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Catalytic decomposition of N2O has received much attention in the development of new space-vehicle propellants as well as in environment protection.  相似文献   

The latest research breakthrough on the molecular mechanism and treatment of inflammation, contributed by scientists from the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and their American collaborators, was reported online by Nature Immunology on July 16, 2007.  相似文献   

Term occurrence A is included in term occurrence B if A is a substring of B. By making a single pass through a slightly non-standard KWIC index, every recurring phrase can be detected, and its inclusion relationships with other phrases and/or single words can be computed. Results obtained by processing a corpus of 2675 medical titles indicate that several properties definable in terms of inclusion relationships among terms have significance for vocabulary control. Preliminary results from a corpus of more than 62,000 medical titles have confirmed this finding.  相似文献   

光场成像技术进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
归纳总结了光场成像从理论到实现的发展历程,根据光场数据获取方式对目前典型的光场成像设备进行了分类.在光场相机原理的基础上,重点阐述了基于光场的计算成像原理、数字重聚焦技术、合成孔径成像技术和显微成像技术,并对光场成像技术的应用前景和存在的关键问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于光场渲染的动态3D目标重构的方法.目前基于图像建模的方法对于复杂场景难以建模,而基于图像渲染的方法因数据量大不利于动态场景的实时渲染.因此采用了模型和图像相结合的方法,从多视点视频图像中重建动态3D模型,采用光场映射算法对重建的3D模型进行光场采样,然后对样本分解压缩.实验结果表明,在保证真实感的同时,减少了数据量,并可实现动态3D目标的重构.  相似文献   

The ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway plays a critical role in the vital processes of living cells such as proliferation and differentiation.Recently, CAS scientists in Shanghai have discovered a novel mechanism of spatial regulation on ERK pathway. The result was published in the 4 September issue of the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences(PNAS).  相似文献   

A novel space shift keying (SSK) multiple–input multiple–output (MIMO) technique based on Steiner triple system is proposed and analyzed in this article. SSK attracted considerable research interest in the past few years driven by the several promised inherent advantages including low error probability, low computational complexity and a very simple hardware implementation with very low cost and power consumption. Yet, the spectral efficiency of SSK increases with a base two logarithm of the number of transmit antennas and high data rates are only viable with a massive and impractical number of transmit antennas. Alternatively, generalized SSK (GSSK) scheme is considered, where a combination of antennas is activated at each time instant. GSSK promises the use of arbitrary number of transmit antennas not necessarily a power of two integer. Also, GSSK can attain high data rate with low number of transmit antennas at the cost of substantial degradation in the error performance. In this study, a Steiner triple system is utilized to propose a tailored SSK scheme with substantial reduction in the required number of transmit antennas, without compromising the error probability. It is shown that the proposed Steiner–SSK (S–SSK) MIMO system achieves almost identical error performance to a conventional SSK system but with nearly 90% reduction in the number of transmit antennas. As well, the average bit error rate (ABER) of S–SSK is shown to outperform GSSK by at least 3dB. It is also reported that a S–SSK system accomplishes significant reduction in hardware cost, power consumption, and computational complexity as compared to conventional SSK scheme. Yet, GSSK is shown to marginally outperforms S–SSK in these metrics as it requires smaller number of transmit antennas per a target spectral efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach for evaluating and predicting the student’s level of proficiency when using a certain teaching strategy. This problem remains a hot topic, especially nowadays when information technologies are highly integrated into the educational process. Such a problem is essential for those institutions that rely on e-learning strategies as various techniques for the same teaching activities and disciplines are now available online. In order to effectively predict the quality of this type of (electronic) educational process we suggest to use one of the well known machine learning techniques. In particular, a proposed approach relies on using logic circuits/networks for such prediction. Given an electronic service providing a teaching strategy, the mathematical model of logic circuits is used for evaluating the student’s level of proficiency. Given two (or more) logic circuits that predict the student’s educational proficiency using different electronic services (teaching strategies), we also propose a method for synthesizing the resulting logic circuit that predicts the effectiveness of the teaching process when two given strategies are combined. The proposed technique can be effectively used in the educational management when the best (online) teaching strategy should be chosen based on student’s goals, individual features, needs and preferences. As an example of the technique proposed in the paper, we consider an educational process of teaching foreign languages at one of Russian universities. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the expected scalability and applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A recent study by CAS researchers could add new dimensions to the understanding of downstream signaling mechanism of Brassinosteroids(BRs), a group of plant growth regulators, in rice. Their work was published by the August 21 issue of the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).  相似文献   

