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文章提议在研究型图书馆中有组织地开展制度化的非学历继续教育,以弥补学历教育无力向专业馆员及时传授图书情报领域新知识的缺陷.文章对非学历教育的教学组织、教学内容、教师遴选、考核形式、学习激励机制等进行了探讨,提出一些具体的实施意见,并指出制度化非学历继续教育将经历一个逐步发展和完善的过程.  相似文献   

Libraries have always organizationally supported the continuing education (CE) objectives of their respective institutions. As CE experts increase their understanding of the learning process and the factors that make CE opportunities successful, it is important that health sciences librarians use this knowledge to enhance their positions as key players in the CE field. This paper surveys the literature related to the roles of health sciences libraries in CE, reports an informal survey of health sciences librarians, and identifies innovative services that integrate the library with the lifelong learning processes of its users. Four distinct support areas are identified in which the library relates to CE (resources, content, education, and information management), illustrating traditional library CE roles and suggesting new opportunities. To be successful in improving the library's role in CE, librarians must attend to their own lifelong learning needs, increase collaboration with educators and CE providers, participate in research that addresses the learning and information assimilation processes, and actively involve the library in the quality filtering process.  相似文献   

目前,高校图书馆的人才危机是一个比较棘手的问题,具体表现为:高素质年轻馆员的去职业化,直接影响到高校图书馆工作梯队的年龄结构;专业化馆员的大量流失,严重影响了高校图书馆的核心竞争力;馆领导分工不合理,任人唯亲,导致多数有志馆员消极工作;高校拨给图书馆的科研经费不多,促使大部分馆员产生职业倦怠心理。人才危机管理策略为:调整人事聘任标准,制定核心人才继任制度;提高图书馆员工作待遇,适当增加其科研经费;营造馆员实现自我价值的环境,尽量挽留专业人才;建立图书馆职业资格认证制度,推进其职业化进程。  相似文献   

The proliferation of hospital libraries since World War II has created a generation of librarians who take for granted the existence of libraries in hospitals. A literature review for the first half of the twentieth century presents a picture of uncertainty and struggle for identity for the hospital library. Then as now, hospital libraries reflect the institutions within which they operate. A brief history of the development of the American hospital provides a context for describing the various roles that the hospital library has played within its parent institution during the twentieth century. Some personal reflections on working in a hospital library are also presented.  相似文献   

The hospital health sciences library of today that reaches out to the world knowledge base through electronic networks bears little resemblance to its forebears. Yet to understand the challenges and future directions of the hospital library it is necessary to examine how it began and how it has evolved in more than 200 years. This paper identifies five developmental periods in which major strides were made: the colonial years through the 19th century; World War I to the Great Depression; World War II and the 1950s; the 1960s--the Great Society and the Medical Library Assistance Act; and the 1970s, an era of growth for hospital libraries.  相似文献   

现代图书馆危机管理探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
危机管理是现代图书馆管理所面临的一个新课题,文章重点探讨了图书馆危机管理的内涵、类型、特点以及对策研究。  相似文献   

图书馆危机管理研究回顾与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代社会危机频繁发生,使危机管理成为重要的研究课题。图书馆作为社会公共服务部门之一,也需要重视危机管理。文章概述了图书馆危机管理研究的现状,理清了图书馆危机管理研究的整个发展脉络,指出其存在的有关问题,探讨了图书馆危机管理研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

试论创业教育与大学图书馆读者教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生创业教育的实施给大学图书馆读者教育赋予了新的内涵,传统的大学图书馆读者教育模式已不能适应当代大学生创业教育的需求。本文从大学图书馆在创业教育中所担任的新型角色方面来论证了创业教育对大学图书馆读者教育提出的新的要求,重点论述了图书馆对大学生知识积累、信息素质、创业意识、创业目标和创业能力的培养;从大学图书馆以创业教育为契机,加强图书馆软、硬件建设方面,着重强调了大学图书馆应加强自身建设,建立一支高素质的馆员队伍,搞好读者教育。同时,努力开发高质量的图书馆软件系统,加强馆藏文献信息资源建设,加强现代化设施建设,尽快实现大学生创业教育手段的自动化。  相似文献   

关于图书馆版权危机的理性思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
论述图书馆版权危机的产生背景;图书馆与版权之间的利益平衡具有互利基础、制度基础和道德基础;图书馆界面对版权危机应采取的对策。  相似文献   

