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This article explores the discursive work done by different notions of professional development in adult education. In particular we outline the ways in which the discourses of technical expertise, competence and reflective practice are deployed to mobilise professional practices and identities in particular ways and position certain practices and dispositions as specifically professional. We suggest that these discourses help to shape the negotiations between economies of performance and ecologies of practice within which professionals operate. We argue that much of this work is implicit in the pedagogies and curriculum of programmes for adult educators and that there is a need for detailed empirical research on the pedagogies of professional development and practice in adult education. With moves in Europe to develop professional standards for adult educators we suggest that studying the rhetoric of professional development provides an opportunity to open some existing diverse practices to new forms of scrutiny.  相似文献   

In Australian higher education institutions, benchmarks have been directed at developing key competencies and attributes to facilitate students' transition into the workforce. However, for those students whose degree has a specific vocational focus, it is also necessary for them to commence their professional development whilst undergraduates. Familiarising students with the norms and culture of their chosen profession often does not occur through passive observation of subject content. At Griffith University in an undergraduate aviation degree, a community of practice has been established by the school, which develops student's generic skills and their identity as novice professionals. Our research examines the ways in which Mentoring Aviators Through Educational Support (MATES) provides students with the opportunity to develop their professional competence and experience through connecting with other undergraduates and industry professionals.  相似文献   

职业能力是胜任某一具体职业而必须具备的能力之和,通常包括核心能力、岗位能力和可持续发展能力。依托智慧校园建立的大数据平台记录了学生的学习、认证考试、阅读、实习实践、德育活动等相关信息,为评估学生职业能力现状和预测发展趋势提供了数据支持。本研究从职业能力的表征入手,设计了以学生职业能力为核心的大数据体系结构的基本框架,从网络资源课程平台、学习管理系统、实习实践管理系统、德育管理系统、职业能力评价与导航系统五个方面提出了运用大数据平台提升高职生职业能力的基本路径。  相似文献   

教师专业实践能力:内涵与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在追求优质的全球性教育变革浪潮中,培养教师专业实践能力成为教师教育改革的重要路向。能力是动态、多元的,专业实践能力建基于知识,进而又成为有效表现和行为的基础。教师专业实践的反思性本质赋予教师专业实践能力以独特的蕴涵,使其具有经验性、情境性、发展性和价值性等特征。教师专业实践能力的内涵与特征启示我们:教师教育要考虑如何有效联结经验与理论;凸显情境和反思在提升教师专业实践能力中的重要作用;针对教师职业生涯的不同阶段来发展教师的专业实践能力。  相似文献   

在对职业院校学生的专业能力和非专业能力测评的基础上,追踪调查他们的就业及职业发展状况,发现两项能力的强弱直接影响他们的初次就业,对他们的职业发展也有重要影响,在就业后学生的专业能力和非专业能力仍有较大的发展空间。为此,提出职业院校要进一步重视发展学生的专业能力和非专业能力,用人单位要重视实施再教育以挖掘学生的潜能等建议,以利于学生的就业和职业发展。  相似文献   

教师专业实践能力在本质上是社会建构的,而教师是其中的关键建构者。教师视角中的专业实践能力是对教师专业实践的最真切表达,体现了教师对专业生活的反思性理解和有意义建构。研究表明,教师所理解的专业实践能力主要由三个维度构成:受限的、扩展的和元能力。该能力架构折射出当前教师教育中理论与实践的隔阂、限制的和扩展的专业实践能力间的张力等若干值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

学术社团作为培养学生工程能力的新载体,全面贯彻了“卓越计划”的思想,丰富了学生的课余兴趣生活,也为学生更好地学习专业知识提供了平台。介绍了学生学术社团的相关概念和定义,综述了其发展现状,通过一个建设实例探讨了学术社团对学生专业能力培养的实践和意义,并对其前景作了展望。  相似文献   

近年高职院校频遭"生源荒",折射出高职教育的种种缺失,其中突出原因是高职院校偏离职业能力培养目标本位,仍存在师资队伍实战经验薄弱、学生实际操作平台数量不足、专业设置盲目跟风、实践学时缺乏实践投入、职业能力培养口径狭窄单一等问题。对此,高职院校应积极强化职业能力教育本位,丰富教师实战经验、鼓励自创企业、建树品牌专业、强化实践教学环节、提升办学层次,以促进"生源荒"的缓解。  相似文献   

专业实践能力的内涵及其培养途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养学生的专业实践能力,使毕业生掌握胜任职业工作的核心本领,成为高级应用型专门人才,是具有现实意义和探索价值的研究课题。本文主要对经管类应用型人才的专业实践能力的内涵进行了分析,并对其培养途径进行阐述。  相似文献   

In this conceptual article, we draw on a graded theory concept as well as two exemplary cases to discuss the role of professional theorizing in teachers’ practice. We present a model that can illustrate how a non-dichotomous, graded and processual understanding of theory may help overcome a split between theory, on the one hand, and practice, on the other. We argue that integrating theory and practice in this way may facilitate professional development and improve teachers’ practice. An important part of this model is the notion of professional theorizing, which we define as a process where teachers reflect on, formulate, analyze, give rationales for and develop practice by means of theory of different degrees.  相似文献   

