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Research Findings: A difficulty for developmental researchers is disambiguating children's general maturation from the influence of schooling. In this study, we use a natural experiment to examine the influence of prekindergarten and kindergarten schooling experiences on the development of literacy and mathematics. Children (n = 60) whose birthdates fell within 2 months of the state-determined cutoff date for prekindergarten and kindergarten entry were administered 4 subtests of the Woodcock–Johnson III Tests of Achievement in the fall and spring of the school year. Using hierarchical linear modeling coupled with propensity score matching, we found that children who were starting kindergarten and who had prior experience in prekindergarten had higher scores on measures of phonological awareness, early reading, and mathematics skills than did children who had not attended prekindergarten previously, even though they were essentially the same age. Fall vocabulary scores did not differ in relation to whether children had prekindergarten experience. In addition, although children who attended kindergarten as well as those who attended prekindergarten exhibited growth on all measures during the school year, children who attended kindergarten demonstrated greater gains in early reading and vocabulary during the school year. Practice or Policy: These findings highlight the potential of early schooling processes to facilitate children's intellectual growth.  相似文献   

阅读在英语学习中具有举足轻重的地位。培养阅读能力,首先要分析阅读的概念、心理过程和障碍;其次,归纳概括阅读方法与技巧:控制发音动作、猜词悟义、利用结构信息和关键词、注意理解句子或段落、养成集中注意力阅读的习惯。  相似文献   

阅读能力是英语综合技能的一个重要方面,它标志着一个人的英语水平。在阅读中掌握一定的阅读技巧能提高阅读速度和理解程度。在阅读中我们要注意文章的主题段、主题句和关键词等。  相似文献   

高水平的郎读离不开朗读者对朗读表达技巧的恰当适用。这不仅要求朗读者握好朗读运用技巧的特点,而且要把自己对作品的感受、理解作为运用技巧的依据。并要充分语气语调在各种表达技巧运用中的核心作用。同时要不断加强朗读实践。努力促成朗读技巧到朗读技能的转化。  相似文献   

本文从培养良好的阅读习惯和掌握科学的阅读方法等四个方面简要地介绍了提高英语阅读速度的技巧.  相似文献   

Conjunction contributes to organizing and managing stretches of discourse, indicating the way the information is arranged. Successfully identifying these discourse markers is of great benefit to the reader to extract the required information from what he/she reads, especially for the candidates who are tested for their reading abilities in a given time, for these markers give clues to the reader and make the perception easier and save a lot of time. To teach students to explore reading skills and read successfully all by themselves, language teachers had better keep in mind the significance of conjunction and get students to share and apply it.  相似文献   

在世界各国在经济、文化、科技等各方面交流日益增多的今天,商务英语成为我们与世界其他国家和地区进行交流、合作的重要工具.掌握商务英语的特点,迅速提高阅读水平,将极大地有助于商界人士收集信息、开展业务.  相似文献   

应用文阅读是高职高专教育英语课程教学对学生阅读能力的基本要求之一。高职高专英语应用能力等级考试也将应用文的阅读理解作为考查重点,所选取的应用文为中等难度的一般题材的简短实用英文资料,如信函、技术说明书、合同等。必要的阅读技巧对正确地理解和分析应用文,做出准确无误的判断和取得好的考试成绩是十分有帮助的。  相似文献   

英语考试的阅读理解题型是对考生心理素质和分析判断能力的一种重要测试,只有保持良好的心志,依据题型特点,抓住中心,透章,重视语感,猜测等解题方法,才能收到准确快速的答题效果。  相似文献   

阅读课是英语专业的基础课程,在阅读课中正确运用阅读技巧有助于学生理解能力的提高。许多学生在上英语阅读课时只是追求做阅读理解题的正确率,而忽略了阅读技巧对阅读效率的关键作用。因此在英语专业阅读课中开设阅读技巧课来提高阅读理解能力是有必要的。英语教师应全面了解阅读技巧教学的意义、目的、任务和教学策略,指导学生进行理论学习与实践,推动英语专业阅读技巧课教学改革与创新。  相似文献   

文章阐述了语用关联论及其对阅读教学的指导意义以及怎样培养学生在阅读过程中通过寻找最佳关联,有效地提高学生的阅读速度和阅读理解力。  相似文献   

文章阐述了语用关联论及其对阅读教学的指导意义以及怎样培养学生在阅读过程中通过寻找最佳关联,有效地提高学生的阅读速度和阅读理解力。  相似文献   

速读是当今信息时代对阅读者的必然要求 ,速读技能由语言素质、心理素质和阅读技巧等方面组成 ,速读技能的培养也应从这几个方面入手  相似文献   

HSK中级考试阅读技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本针对HSK考试中阅读理解部分的分析,指出阅读可以通过一些阅读技巧来提高分数,并列举一些有用的阅读技巧。  相似文献   

通过教学反思和学生的教学反馈意见,基于英语阅读教学基本要求和学生对英语阅读技能的渴望。研究在高职英语阅读教学中运用自下而上模型、自上而下模型和交互式模型三种阅读模型的理论强化学生的英语阅读技能。  相似文献   

推理判断与阅读密不可分,它直接影响着阅读效率。结合实例介绍和说明阅读中常用的推理技巧,帮助学生在实践中加以运用,以达到提高其阅读效率和质量的目的。  相似文献   


Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) was implemented for supplementary reading classes in a Korean elementary school. The treatment group children were exposed to PALS during 20 min sessions, 4 times a week, for 8 weeks. The impacts of PALS were investigated in 3 aspects using a mixed-methods approach: improvement in reading attitudes, reading skills, and student perceptions of the intervention. Data collection includes reading attitude measures, standardized reading comprehension test scores, student satisfaction survey, student interviews, and student journals. The PALS group students showed significantly enhanced reading attitudes and reading skills. Consistently, qualitative data analysis also revealed affirmative influence of PALS on students’ attitudes toward reading. Finally, the findings also suggested social benefits of PALS including developing cooperative skills and friendships.  相似文献   

浅谈大学英语泛读教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何真正提高大学生的阅读能力已经成为大学英语教学中一个亟待解决的问题。对此,该文提出大学英语泛读教学应该受到师生及学校的一致重视,首先指出大学英语泛读教学备受冷落的现状,然后论述泛读课的特点和重要性,最后结合该文作者的多年泛读教学经验,从学习态度、学习兴趣和阅读技巧三个方面给出改善大学英语泛读教学的建议,以期帮助培养出阅读能力强的大学生。  相似文献   

分析了英语考试中听力、词汇和阅读理解三方面试题的考试重点和难点,通过解析典型例题,提出了具体的应试技巧,认为在英语考试中解决听力、词汇和阅读理解这三类题型时,有针对性的掌握一些答题的技巧和方法不仅可以提高回答问题的效率,更能够提高考试的质量,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of visual chunking skills in the processing of Chinese characters among Hong Kong pupils. One-hundred-seventy-nine primary school students from first, second and fourth grades were administered a character copying task. Children as young as 6 years of age were aware of character units and were able to apply visual chunking strategies when processing characters. Children in higher grades performed better than those in lower grades on every character type, and the types of errors they made revealed that their chunking level was higher than that of younger children. Differences between ability groups emerged in second grade and vanished in fourth grade, suggesting that children with a lower reading ability are slower to develop advanced chunking skills.  相似文献   

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