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The Morrissey, Lekies, and Cochran (this issue) article is a welcome addition to the literature focusing on whether state-funded preschool education negatively impacts child care. Yet, although the study is a step in the right direction, it does not provide the data needed to answer the question at hand or inform state preschool and child care policy. Furthermore, while there is merit to research that begins with the premise that publicly funded preschool initiatives may contribute to instability in the child care market, the present commentary offers an alternative perspective on such an outcome. More specifically, the commentary argues that such initiatives may be the best thing that ever happened to children, their families, and those who work in the field. The commentary concludes with a recommendation for additional studies that combine concern for an adequate supply of child care with robust data and an overall focus on improving children's outcomes.  相似文献   

An experience expectable environment in child care classrooms is one in which teachers consistently provide positive and nurturing interactions within daily routines and activities to enhance children’s learning. Growing numbers of children are being enrolled in child care at earlier ages and staying for longer periods of time each day which is heightening the need to attend to the context of child care for very young children. Several large scale studies in social policy, biology, and human development have confirmed the links between children’s early experiences and later outcomes, and recent brain research and research in child care classrooms has highlighted the importance of these consistent, responsive, and respectful patterns of interaction, especially for very young children’s development. Yet, examination of the quality of child care has indicated interactions in these classrooms that may not support optimal development and/or that could be considered harmful. Given toddlers’ need for consistent and nurturing care, coupled with the current substandard quality of care for very young children, discussing the context of child care in terms of an experience expectable environment provides a perspective to understand the context of toddler child care. This perspective underscores the connections of routines and interactions to children’s development of neural pathways, thus setting the foundation for optimizing learning and development.  相似文献   

This article investigates the content and effects of political humor on late-night television. Besides conducting a systematic content analysis of a Swiss late-night show, this article examines the effects of late-night political parody on competence evaluations of politicians. An experiment manipulated the televised parody of a politician and measured political knowledge. Results show that exposure to a televised political parody decreased competence ratings of politicians only for individuals high in political knowledge. The reason is that viewers must already have an understanding of current political affairs to “get the joke”—that is, the implicit message transported by the parody. The implications of such a negative “Tina Fey Effect” are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the changing context of school leadership in our nation, a context that requires education leaders who are skilled and knowledgeable with a new set of dispositions to lead complex, diverse, and innovative institutions. The article also discusses recent critiques of existing leadership preparation programs, with emphasis on what has been said about the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in educational leadership. Data are provided about trends in advanced degree offerings in higher education institutions, and the mission statements of top-ranked graduate programs in education leadership are assessed. Finally, the article discusses the consequences that these trends, critiques, and the changing context of school leadership might have upon the design and delivery of leadership preparation programs for current and aspiring school leaders.  相似文献   

Conflict over the University of North Dakota's (UND) “Fighting Sioux” logo and nickname has been protracted and bitter, lasting over 40 years. This article presents four explanations for UND's status as one of the last universities to maintain a Native American nickname and logo: the dynamics of racism, the power of booster culture, North Dakota cultural features, and the influence of a wealthy donor. The article contributes to an understanding of how American Indian sports monikers and images represent the intractable nature of institutionalized white privilege and reflect the consequent failure of educational systems to promote social justice.  相似文献   


This article comments on a study designed to examine the effectiveness of the family-based, environmental education lead-poisoning program, The Adventures of Lead Commander (Marlowe & Trathen, 1996). Design and methodological weaknesses, such as the use of hair lead concentrations as a biomarker, call into question conclusions reached in the study. The effectiveness of the educational program cannot be ascertained from the data collected. It should be stressed, however, that environmental education projects such as The Adventures of Lead Commander are important in helping to educate the public and school children about lead poisoning and ways of minimizing exposure to this neurotoxin. Education and removal of lead sources are primary methods of reducing lead exposure.  相似文献   

<正>IThe Scarlet Letter was tragic love story.The love story between a clergyman and a married woman in the 17th century was doomed to be tragic.The destinies of Heroine—Hester prynne and hero Dimmesdale were ended with tragedy.Although  相似文献   

This study analyzes public perceptions of Boston's magnet school program. Typically evaluated in terms of their impact on racial integration, magnet schools also were designed to improve the tarnished image of the Boston school system. While promoting voluntary integration at a handful of schools, the magnet program struggled to change the reputation of public education in the city. Boston's magnet schools found themselves perched precariously between conflicting and equally-problematic perceptions. To the extent that they were perceived to be elite enclaves, Boston magnet schools became potent symbols of inequality. To the extent that magnet schools were not perceived to be academically superior, they could never encourage integration nor become symbols of the potential of Boston public schools. Illustrating the dilemma presented by these contradictory perceptions, the history of Boston magnet schools suggests that efforts towards racial integration must be intertwined with campaigns for increasing educational achievement citywide.  相似文献   