世界新格局与中国新矿产资源战略观   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文系统分析了未来全球经济政治和资源格局演变趋势,指出未来10年东西方经济地位将发生逆转,各方势力在亚洲的角逐将愈演愈烈;全球资源供需短期将供过于求,2020年后亚洲资源供需矛盾将日益凸显,并助推非洲在全球矿业地位进一步提升;美洲将藉由非常规油气大规模开发,成为全球能源新供应地,并对世界能源和地缘格局产生深远影响。未来中国经济增速将逐步降低;资源需求将出现分异:即煤炭、铁矿石、铜、铝等大宗矿产需求将逐步下降,石油、天然气等清洁能源和稀土、铂族、铌钽、萤石等战略性新兴产业矿产需求将持续增长;同时,持续高强度的资源开发导致中国国内资源可持续供应能力堪忧,矿产资源总体对外依存度将维持高位。基于对未来全球经济政治和资源格局的研判,提出中国矿产资源战略应实现两大转变,一是矿产资源开发利用实现由“充分利用‘两种资源,两个市场’”,向“最大限度利用境外资源,合理保护国内资源”的战略转变;二是矿业“走出去”实现由单纯的获取或占有海外资源,向“经略全球资源”的战略转变。  相似文献   

一种茉莉花红茶的窨制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改变传统的茉莉花红茶窨制工艺,探索以茉莉花头香精油替代茉莉鲜花,以红茶为素坯,利用南宁市化工研究设计院专利产品花茶窨制器控制窨制条件,发现:在窨制器内控制温度30~37℃,湿度为80~93%RH,常压下以红茶为原料,红茶质量的0.12%~0.30%茉莉花头香精油量窨制发酵20~35h,窨制出来的茉莉红茶汤色橙红亮澈,香气浓郁持久。该工艺减少了多次窨花、干燥工序,缩短了约15d生产周期,可以在非茉莉花产地和季节生产茉莉花红茶,给茶叶窨制领域开辟了新的方向。  相似文献   

<正>The reproductive systems of living archosaurs,crocodilians and birds are very diferent;the derived features present in birds are inferred to have evolved within the derived archosaur group,Dinosauria,which includes Aves(the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx+living birds)as a member of the derived theropod clade,Maniraptora.Compared to Aves,crocodilians have two ovaries,prolonged folliculogenesis(maturation  相似文献   

<正>The reproductive systems of living archosaurs,crocodilians and birds are very diferent;the derived features present in birds are inferred to have evolved within the derived archosaur group,Dinosauria,which includes Aves(the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx+living birds)as a member of the derived theropod clade,Maniraptora.Compared to Aves,crocodilians have two ovaries,prolonged folliculogenesis(maturation  相似文献   

本文通过常熟市黄河路旧混凝土路面拓宽加铺Superpave(高性能沥青混凝土:简称Sup)路萄工程,论述了sbs改性沥青的生产,摊铺、碾压等施工工艺,并结合城市主干道道路改造过程中容易出现的问题,阐述了旧水泥混凝土路面上加铺SuP的各阶段质量控制措施及要点。  相似文献   

中国科学院上海分院和俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院分别是两国科学院最具实力的地方分院,由于地域和历史的原因,上海分院各研究单位对俄合作开展的不够充分。俄罗斯科学家对上海分院卓有成效的科研工作、院地合作和科技成果产业化亦缺乏了解。上海分院对俄合作的巨大潜力尚未得到充分开发。为全面推动我院与俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院的科技合作,探索中俄双边合作的新模式,2002年10月,院国际合作局组织了以上海分院常务副院长华仁长为团长的7人代表团访问了俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院的5个相关研究所。我院科学家一致认为,俄罗斯科学院的研究所具…  相似文献   

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