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The most peculiar feature of the whole affair was the friendship of the young man for Tiburcio. The latter was  相似文献   

The ease and apparent willingness with which some men revert to an aimless life can best be accounted for by the savage or barbarian instincts of our natures. The West has produced many types of the vagabond,-it might be excusable to say, won them from every condition of society.  相似文献   

The most peculiar feature of the whole affair was the friendship of the young man for Tiburcio. The latter was the practical hunter, which actual experience only can produce. He could foretell the coming of a norther twenty-four hours in advance. Just which course deer would graze he could predict by the quarter of the wind. In woodcraft he was a trustworthy though unquoted authority.  相似文献   

Hunting, in which the young man was an apt scholar, was now the order of the day. Tiburcio was an artist in woodcraft as well as in his knowledge of the habits of animals and birds. On chilly or disagreeable days they would take out the pack of dogs and beat the thickets for the javeline. It was exciting sport to bring to bay a drove of these animals. To shoot from horseback lent a charm, yet made aim uncertain, nor was it advisable to get too close range. Many a young dog made a fatal mistake in getting too near this little animal, and the doctoring of crippled dogs became a daily duty. All surplus game was sent to the ranchito below, where it was always appreciated.  相似文献   

Then there were the freight trains, the motive power of which was mules and oxen. It was necessary to carry forward supplies and bring back the crude products of the country. The Chihuahua wagon was drawn sometimes by twelve, sometimes by twenty mules, four abreast in the swing,the leaders and wheelers being single teams. For mutual protection trains were made up of from ten to twentywagons.  相似文献   

On the advice of his companion they had brought along blankets. The women of the ranchito brought other bedding, and a comfortable bed soon awaited the Americans.  相似文献   

Riding to the highest ground in the vicinity, they obtained a splendid view of the stream, outlined by the foliage of  相似文献   

.单项选择 1 .po,tear〔15 does she want? A.How mueh B.How many C.How mueh kilos‘D一How·about 2 .The teaehers at that sehool are ve巧_.The students like them‘7一’ A.c~funy B.help C.helpfiJI D.friends 3 .when doe,she_the bus?x,m not,ure.But 1 kn卿she doesn,ttake·it int五e morning. A .catchesB_take C.travelD一)fo llb讨犷 4 .1 don,t 90 to sehool by taxi.1 usuallygo_. A .by a boat B.by。ar。c.by boat一”6.勺ri f6of 5 .It,,、e斗hot tod叮.A lotof儿reign Pe叩Ie_hats,,unglasses而d一ighieio…  相似文献   

.词汇(10分)根据句意和首字母提示,填写下面句子里所缺的词语,每空一词。lA1 .Having sports often 15即od lbr ourh2·There 15 only oneb_3 .Are those vegetableseovert成bigriv七式4.It,s5Fnot easy to le~a foreignlor ehe即2 well.e朋keepour food eool andfresh.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6 .Aliee has her breakfastand即es to sohool.(quiok)7·Could~you即tot卜market alld buy somewith me?(t omato)8 .Thetwins onen earry water for me硫er sehool.(h elp)9.You should be veryto the animal二注n the_200(fri e…  相似文献   

<正>我们也睡着了,一觉醒来,正是冬天的早晨。万籁无声,雪厚厚地堆着,窗槛上像是铺了温暖的棉花,窗格子显得加宽了,玻璃上结了冰纹,光线暗淡而静,更加强了屋内舒适愉快的感觉。早晨的安静,似乎静在骨子里,我们走到窗口,挑了一处没有冰霜封住的地方,眺望田野的景色;可是我们单是走这几步路,脚下的地板已经在吱吱地响。窗外一幢幢的房子都是白雪盖顶;屋檐下、  相似文献   

<正>我常常不可思议地思考一些微不足道的问题。昨日一来到热海的旅馆,旅馆的人拿来了与壁龛里的花不同的海棠花。我太劳顿,早早就入睡了。凌晨四点醒来,发现海棠花未眠。发现花未眠,我大吃一惊。有葫芦花和夜来香,也有牵牛花和合欢花,这些花差不多都是昼夜绽放的。花在夜间是不眠的。这是众所周知的事。可我仿佛才明白过来。凌  相似文献   

一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1·设集合M={x|x2 y2=1,x∈R,y∈R},N={y|y=x,x∈R},则集合M∩N等于()A·{-22,22}B·{(-22,-22),(22,22)}C·{x|-22≤x≤22}D·{y|-1≤y≤1}2·复数3-i(1 3i)2的虚部为()A·-21B·-21iC·-41D·-41i3·已知函数f(x)=2x 1的反函数是f-1(x),则f-1(x)  相似文献   

121山雨欲来[甘南风光](油画)@王启民~~  相似文献   

明崇祯十六年癸未(1643),二十六岁.春,寓南京。李自成转破承天,据襄阳,称新顺王;左良玉为避李自成,拥众东下,驻九江。以粮尽,欲趋南京就食,南都大震,商旅不行.方域应南京兵部尚书熊明过请,草《为司徒公与宁南侯书》,力阻之。良玉得其书而罢.阮大铖借机陷害方域,杨言曰方域与左有旧谊,左军东来,方域且为内应.方域因作  相似文献   

盖文章经国之大业,不朽之盛事。年寿有时而尽,荣乐止乎其身。二者必至之常期,未若文章之无穷。是以古之作者,寄身于翰墨,见意于篇籍,不假良史之辞,不托飞驰之势,而声名自传于后。故西伯幽而演《易》,周旦显而制《礼》,不以隐约而弗务,不以康乐而加思。  相似文献   

Going to the Sun Teacher:Today is the commemoration day( 纪念日 )of human going to the moon for the first time.Student:Why don't they go to the sun?Teacher:Because the sun is too hot.It can cremate( 烧成灰 )all the things.Student:They can go there at night. Circles Xiao Mao likes drawing circles in the exercise-books.When the Chinese teacher criticizes( 批评 )him,he says,"It is a period( 句号 )."When the maths teacher criticizes him,he says,"It is a zero.…  相似文献   

Ground Rules (基本原则)One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known for his droll (奇特的) sense of humor. Explaining his ground rules to one freshman class,he said, "Now I know my lectures can often be dry and boring,so I don't mind if you look at  相似文献   

McCarty spent almost nothing, living in her old family home,cutting the toes out of shoes if they didn't fit right and bindingher ragged Bible with tape. Over the decades, her savings-mostlydollar bills and change-grew to over $1500000. "More than Icould ever use," McCarty said. So she is giving her money awayto finance scholarships for black students at the University ofSouthern Mississippi, where tuition is about $2400 a yea…  相似文献   

ALovelyDream(甜美的梦)Peter:Ihadalovelydreamlastnight.IdreamedIhadonemillion(百万)dollars.John:Whatdidyoudowithit?Peter:IputitinthebankbeforeIwakeup(醒来).GiveMeYourPenMary:Tom,givemeyourpen,please.Tom:Whydon'tyouwritewithyourownpen?Mary:Becauseitalwaysmakessomanymistakes.IlookatHimAlltheClassMike:Dickdoesn'tlistentoyouandalwaysmakesfaces,MissGreen.Green:Yes,buthowdoyouknow?Mike:Ilookathimalltheclass.3And2Makes3芽Teacher:Tom,suppose(假如)youh…  相似文献   

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