Charter schools can influence a school district's costs by reducing economies of scale and by changing the share of high cost students a district serves, but might also increase the district's efficiency through competition. Utilizing data for New York State school districts from 1998/99 to 2013/14, we estimate difference-in-differences models to assess the effect of charter schools on enrollment and student composition. Then, we estimate an expenditure function, using data prior to the charter school program, to measure the costs associated with reaching a given performance standard for students in various need categories and different enrollments. Next, using the entire data set, we run a second expenditure function to determine changes in efficiency associated with charter school entry. We find that charter schools increase the cost of providing education, and that these cost increases are larger than short-run efficiency gains, but are offset by efficiency gains in the long term.  相似文献   

BRITISH CULTURAL STUDIES: AN INTRODUCTION. By Graeme Turner. New York: Routledge, 1992; pp. 246. $39.95; paper $14.95.

CRUSOE'S FOOTPRINTS: CULTURAL STUDIES IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA. By Patrick Brantlinger. New York: Routledge, 1990; xi, pp. 212. $39.50; paper $13.95.

CULTURE STUDIES AS CRITICAL THEORY. By Ben Agger. Bristol, PA: The Falmer Press, 1992; vii, pp. 217. $77.00; paper $26.50.

TELEVISION, AUDIENCES AND CULTURAL STUDIES. By David Morley. New York: Routledge, 1992; viii, pp. 325. $69.95; paper $16.95.

THE POLITICS OF PICTURES: THE CREATION OF THE PUBLIC IN THE AGE OF POPULAR MEDIA. By John Hartley. New York: Routledge, 1992; xiii, pp. 247. $69.95; paper $16.95.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development, implementation and feasibility of a mid-Atlantic university-community service-learning literacy program for youth on probation. Undergraduate teacher candidates served as literacy instructors for the youth. We focus on benefits and administrative challenges of developing and implementing a preliminary service-learning program for probated youth living in the community. We analyzed focus group data collected from special education undergraduate instructors, interview data collected from probated youth and their case managers, pre-post literacy assessments administered to the youth, the youths’ court files and data maintained by the community-based agency. We conclude that our model of a university-community literacy partnership has the potential to raise reading performance of youth, motivation, and promote prosocial behaviors. Addressing the educational needs of youth on probation, however, is complex and multifaceted. We find that success requires consistent communication among all stakeholders, adequate funding for leadership, organization and curricula, and ongoing assessment and evaluation.  相似文献   

Recently a number of studies have focused on states' adoptions of postsecondary-specific policies. Cutting across much of this research is the presence and influence of interstate diffusion of policy adoptions, a phenomenon for which support is scant. This paper seeks to address this through broadening the categorization of policies beyond the discrete form traditionally used to one that encompasses a larger conception of "finance policy." Our sample uses 131 finance innovations for 47 states over a 29 year period, finding that upon broadening our definition, we can detect the process of diffusion. However, the findings are striking, showing that while states do learn from one another, the process is dynamic and shifts across time.  相似文献   

This article explores how some minority pupils’ self-definition as “foreigners” leads to their inability to also consider themselves diligent and talented pupils in the Norwegian school. The minority pupils’ self-definition as “foreigners” creates binary understandings of being a diligent and conscientious pupil, a definition that is often interpreted as being “Norwegian.” Through observations and conversations with young minority pupils in upper secondary school about their everyday lives, this article shows how the bodies and behavior of some minority pupils are excluded in a firm and often instinctive understanding of equality conceived as sameness. It is argued that even if the concepts of diversity and tolerance are important foundations in the Norwegian education policy, this principle creates a specific notion of a “normal pupil.” This tacit normality has different consequences for different minority pupils, creating complex intersected identities along the categories of gender, social class, and ethnicity. While the notion of a normal pupil creates social exclusion for some pupils with a minority background, this article argues that the entanglement of other categories provides opportunities for success for other minority pupils in the same educational system.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to investigate the process of the “transfer of knowledge"from the reformed university in Cambridge to the quite alien socio‐political conditions of Ireland and later to the New World. The “transfer of knowledge” fiom the English to the Irish environment was seen as relocating an ideal replica of the original The same was intended in the case of the founding of Harvard by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Both new locations, i.e. Dublin (1592) and Harvard (1636), were identified by Puritans who took their role of “civilising” a wilderness and Christianising society very seriously. Universities, despite their medieval European origin, were thought of as vital instruments in the “civilising” process. A Puritan network, communicating between all three locations, can be identified; its members endeavoured to centre their “city of peace” on the universities and their refined scholarship; this seemed indeed easier in New England than in Ireland.  相似文献   

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