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法语中的强调表达可以通过许多途径来完成。法语本族人常常运用语音、词汇、语法、修辞等手段来达到强调的目的。法语学习者很难系统的掌握法语的强调表达方法。文章拟就法语中表达强调的各种手段进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

在《毛泽东选集》英译文中,译者为了准确地表达原文的思想感情,广泛地采用了一些词汇手段、语法手段和修辞手段来加强词义或语意,使译文显得生动有力,维妙雏肖,感染力极强。笔者仅就其中一些常见的强调语言现象分强调词、强调词组,强调结构和强调语序四个方面谈谈自己的学习体会。  相似文献   

语言是人们交际的工具。人们在口头或书面交流时,想充分表达中心信息,让听众或读者准确理解,就必须采用强调手段。任何一种语言都有自己的强调手段。描述运用词汇的强调手段。  相似文献   

我们在诵读文章时,进行强调是靠停顿、重读和特殊的语气来表示的,但是书面表达则看不出强调的内容。在近年的高考试题中,这个内容也时有涉及。那么书面表达中如何进行强调呢?  相似文献   

所谓强调,就是运用语言中的各种表意手段,使句子的某一部分比一般情况下显得更突出,更加重要,以使所表达的思想及特有感受更清楚,能为听、读者恰当地理解,并给他们造成强烈印象。交际中人们可通过多种多样的强调手段加强语势,其中最主要的有词汇手段,语法手段和修辞手段。一、词汇强调手段在英语中恰当地运用强调势词,就能使句子的语势得到加强,给人以深刻印象,这种方式简便实用,易于掌握。常见的词汇强调手段有以下几种。1、助动词和情态动词血,shall,should,will等这些词用以强调句子的动词,他们的使用,不但可以使句子的…  相似文献   

包威 《考试周刊》2009,(7):116-118
英语学习中,强调(Emphasis)是一种常见加强语气的表达。本文作者以自身的知识积累在结合教学实践的基础之上,对英语中强调的表达予以较为全面的归纳总结,以使学习者对英语强调表达知识的进一步了解、掌握以至能加以熟练应用。  相似文献   

数字的表达是法语学习中的一个重点和难点,本文将从其形式、变化规律、应用等方面来阐述和分析,使学习者在表达和生活中能正确地运用法语数字,并浅易的了解法国社会、文化方面的知识。  相似文献   

强调就是用来表示表达、思维和情感等的强度。它是有效表达我们思想的重要方法。我们可以用多种方法来强调重要的思想观点。  相似文献   

人们在日常交际中,作者或说话者为了明确地表达其思想、观点,常采用强调这一手段使语言接受者准确地掌握其精神实质,强调的手段很多,如语音手段、语法手段、词汇手段、修辞手段。本文探讨用语法手段进行强调的几种常见现象。  相似文献   

强调属于修辞范畴 ,它与口头和笔头交际密切相关 ,包括语法手段、语音手段与词汇手段。文章择其词汇手段予以探讨 ,归纳出若干常见的表现形式 ,同时正确地将其译成汉语 ,以便丰富我们的语言、增强语言的表达效果并防止误译。  相似文献   

文章以电影名称为探讨对象,以大量经典译名和近年来极受欢迎的法语片名为翻译实例,探讨了电影片名翻译中的归化与异化策略的具体运用,并在此策略指导下,提出了法语电影片名翻译中直译和意译等多种的翻译方法。  相似文献   

介绍了英语修辞强调句中的六种主要形式 ;同时简要阐述了它的三个明显特征  相似文献   

词汇是语言的三要素之一,是构成语言最基本的材料。词汇教学是二外法语教学的基础环节,掌握足够的词汇是学好法语,提高听、说、读,写、译能力的前提。因此运用多样的词汇教学方法,在二外法语教学中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

普通话水平测试对单字、词语、朗读、说话四项内容都有明确的目的和要求.在教学实践中,应根据训练内容的特点及学生的特点,采取各种有效的训练手段,提高学生的发音、正音、朗读和说话能力,培养合格的普通话人才.  相似文献   

