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Tea or Coffee?     
Once a man took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter,“Waiter,is this tea or coffee?”The waiter said,“Can't you tell the difference,sir,by the taste?”“No,”the man said,“I cant.”“Well,”answered the waiter.“If you can't tell the difference,what does it matter which it is?”Tea or Coffee?!河南@马志芳…  相似文献   

Famous Persons     
If you came from a poor family and couldn't go to a good school,could one book change your life? It did for Srinivasa Ramanujan,a bright young Indian boy.When he was 15 years old,he found a book about math.It was a book with 1000 very difficult problems.While Sinivasa's friends played football on the road in front of his house,he worked out the answers to these problems.  相似文献   

袋鼠妈妈带着小袋鼠,出门去买苹果。挑好苹果,袋鼠妈妈才发现忘了带篮子盛苹果,怎么办?袋鼠妈妈想了想,先把孩子放在卖苹果的熊猫太太这儿吧。熊猫太太很和气,点点头说:“行!请你快去快回!”袋鼠妈妈拿了苹果赶紧回家。她把苹果放在厨房里,准备去接孩子。她想了想,噢,先把苹果洗一洗吧。  相似文献   

1.instead/instead of (1)If Mary is not well enough to go with you,take me____.(2)We'll have tea in the garden____in the house.  相似文献   

将计就计客人叫侍者将一束花送给住在10号房间的小姐,侍者说:“哎呀,我的先生,算来今天你已经是第三位送花给这位小姐的男士了。”客人:“什么,你说什么?还有谁送花给她?”侍者:“对不起,他们从来不讲姓名,他们个个都说她会知道是谁送的。”客人说:“好极了,拿着我的名片去,并且告诉她,以前的两束花,也是我送的!”  相似文献   

The Waiter     
If you have strong arms and feet, a lot of patience and a very goodtemper, you might make a good waiter. You must start, however, notin the restaurant, but in the kitchen, helping the chef,to learn exactlyhow each dish is prepared. Then you will be able to tell the customerswhat the ingredients are and how the food is cooked. From this first  相似文献   

每个人都有显性的性格,当然也有隐性的性格,就是所谓的第二性格。如果另一半临终前要送你最后一样礼物你希望是什么?Every person has obvious characteristic,so,of course,there m ust be indistinct charac-teristic,w hich is also called secondary characteristic.S upposed that your lover w ants to giveyou the last present before death,w hat present do you w ant to get?1.一笔金钱a sum of m oney2.一个秘密a secr et3.一栋房子a house4.一本日记a d ia r y●你的第二性格就是?1、选“一笔金钱”的朋友:完美主义的你每件事…  相似文献   

有三个盛梨的篮子.每个篮子里的梨个数均相同.如果用这三个篮子里的梨再加上4个梨,就可以摆成一个间隔距离相等的正方形,并且这个正方形每行的梨数和每个篮子的梨数一样多.请问,每个篮子原有多少个梨?  相似文献   

A woman phoned her daughter,who lived with a roommate.Instead of connecting with either of the young women,she got this recorded message: "Katy and I are not in at the moment.If you are a man,leave your name and number and we will promptly return your call.If you are a parent,everything is fine,and we will call you soon.If you are a bill collector, we have already paid the bill."译文:一个妇女给她的女儿打电话,她女儿有一位室友。然而,这位母亲没有和两个年青姑娘联系上,却听到了下面的留言:“我和凯蒂现在不在。如果是位  相似文献   

1.H ow do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?怎样才能把大象放进冰箱里?2.W hat question can you never answ er“yes”to?什么问题你永远也不能回答“是的”?3.W hy did the kid cut a hole at the top of hisum brella?为什么小孩在伞上打了一个洞?4.W hen do you go as fast as a racing car?什么时候能像赛车一样快?5.H ow m any sides does a house have?一栋房子有几个面?6.W ho isn’t your sister and isn’t your brother,but is still a child of your m other and father?你父母的孩子,既不是你姐妹也不是你兄弟,那是…  相似文献   

