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Our study investigated the knowledge 13elementary teachers gained implementing astudent-centered curriculum in the context ofdistrict-wide reform. Participants comprisedall the teachers in grades three, four and fiveat a single elementary school. We believed thatinvestigating teachers' responses to fictionalpedagogical scenarios involving nonstandardalgorithms would yield insights into criticalcomponents of their knowledge base. We lookedin particular at teachers' knowledge of children's mathematics. We found that teacherswere in the midst of creating a knowledge basefocused on children's mathematics and groundedin knowledge about alternative conceptualtrajectories through the elementary curriculum.Teachers' knowledge of nonstandard strategiessupported by the curriculum materials wasstronger and more coherent than their knowledgeof students' novel nonstandard strategies.Strong mathematical knowledge was notnecessarily associated with strong knowledge ofchildren's mathematics. Teachers' thinkingvaried by a topic's treatment in the writtencurriculum materials used, suggestingimplementation of the curriculum as a source oflearning.  相似文献   

幼儿学习过程中的教师教育行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的教育行为作为教师素质的重要组成部分,是考察教师教育观念的重要维度与指标,也是教师教育能力、教育态度等的重要表现。本研究在对教师教育行为的内涵进行明确界定的基础上,综合运用访谈、观察、问卷、资料分析等多种方法,对幼儿学习过程中教师的教育行为进行了详细分析,并揭示了教师教育行为具有稳定性,重知识、规则性,控制性以及情境性的特征。  相似文献   

幼儿教师儿童学习观的质性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师的儿童学习观是教师教育观念系统中的核心内容,本研究运用质性分析的方法,发现教师的儿童学习观主要表现为三个方面:对儿童学习的基本认识、儿童知识的形成以及儿童学习的过程。教师的儿童学习观表现为两种类型,具有朴素性、层次性和内隐性特征。  相似文献   

The study describes teachers' collective work in which they developed deeper understanding of their own students' mathematical thinking. Teachers at one school met in monthly workgroups throughout the year. Prior to each workgroup, they posed a similar mathematical problem to their students. The workgroup discussions centered on the student work those problems generated. This study draws on a transformation of participation perspective to address the questions: What do teachers learn through collective examination of student work? How is teacher learning evident in shifts in participation in discussions centered on student work? The analyses account for the learning of the group by documenting key shifts in teachers' participation across the year. The first shift in participation occurred when teachers as a group learned to attend to the details of children's thinking. A second shift in participation occurred as teachers began to develop possible instructional trajectories in mathematics. We focus our discussion on the significance of the use of student work and a transformation of participation view in analyzing the learning trajectory of teachers as a group.  相似文献   

Technology-enhanced mathematics tasks were introduced to elementary pre-service candidates (n = 84) and in-service teachers (n = 38), who then, either in partners or small groups, created and taught inquiry-based lessons incorporating technology, with individual reflections. The lessons were coded using the following criteria: (a) The students themselves used the technology for inquiry learning, (b) technology was integral to the learning task, (c) the lesson focused on mathematics concepts—not the technology, and (d) the task would have been more difficult to accomplish without the technology. The lesson analysis revealed that, after instruction on inquiry learning and technology integration, each group achieved a high level of proficiency using these criteria. Further, the analysis assisted the instructors in identifying issues and concerns regarding implementation of technology in elementary mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

教师职业承诺与专业成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业承诺是指教师认同所从事的教师职业的专业价值与规范,忠于职守的态度或行为倾向。教师职业承诺具体表现为教师对学校组织的承诺、对学生的承诺、对职业的承诺、对专业的承诺、对教学的承诺等。教师职业承诺具有鲜明的专业发展意蕴,学校组织、教师共同体和教师个人必须采取措施,提升教师职业承诺水平,致力于教师专业发展。  相似文献   

教师专业自主权是指教师享有专业判断及自由执行、不受他人或非教师成员的干预的基本权。研究表明,教师的专业自主权会影响教师工作满意度、对决策的认同度、对职业和机构的认同度。目前,我国有关教师专业自主权的研究多集中在中小学教育和高等教育阶段,较少涉及学前教育阶段。鉴于此,在探讨教师自主的含义、研究意义、发展现状以及影响因素的基础上,对我国幼儿教师专业自主权研究进行理论思考,以期使幼儿教师摆脱课程改革的困境,进而促进学生的发展。  相似文献   

论教师专业发展   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
教师专业发展有别于教师专业化,它强调的是教师个体内在专业特性的提升。教师本位的教师专业发展观是针对忽视教师自我的被动的教师专业发展提出的, 其突出的是教师自我在教师专业发展中的主体价值,认为教师专业发展既要实现教师的人生价值,又要实现其人格价值。  相似文献   

以专业共同体促进教师专业成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态变革取向的教师专业发展观超越了只从教师个体层面探讨教师专业发展的单一视角,注重从文化、组织或制度的层面研究教师的专业发展,提出建构教师专业共同体。本文以教师专业共同体理论为基础,分析教师的专业成长对专业共同体的诉求,立足于建立教师专业共同体的四大基石,阐述如何促进和支持教师专业共同体的成长。  相似文献   

教师课程意识与专业成长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教师课程意识属于社会职业意识范畴之一,是教师个体与群体基于职业实践,在其职业环境中通过履行专业职责而形成的关于课程规律的体认。课程意识指导着教师的课程实践,映射着教师职业的专业化程度。课程意识的生成与提升,需要相应的实践环境。  相似文献   