为使强调结构的翻译符合汉语语言习惯,我们可以采用相等、基本相等、淡化、转换等方法,使译文呈现出典型的中文强调意味。  相似文献   

商业英语写作的语气、词语选择、文体、结构、篇章等皆与文学的写作不相同,商业英语的写作比较注重使用尊重的语气、中正的词语、正规的文体和简短的篇章。它有别于丰富多彩、自由烂漫、讽刺辛辣、戏谑狡辩、夸张缩小的文学家的笔调,讲究的是得体贴切、简洁有力、明了清晰的表达方式。该文通过对多篇英语信函的例句分析对比,探讨提高学生商业英语应用能力的方法。  相似文献   

英语语言是线性结构,但在语言学习和使用的过程中,人们熟知强调句作为一种特殊的线性结构,用来突出说话人所要强调或引起听话人特别注意的成分。学者们将这一特殊又普遍的句式命名为分裂句,并从不同视角对这一句式进行种种描述。在此基础上,基于认知视角下的图形背景理论,对分裂句产生的心理基础进行描述,以期为语言教学中强调句的学习及二语习得中强调句式的习得尽一份微薄的力量。  相似文献   

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Protestant and Catholic Reformations involved an intense didactic and pastoral activity, and logically a huge catechetical production. Religious catechisms were the only books used as reading textbooks in the French “petites écoles”. The will to publish a secularised catechism progressively spread among the second generation of Enlightenment thinkers who published impious catechisms like Voltaire’s for example. But d’Alembert, among others, asked for the appropriation of sacred and popular form of religious instruction for Enlightenment purposes: scientific vulgarisation for example. Then, during the second half of the eighteenth century there occurred a secularisation of the catechism, often considered didactically as a knowledge summary. For example, in 1771 a Cours d’accouchement en forme de catéchisme by Tulinge, was published for midwives. And in 1773 the bishop Bexon wrote a Catéchisme d’agriculture for peasants. On the eve of the French Revolution, catechism had become a general way to expose knowledge in parallel with its Catholic use. The French revolutionaries used this teaching method to expose the new order and then, after the secularisation, a politicisation of the catechism occurred. During the French Revolution a transfer occurred from the Christian catechesis to the revolutionary education, which widely used political catechisms as official textbooks. Political catechisms – defined as summaries of main political doctrine principles and generally found in the form of questions and answers – were widely used in nineteenth-century France for political education. This article is based on a corpus of 815 political catechisms, published between the eve of the French Revolution and the First World War, mostly in France. This corpus of political books shares a deep formal homogeneity and a strong rhetorical stability. However, political catechisms had various uses: they were widely used for morals and civics teaching during the first half of the nineteenth century, and then turned to electoral catechisms from 1848 to the beginning of the twentieth century. The nineteenth century was the “century of the catechism” because this pedagogy was widely used, and not only for a religious purpose. We will focus on the pedagogic transfer that occurred from the 1750s to the French Revolution. For example, 1791 is the first peak with 47 books published that year. The reason for this production is a wide dissemination of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, subsequently of the Constitution and finally of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, the latter two issued in 1791. Then, the French Clergy was deeply involved in such literature. In fact, a large number of clergymen, especially from the teaching orders (such as Doctrinaires for example) initially agreed with the revolutionary ideas and naturally used the catechism to spread the new underlying texts and ideas widely. The succession of questions and answers was considered the best teaching method to explain the new constitutional texts, especially for the youth. This teaching choice is backed by the will to provide people with a kind of political catechism, in parallel with the religious catechism. With 87 catechisms published during 1794 for 44 different titles, this is the most important peak of political catechism production. The first explanation for the peak is the fact that in 1794, on 28 January (9 pluviôse an II), the Convention Nationale launched a competition to stimulate schoolbook production, in order to replace books published during the Old Regime. This stimulated political catechism production. The transfer is obvious and was followed by a politicisation of the catechism. The political catechism is a major genre of nineteenth-century political literature with material conventions (a short, low-quality and cheap book) and obvious discursive conventions. The authors wished to write an elementary book used as a tool of politicisation and easy to spread among the lower classes. An educational transfer rather than a transfer of sanctity occurred during the French Revolution and political catechisms must be considered as a major political literary genre.  相似文献   

针对"2+2"中法合作办学项目国内教学阶段中呈现出的特殊性和复杂性,探索适应中法合作办学项目法语教学的方法,由比较式教学法入手,通过英语法语比较分析法、中法文化比较导入法和教育方式比较教学法,进一步激发学生学习兴趣,加强对法国文化的深入了解,提前适应国外专业学习和日常生活。  相似文献   

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