人人都有问路和为别人指路的经历,如果你在一个讲英语的国家里迷了路或在本地碰到一个讲英语的外国人问路,你会用英语问路和指路吗?下面是我们学过的几种问路和指路的方法。 一、问某地在哪里 句式:Excuse me,where is…?请问……在哪里? 例句:-Excuse me where is the post office,please? -It is next to the bus stop. 句式:Excuse me,is there…near here?请问,附近有……吗? 例句:-Excuse me,is there a police station near here? -Yes,there is.Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right.And you’ll see it when you get to a wire pole.  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.A friend of mine says to me that his son is only four years old,but can speak English fluently and clearly.Though I don't believe it,that's true.Why? 2.An orange fell to the ground dirtied.If there is no water,how can I clean it and eat it? 3.Neither a plane nor a bird am I,though you can see me in the sky.Full of water,yet not a river or the sea.What do you think I can be? 4.Jim wanted to go into the house.He brought out the key and opened the door.But whatever he did,he couldn't push the door.  相似文献   

1、这两本书相比,哪本更有趣?误:Which of the two books is the most interesting?正:Which of the two books is more interesting?分析:两者之间进行比较要用比较级,三者或三者以上相比才用最高级。2、她的苹果比弟弟的大。误:Her apple is bigger than her brother.正:Her  相似文献   

假期外出游山玩水当然少不了导游的帮忙;想要在英语王国中畅游,也一定要请方位小导游来帮帮你!next to...在……旁边Myhouse is next tothe library.我家在图书馆的旁边。in front of...在……前面My house is in front of the hotel.我家在旅馆的前面。between...(and)...介于(两者)之间My house is between the supermarket and the park.我家在超市和公园之间。behind...在……后面Supermarket My house ParkLibrary My houseMy houseHotelMy house is behind the school.我家在学校的后面。across from...在……的对面My house is …  相似文献   

Our School     
Our school is not very large but beautiful.We love our school.Entering our school,you'll first see a big flower bed.There are many kinds of colorful flowersin it.How beautiful they are!If you go along the school road,on the left you'll see two teaching buildings and you'll  相似文献   

Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind. 你是否已经老得不再适合听童话了?如果你这么认为,哥本哈根必然能够改变你的想法。See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark's best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the Sea People in search of a human soul in one of Hans Christian Andersen's beloved fantasies. From the harbor you can get a  相似文献   

把100个苹果放在6个篮子里,每只监子里的苹果数中都有6,你知道她是怎么放的吗?  相似文献   

,了,了,甲,试微软公司的面试问题 令1.有一个长方形蛋糕,切掉了长方形的一块(大小和位置随意),你怎样才能直直地一刀下去,将剩下的蛋糕切成大小相等的两块? 今2.有三筐水果,一筐装的全是苹果,第二筐装的全是橘子,第三筐是橘子与苹果混在一起.筐上的标签都是骗人的,(比如,如果标签写的是橘子,那么可以肯定筐里不会只有橘子,可能还有苹果)你的任务是拿出其中一筐,从里面只拿一只水果,然后正确写出三筐水果的标签. 今3.为什么下水道的并盖是圆的? 令4.有5瓶药,每个药丸重10克,只有一瓶受到污染的药丸重量发生了变化,每个药丸重9克.给你一个天平…  相似文献   

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with white beards sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them.She said,"I don’t think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat."一个女人从家里出来,看到三位白胡子的老人坐在她的前院,她不认识他们。她说:“我想我不认识你们,不过你们一定饿了,请进来吃点东西吧。”"Is the man of the house home?"they asked.“男主人在家吗?”三个老人问道。  相似文献   

1.I like music that I can dance to.我喜欢能跟着跳舞的音乐。(p.44)I love singers who write their ownmusic.我喜欢自己写音乐的歌手。(p.44)当先行词是指人的名词时,引导定语从句的关系代词一般要用who或that;当先行词是指物的名词,关系代词要用that或which。例如:The house that we live in is very old.我们居住的那个房子很旧了。The boy who is wearing a black jacket isvery clever.穿黑上衣的那个男孩非常聪明。2.What do you think of it?你觉得它怎么样?(p.46)“What do you think of...?”的意思是“你认为/觉得……怎么样?”,与句型“How doyou like...?”的意思相同。例如:What do you think of the film?你认为这部电影怎么样?think of还有“想起;考虑”的意思。例如:I can’t think of his name at the mo...  相似文献   

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