大学生就业难的问题近些年已经成为社会广泛关注的问题。曾经一度被看好的师范生,就业压力也越来也大。一个主要原因就是师范毕业生的职业胜任能力不能满足用人单位的需求。本文分析了师范生职业胜任能力差的原因,并提出了培养师范院校大学生职业胜任能力的途径:一是加强职业指导提高师范生的职业胜任能力;二是职业胜任能力的培养要贯穿于整个教学过程当中,师范院校要更新教学内容,提高课程设置的适应性。  相似文献   

胜任素质理念对高校人才培养的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胜任素质方法是在人力资源管理中逐渐被认可的一种方法,其通过科学方法所提炼出的核心素质为高校的人才培养提供了借鉴。一些发达国家,已把胜任素质与教育紧密相连,并在实践中取得了可喜的效果。因此,基于胜任素质的人才培养模式,将会对我国高校的教学实践开拓思路,产生积极影响。  相似文献   

通过"职业素质+职业知识能力+职业实践"模块重构高职专业课程体系,贯彻"够用、必须、实用"原则,充分体现"以生为本"教学理念,奠定学生终身学习基础,提高学生就业能力,达到高职人才培养目标"所学能所用"的目的,满足社会对高职人才的期望。  相似文献   

History has practically vanished from allied health professional education. We ask, what kind of problem does a ‘history of the professions’ pose for health sciences curriculum? What are the implications of graduates being unschooled in the history of their profession? Literature on knowledge in the curriculum, is used to interrogate how historical knowledge has come to be constituted in professional education fields. We develop a sketch of two particular health professions – occupational therapy and physiotherapy – and ask why it might be difficult to include a history of the profession in these curricula. Our view is that by helping students to cultivate an historical imagination, they can see how their experiences are framed by a fascinating collision of ideas, politics and practices. Furthermore, attention to history can help students better situate their own uncertainties about transitioning to practice enabling them to tackle professional quandaries with hindsight, foresight and insight.  相似文献   

The development and iteration of a body of professional knowledge appropriate to the demands of practice is a central concern of studies of professional education and work. This article concentrates on Bernstein’s notion of the ‘region’ of professional knowledge, identifying regions as complex socio-epistemic entities into which forms of knowledge are appropriated and transformed to meet the requirements of practice. In order to better understand the constitution of professional knowledge, there is a need to conceptualise how knowledge is recontextualised between regions, disciplinary ‘singulars’, and professional practice. Two variables, proximity and dominance, are introduced to illustrate how relations between regions, singulars and practice may vary, with implications for what is recontextualised into regions. In some professions, there are pressures for greater proximity between regions as a consequence of changes in work practices, while in others there is the potential for the dominance of recontextualisation processes by market and bureaucratic logics. It is suggested that actors within regions need to find ways to maintain authority over professional knowledge while avoiding the risks of control by bodies ill-equipped to maintain knowledge validity. The analysis provides a lens through which to view developments in the knowledge bases of professional, or professionalising, occupations, and concomitant changes in professional education.  相似文献   

关键能力是个人职业生涯中除岗位专业能力之外的基本能力,它适用于各种职业,适应岗位的不断变换,是伴随其终生的可持续发展能力。具备关键能力成为众多企业对人才的迫切需求,因此,高职院校越来越重视对学生关键能力的培养。调研显示,国际商务专业在专业课程中的外语学习、信息处理以及与人交流能力培养等方面效果都较好,教学方法多样有效,而解决问题、与人合作能力则需要进行更多的探索。  相似文献   

A fundamental aspect of work integrated learning (WIL) is the development of professional competence, the ability of students to perform in the workplace. Alignment theory therefore suggests that the assessment of WIL should include an assessment of students’ demonstration of professional competence in the workplace. The assessment of professional competence in WIL is, however, problematic. It may be impractical for the academic supervisor to directly assess professional competence if there are a large number of students in external placements. If evidence of professional competence is provided by the student, the student’s ability to articulate his or her own capabilities will interfere with the validity of the assessment. If evidence of professional competency is provided by the supervisor then the assessment is heavily dependent on the individual supervisor and may be unreliable. This paper will examine the literature relating to the assessment of professional competence in WIL. The paper will be informed by the author’s experience in coordinating a WIL subject in an undergraduate law course. It will recommend that a mix of evidence provided by the student, the workplace supervisor and the academic supervisor should be used to assess professional competence in WIL.  相似文献   

This article explores an understanding of learning as authentic enquiry and language as a social practice of meaning construction as the theoretical perspectives underlying an educational initiation beyond mainstream tertiary language education. With a general ethnographic approach and relying on multiple data sources, we investigate critical practices of teaching medical English in an Iranian university and illustrate a contextualized instance of enquiry-based language learning that embodies enquiry and discovery in two senses: students’ research and learning about the content for oneself, and moving away from spoon-feeding views of academic language education to experience language in real social contexts. On this basis, we argue for stepping beyond predetermined content-based approaches to university language teaching and call for living the language that is being learned, which involves enquiring, experiencing, discovering, challenging, and owning it.  相似文献   

职前教师的专业能力培养是高等师范教育的基本任务。教师专业能力具有职业的特殊性,以解决教育教学实际问题为目标导向。《中学教师专业标准(试行)》把教师专业能力划分为六大领域,各领域之间具有相互支撑、相互促进的关系。作为职前教师的师范生需要发挥自身主体性,积极参与学习、实践和反思,指导教师需要为师范生提供支持,为其创设有利于各领域能力成长的学习环境。师范生六大领域专业能力的形成机理各有特点,需要师范生和教师的协同配合。  相似文献   

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