在早期儿童发展政策的制定方面取得了很大的进展,但同时在政策的实施、管理和财政方面仍面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

Research has indicated a gender disparity in early education environments. This disparity has been recognized in terms of the student–teacher interaction, the differing types of play fostered, the varying use of praise and gender-specific messages, and the stereotypical messages evident in children's literature or play materials. The purpose of this article is to outline areas within a classroom that prospective teachers or childcare providers can update to reflect a more gender-fair environment. Suggestions for assessing classrooms for an antibiased environment are also offered.  相似文献   

全人发展的幼儿教育——世界幼儿教育的发展趋势之一   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
全人教育是20世纪70年代从北关兴起的一种以促进人的整体发展为主要目的的教育思潮,对20世纪80年代中期以来的幼儿教育产生了重要影响,主要表现在幼儿教育的目的、目标、内容、过程、方法和途径等诸多方面。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that performance for items requiring memory-binding processes improves between ages 4 and 6 ( J. Sluzenski, N. Newcombe, & S. L. Kovacs, 2006 ). The present study suggests that much of this improvement is due to retrieval, as opposed to encoding, deficits for 4-year-olds. Four- and 6-year-old children ( N  = 48 per age) were given objects, backgrounds, and object + background combinations to remember. Younger children performed equivalently to 6-year-olds during a working memory task for all types of memory questions but were impaired during a long-term memory task for the object + background combinations. Furthermore, this deficit was completely due to differences in false alarm rates, suggesting that separate analyses of hits and false alarms may be preferable to corrected recognition scores when studying memory development.  相似文献   

当前,保障我国学前教育有质量的普及和发展任务艰巨.实现城乡幼儿园教师均衡配置是构建覆盖城乡、有质量的学前教育公共服务体系的关键.但目前,我国幼儿园教师的数量、质量城乡失衡形势仍然严峻,且呈继续扩大趋势,严重影响教育公平与社会公平.为有效促进城乡幼儿园教师均衡配置,缩小城乡差距,建议:明确幼儿园教师法律身份;单列编制,修订编制标准并重点倾斜农村;试行教师人事代理制度;提高并落实待遇,健全农村幼儿园教师社会保障制度并实施特殊津贴和住房保障政策;多途径扩大并优先保障农村幼教师资有质量地供给;完善农村幼儿园教师培训保障机制;建立健全农村教研、城乡交流、就近培训等政策制度.  相似文献   

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