教师效能是教师对自身如何很好影响学生学习的能力的信念。它在受教师专业发展价值观影响的同时,也通过影响教师的工作态度、工作动机和教师对教育教学目标的设置与实现而影响教师专业发展。基于此,文章提出了相应的增强教师效能的建议。  相似文献   

培养教师良好的自我意识:教师专业发展的内在诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外教育界的研究表明,一个专家型教师必须具有四方面的复合型知识结构,其中重要的一个方面就是自我知识。因此,一个好的教师首先是一个有独特人格的人,是一个具有健全自我意识的人,是一个知道运用“自我”作为有效工具进行教学的人。形成和完善教师的良好自我意识、对教师的专业发展具有特殊的作用,它有助于教师正确认识自我,有助于教师的职业生涯规划,有助于教师生命的提升。我们应通过培养教师的主体精神、主动性与责任感,创造有利于促进教师自我意识的工作环境与社会氛围,提高教师自我反思的能力来培养教师良好的自我意识。  相似文献   

Attaining the vision for science teaching and learning emphasized in the Framework for K‐12 Science Education and the next generation science standards (NGSS) will require major shifts in teaching practices in many science classrooms. As NGSS‐inspired cognitively demanding tasks begin to appear in more and more science classrooms, facilitating students' engagement in high‐level thinking as they work on these tasks will become an increasingly important instructional challenge to address. This study reports findings from a video‐based professional development effort (i.e., professional development [PD] that use video‐clips of instruction as the main artifact of practice to support teacher learning) to support teachers' learning to select cognitively demanding tasks and to support students' learning during the enactment of these tasks in ways that are aligned with the NGSS vision. Particularly, we focused on the NGSS's charge to get students to make sense of and deeply think about scientific ideas as students try to explain phenomena. Analyses of teachers' pre‐ and post‐PD instruction indicate that PD‐participants began to adopt instructional practices associated with facilitating these kinds of student thinking in their own classrooms. The study has implications for the design of video‐based professional development for science teachers who are learning to facilitate the NGSS vision in science classrooms.  相似文献   

教师合作教育研究作为教育科学研究的一种形式,旨在实现教师集体的专业成长。教师合作研究的实践运作方式包括教师集体叙事、教师课例研究、教师课题研究、教师虚拟教研等。影响教师合作研究的因素包括研究文化、研究角色和研究成果等因素,教师合作研究必须强调共生理念、对话机制、团队建设和成果共享。  相似文献   

This paper describes the workundertaken in a course in communication andinformation technology in a pre-service programfor secondary school mathematics teachers. Thiscourse aimed to help pre-service teachersdevelop a positive attitude regarding ICT anduse it confidently. It focused on theexploration of educational software and of theInternet's potential as a means of research andproduction of web sites. We discuss how thepre-service mathematics teachers evaluate theirwork concerning their commitment, difficultiesthey found, learning they identified, andpersonal relationship. We also analyse theeffects of the course on the development oftheir professional knowledge and identity.  相似文献   

在国内外课程改革的背景下,教师教学观念已经成为教师专业发展的重要研究领域。本文概括近30年来国内外教学观念研究概况,提炼有效探测教学观念的研究案例与方法,并结合我国课程改革具体情况,进一步指出教学观念研究的发展态势以及有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

In this article, the author examines the character of the conversations generated in an elementary teacher group as they worked on mathematical problems together and analyzed their students' work. Two distinct forms of talk — exploratory and expository — were found. The first type of talk occurred most prominently when discussions centered on the teachers' own mathematical work and the second type when conversations centered on that of their students. By examining closely the few occasions when the groups' expository talk turned exploratory, the author explores how both the nature of the tasks and the range and type of facilitator conversational strategies can play significant roles in promoting and interrupting these conversational patterns to educational ends.  相似文献   

对四川省省级骨干教师培训进行调查发现:教师非常需要新课程改革及教育研究方面的知识,集中培训和课题研究是常用培养途径。因此,平衡教师当前实践需要和专业发展需求是骨干教师专业化培养的前提。在数学文化视野下创新骨干教师专业化培养途径,案例反思是有效途径,而自主发展是骨干教师专业化培养途径的必然趋势。  相似文献   

目前的高级英语教学只注重语言知识的讲解,忽视对课文的分析和鉴赏,不利于培养学生的恩辨能力和人文素养。研究性教学在高级英语课堂的采用改变了传统的教师讲、学生听的被动学习方式,它提倡教师指导,学生主体参与的教学方式,即学生在老师的引导下,通过完成小型研究项目来发展逻辑思维、综合分析、判断推理等重要思辨能力。  相似文献   


This article describes 1st-year experimental effects of a large-scale reform providing professional development to elementary school teachers to implement an extended, inquiry-oriented science curriculum. Known as “immersion teaching” because it “immerses” teachers and students in the full cycle of scientific inquiry, this approach developed through a partnership involving university-based science and mathematics content experts and educators and K-12 educators from the Los Angeles Unified School District. Multilevel analyses, which examined school-level effects of assignment to the professional development intervention, nested Grade 4 students and their science achievement outcomes within the 80 study schools. The analyses revealed a statistically significant negative 1st-year treatment effect of school-level assignment to the initiative on the key science achievement outcome. We also tested whether the treatment had differential effects for English language learners, schools with large proportions of English language learners, and students of new teachers. We found an interaction effect of the treatment by teacher experience level for the teachers who were the primary target of the intervention, with the treatment having positive effects for novice teachers (3 years of experience or less) but a larger, negative effect for veteran teachers. We explore analytically three sets of explanations for the unexpected negative main effect of treatment: potential statistical and design artifacts, possible misalignment between the assessments and content of the treatment, and practical issues related to implementation of the treatment.  相似文献   

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