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English schools have traditionally been institutions with high levels of homophobia. This is attributed to the need that heterosexual boys have to maintain a heteromasculine identity. However, by drawing on 44 in‐depth interviews and 12 months of participant observation across three sixth forms, I detail the ways in which homophobia holds little cultural sway with the heterosexual male students in these settings. Here, the majority of students intellectualise pro‐gay attitudes, maintain friendships with openly gay students and are physically tactile with each other. Homophobic discourse is rarely heard and it is even stigmatised in two of the settings. Homosexually‐themed language that I call ‘gay discourse’ replaces it. This discourse maintains socio‐negative effect, but it is also used by openly gay students to bond with their heterosexual peers. Accordingly, this research shows that cultural homophobia maintains less significance than has been documented in previous studies.  相似文献   

本文针对现今生物学实验表格设计存在的问题,提出了相应的有效教学策略。  相似文献   

龙锦彬 《化学教学》2001,(12):40-41
我认为 2 0 0 1年全国初中化学竞赛计算题的深度不够 ,区分度不高 ,下面是我对其中两道计算题的一些看法 ,不一定全面和正确 ,希望和大家共同探讨。原 2 7题 :由某物质R和Na2 SO4 组成的固体混合物放入足量的水中 ,充分搅拌 ,过滤后得到白色沉淀 1 1 .6 5g ,经试验 ,该白色沉淀不溶于稀硝酸 ,滤液呈碱性。加入稀盐酸中和滤液 ,当加入 1 4 6g5 %的盐酸时溶液恰好呈中性。求混合物中R的质量。原解 :由题意知R为Ba(OH) 2 。设参加反应的Ba(OH) 2 质量为x ,生成的NaOH质量为y。1 71∶2 33=x∶1 1 .6 5g x =8.5 5g2 …  相似文献   

以传统的水处理经典实验项目"混凝实验"为基础进行精品实验建设。深入挖掘实验内涵,为学生发挥自主性、激发兴趣、锻炼能力创造广阔的空间。尝试数字技术在实验教学中的应用,实验形式得到有效提升。内涵和形式改进将传统实验项目改造成能够有效进行实践创新能力培养的精品实验项目。  相似文献   

【例1】现有一种植物种子,已知它的萌发受水分、温度和氧气的影响,但不了解其萌发与光是否有关。为探究光的有无对该种子萌发的影响,请依据所给材料、用具,设计实验的方法步骤,预测可能的实验结果,并分别得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

英国的第六学级历史悠久,在漫长的发展过程中,其办学职能、类型、学制和课程体系等经过数次变革,从形式到内容都打上了许多现代印迹.英国的第六学级在今天以其崭新的面貌呈现在世人面前.21世纪初,英国又把调整职业教育中的"普通国家职业资格证书",建立学术教育和职业教育之间的等价性,促进职业教育和学术教育的有机融合作为第六学级课程体系改革的重要目标.  相似文献   

The path of charged particles is affected when they enter a magnetic field. This change of path largely depends on the angle between the applied magnetic field and the direction of motion of the charged particle (and its velocity) entering the magnetic field. This is demonstrated by means of a simple, low-cost experiment. A high voltage is used to ionize the air between a spark gap. The flow of charged particles between the spark gap is altered by applying a magnetic field from a rare earth permanent magnet having surface magnetic field induction of 0.12 T.  相似文献   

韦月成 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(11):179-180
2001年7月龙滩水电站的建设促使移民的消费生活方式发生了前所未有的变化,消费种类的增加,新的消费形式不断引进,表明壮族移民的消费水平有了很大的提高,同时也出现了一些随龙滩水电站建设而来的与现代化不相符的消费行为,这应引起我们的重视,给予正确引导,确保移民的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Sixth grade students were compared by sex for their performance on two perspective coordination tasks. Responses were compared with understanding of the principle that still water remains invariantly horizontal. Forty-eight randomly selected sixth grade students (24 girls and 24 boys) and 12 college women were individually shown a standardized three-dimensional scene. While seated in a single position, subjects completed two tasks: (1) selecting from a set of 12 pictures (displayed together) the one which could be seen from each of eight positions marked on the displayed scene and (2) choosing the positions from which could be seen eight of the 12 pictures (shown one at a time). Four of the 12 pictures were mirror images which were impossible views. Males outperformed females on both of the coordination-of-perspective tasks. For both males and females, choosing the place was more difficult than choosing the picture. Strong relationships were found between understanding of horizontality and performance on the perspective tasks. Selection of mirror images (impossible views) indicated more understanding of perspective than other, less systematic errors. Finally, female teacher trainees performed only marginally better than sixth grade students, suggesting possible remediation needs.  相似文献   

在20世纪的科学技术发展史中,时间短暂但对人类社会影响却十分深远的发明,首推电子计算机。电子计算机是20世纪最重大的科技成就之一。自1946年世界上第一台电子计算机"埃尼阿克"诞生以  相似文献   

在高等教育目益普及的新形势下,大学物理实验作为理工科大学的第一门实践性课程,其基础地位和作用无法保证。因此,笔者从自身教学实践出发,首先对大学物理实验教学中出现的一些新问题进行分析,然后探索提出了应对的一些具体措施,以切实提高学生的实验能力与实验素养。  相似文献   

This study explores strategies students use to construct their academic engagement in the social environment of school. The study is based on group interview data collected from 161 sixth (78) and eighth (83) grade students. Students reflected both engaging and disengaging episodes. Data were content analysed. The results show that students reported using only confirming strategies in teacher–student interaction. More diverse strategies were described in relation to peer interaction. The results indicated that simultaneously maintaining functional peer relations and engaging effectively in academic activities is a highly challenging task which requires strategic flexibility and self-regulative skills. In terms of the development of more engaging learning environments for students, our results suggest that more attention should be paid to creating positive opportunities to participate, in terms of both academic activities and peer interaction.  相似文献   

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