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发行回头汇票是票据权利人行驶追索权的一种便捷方法。与一般汇票的出票不同,回头汇票的出票须满足特定要件,发行行为才发生票据法上的效力。比较总结相关国际惯例与立法,对增订完善我国票据法律制度提出切实可行的具体建议。  相似文献   

票据权利善意取得制度意在牺牲原权利人的利益来保护善意持票人的利益,以保护交易的安全性和流通性,各国立法中大多规定了票据权利善意取得制度,其构成要件主要有四个.为了在实践中更好地应用此制度,我们必须明确这些构成要件的内涵,解决其中包含的特殊问题.  相似文献   

Pupil behaviour and discipline, funding for special education and statements of special educational needs were strong themes for parliamentary questions during the period up to the Easter recess. At the time of writing the Education Bill was being debated in the House of Lords (see overleaf) and the House of Commons Select Committee inquiry into statementing was still in progress (see forthcoming June issue of Special! for report on NASEN's oral evidence).  相似文献   

At the time of writing the 1994 Education Bill is going through parliament. Efforts are being made to amend Part I on teacher training in order to avoid potential damage to training for special educational needs (see article on pp.7–8).  相似文献   

作为诈骗犯罪的特殊形式,合同诈骗罪与票据诈骗罪在司法实践中很容易混淆。对两罪的区分应从各自的犯罪构成入手.通过对比分析找出两罪的相似点和不同之处,揭示两者的法理关系。然后提出合同诈骗罪与票据诈骗罪竞合时的处理原则,希冀对司法实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

The use of computers to enhance the learning of children with special educational needs has many advocates. Such children in mainstream schools, however, may be failing to obtain the full benefits of computer aided learning through limited resources and lack of teacher expertise. After a period of advisory work in this field, Bill Goler is now teaching in a special school for pupils with moderate learning difficulties. His article is based on a dissertation for the Master's degree at Manchester University.  相似文献   

Information about the future shape of the National Curriculum can be gleaned from replies to questions in the House of Commons over recent months, and also about the numbers and percentage of pupils with statements of special educational needs, for whom the National Curriculum can potentially be modified or disapplied, under the terms of the Education Reform Act. The Bill received Royal Assent on July 29.  相似文献   

The recently published White Paper, Education and Training for the 21st Century, is the prelude to new laws which are likely to change the course of post-16 education and training. It is essential that all who work with young people who have special educational needs are aware of the proposals and the issues which arise so that they can respond to the draft legislation due later this autumn. David Hutchinson, a senior manager in a college of further education and also a founder member and vice chairman of Skill, the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, summarises aspects of the White Paper, some reactions to it and recommendations which Skill wants the government to take into account when the Bill is being drafted.  相似文献   

美国现代派诗人肯明斯的诗歌《野牛比尔不复存在》形式独特,思想深邃,历来对其主题的看法多有不同。依据"前景化"理论进行分析,此诗采用了包括偏离、并置和修辞在内的丰富的文体手段,突出了词汇、书写、读音乃至图示等方面的"前景效果"。这些文体手段一方面增加了诗歌的艺术性和形式美,同时对诗歌主题的表现也起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国票据法》与我国民商法体系中的其他法律相比,更注重行为方式,更注重要式、程序和条件。我国票据法中的代理、保证、抗辩、时效等若干制度与我国民法及外国票据法律制度各具特色与瑕瑜,对之比较研究,可以更好地理解、适用并完善我国票据法,保障票据纠纷的顺利解决,促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展。  相似文献   


The article explores some of the wider policy issues and concerns raised by the 1988 Education Bill, in particular the implications of the Bill for control over schooling. There is a brief discussion about the main aspects of the Bill's proposals as they affect schools. The paper then moves on to consider the extent to which the Bill gives power both to the Secretary of State for Education and to parents and school governors, whilst removing power from Local Education Authorities and teachers themselves. It is pointed out that the proposals will make long term educational planning and policy implementation across a range of schools very difficult. The paper concludes by questioning whether all the intentions of the Bill will be realized but notes that opposition to the Bill has not really fully taken on board alternative strategies for improving the quality of education.  相似文献   