公共图书馆危机公关处理探析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张滢 《图书馆学研究》2006,(5):37-38,44
同所有机构一样,图书馆系统也会面临公关危机。在当前媒体开放透明的大环境中,图书馆也要有敏锐的公关危机意识。同时因为公关危机突发性、意外性和紧迫性的特点,面对已经发生的公关危机,如何展开危机公关,尽可能减小其潜在的危害,也是图书馆系统有必要研究的新课题。  相似文献   

Hospital librarians must ensure they are contributing positively to the organization's goals and are proactive in meeting user needs while making the best use of scarce resources. Therefore, effective communication with library clients is essential. Client audits are useful tools, but response rates are often poor as the audit can get lost in the overwhelming amount of unsolicited mail received by clinical practitioners, who quickly become expert at selecting and culling. This column shares lessons learned through conducting the audit, highlights key findings from the audit itself, and examines ways to use the audit process to promote and develop a library's services.  相似文献   

The University of the South Pacific (USP) places a high priority on distance education. Here, library provision for external students is examined, in particular: library acquisitions for extension studies; the division of responsibilities among the main on-campus library and the various USP Center libraries in the islands served by the university; selection of titles and the quality of the library collections; textbooks for external students; use of services (book loans, periodical article photocopies, reference, and information services). The particular problems of the USP Library, which serves geographically scattered, developing islands, are considered, including specific library problems such as the non-use of resources by students, and staff shortages in USP Center libraries. Reference is made to coopera tive arrangements between the USP Library and other libraries in the region. Finally, problems and possibilities in the future are discussed, including funding difficulties (and dependence on foreign aid), and the implications of technological developments.  相似文献   

For the last 10 years, much progress in higher education, as well as information access has been made. But one of the serious problems is that many users of academic and research libraries are unaware of the importance of scientific and technical information, and lack essential knowledge and skills to locate materials. Therefore, development of library user education has been emphasized and supported by the government in China. For the future users the Ministry of Education has required college and university libraries to develop courses of bibliographic instruction, and has sponsored symposiums for exchange experiences among the university and college libraries. So far, the courses of bibliographic instructions have been established in more than half of the universities and colleges in China.However, for the large numbers of students waiting to obtain user education training, both facilities and instructors are inadequate. It is necessary for schools of library science in China to develop professional course work for the education of instructors in library user education.  相似文献   

For the last 10 years, much progress in higher education, as well as information access has been made. But one of the serious problems is that many users of academic and research libraries are unaware of the importance of scientific and technical information, and lack essential knowledge and skills to locate materials. Therefore, development of library user education has been emphasized and supported by the government in China. For the future users the Ministry of Education has required college and university libraries to develop courses of bibliographic instruction, and has sponsored symposiums for exchange experiences among the university and college libraries. So far, the courses of bibliographic instructions have been established in more than half of the universities and colleges in China.

However, for the large numbers of students waiting to obtain user education training, both facilities and instructors are inadequate. It is necessary for schools of library science in China to develop professional course work for the education of instructors in library user education.  相似文献   

"Change" is a critical dimension of contemporary experience. Library associations are not exempt, and they change in ways similar to other organizations. According to some authorities, four phases typify the process: diagnosis, design, implementation, and incorporation. Focusing on changes in the Medical Library Association's longstanding program of continuing education, the authors utilize the "phase framework" to chart that association's movement from a management system depending primarily upon volunteers to one in which professional staff figure prominently. The historical review serves a heuristic purpose for individuals and institutions in identifying characteristic features of the change process.  相似文献   

Increasingly, hospital-based physicians, residents, and medical students are welcoming into their care foreign-born patients, who do not speak English. Most hospitals today have an Interpretive Services Department, but many of the physicians, residents, and medical students want to become more proficient in the most frequently spoken foreign languages in their respective locales. To help recruit and retain a diverse workforce, some hospitals sponsor English programs for staff. The Treadwell Library at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Grady Branch Library at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, have developed a special collection and hospital library-based language laboratories in order to meet this need.  相似文献   

文章介绍了WTO对教育服务业的规定以及我国加入WTO对教育服务的部分承诺.文章阐述了这些规定、承诺以及服务方式将会对高校图书馆产生的深刻影响,得出加入WTO对高校图书馆既是机遇,更是挑战的结论.  相似文献   

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