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王嘉瑞 《健与美》2020,(5):118-119
如果你准备尝试一种新的锻炼,是接受朋友的提议练瑜伽,还是去上普拉提课呢?如果是这样的话,你可能会有一些疑问,包括:瑜伽和普拉提有什么区別?它们都能实现减重的目标吗?  相似文献   

苏钰 《健与美》2023,(9):126-128
越来越多的女性认识到体育锻炼的重要性,不仅能强身健体,而且能够保护自我。文章以郑州市商业健身房女性为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法,从郑州市健身房女性的年龄、职业、动机和健身内容选择4个方面进行调查,了解郑州市女性健身基本现状,调查旨在为推进郑州市女性健身的发展提供参考与帮助。  相似文献   

在《卧虎藏龙》之后,章子怡在媒体上的形象众所周知地有了一次“突变”,一方面在外表形象上向国际影星方向包装,一方面来自香港媒体方面的“绯闻”、“糗闻”在不断传播过来。然而,站在记者面前的章子怡却依然显得那么的清纯,毫无修饰的一头秀发自自然然地束在脑后,简约的装束得体地展示在人们面前,轻轻一笑依然露出那好看的小虎牙……就好像刚刚从张艺谋  相似文献   

话题背景对于一个NBA球员来说,IQ(智商)是天生的,它决定着你个人的能力,也关系着篮筐的直径,是个人价值的直接反映,加奈特、詹姆斯则是篮球高IQ的代言;而EQ(情商)无疑需要后天的培养,它代表着你与球的沟通、整合的能力,以及在NBA赛场上的审时度世、运筹帷幄,决定了球场的“宽度与开阔”,邓肯则是篮球高EQ的代言。对于NBA赛场来说,IQ和EQ哪个更重要呢?观点一:邓肯高EQ的官方证据一个球员的IQ(智商)是天生的,IQ直接决定了你个人能掌握怎样的技术和素质,用一个最直接的说法便是IQ决定着篮筐的直径,如果你有着良好的个人技术和身体…  相似文献   

The first report demonstrating that prolonged endurance exercise promotes oxidative stress in humans was published more than 4 decades ago. Since this discovery, many ensuing investigations have corroborated the fact that muscular exercise increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and results in oxidative stress in numerous tissues including blood and skeletal muscles. Although several tissues may contribute to exercise-induced ROS production, it is predicted that muscular contractions stimulate ROS production in active muscle fibers and that skeletal muscle is a primary source of ROS production during exercise. This contraction-induced ROS generation is associated with (1) oxidant damage in several tissues (e.g., increased protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation), (2) accelerated muscle fatigue, and (3) activation of biochemical signaling pathways that contribute to exercise-induced adaptation in the contracting muscle fibers. While our understanding of exercise and oxidative stress has advanced rapidly during the last decades, questions remain about whether exercise-induced increases in ROS production are beneficial or harmful to health. This review addresses this issue by discussing the site(s) of oxidant production during exercise and detailing the health consequences of exercise-induced ROS production.  相似文献   

有一个不争的事实,那就是当下国内健身行业落后欧美许多,但是人口基数大,需要锻炼的人不少,并月国内并没有直接有效的法律法规对健身行业进行监管,导致了私教入职门槛低,非专业人士也很容易进入。大致上讲,想成为一名私人教练唯一的门槛就是体能好,运动能力不错。  相似文献   

顾少杰 《体育风尚》2020,(1):273-273
本文通过文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对高校内商业健身房的经营管理进行深入分析,发现目前在管理服务理念上、硬件设施和健身教练等方面存在问题。提出提供人性化的服务,加强硬件配置和维护,加强健身教练员的管理培训,采取灵活多样的销售策略和普及健身知识的具体对策,为学生提供更好的运动体验和进一步提高健身房的经营管理水平。  相似文献   

去年夏天,有几位效力英超联赛的前锋选择离开不列颠岛,转投其他联赛,其中就有托雷斯、苏亚雷斯、埃尔南德斯、内格雷多等著名锋将.然而离开就真的会更好么?看看他们在新赛季、新东家的经历,你会给这个问题打上一个大大的问号.  相似文献   