The Passing of the Education Reform Act   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the Education Reform Bill, now an Act, was published higher education received little attention. It was a massive Bill, with major changes for the schools. But as time went on reaction outside Parliament, and lobbies within it caused higher education, but mainly the universities and their role, to be forced to the front of the political stage. Although key government concessions were made in the Commons, most of the action happened in the Lords. The government may have wanted to deflect the Lords from making substantial changes to their school reforms by giving their Lordships something to bite on in higher education. Or was it the success of the CVCP campaign, which undoubtedly raised morale in the universities, that was responsible for key changes? Was it luck, political circumstance, or the intellectual vigour of the arguments that led to government defeats on the question of academic freedom? This paper traces the passage of the Bill as it affected higher education.  相似文献   

Recent developments in areas of online education and the modernization of the GI Bill of Rights in the form of the Montgomery GI Bill have served to enact an unparalleled era in the history of higher education. Now, more than ever, servicemen and servicewomen have both the financial resources and the technological resources to pursue higher learning while actively deployed in remote regions of the world. Higher education is also moving quickly to accommodate these soldier-students. Accompanying this proliferation of opportunity are several problematic issues that can subvert efforts made by individual students in the military. Resolving these initial problems will be a key to the perpetuation of these opportunities for current and future American soldiers.  相似文献   

完整意义上的1829年天主教解放法案包括两个部分的内容:其一是原则上赋予天主教徒以公民权,其二则是针对天主教徒公民权所作的若干限制性规定或“保障”条款。尽管这些“保障”条款未必实有其效,但其作为整个法案之一部分却并非可有可无。如果说,法案的前一部分内容回应了解决天主教徒公民权问题之紧迫性与必要性,那么,后一部分内容则反映出天主教解放问题之深刻的历史复杂性。事实上,天主教解放问题不只是一个与天主教徒宗教政治命运息息相关的问题,也是一个攸关英国宪法的新教性质、英国国教会的存在及其特权、英格兰民族由来已久的反天主教传统以及新教徒尤其是国教徒的宗教认同及其宗教情感归属等等的重大问题。天主教解放问题所具有的这种复杂性,使得法案设计者们必须尽量权衡各种利害关系,兼顾来自不同方面的多种诉求。惟其如此,我们只有将法案两部分内容视为相互关联的整体,方能同情性地理解法案设计者们的历史处境及其复杂心态。  相似文献   

Consultation of the DfE's Green Paper, Support and Aspiration: A New Approach to Special Educational Needs, provoked considerable debate among public and private sector professionals, parents and young people over the planned special educational needs reform. Since then, publication of the Children and Families Bill in 2013 indicates definitive changes in law, while the revised SEN Code of Practice, which will provide professional guidance, is awaited. There are implications to this reform beyond those which have already been published, although alluded to in the Green Paper. This article will explore the influence of language in the deconstruction of disability, the implications of raising the threshold before a categorisation of SEN applies, concerns arising from implementation of the Single Assessment Process and, finally, how funding reforms will negate some of the anticipated benefits for parents and their children.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府为了有效地解决战后退伍士兵面临的就业、培训、医疗保障等方面的问题,于1944年颁布了《退伍士兵权利法案》。该法案奠定了美国战后退伍士兵安置的法律基础,促使联邦政府大量的资金源源不断地流入到对退伍士兵的教育训练中去,有力地推动了战后美国各州教育尤其是成人教育的改革与发展进程。  相似文献   

场景:比尔在办公室等着瑞恩。瑞恩到现在已经工作6个月了,该对他的工作表现进行一番总结了。终于,瑞恩敲响了比尔办公室的门。  相似文献   

托尼·莫里森在2003年出版的第8部小说《爱》延续了其一贯探索美国黑人的历史和文化的写作风格,以“爱”为主题,以已故的男主人公比尔·柯西对周围的人产生的影响为线索,讲述了一个爱恨交织的复杂故事。象征是小说中一种强有力的表现手法,在这部小说中,手意象是被赋予特殊含义的。莫里森通过描写不同侧面的手意象生动地刻画了人物性格、经历、矛盾和关系,在集中体现了黑人文化传统的同时,也揭示了爱的主题。  相似文献   

美国国会于1944年颁布了《退伍士兵权利法案》。该法案规定:联邦政府对在二战期间服役超过90天的退伍士兵提供必要的经济资助,根据其服役时间长短和职位等提供一定数额的退役金、教育训练补助金、失业救济金和住房贷款等。《退伍士兵权利法案》的颁布,奠定了美国战后安置退伍士兵政策的法律框架,为美国二战后在短时间内妥善地安置近千万退伍士兵发挥了重要作用,促进了美国高等教育的大发展,为美国战后经济的腾飞和社会进步提供了强有力的人才支持和智力保障。  相似文献   

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