陆平 《体育博览》2008,(3):60-60
对于陈冠希以及牵扯至"艳照门"中的众女星来讲,2008年的春节恐怕很不寻常。可以说,沸扬整个香港的性照事件一下子转移了人们对于雪灾的注意视线,性照事件从陈冠希开始但却没有到陈冠希为止,陆陆续续牵涉出14位女星的性照片,照片数量高达1300多张。  相似文献   

年轻或不再年轻的女士梦寐以求的——平滑、柔软的身体,苗条、健美的双腿,平坦、紧收的腹部,在品尝普拉提这块“甜点”后,你就会拥有。  相似文献   

紧张的工作节奏和错综复杂的人际关系,让现代生活中的你我身心疲惫,很多人选择健身,用强健的体魄挑战竞争和压力,其实,健身的同时,健心也是很重要的。一种新的时尚健身运动正在悄然兴起。  相似文献   

探讨全民健身法制化建设,为促进全民健身事业的健康可持续发展提供理论参考。采用文献资料法等研究方法分析全民健身法制化建设的内容与主要措施。主要结论:提高全民健身法制化建设水平,使全民健身更好地惠及民众,需要建立保障、调控、运行、评估、奖惩以及司法补偿机制,建立健全全民健身法制法规来维护大众健身权益,修订《中华人民共和国体育法》,进一步完善全民健身相关地方性法律法规,不断拓宽全民健身配套法律的覆盖范围,全面促进体育健身事业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

今年7月份的美国网球杂志内有一篇文章的标题写着:温布尔顿应该把它的草皮卷走,取而代之是一些球速较慢的表层。文章的观点是草地的球速太快,ACE球太多,回合太少,令观众觉得娱乐性不够,会发闷。同时,它又限制了球手的发挥,很多时候,高速的发球令对手无法回击。文章还认为“草地”已经过时,令网球停滞不前,令球手无法增加来回次数。  相似文献   


It seems common knowledge that school sport participation leads to all kinds of social, educational and health outcomes. However, it may also be that students with a certain predisposition, sometimes referred to as sporting habitus, are more inclined to participate in school sports and that the ‘outcomes’ were already present before participation. Several studies indicated that identity formation mediates between sport participation and the outcomes described. Therefore, a longitudinal survey study was used to investigate whether participation in an elementary school sport competition brought about changes in the formation of sport identity and student identity of students. The results of the study showed that participation in the competition was not related to changes in the sport identity and student identity of the children. In contrast to commonplace assumptions about the socialising effects of school sport participation, the results indicate that participating in this school sport competition did not influence the student identity and sport identity of children. It may be that a selected, predisposed group of children with a strong sport identity participates in school sports, although future research is necessary to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

杨直 《电子竞技》2021,(4):76-77
许多年后,我又完整地看完了春节联欢晚会. 因为疫情的缘故,我第一次在外过春节.和我的家乡,一座相对偏远的东北小城相比,在春节这件事上,北京呈现出的更多是极具辨识性的不同. 比如,在家的时候,春节往往从小年开始;三十到初五那几天几乎都被鞭炮声叫醒;整个春节都在忙碌中度过. 而且,这种由串门、吃饭、打牌、喝酒等活动组成的忙...  相似文献   

This essay presents the evolution of European governance in a parallel symbiosis with football. It describes the EU, this sui generis ‘team’, giving examples, images, dates and events from the world of football. It seeks to contribute to the debate on the changing profile of EU institutions through the looking glass of football ones, as a ‘team’ in the framework of governance and international relations. In particular, it uses the specific institutional example of the Champions League as a source of analogies and regularities for the on-going European experiment. It examines how far EU and football continue to encompass the same joy of accomplishment after the dramatic change in their institutional and political rules of play in an age ruled by the relentless and insatiable pursuit of profit. The paper argues that European governance needs to redefine its integration’s priorities, restoring dedication to and passion for the European project.  相似文献   

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